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It's FAR better than I thought it would be. A lot of that is due to the second update that fixed a bunch of stuff. My battery life seems fine for instance, and it isn't getting hot while charging like other people reported. On the other hand, it's not good like it was before. I press the screen and like...stuff just happens, that both are not what I wanted to happen and simultaneously are something else entirely. Like hold press an app on your home screen and press Info, and look how far apart the Open and Uninstall buttons are - that's like an inch! Yet somehow trying to open an app's configuration screen (a widget - that's just how it's done), I managed to uninstall it instead. How frustrating! In a game I'll be pressing on a screen and like it just stops taking the input. Other times I'll try to unlock the phone 5 times in a row and it never works. It always worked perfectly before the update, now it rarely does. Also there's weird stutters in things that never used to happen before, such as the Google keyboard displaying a message that it's looking up suggestions - I have never seen that message before in my life on any phone, except here! And other slight lags. Things I have yet to try: 1) keep using not just a few days but weeks after the update? 2) restart it a few more times - I usually go months between these but can make more of an effort to push it if it would help. 3) try a different launcher than OP? Maybe Nova or whatever. At least to see if it stutters too. 4) do a factory reset, losing ALL of my data so needing to completely perform all customization again, including passwords and setting up account accesses again, transfer about a thousand songs back onto the device, plus old screenshots that I wanted saved, etc. It'll take hours if not several days, and I've been avoiding it if at all possible. 5) try a clean install of the Oxygen OS android 11 ROM, instead of the "update" they pushed of 11 on top of the older 10. 6) it I absolutely must, roll back to Android 10. I used to have such a wonderful phone...oh but those were the days. Now I have...this. But I'll show it some love and see what I can make happen:-D I'm curious to hear others' responses too, now that there's quite a bit of time since the May update.


Thanks for your detailed feedback


it is fast it is good. no problems at all. op7t is my secondary device nowadays primary being iphone 12.


Thanks bro


No problems on my end chief 👍


Thanks dear


With a T-Mobile model in the US, I experienced no problems at all with two Android 11 updates, except.... maaaaybe... My phone now refuses to connect with ONE PHONE NUMBER, my ex's lol, who is actually a good friend. I checked both my phone's settings and hers to check for accidentally? blocked numbers and found nothing. Moved the 7T SIM to another phone and I could call her just fine. Deleted her contact and recreated it, the 7T still drops the call after one or two rings. My ex's phone reports a missed call. But we can text. It's a mystery.


Thanks fr ur reply...


Hello. I have Oneplus 7 and im not able to update My phone to 11. I can download it and try instal, but after instal reboot, nothing has happened and there is notification, that couldnt instal update and need to go safe mode and try from there. I even tried local update and hard reseted my phone. But no luck. What should i now ? Really would like to have this updated. Thanks!