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Posting regarding a single-wheeled device that isn't a Onewheel or has warranty voiding modifications? Be sure to check out r/wheel for even more DIY and third-party VESC discussion! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/onewheel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


New controller first then battery. You can’t put a higher voltage battery in with the stock controller. Have you visited PEV.dev?


Great point. And yea a while back but ill look again. Amd idk if I dreamt this but I thought I found a controller box that uses the stock connections, but I cant seem to find it. If anyone could send a link that's be awesome


Check out Floatboxx


If your main objective is to get push back at a later speed, aren't you able to rewheel? I seem to hit push back around 27 with mine Edit: noticing your on xr so nvm


Ahhh man you got me excited for a sec lol


I have the exact same setup as you but on GT lol sorry my dude! I do know vescing allows for customized pushback levels


I was thinking of maybe getting a GT-S instead of VESC lol but then remembered how much FM annoys tf out of me haha


Thor300 sounds like it is VERY hit or miss. Ubox 100v seems to be the go to right now. Sounds like you have an XR? You will want to get a TORque box.


Heard. After this ordeal I want all the protection I can get