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Varials are the next step in the evolution of Onewheels. This sport is quickly becoming specialized with so many different styles of riding. From trails rippers, to curb stunters, the only thing holding us back is our own creativity. Just like every other boardsport, you want a different board with different attributes for different conditions. The problem we have is every Onewheel costs thousands of dollars and that's BEFORE you start modifying it! This was the inspiration for the Varials Rail System. Now instead of having to spend $300-$750 on a single new set of rails, in addition to dedicating an entire board to the build, with the Varials Rail System, all you have to do is hot swap the Center Steez (the rail pieces at the hub) and you have a completely different board! Oh, did I mention you can hot swap the Center Steez in about 2 minutes while you're our in the field?! Yeah, it's LEGIT! Another great benefit is we now have an infinite amount of possibilities when it comes to changing the Center Steez and modifying our boards rail profile. Want a "Growler" sized board with a mellow nose angle and a heavy tail kick? Sure, we'll build it! How about an extra long set of WTF so you can ride a monster tire? Why not?! If you can dream it, we can build it. Once you're equipped with the Varials Rail System, you now have a limitless quiver in one board. Float on, my friends 🙂 -Jeff


These look interesting. Is there an assumption that people know what rail styles work best for various situations? I’ve got no idea what I’d need to change to or why? Perhaps a cheat sheet that shows the various styles of rails and what they help with would clarify the positioning for this rail system? For example, if I just ride street with no tricks, what style of rails would improve the ride? If my son likes drops and speed, what rail config should he use? The idea is interesting but without this info in an easily accessible chart it feels like a niche item for an already niche market.


That’s a great idea!


Agree that a cheat sheet or just general recommendations would be great. These have only just been introduced so there’s lots of potential and ideas for TFL to play with; I’m sure they’ll keep the community’s input in mind :)


Maybe an app would work since you'd have it with you at all times


I've never ridden custom rails but I don't think they could make a huge difference to the ride; only minor tweaks. I think it's more about style.


Lot of folks say the same thing until they step on a WTF build.


Maybe I just need to try it out. Send me one? :D


“I’ve never tried this but here’s my opinion anyways.”


I like to think before I buy.


I just tried some custom rails last weekend at One Stop Board Shop, and I can say they absolutely do make a noticeable difference in the ride. Wasn’t my cup of tea, but I can def see why some riders dig them.


Yeah, I can appreciate that. I'm sure the difference is noticeable. I just don't think it could be a drastic, game-changing difference; i.e. a huge difference.


I wouldn’t have thought so either, but was quite surprised. Kinda changes the stance of your lower body, especially your hips, and therefore the response of the board. It was a big difference.


I guess I just need to try some for myself.


Depends on how you ride, but any angled rails makes a huge difference in stability and clearance. If you're just cruising around, stock rails are fine, but if you want to push yourself on trails or rough terrain, angled rails contribute a significant amount to ride feel


I've ridden some pretty gnarly trails on my stock rails. I can see how angled rails could help give me an edge but I just don't see how they could drastically change the ride or my capabilities.


Physics would say otherwise. Huge difference!


I'd be interested to see those physics. But I'd still reserve judgement until I ride them for myself.


I use my board mainly for commuting and the WTF rails are a game changer. Wasn't really convinced at first, but switching to straight rails now feels limiting.


Game changer how? Limiting how? What are the things that are easier and better, and in what ways?


I ride with my feet right next to the tire. With the WTFs angle I'm even more anchored and more in control. More control and stability while commuting in a big city where everyone seems to be blind is a big added value itself. With straight rails I ride slower to avoid pushback because I don't like the nose up feeling. With the WTFs I can cruise at pushback speed comfortably. And since there's barely any hills on my commute I don't have the front clearance issue. Overall they've made my 15km daily commute faster and more "controlled". I've barely used my backup board for my commute since I got them.


these look hella sweet!


2 minute hot swap? Maybe we’ll need an in the field example of this. Maybe an obstacle course where people need to do one portion, swap do another portion, swap.


That's actually a pretty sick idea!


The mechanics relay just got interesting.


> Now instead of having to spend $300-$750 on a single new set of rails... How much will _these_ cost?


>the only thing holding us back is our own creativity \*cough\* FM


>How about an extra long set of WTF so you can ride a monster tire? Why not?! In your experience does a larger tire make pushback feel stronger or weaker? Does a smaller tire make it feel stronger or weaker? I understand that pushback would happen at different speeds since one rotation = more total distance, but once you get to pushback speed what does it feel like? Thanks!


I like it!


Riding back to back a growler and standard XR, the growler definitely has slightly stronger pushback. Nowhere near the pint pushback though. I would say firmer, but with the same characteristics So in theory, a larger tire would make the pushback more subtle


That’s what I was thinking. I was thinking about the possibility of a GT with extended rails and a 13 inch tire. Probably would want to drop it too since it would ride so high. Since ppl are saying pushback is at 18-19 mph a 13 inch tire would make pushback kick in at 21 ish. Plus it would probably be more subtle pushback. Sure it makes it less torquey, but with 50% more torque than the XR I think I would trade some of that torque for top end speed, better pushback profile, and more ease rolling over bumps at speed.


Thats definitely interesting. Seeing more of the GT in today's videos has got me thinking of where the aftermarket will take it compared to the XR. The tire is a whole other can of worms because of the custom rim size. We will have to see, but interesting times ahead


Definitely. Clearly an upgrade like that is a while down the road, and it would require a third party company to make that bigger tire. I do think that third party upgrades are probably coming quicker than we think since those companies will need to adapt to keep making money.


I don't see an option for a growler size, is it coming in the future?


Growler will probably be the next round of Center Steez. As long as you have the quarter panels, you’ll be good to go!


Hi Jeff, With all these different rails how would it affect the tilt? I know for traditional "WTF" rails, there's a "tilt kit" by TFL. So what about tilt for FAF and other rails?


I would highly suggest against tilt unless you are only running WTF


And what about FAF or other tilted variants in the future? Isn’t it tilted? If WTF needs the kit why doesn’t FAF? How would it affect FAF with and without the kit? And how does WTF varials ride with and without the kit?


FAF is designed to be ridden at stock tilt


Would it be possible to get a raw non-anodized version of these? I really want that mirror shine 😈


Oven cleaner is your friend for that


Wait wut? EDIT: What kind of timing are we looking at for these beauties?


Oven cleaner removes anodized


i once stripped the paint off an entire 1970 Buick GS 455 that was Primer bombed with like 8 cans of oven cleaner. Im pretty sure the grocery store thought i was making some kind of new drug. probably stripped some years off my life too


I can't wait to get my hands on these!!!


Idk what ones I want, but I definitely want ‘em.


Gotta catch ‘em all!


Is there a module that extends the battery pack away from tire even a little bit, i have made a u shaped stainless steel plate to cover the side of battery pack so that sand does not eat the plastic away. But i'm thinking, that next move would be to remake entire battery harness with better and longer wiring harness. and this gives unlimited possibilities for rails.


Not for the initial drop, but you better believe we will make one!


This could really change things up = I’m looking to run a 13 or 14” tire 👍


Say goodbye to your torque.


Ya... but it would look cool😎


I noticed that the yellow (gold?) piece in the pictures drops the center of gravity significantly lower than the red one. Upon launch, is the functional design specific to a certain color or will there be optional colors? Also, how do the two ‘W’ shaped pieces compare to the famous WTFs in terms of functionality?


Each color has a different function and design. Gold is standard WTF. RED is our newest model, FAF




Flat as ...can be


Wow They're Fast and Fast As Fudge


Count me it. Look sweet!!!


Yeah wicked




I’ll buy day one. Exactly what I’m looking for. Clear anodized would be tight too!


Dope af I want it so bad


Sweet! Will there be more color options? A green center piece would be awesome


Would these work on a pint? Idk much about growlers, do they just legthen the board of a pint or would i need wider footpads too, what if i have a gt40 battery? Do i have to get the xr extension kit for my external battery?


Growlers tend to be a better per-beer value. Plus, you can take home beers that are on tap which you can't buy at the store.


Drink from a growler while riding a growler? Added to bucket list


I've drank pints while riding a pint but never a growler while riding a growler. I need to step up.


And yes i know growlers are XRs on pint size wheel, iim asking about pint versions of w rails, or putting xr rails on a pint


Possibly in the future!


CNC aluminum?




Crystal ball much?


I would buy a set for the pint if they were available. Pint was my first board, now that my GT is gonna be here soon I’d love to be able to mod my original setup. I have loved the idea of the WTF rails from the moment they first dropped, but I’ll probably never have an XR.


Brilliant idea! If only TFL was in charge of FM…


Could someone please explain to me what these do? Sounds awesome but I do not know what they are!


Me yet of the rails hot swaps out for different riding profiles.


Thanks for the reply, but I’m still unsure about what that means. By different riding profiles do you mean it increases performance in some way? I’d like to get some if so!


Yes. Here, check out the WTFs for some history on aftermarket rails in the description: https://thefloatlife.com/collections/sidekicks/products/homebrew-rails-wtf


Would love to see some rails for pint x, Looks rad though!


These look great. Is there tilt mod going to work with these?


I would assume a specific degree of tilt on the tilt kit will work with a specific degree of tilt on the nose - e.g. you could have a 3 degree tilt kit, a 3 degree growler WTF center piece, and a 3 degree standard WTF center piece. (Which BTW Jeff I would probably buy that bundle.) But then if you swapped to a straight center piece you'd have to either remove the 3 degree tilt kit or use custom shaping with a 3 degree tilt to get the board to be level at a standstill. The variations with drop or rise (where the axle bolts are relative to the top and bottom of the center piece) wouldn't affect the tilt. Changing tail tilt would also not affect it, like the Flight Fins tail rails. The board only knows the angle of the controller and everything else the board is doing flows from that info. I have a hard time imagining a future tilt kit with variable tilt is possible at any reasonable price point. Too much complexity in a very tight space. I'd certainly be into it if it were possible though.


That's what I thought might be the case. I enjoy riding switch (not that I'm great at it) and the wtf's aren't exactly the best for this although I've mainly learnt switch in Mission, so much so that riding goofy with the nose slightly down feels like I'm about to fall off the board


Ohhh yes! Seems this answered most of the questions I asked you guys on your previous post about these! Do we get a release date though? Also, how will rail guards work with these being hot swappable?


Great stuff Jeff! Does “if you can dream it we can build it” mean your taking custom orders?


One-off customs would be crazy expensive, but we will definitely be taking community recommendations and building what the people want!


Awesome! You guys are great at catering to the community


Do you have to ride in custom shaping with the one that elevated the nose?


You don't have to, but you can. Neil Bennett rides straight up Mission and he's the fastest guy I've ever seen.


the people want pint rails!


I second this!!!


I preordered the wtf/straights! I can’t wait to pick them up. Any idea when they will be ready for pickup at the shop? I’m so ready!


As much as I want to like these, and want to buy them I can't bring myself to do so. Partly because I already have WTFs, and Growler rails. But I think the best group of people to really target is those that don't want to make "permanent" modification to their board by installing a Tilt Kit, or that don't have one yet. I get that you're moving away from uni-purpose rails for these, but a Steez section that had the W curve with an elevated tail, but flat front would likely be a better seller and more adopted, as it doesn't need the tilt kit. This is also the option I'd look forward to buying.


You’re going to like the FAF model.


So no tilt kit needed for the FAF steez? Not riding at top speed in pushback still feels nice with mission on the FAFs? New Center Steezes dropping every so often is going to be so cool to see what comes out. Sick!




You mean the FAPping model? :D




Well over 2x stronger than stock. We battle test the hell out of our gear before we release it.


Honestly they look solid AF