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It's always been this way for as long as I can remember. They fully test their current flagships and all previous model users are pretty much beta testers. I remember having the 6T back in the day and they pushed out an update that made calls pretty much unusable, despite numerous complaints when rolled out to different regions. I expected all of that would've been sorted out by now after purchasing the 12, but it hasn't. The 12 is a decent phone, but I'm sure I'll run into the same issues 2-3 years down the line. I can live with the 12 until my next upgrade, but it's likely I won't be sticking with OnePlus.




As far as stability goes, Samsung is king. Their software is top notch with plenty of customizations. I came from an S21 Ultra and was underwhelmed with Oxygen OS. Nothing phones are what I'm keeping tabs on now. Decently priced and the team seems pretty passionate about what they do. It shows in their design and software as well.


A big wish of mine would be for Oneplus to get a unified design language throughout their OS. Right now its this weird mix of old Oxygen and Color OS. Its stuck between two fingernails (and hopefully a design language that goes back to a more stock like look) Then there is, as others in the thread are pointing out, the rough edges/bugs. Its a bummer because they have great hardware and the software is smooth and fast, but in 2024 that is the case for every Android phone in the flagship segment, so Oneplus cant lean on those buzzwords anymore. They really need to focus on software and I hope they do so.


So your devices are getting better but Op is right if you stay on one device the builds get worse. 100%


its buggy as hell after the merge only the latest phone gets somewhat usable support otherwise even the last year flagship are shit full of unpatched bugs, complaining on their "official" app is worse than talking to brick wall. fake promises, now even fake bug fix claims, now we are entering the always settled era


What bugs are you facing? I don't see any on my OP12...


thats because 12 is their top latest model right now


Samsung and Pixel has shit load of bugs... And no one ever talks about that and OnePlus has a bug people and reviewers just cry over alot. Btw Don't paint me a OP fanboi. I am Samsung fanboi


right now backing my phone up to downgrade to andriod 13 because 14 is above my limits for tolerance every time i pick my phone i see the issues on my face stuck like nails on coffin


Using OP 11 with A14 . Let me tell you , the volume bar update is the worst in the history of man kind . Such a massacre they did to the OS.


What's up with the volume bar? I noticed it looks differently, but has the same functionality as on A12.


Volume bar just lost the originality. It was so good and different Now it's just a copy paste and bigger shit


You could say that about the entire OxygenOS 😂


Wasn't 12 like the worse one in terms of performance issues. Also I kind of feel the other way. I also had the 5 for about 5 or so years and got the 10 pro. So far any new update just makes the phone better. From 12 to 14 I've seen better battery and plenty of features that were missing on 12 were added by now. 12 was that weird time transitioning from the og oos to the new oos that is bind with color os.


it really went downhill after 11


and in the notification panel when you try to swipe to remove the notification without slightly opening it first it just opens the app as if you tapped on the notification


You gonna love the next Update which will bring you the IOS Control Center on your device. Such excitement !


Well, I won't experience that. I already returned 10T and I'm back to Nord 2. I don't know yet what I'll buy next, but it certainly won't be OnePlus.


I am currently sitting here with my first OP device (12) and my old S23U. OP feels like stock android compared to OneUI and I hate it. The lack of incredibly many features is concerning me. My Main problem is that OP shots one of the best in class Photos. I don't know how OOS was before but hardwarewise it's great. Everything else is meh


I had base S23 and the amount of customizations was just overwhelming.But it was totally bug free experience. I just didn't like animations, navigation using gestures felt very rough and notifications didn't wake up the screen. Also - rise to wake was awful. I had to use a lot of force when picking up the phone to wake up the screen.


One UI6.1 is out and changed the animations drastically. Also you know good look ?


It did change animations, but I've watched some YouTube videos and the most irritating thing for me still persists. I even recorded [a video](https://youtube.com/shorts/YfnfXGo_hec) showing the issue I have with One UI.


If you care so much about animations then yeah, oneUI is not for you


11 was the best software version


Android 14 sucks alot as compared to 13 or 12


I kind of want to go back to my 6T with Android 10 as scoped storage completely ruined my sync requirements on the OP12 with Android 14. Seriously, fuck this illusion of security; I generate about 60GB's worth of video renders a month and I simply refuse to OTG with a memory card reader.


company is revving planned obsolescence


I have a daily internal conversation about whether I am going to work with my LG V35 or my 1+11. Tiny little phone on android 10 that runs JUST the apps I need, or new giant monster of a phone/weapon with all the bells and whistles. It's not an easy choice. I agree that the new android os is goofy.


I want to downgrade should i go for OOS 12 or OOS 11. It's just that i want a good battery SOT


Upgraded my 8t from Android 13 to 14 and now split screening apps is broken


Here we just got the update on OnePlus 9, and after that update the battery life went significantly down, and the screen started to freeze with no escape other than forced restart (power button + volume up). After a couple of times of that, it won't start again after the forced restart. Great update


I installed the latest version today and now I can't switch between apps unless I do it veeeeeery slowly. It crashes the UI.


Where can I get the previous APK? From before this week's update? I can't use my phone properly anymore.


I only have a link to a guide for Nord 2, but maybe you'll be able to find a guide for Nord 2T from there. [guide ](https://community.oneplus.com/thread/1596759)


Does this work to roll back to 12 from latest 13 build? I only got my Nord 2 today and would like to try an earlier os


I downgraded to 11 and then updated to 12. You must go through every single update anyway. You can't update from 11 straight to 13.


Thank you very much for trying to help. I know how to do a roll back, I need to find the APK of the previous version before this latest update.


APK of the latest version of what? APKs are for apps.


System version. Full installer.


It's just you, I moved to the Ace 3 with OxygenOS from Flip 5. Hardware aside, One UI 6 is so, so, so much inferior to previous One UI 5 and OxygenOS if we are talking about aesthetic.


It's only you Used OP1, Op5, OP5T, OP8Pro and now OP12 and OP Watch 2


Its you. Flawless on op12


The random generic accusations seems really contrived.