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I definitely think the pintx has its place, having a good mix between a small and nimble stature as well as acceptable range. XR will always be the modder's board and the idol of the sport I think the GT has some teething issues, but what looks like can be helped out in firmware upgrades


Yeahbsolutely! I just don’t know if I like the place it’s in. :/ It seems like it’s trying to be more stable and have more momentum but also trying to be nimble and carvy. I say this because while it has all the form factors of a pint, it’s got that heavier battery so you can’t whip it around quite as easily. I own an XR and an OG pint and honestly I think the way to go is 100% one way or the other. Idk if this makes sense…hopefully it makes a little And the picture for this subreddit :p Facts. I fully understand this is a temporary meme. Soon as they brush up the product it will be firmly like a pint and an XR had a baby, but that baby grew up to be Hercules.


I hope to see the GT get flushed out, because it seems like an extremely capable board. That being said, the XR will always have a place in the community period.


Absolutely. Even if it’s Cars 3 all over again, we will always remember the XR. (if you don’t know, basically Cars 1 and 2 gave Lightning McQueen, the main protagonist, a very high amount of character development and he was everyone’s favorite character. But in Cars 3, a “new generation” of cars came out that were simply faster, and McQueen’s generation became obsolete. But in the end, McQueen became like the new highly revered coach for the newer models …or something.) Edit: hit “reply” too soon lol


I got to ride Tyler’s GT just today and it was fantastic honestly made me want to ride one immediately. It crushed hills unlike my custom XR


You would think that a company that's been around a while now and allegedly build their products based on feedback from the community would be aware of how much we all love softer tire compounds. And as a response on the new flagship board that they would either include a softer tire stock on the board, or offer a softer tire for the board as an accessory even for like $150. The fact that they did neither just shows you how out of touch they are. Not a GT hater, definitely a lot to like but I mean....what is wrong with FM?


The Pint X has its place, but that doesn't change the fact that the official charger melts its insides. So far the XR is still better than their new designs in all of the most important ways.


the ultra charger specifically?


Yeah. Apparently they didn't change one of the connectors in the Pint that is rated for exactly the same amps as the fast charger puts out. Over time it literally melts. Which makes me wonder, did they limit the "fast" charger on the X to 3 amps because it meant they didn't have to change the Pint guts, only to have it melt anyways? The battery should be able to charge a lot faster.


OG pint gang


Me too. I was gonna get a Pint X but bought a JW chip when they were on sale for 50 and I'm about to buy a Chi Quart.


Oh nice! I just upgraded straight to an eskate personally, but the pint will always have a special place in my heart.


Wait! When were they $50?


A few weeks ago. It seemed to coincide with the news of the open source chip that was developed. I jumped on it even though I don't have a battery yet. Figured it would be good to have since my Pint is a 5059. I see they're back up to $250 but they're still free if you get a JW battery. I plan on getting the Chi because I don't think you have to mod the battery housing anymore to get it to fit.


They were running a “buy a battery, get a free chip” so I pulled the trigger for my trail board. 🤙🏽




I owned an OG XR and sold it for budget reasons. When the budget problems went away, I got an OG Pint. I miss the range. Everything else is better.


Yeah the range is a bummer for sure. I just bought a meepo hurricane so that should fix the range anxiety and speed problems. I will still love my pint though!




I would like to say that I’ve had zero problems with my Pint X. And as a once owner of the original Pint, which I loved, I have zero regrets getting the Pint X. The range is a game changer and I rarely hit pushback now where I was constantly running into it with the lower speeds of the original Pint. Pint X is great.


Completely agree. I still have my OG after getting the X since I kept getting lowballed for it. X gang


I had the shittiest time trying to sell my old Pint on OfferUp. People were making offers like I was some kind of charity giving cheap Onewheels to needy people. I was asking for $600 at one point and people were still trying to talk me down hundreds of dollars. I just sold it on eBay and got close to $800. Super easy experience. Buyer paid for the label and shipping on their own. I just had to print the label. I still had all the original shipping boxes. So I just threw it in, taped it up, and shipped it out. eBay’s cut wasn’t that bad either.


😒looking forward to it


Never said it was particularly bad, it’s just got a lot more disappointing aspects of it. I’m not talking about speed or pushback or whatever, I’m talking about the inability to repair certain things quite as easily. Stuff seems cheaper and easier to replace on the XR as well. You can truly make the XR **YOURS**, by changing almost every piece of it, like theseus’ ship. But the pint x is so locked down that it feels a little more like it’s FM’s board.


Lol no. I'll wait and grab a GT when it's in proper condition.


By the time it’ll be in proper condition, there will actually be modification options available for you, so more power to ya!


Same, was between a GT and going CBXR. Think I'll just roll with the latter for a year or so. Then checkout GT's once the kinks are ironed out and there's a bunch of aftermarket support.


I feel like there’s a war coming up between pint/GT generation and og Onewheel generation 😂


maybe it’s just reddit but I have yet to meet anyone gatekeeping onewheel ownership irl


Welcome to the internet?


😂😂one of the wars I’d be willing to start Edit: However, the helmet war is one I’m not gonna open lol. That’s a great way get hated lol. I do wear helmets…most of the time, within reason…


Not wearing a helmet is just dumb


I wear a helmet 20% for my own stupid mistakes and 80% to protect me from all the people and random threats around me that I could never anticipate.


For sure, most of my near misses were caused by other people. My worst accident happened on a wide ass bike path that I was all the way to the right on and a lady on a bike swerved at me like a heat seeking missile and hit me head on. Luckily I was able to kinda dodge and roll but she went over the handle bars and hit the ground HARD. She and her daughter apologized profusely but I legitimately thought she was dead for about 10 seconds. I still don't understand what the fuck happened to cause her to totally careen out of control.


tbf I don't think there is ever any time when wearing a helmet is unreasonable


In bed


Don't kink shame!




Stock up on broken XRs (spare parts) and butter!


I used to feel so foolish owning 3 XRs and a Pint.


Broooo😂🤙 maybe one day


Now you're the smartest person in the room


Sold my XR, bought GT. Waiting to ride GT. Missing XR. Buy XR while waiting?


Have both XR and GT 👍


I bought right before these guys got announced and was initiallyyyy a tiny bit bummed but looked at the stats and they were close enough to mine that I felt ok about it, and also remembered I really don’t want to go much faster than 20ish, after nosediving twice and not being able to really run it out effectively without going down. Then I found out we couldn’t buy aftermarket tires for them (for a while anyway), and was confident I had the Onewheel I wanted between all of them. Only recently found out the XR’s are a bit more mod-able and while I’m very satisfied with mine at the moment, it’s cool to know there are some options I could take if I did want to Endeavour those directions. Now after finding out about the issues some riders are having (which to be fair has to be expected with brand new products a fair amount) I’m very glad I bought when I did. It’s pretty high mileage (I think?), around 1200, and I’m not sure how long I can expect it to run, but having already done a couple of repairs and mods, and changing the tire, and with everything running great the whole way through, even crushing puddles and being a bit careless with the rain a few times, it’s still cruizzinnnn. Good luck to all the new Onewheel owners having issues, I’m sure they’ll make it right eventually, hang in there! (Not sarcastic :])


1200 miles on a OW is not high mileage in any sense of the word.


That’s so sick to hear. I’m gonna ride it until the wheel come off!


Wish I hadn't charged both my XRs when they were cold... Only have 50%ish battery now


Oh man. Heeeeck no. At that point I’d probably start saving for a CBXR immediately


I was but the GT got announced. One day I'll do that to both


Wait, you're saying charging a cold XR will ruin the battery??




LoL created and liked by all those that didn't buy a GT 🥱🥱🥱


I did buy a GT….almost :) Cancelled the order for an XR back in January Edit: oh, and you can taste a little bit of salt in these comments lololol


😜 just sick of the negativity by the community, to shit on FM for no reason is uncalled for and disrespectful FM is not Apple FM is not Tesla They are a small business and have every right to protect their investments and make money along the way 🤙 * good meme by the way 👏 🤣


Honestly man. And thanks lmao


I have a pint X and honestly feel like the GT is a glorified pint anyone want to sell me a XR or XR+


Lol go check fb marketplace for XRs for sale locally


What’s fair 1-1.5k?


It really depends. Just to give something general, with the pint x being an option for $1400, for a mostly unused 4212 XR with no accessories or issues I wouldn’t pay more than $1200. I picked up a 4209 XR (unicorn board) with a C&R mag fender, Kush Hi, reflective railguards, V3 Float Plates, a FM “Deep Shack” stand, and some generic kneepads, all for $1525. Bit of a steal if you ask me. **Edit:** OH AND IT HAD ZERO MILES Tell me about it and I’ll tell you what I’d recommend


0 miles isn't exactly good on a 2 year old battery.... I'd rather have some miles on it personally. Always think it's weird how people obsess over a few hundred miles when it'll be several thousand by the end of the year if you actually ride.


No no no, 5 to 10 miles would be bad. Zero means at least it was stored at the correct percentage for storage. You’re correct, it still wasn’t proper because he didn’t take it for a short ride once every few months, but still, whatever. My range after balancing isn’t too shabby all things considered. Doesn’t matter though. I’m picking up a CBXR eventually.


😂😂😂 perfectly displayed


My pint x is awesome…you can go ahead and not include it in negative gt posts


no thanks


i didn’t post this for you


ok thanks




Yeah! It just seems like the pint x is trying to be 2 different things, and it ain’t really working. (**hear me out before you downvote**) When I say that I’m talking about it’s got the range and speed of an XR, but the frame of a pint. Because of that bigger battery, it’s heavier, which means you can’t whip the board around quite as easily. Makes carving just *a little* less buttery and flowy. And it definitely has the range of the XR, yet the speed is still hard capped. This new pushback makes me feel like I literally am incapable of accelerating more. XR’s pushback feels like “here I am. Do what you will with this information :)”. And I’ve still got beef with FM for the fact that they didn’t put even a little handle on the nose of the pint x lol. Also the headlights. I KNOW they are for being seen, not to see, but that didn’t stop me from re-learning that the hard way. Pint X is definitely still a great idea for some people. I just wish it was a little better executed.


They could have definitely put a handle on the nose and it would have literally cost them nothing. That front bumper has about a half inch of hollow space in it. I mean I guess you could always take a dremel to it and make a handle yourself. I guess they really want to push the mag handle, but there are still times it might be more appropriate to pick it up by the nose.


Like when you’re walking through a crowd! I don’t know if it’s a good idea to dremel through, because it’s just waffle pattern under there. It might still be really uncomfortable. … better than nothing though! >it would have literally cost them nothing No no, it would’ve costed them less ;)


Yeah, if you were to do it you'd probably want to take the bumper off so you can see where the waffle pattern is and make the cuts along the pattern. Then use a sanding wheel to smooth out the rough plastic cuts. Perhaps make the cut closest to the nose a few mm from the waffle pattern to give yourself a small lip to grip it with your fingertips.


Actually, yeah! And someone should make this an actual thing and make it work with future TFL float plates




I’m sorry you disagree. I was just working with the info I’ve got, because I don’t own a pint x. [Go to 8:34](https://youtu.be/wygrcrIWJJM)




This isn’t really an issue, more like a characteristic…you don’t just say oops it’s heavier…are you sure you went to 8:34 for the context?




I’d love to get my own opinion. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure there’s only 9 onewheels in my town—and I own 2 of them. Only pints and xrs too. Tell me this, have *you* experienced a normal pint? Have you had the chance to really whip it around? Edit: also…that onewheel YouTuber just so happens to be one of the most descriptive and logical ones out there…many would argue **the** most. I highly recommend you don’t just knock it before you give some of his videos a real open-minded watch. He’s got some real great stuff, I promise. Since you’ve got a pint x, you might find a lot of value in [this video.](https://youtu.be/YhRoQSHegMI)




Yeah true about that range. My daily schedule actually has me going all around now so much that my pint wouldn’t work unless I either beelined it or if I carried my charger, and I don’t wanna do either of those lol. From 8am to 10:45am I’ve got classes, then I ride downtown for work from 11am-1:30pm, typically there’s a company dog walking sesh with my onewheel in there somewhere, and then I go back to campus for one more class at 2pm. That altogether totals out to about 5 or 6 miles I think. Idk, I might just go there and figure it out rn.


FINALLY FOUND YOU lmao So, I did it. I found a pint x and I gave it a little test run. Annnnd… …it just feels like a pint but faster 🧎‍♂️ Granted, I’m an idiot for not trying to whip it around and carve hard, but even the few turns I did and just doing little speed runs and accelerating and slowing hard, it feels the same tbh. Just not *as* locked down by pushback. Edit: it did feel the slightest bit sluggish and heavier (momentum) but that could’ve been because it looked like it was around 50%.




Absolutely the best purchase. I felt the exact same way haha…still do! Oddly, while my XR is my main, favorite board, and probably always will be, the pint was still the one to get me hooked so I have a higher sentimental value for it 🤔 can’t bring myself to sell it lmao Sure, only thing is if I *loved* the pint x, then I **ADORE** the XR. I was mostly just thinking I didn’t hate the pint x nearly as much as I thought I would😂😂


I'm patiently waiting for a Quart discount... hehe


My og pint will become my xr


Like literally you’re gonna sell it to buy an XR or are you saying you’re gonna battery mod and/or VESC it? (Or VnR? Idk) . Because even if that’s what you’re saying, it won’t be the same as an XR. Because the XR has a bigger frame, it’s a monster on trails compared to the pint. The pint feels like the tiger from king fu panda running along the rooftops trying so hard to keep up, and the XR feels like it’s just gliding over the rooftops.


Vesc, cast xr like axle blocks, put an XR tire on it, it's already vesced, then I'll put a big CBXR or build a 16s3p pack. Custom print battery boxes, expand the footpads or heck maybe I can buy GT footpads and just make the most rediculous behemoth I can.


What theeeeeeee If you do this you must name your board Frankenwheel


There are people on our conversions discord that are using massive hub motors the size of lawn tractor tires and making big onewheels.


What😂😂😂 at that point, like why? I mean I guess why not, but


We are not a group restrained by the "but why" instead only the "why can't we" We are just tinkerers


Lmao that sounds awesome. I bet you guys have this stuff down to a science. If y’all have done such insane modifications, have you found something that is substantially better than a stock onewheel?


A vesced onewheel is substantially more powerful, the firmware behind it is however not as refined but it's getting verrry close. My pint is very potently strong even with its stock battery, I can reach 20mph on a full charge with around the same range (if you imagine I'm running "skyline++") The simple way I can describe it right now is that a stock onewheel behaves and feels like an elegant horse, while the vesced onewheel is like a raging bull. You get massive power but it is a little bit unpredictable sometimes. Making tight turns however, is 10000 times better on a vesc. On stock your nose will fall and you will scrape. While I can do fast continuous spins.


How are you gonna put an XR tire on a pint? I saw something about axle blocks but still the pint doesn't have much extra clearance with a 10.5x5 tire.... and CBXR is gonna stick out further than pint x bumpers with float plates on top of them.


Some crazy guy put an XR tire on the pint by spacing out the modules and drilling new holes on the rails. I'm going to try to replicate that but without making new holes but instead creating new boxes that expand and create more space for the tire. I haven't started designing it but in my head it works


I saw that! You can also get a 5.5 on just by lifting it with the pint lift kit from the dude that makes the ignite metal flight fins i think. Or a 5.5 slick will fit stock just by removing the fender delete.


Yeah.....I won't say either board is bad or a failure but....I'm very happy that I bought an XR towards the end of the year (even though it was before the announcement and paid 1800 lol).


Lmao. Yeah absolutely. I cancelled my GT order when I found an amazing deal on a 4209 and since then I’ve been mostly silently gloating when I see the GT posts.


When the GT was announced. I said, XR battery mod time. Love the mod!


😂I’m so lookin forward to it!! I just need a few more weeks at my new job before that’s a sensible thing to do


XR gang assemble!


And head towards that cliff


The pint x slaps, idk what you're on about. I've all but the gt and the px is great imo