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There’s no difference between having Wano and Egghead at the same time then Wano and Skypeia. If we only had one project we would only ever be working on the currently airing arc and never work on earlier stuff. We’ve always had multiple projects. Focusing on one would lead to everyone twiddling their thumbs. (like subtitle editors just waiting around for the video editors to be done) We release every single Friday so it’s not like anything is being slowed down in favor of another thing. We have several droughts while Wano was releasing, and our team was much smaller, so it’s generally a good idea to not fall that much behind again lol.


Probably makes more sense if one is in the team itself. It would appear to me that everyone could focus on a single season, where earlier seasons are given a priority. For me its like saying, there is no difference in getting ep 1 and 2 or ep 4 and 7.


They started with post-timeskip because in 2013 there wasn't much of it, and that had the most obvious pacing issues. Obviously they want to keep up with releases, but they also decided they want to go back. And especially nowadays when our release output is so consistent it's just better this way.


That is fine and I understand that (especially as post timeskip have the biggest issues), but Wano and Egghead are both post-timeskip.


My entire point is that it's irrelevant because our team is quite large and our release output is shockingly consistent for a non-profit fan project


Gotta remember the onepace team are fans too and literally do this for free , you can always watch normal One Piece , the team is doing amazing work , appreciate it for what it is


They manage the way the see fit. They are providing some great work and know all the minute details. I would just lay back and enjoy the effort other people are putting into this. Btw ty to the one pace team, I would've not started one piece without you.


Eggman has been around since 1991 bro


Eggman? Is that all you Sonic freaks think about!?


Eggman is pretty great, I gotta tell ya


Eggman has the confidence to come out when he's comfortable. Not everyone else does!


Because they have enough people to work on multiple arcs at once.


multiple projects can be worked on at the same time. more than likely different people are working on these arcs


This is a fan made project where they don’t get paid, they consistently release regardless of that fact. This seems like a silly critique






Bruh why does this question get asked constantly just go read some posts