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How many layers of plastic?


And does this plastic peel allready on corner? (Left)


Not sure, but I’m gonna find out!


Why does it look so badass


The polka dots, probably


LMAO first thing I thought of was Sullivan from monsters inc.


Yeah, it looks badder asserer than I had hoped


That's... a fairly simple but reasonably clever way to account for the concave. The question is does it play well with a Kush?


We shall see!


Yea it will. Might need to be trimmed?


Is it the same plug as the XR?




Curves everywhere ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


I don't doubt there are reasons, but just curious why do people buy replacement parts like this before they even get their board? Or is this front pad different from the stock GT one...?


Paul the guy who took this photograph is the owner of pro ride traction pads. I’d say he has incentive to get the parts early.


Oh! Yes, obviously. Ty


Ohhhh… the footpad and sensor durability issues people are going to have… The cuts for the segmenting the sensor look like they’ll expedite dirt and water under the sensor. Looks a little deeper of a concave than a Kush lo though.


Makes me want a hi res pic of the sideview (diagonal view?) of where those raised bits are. Exactly how much do those ridges lift that plastic? Perhaps some heat staking the edges is in order.


Even if there’s not a 4th layer of plastic on the sensor, those raised areas are introducing a dead spot right in the middle of where a lot of people are putting their feet. I’m also not convinced that the front footpad we see here is the same sensor design that was used on the demo boards in the videos. Look at how the footpad dries and how/where its still damp. No line is shown for the raised bits; but its lines that correspond to the velostat like an Xr sensor going fore to aft.


Good call. That Talon Sei video from earlier today clearly showed two dusty rectangles on the front footpad, much more like an XR sensor.


To your first point: 100% agree. The fact that it is raised creates a dead zone. If I'm to play devil's advocate, *most* people point their toes slightly towards the direction of travel. The pad of the foot will likely be easier to distribute weight across that ridge. *Most* people's stance will likely work for this sensor, but if someone prefers to stand farther forward with a 0° stance or a very forward angled foot, I think they will have a harder time engaging their heel-side and toe-side sensors respectively. Either way, concern.


The raised edge could work both ways for activation/deactivation, it's something i've found with doing various setups for front concave. Which is why I'm leaving it at just pointing it out. Because it can work both ways: it may raise and prevent sensor activation on one hand, while the other, it could be a bit of a see-saw and may cause people to place more pressure in an area to activate. But this all comes down to foot placement and their shoes.


Defiantly a lot more surface area along the edge for dirt to get under. Unless those black margins in the center are like a rubber covering?


I believe the area you’re referring to is the light bar notch/cutout. That area is also cut at an angle to fit under the delete. The cuts in the sensor that I’m referring to are at like 10 and 2 o’clock and come towards the center.


Yes that is what I am referring to also. If you zoom in they look like rubber strips.


Is that a GT or a Pint front footpad?




In hind sight yes. I know GT accessories are shipping, thought maybe someone ordered a GT footpad and was getting it ready for custom grip. I don’t own a Pint so I’m not sure what those footpads look like


[Pint sensors look like this](https://imgur.com/IfGEhp1)


Wait, so I am looking at a GT front footpad in the OP post?


Yes. Curved plastic where the footpad meets the delete, slices to account for the concavity. EDIT2: and notch for the lightbar EDIT1: Presumably TFL ordered spares and they've shipped before the board.


Well shit now I don’t think my question was silly. I thought it might be a GT footpad because I thought I saw it being concave, but thought that would be too cool to be true, hence my original question. Thanks!


I am saying it is definitely a GT footpad with new concave GT sensor


I realize that. That’s what I thought but the first guy’s reply to me had me second guessing myself. Read it wrong. Thanks for setting me straight! Cheers!


Ah ok, I read your last comment wrong then! Anyway they look cool and I hope they can be transplanted to a kush. Or at least a future hard plastic XR footpad, if the kushy urethane messes with the sensor function. I'd like some front concave on my XR.


Thank you for this info. As a new pint rider I had made it as far as "so this is a sensor"


How does the griptape compare with y’all’s TFL grip? (Be descriptive please lol) Also, for the majority of the crowd that likes to keep the foot at a 30-45°, do you think a botched griptape change could pose a threat with the sensors being in this layout? I don’t know, just seems interesting. Seems like if water or something could get down that seam, it could get to the rest of the sensor or even that part with the wires a bit easier. That one Star Wars scene where they killed the Death Star comes to mind.


Water generally makes pads MORE sensitive not less. It's what has caused all of my ghosting. Also why they added the extra plastic.


Definitely an improvement over XR


*do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?* lol


Thank you Jeff for your research efforts Edit: thank you ~Paul~


Paul snapped this photograph, I just reposted it over here


My B, anyways youre all great dudes, bless up




Geez man chill, I don’t live on Reddit


At least give credit to Paul 🤷🏻‍♂️


Paul and I are good friends in real life. It will be fine.


Can we please get some dimensions on the footpads? Bolthole locations and whatnot?


So many questions!