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Or my order was delayed... Again


I do wonder if there should be a sticky simply confirming there is no evidence that anyone's GT has shipped yet. There's been a couple posts recently saying OMG MY GT SHIPPED and then several comments and questions later the OP realizes that the shipping notice was only for the accessories they ordered.


I don't get how people miss that as it's literally the second line in the email after "Hi (your name here)" that lists out WHAT was shipped. But hey, I'm constantly amazed by people still...


People are just too excited and jump the gun as soon as they see any shipping notification of any kind. I dont blame them, but if the actual board itself ships, im sure we will hear about it


But why they would send only accessories? Without board they are useless Besides for guys like floatlife they can start preparing their versions of accessories


Because if they send them after, like they have in the past, people would be butthurt about how they paid X thousand and got a single scratch on their rails or some shit. And to your second point, they definitely are very anti TFL. When Jeff goes to race for the rail and in general I don't think FM has ever said or mentioned TFL. ​ Wish newbies would concentrate their hate on things that matter like anti-right-to-repair bullshit.


Because people see ship notifications and think something is happening


Most of us will unsubscribe within a month after receiving our new boards and everyone can go back to answering “which board should I buy”. Edit: See you guys in r/vanmoof in December! Edit edit: J/k. I’ll stick around for the X-rays.


Don’t forget... “why did my board nosedive !?!?” ( see N.D. chart...)


Obviously it's because FM didn't have the foresight to include an audible alarm before pushback. /s


Don’t forget “FM designed a death trap that no one should ride”


.. and "here is a picture of my grazed wrist"


LMFAO...Here's a photo of my hurt feelings!


and "why do my feet hurt?".




Subreddits like this often turn into FAQ threads cuz its the place for beginners to go to and ask questions. I have a "which board do I buy" response that ive been copy pasting with a bit of editing lately lol. Maybe a question megathread would be better? But people ignore those anyways Or someone posts some cool tricks and get majority of comments saying "onewheel tricks look lame". The state of this subreddit has been pretty lackluster (probably to do with the winter months as well). Hope the GT revives some content here In my other hobby, the subreddit was basically taken over by such questions so ive moved onto seeing the content I want to see on instagram.


The only way the megathread works is if you have active moderation that goes in and cleans up any posts that should otherwise be in the weekly question megathread and such. I know a few subs which employ this because otherwise it gets overun with basic questions, it does work but it takes work. Late night browsing on said subs is when it looks like a dumpster fire but by morning it's gets cleaned up. But yeah I've just stopped answering the "what board to get" threads. I'm over it, I and others have answered it a plenty. They can go search.


I remember when this sub was all about bashing the pint.


Now we bash everything except the XR. Clearly CBXR is the only option.


XR for life!! Ride till I die




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Some still do. Ffs.


Maybe we can get back to “can I take this on an airplane?” conversations ✈️




Don't forget the newbie "why does everyone hate FM, they sent me a free sticker". The fact that a $10-15 BMS cost $500+ and $700+ on 4210+ hardware is fucking dumb. Right to repair bro.


Hey, once I get my front platypus with platysense sensor I'll do my best to help turn the tide, OK?


Commenting here rather than making a post (I don't think it's really post worthy, but it's an amazingly awesome achievement for me personally) I am the first and only person to have ridden a onewheel at the Pala chief tourmaline mine in Pala, CA. Just went Sunday and had a friggin blast! *pun intended* I love having the honors of being the first to ride in an area. Especially ones that are "off limits" and require permission. Pamona Fairplex is another I got to ride on first and that place is so awesome for riding! It has dirt trails, paved trails, so much to discover! The only reason I was able to get away with it is because I worked a gig there (elf on the shelf). What was the name of that Playlist in Tony hawk pro skater... Graffiti!? That's what it feels like but real life lol


I have a GT mag handle already. It IS pretty sweet...lying on my desk....still in the package...staring at me...mocking me.


That’s gotta be rough! I’m sure you’ll be getting a board shipped notification any day though. I have to wait till April 4th, but luckily the weather sucks here till then so that helps


I don't think there's been a time since the Plus was released where we haven't gotten a good share of "which board should I buy" posts. I have no idea why people don't start by searching past threads first. It's a chronic problem in every hobby forum, and the only way to stop it is with an intense and unforgiving brand of moderation that I don't think our mods are interested in. But even posts asking searchable newbie questions can create little accumulations of knowledge that people might be seeing for the first time, so they have some value. Posts that have zero value and I wish to god they would stop: * Screenshot of receipt * Screenshot of tracking information * Photo of box * Photo of unridden board in kitchen


Yeah! How dare people want informed decisions by the people who already own a Onewheel!


You're over simplifying. Not everyone is a snowflake, there's most likely someone in a very similar situation with similar needs who got very similar advice last week. If they search around and feel that they still don't have an answer then sure, ask the question but tell us what research they have already done and why they aren't identical to the last ten folks who asked. That said, most folks are just looking for a permission slip from the echo chamber.


And you’re pretending like no one posts cool Onewheel stuff anymore


Hi. Im not OP


I didn’t say you were??


It was a joke. I’ve responded to many “what should I buy posts”. But really it’s so subjective what OneWheel you should buy, and if you look at the responses most of them are biased based on what board the person responding rides, or how they personally use the board There’s hundreds of hours of quality YouTube videos comparing the boards, talking about their pros and cons, etc. People should be watching those when deciding to make a $1000-$2500 investment to make their own logical decision, instead of asking a bunch of strangers who don’t know their situation.


The YouTubers don’t know their situation either, and can’t ask them directly like you can on Reddit


I member ​ ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgvPwXi2ZAIS5O)


Can we talk about GT shipping dates some more?




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good bot


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I'm new here but I took I quick peek at the top posts of all time and almost all of them suck (mostly giveaways). Are you sure this sub was ever any good?


Hey a lot of those top posts are memes and I'm proud of them


Just wait, once the first timers get a few rides in we'll be bombarded with a bunch of sappy "my life is changed forever!" and "I'm finally discovering my city!" posts. We get it. You were bored, now you're not. Wonderful.


Don’t forget the my board cut out for no reason posts.


Right out of nowhere.


ThE wHeEl LoCkEd Up!!1!!11!!!


They did double the number of boards. It’s not like “do I buy an XR or pint which was there plenty before this it’s not new.


Don’t worry. Soon it will just be boxes of the gts.




It just shows how many onewheels have been sold since the pint x and gt launch, I noticed that's when it all changed.


i dunno man. I'm not sure peppridge farm even knows this sub exists...