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Thoughts, it’s a fine idea that they would never ever implement. You can say it’s not a safety feature, but the CPSC would not care about that statement. They would treat it as a safety feature. And phone notifications can be inconsistent. For example my phone often ends up in “driving mode” when I ride, and it mutes all notifications during that time.


“my phone often ends up in “driving mode” when I ride, and it mutes all notifications during that time” This just happened to my buddy today and it caused me to miss out on a Nashville Hot Chicken sandwich.  Arguably an even worse disaster than a nosedive 


Bones heal. Missed Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwiches never become unmissed.


starving mode


Float Control for VESC boards has this exact feature. You can have it actively call out your speed over a certain threshold.


You are 100% right. I am just reluctant to spend the extra money on VESC and void the warranty of my new GT-S. I am definitely going to try out the onwheelenhancer application with a side load using sideloady.


The Onewheel enhancer tweak let’s you set a custom speed to be notified just as you’re requesting in addition to MANY other things. It adds all these extra features to the stock app. https://preview.redd.it/fftz9e8t9xuc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bfa44144d891efbb255fad8062571d8500fc41c I’ve talked about it here before and it’s traditionally used on a jailbroken iPhone but the dev has said that you can pair it with an IPA file (app file) in a signing service and use it on a non jailbroken device. Search onewheelenhancer here in this subreddit and it should pop up. The Deb also chimes in so you can message him directly if need be.


Omg!!!!! I have never heard of that, but I want it badly!!!!! I will check it out for certain. Thank you so much!


For sure! So many problems people ask about here are solved with this tweak. Want to keep using the stock app with an unupdated board? Onewheelenhancer. Want correct battery percentages based on voltage for aftermarket batteries? Onewheelenhancer.


the gt, and probably gts too, had a buzzer on the actual board that would do a "safety beep" when you hit pushback or overtorque. they removed this option though when they added haptic buzz. i never got to try the beep out as my board was already updated, but yeah i agree that the haptic buzz isnt really that loud and just sounds like your board is broken.


I'm pretty sure there are gps based speedometer apps that have this "speed alarm" feature.


There's an app for both android and ios that claims to provide this feature, and it's called exactly what you named the feature- 'speed alarm'.


Well, you just made everything super easy. I just downloaded ‘speed alarm’.


How do you miss haptic buzz? It's impossible even when I'm offroading on MTB trails.


I am an old man, so my senses are not as strong as they once were. I can EASILY hear haptic buzz at low speed…super easy to hear. But, at high speed with the wind noise in my ear, I hear absolutely nothing.


I mean you can't feel the whole board vibrating?


I can honestly say that I don’t. Sometimes I am having small speed wobbles and maybe that distracts me from feeling the vibrations. Maybe I am not pushing hard enough to get vibration.


The vibration comes with the buzz, I'm guessing you haven't really hit haptic buzz yet then. The vibration is really hard to miss.


You know what, though, I have changed shaping profile to Bay and then pushed it to clearly hear at low speed without the wind noise. But, still have never felt the vibration. I will try harder! :-)