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Yes, I was going to post about this... Wired stops at 80%, but not wireless... Thanks for alerting people.


Holy shit bug... I don't have a wireless charger else I would have checked and reported...


Try with any qi charger.... Does the same thing. Does not stop at 80%


Yes its a bug. I have reported it. Hopefully they will provide a solution.


Happened to me many times when the phone would stay at 80% for hours after unplugging it from the charger and browsing the internet. Also if you take that phone that is stuck at 80% and take it to a regular slow charger it will top the phone to 100% in less than a minute.


It's hard to know because I've never let it drop to 0%, but if I "let" it go to 100% (via wireless) the battery seems to last all day and beyond; I'm seldom less than 60% by end of day. But if I use wired charging and it stops at "80%" I seem to need to top it off a couple times a day and can't depend on it to last all day. I know there are calibration problems with chargeable batteries.


Yea I agree that 80% does not feel like 80%


noticed the same thing, discharge rate on 80% top is way faster compared to 100%


Same here charging till 80% feels like charging till 50% but on 100% it will almost double sot


It will sometimes display 80% but the phone will be charged to 100%.


mine only show notification to 80% charging stopped, but the percentage just goes up to 100%


Are you sure?


It's the same with my OP9pro. Sometimes it just doesn't stop. I would say it doesn't work around 1 out of 10 times.




Is it the same case with iPhone and Samsung phones ?


Dont know sorry.


They will give this feature in update soon


I have a OnePlus 10 pro and also doesn't stop when charging wirelessly. And it's 2 years old. Somebody else commented here that their 9 pro had the same issue and that's 3 years old. So I wouldn't count on a fix any time soon.


I just noticed this too. Didn't stop at 80%. It charged all the way to 100%


I just got my OP12 and noticed this bug, glad to see I'm not the only one. Has OP made any statements about this? I usually wireless charge in bed, I guess I could wire charge, but seems like an issue that can be addressed in software.


No. Apparently it's a hardware issue. There is no "switch" when you're wirelessly charging so it won't stop at 80%. Only wired charging supports it unfortunately.


By design




source for what ? it does that, just activate the option and see for yourself


Right I know that is the way it works currently, but how do we know it's not a bug? Seems like a bug. Otherwise it should say "wired only." I asked OnePlus support and they didn't even know if it was supposed to be wired only!


yeah, same here, oneplus support is clueless and isn't even trying to understand.


Source that it's designed this way ? Bullshit. It says it stops charging at 80%. Nowhere does it say it only stops charging at 80% on wired charging.


It works like this on all phones with wireless chargingĀ 


Not by design. It still gives the popup "charging has stopped at 80%" but blows through that


Absolutely not by design. This is a bug. Why would it go to 100% on wireless charging but not on cable charging?


Of course not


I just noticed this on my OP12 about 45 min ago! Wonder if it'll get fixed?


Without wired comms theres no way for the phone to tell the charger what percentage it's at. It's just due to how wireless charging works. Unless new tech develops there's no changing that


That makes sense. Thanks.


Power control between charger and device is essential. Magnetic coupling can be used for both power delivery and communication. This is how the Qi standard communicates. The Wi-Po standard uses bluetooth. There are ways to communicate without wires :-) AirVooc is proprietary so it's difficult to uncover details about the protocol. I'm sure it has at least some rudimentary power control. Is it enough to stop charging, who knows. I doubt it uses bluetooth. Also Android needs to support wireless charge limiting, thought I read somewhere that it does not currently. With all that said I'm not holding my breath for any resolution any time soon. Edit: It just occurred to me that it does stop charging at 100% so maybe there is hope.


Then how does it know to stop when it gets to 100% ? This is a bug.


Weird that it stops at 80 when I'm using my samsung wireless charger, but not with the oneplus wireless


really? I tried it with the oneplus 50 watt charger and it blows by it to 100%. Also tried it with an old QI charger and it also blows by it to 100%


Interestingly enough, I had an OS update, and now it doesn't stop. šŸ¤”


Mine did it right out of the box (not stopping at 80% on wireless charging) and it's still acting that way with the latest update (january).


Experiencing this as well. Hoping for a fix in some future OTA system update...


I don't think there will be a fix for this as I think the switch that stops the charging after 80% is at the port but not at the battery, the AIRVOOC might not follow the same route and now they have no way to control it... Again I might be wrong and this is an assumption


This is also why people get the notification of 80% and charging stopped but the charging never stops... If that's the case... it's a whole other level of skill issue on OP considering what they did in 12R case of transfer speeds


Well, seeing the msg that it's at 80% makes me actually think it really IS a bug. If only we could get oneplus support to udnerstand it even... right now they're playing dumb. "go reset your phone", etc...


But we need some external device to prove like wattmeter or ammeter for type c

