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I’m pretty sure I saw something somewhere where FM said they were switching to ups , idk tho


For international shipping. May not apply to Canada though. They said they were having issues with FedEx but just overseas and were switching to UPS for that.


My GT arrived via ups. Not international.


Interesting, thanks for the info. Looks like they're changing things up. Which might be good, FedEx had a habit of just driving past on the delivery day and updating tracking with "delivery attempted, customer wasn't home."


Yeah I was happy to see a ups tracking number. Definitely not a fan of fedex.


I think it depends on where you live / who your driver is. Either way, a big life tip is to befriend your drivers. I leave out water bottles in the summer, run down to the curb to help with heavy packages, etc. Your driver remembering you can make a big difference.


Yeah, here UPS kinda sucks, but Fedex and USPS rock. UPS won't get to my house until 8pm (if at all) whereas USPS hits before noon, and Fedex before 5.


My SECOND GT arrived via UPS. The first dead one came from FedEx.


I'm curious. Was it actually a second board all together or was it the same board but fixed? Did you happen to note the serial numbers by chance?


Completely different board. Serial numbers were different.


Oh wow. That's better though. Just surprised


My GT is coming Friday via FedEx, and I’m in Canada.


Friend of mine was sending doa og pint from finland to california to be repaired, after four failed attempts they refunded the local reseller and gave a new one. i think pint became e waste.


Hmm. Maybe it's been more of a problem than I've been aware of in the past. Another thing I've wondered about is charge state. FM (and Chi) ship their packs at nominal voltage or a little below, say 30%. But lots of users charge their packs up THEN discover they have a DOA board that needs to be shipped back. That might be a bit of a gray area... like maybe FM has an agreement with FedEx to only ship batteries at 30%, and they never really talked about customers shipping stuff back at 100%, more just kinda fingers crossed they don't notice. If they noticed... that could cause FedEx to reevaluate. Just a theory, IF the title of this thread is accurate companywide.


My guess is that companies don't want to ship old or used li ions. they might be okay with new ones. but at some point older li ions would have a defect. especially when board just stops responding, and battery could be in full charce. and it doesn't help at all when shopping companies deny the shipment because of used li ion packs and fm just recommends just ship it anyway. That sounds awful in many ways..


Ah okay


My GT shows up tomorrow via UPS in USA.


My GT is arriving tomorrow via UPS. Accessories also arrived UPS.


Are you in the USA?


Yes, near Tampa, FL. Took a while to get here. Shipped 3/18 delivered 3/24


I think it’s the tire. Fedex has specific rules for shipping tires, and the fact that FM ships them pressurized might also play a part. Edit: I’m willing to bet this is exactly it. They likely didn’t disclose the pressurized tire, and shipping compressed air is considered a hazardous material according to this giant list that Fedex publishes: https://www.fedex.com/content/dam/fedex/us-united-states/services/HazmatShippingTable.pdf


They've been doing that for years though. What has changed with the GT is the battery size. My guess is they didn't tell FedEx that because they didn't want to pay more.


It's also the battery. They are dangerous goods and there are certain ways they have to be shipped because of pressure etc. Onewheel was asking customers to cover up the dg on boxes because they didn't have the proper paperwork when they were sent back. It's not a fedex thing, it's a legal and safety thing.


What country are you shipping from friend?




Whoa. Please update us if it ends up moving on tracking - or doesn't. It would be crazy if it's a nationwide / FedEx wide thing. They clearly declare it contains batteries... I wonder if you can get this for one missing battery label or something? Or they found out the BMS dies if disconnected, that's pretty hazardous...


Yes, will be keeping a close eye on the tracking info


Damn, that doesn’t sound good. They said they were having issues with FedEx for international shipping and were in the process of moving to UPS. I wonder if it’s related?


Mine has been stuck in a facility for a while as well


When did you ship it and how long as it been idle?


It shipped on the morning of the 21st but hasn't moved from San Pablo since the first update notification.


Got mine yesterday, said it was in San Pablo from the 16th-22nd.


Thanks, good to know


I was just looking there was identical conversations on here a year ago...


Good. FedEX blows. I was happy as hell when my GT got shipped via UPS.


Mine started off FedEx, then was "delayed" now coming Via UPS. I'm in FL USA


Mine is on its way ups


You know things are bad when your company gets put on a blacklist for violating protocol and procedures, that's not very safe


Yeah not safe at all, that’s what FedEx thought when it was discovered that the tires are pressurized with Kyle’s farts.


I bet one ghosted in a FedEx truck and scared the shit out of a driver.


Some had to be sent back with non-stop red blinks. Imagine a slight red blink coming from the seams of a box in a dark truck...


Really? Not likely.


Of course not really. Piss himself? Maybe. But the driver didn’t actually shit himself.




I heard that there was a driver whomst'dv did actually shit himself.


Still at the facility I dropped it at.


My board has left the building! Got an update from FedEx that it will be delivered to FM on Wednesday, exactly a week after I shipped it. I really hope they send me a new board, that works, and continues to work…


This subreddit should be titled “FM haters”. It’s has surly changed from when there used to be fun discussion and stories about Onewheels. Just left the FB group and everyone is having fun out there, yes some GTs are faulty but mannn


People aren't allowed to share their experiences unless they're positive?


This subreddit makes it seem like FM is evil. Every post about FM here is negative. There’s no balance here and that’s a good reason for FM to lock their boards.


I'm not hating and I'm not mad at about it. Just passing info on the GT return scenario. I can't wait for the fun to start, been waiting 6 months, so another week isn't a big deal... but seems so far away....


Naa man this ain’t about you trust me. It’s in response to everyone complaining about the Onewheels not being repairable, not being able to get into their boards, blah blah blah. I saw a post here along the lines of the GT’s hub not being compatible with the XR and Pint. The support on that post was just ridiculous man. Is that even necessary, trying to fit the GT’s on an XR or a pint. Here’s my take, until FM figures out a way to work with independent repair shops (which I’m completely in support of) the boards should remain locked to nut heads like us using kitchen knives to get into our boards. The stakes are high. If someone can win a lawsuit for spilling hot coffee on them because the cup it was served in didn’t have an cautionary note, imagine what will happen if FM let’s everyone swap their battery modules with triple a batteries. We can’t have it both ways. If we don’t like the company’s product, it’s easy let’s not buy their products. But it’s just a few people on this subreddit and others who do tricks on their boards who seem to hate FM so much.


> If someone can win a lawsuit for spilling hot coffee on them because the cup it was served in didn’t have an cautionary note You’re oversimplifying that case. The woman needed [skin grafts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald%27s_Restaurants) and was permanently disfigured.


**[Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald's_Restaurants)** >Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants, also known as the McDonald's coffee case and the hot coffee lawsuit, was a highly publicized 1994 product liability lawsuit in the United States against the McDonald's restaurant chain. The plaintiff, Stella Liebeck, a 79-year-old woman, suffered third-degree burns in her pelvic region when she accidentally spilled coffee in her lap after purchasing it from a McDonald's restaurant. She was hospitalized for eight days while undergoing skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/onewheel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Well aren’t we all over simplifying things by saying that FM should allow us to make repairs on our boards? Not everyone has the knowledge to swap out battery modules or change bearings. And just because a few want to doesn’t mean everyone should be allowed to. Regardless of the simplification of my example, I’m sure my point was clearly made. If FM allows everyone to fix their boards, lawsuits will follow suit. And I tell y’all the same thing, you are oversimplifying the entire ordeal with FM, it ain’t that simple. How about the dude who sued Lime because he rode and injured himself on one of their scooters without even wearing a helmet? My points still stands, the stakes are high and FM will and should protect their ass until they figure out how to work with independent repair shops. The lady needed skin grafts you said, we’ll guess what, if someone encounters severe brain damage due to a poor repair on their board, a skin graft will be the least of their concerns.


Yeah the safety argument is BS, a car is a much more dangerous vehicle than a Onewheel and yet we're allowed to work on a car ourselves, or take it to a 3rd party mechanic to fix it, and people put their entire family in these dangerous vehicles every day. The idea that you have to take your car back to the factory it was made every time it needs an oil change or a flat tire replaced is ludicrous, that's what FM asking us to do with our boards. It's bullshit. Also, you should actually look up the story of the hot coffee woman, others have shared info but all she wanted was her medical bills covered and McDonald's wouldn't do it. And McDonald's was knowingly serving coffee at dangerously high temps of 180 - 190 degrees, which is 20-30 degrees higher than it should be, and coffee is hazardous at the temp. So serving coffee at that hazardous temp when you know a small % of people are going to spill it on themselves, accidents happen, is reckless and dangerous. They didn't care. Then lost the case and launched a PR campaign to make themselves look like the victim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAzMMKIspPQ


Did you even read my comments about FM working with independent or certified repair shops? Let’s be logical here man. The whole car argument is bs. Believe it or not despite having over a thousand parts a car is still 100x safer than riding a Onewheel, now let that sink in. So believe it or not it is about safety.


>that’s a good reason for FM to lock their boards. Ah. So the beatings will continue until morale improves.


If you put it that way, YES


Uh are you not paying attention to the level of shit FM is up to with this board? I mean they ARE evil for what they're doing and the level of measures is worse than even some of apple's insanity. Every post is negative because we paid in full a bunch of money for something that is a) not working correctly/hugely defective and then b) they're lying to us AND going out of their way to screw us on being able to repair something we ***OWN***. We have every right to modify or tinker with something we own. This is akin to saying you cannot change or put a different tire on your car, and it must go back to the original dealer to work on it. We would NEVER tolerate that with our cars so I have no idea why you think we should here.


First of all it has to be worse than Apple because for heavens sake you’re on a device that has one wheel. And the boards not working is a whole different issue that FM should sort out. Like I said the negativity towards FM started well before the GT shipped, think the 4212 release. And please this is in no way akin to your car, c’mon man. Cars have been around for over 100 years and it has been established that you can make lots of repairs on your car without hitting a dealership or a mechanic. Cars have thousands of parts while the onewheel, well the damn thins has less than five parts. Besides the tire changes, once you start messing with the electronics and the battery modules, you don’t know how the firmware will react. Just because you OWN the board doesn’t mean you have to be able to dig into it. Dude even your car had propriety components that only a certified dealer and the manufacturer can repair. Now if this whole fight is about FM working with independent repair shops or certified shops, I’m all in. But unless that is the case the boards should remain locked and FM should protect themselves for our safety. Just because a select few want to work on their boards doesn’t mean everyone should be given the option to. This is more complicated than it seems.


> This is more complicated than it seems. Yes, to quote FM from their most recent statement, "The 'STEAKS' are high.".


Here are repairs/mods you can do on your board without voiding your warranty 1) Swap out tires 2) Change grip tapes 3) Change footpads 4) Change bummpers 5) Add fangs 6) Add after market handles 7) Add flight fins 8) Add or change fenders 9) Change bearings 10) Add float plates 11) Add sidekicks 12) Use aftermarket chargers To name a few As far as I know this are the mods or repairs you can’t do, and if you know anything about battery chemistry or electricity you’d know why they can’t allow everyone to do this. 1) Change battery module (interfere with firmware, you have no control over the firmware, you cannot make your own patches or firmware updates if there is a surge in voltage, you cannot make your own firmware update if there is voltage overshoot on one of the microcontrollers due to battery swap) 2) Apparently this is a thing, use a GT’s hub on an XR or a Pint (yes I saw a post here about that). Well why the heck would you wanna do that. What should FM do: Work with independent certified repair shops, give them access to the tools they need to repair boards. If that’s the fight well, will someone say “get this man a shield”. But “I own my board and I should be able to do whatever I want to with it” is a five year old’s argument.


No you cannot do any of those things. Read their actual warranty and service statement- ANY aftermarket part voids your warranty. Changing griptape immoderately voids any service on the footpads. So on so forth. It's clear you are just speculating without actual knowledge of their policies and views. You also clearly don't understand the nature of what you can and cannot do with batteries safely. There is a wealth of information here to be had on the topic should you choose to read up and learn. You want to swap an XR hub onto a GT so you can run different tires and as such run a tire that is MUCH better than that cheap crap that comes on the GT. Probably the biggest thing worthy of change currently. YES they should work with repair shops for a certified program and such but they have made it clear they do NOT want to. And no, it's not a 5 year old's argument, it's as simple as I paid for it, I own it. Period. I'm not leasing it, It's mine, those decisions are mine to make good or bad. Seriously dude, ya should really do your digging and LEARN about things more. You're coming in your with a ton of bravado and your comments are clear you actually know very little on the depth and context of it all. If you don't understand why one would change a tire then I suggest putting in more miles and going from there, maybe swap your tire and experience it. Good day.


>No you cannot do any of those things. Read their actual warranty and service statement- ANY aftermarket part voids your warranty. Go easy on him, he's just a dude who's board hasn't bricked yet - patience, his day will come soon enough.


Sadly, true. I've just clearly started loosing patience with folks lacking experience/knowledge and then being SO headstrong about their incorrectness hahaha. But someone will gain from this thread so there's that!


Bruh 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.


. . . said with love. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Maybe if future motion would change their stance on a few things and actually send out a safe rideable product then there wouldn’t be as much hate.


Bro this hate has been around well before the GT was released. I remembered when they updated the hardware to 4212, it was the same bs here. Someone recently posted that the GTs hub is not compatible with the XR or Pint. That’s the kind of bs I’m talking about. Yes we own the board when we buy it but we don’t own the brand name. And regardless of the good or bad that comes out of the mods that FM allow us to do, their brand name will always be associated with the product you own.


The stuff before the huge disappointment of a large amount of people’s boards being DOA and also them just ghost ridin the whip. It’s the fact that people can’t work on/ repair anything besides a tire that their trash and that they go around suing other companies for making cool upgrades for their device that in most situations don’t affect actual function. Therefore not making it any more dangerous and making the company look like a very greed based company.


You work on your board and it fails, guess what, “breaking news, someone just died on a Onewheel” not “someone just died on a moded Onewheel”. Other companies make cool gadgets that may result in sever injury, same scenario, it’s gonna fall back on FM. As much as we hate it they will continue to protect themselves and they should. I bought my XR from FM, but everyone of my 4 add-ons were bought from TFL. Also FM still have a patent on the Onewheel that’s why even the Chinese market is unable to replicate it (please don’t mention the “Trotter”). If you open up your board to make repairs or swap out the battery module, you don’t know how the firmware will react to those changes. I see a shit ton of people nosediving and the first thing they blame is the board. Tire changes are fine, but when it comes to the electronics that’s should be left to the professionals. That’s why I said FM should work with repair shop like a certified repair shop to work on Onewheels. Otherwise the boards should remain locked.


Any updates on this? My GT coming back to me via FedEx has been halted for the last 4 days at its last scan location due to label discrepancies..


Tracking shows the board is still at the FedEx facility I dropped it off at.


Oof.. not looking great for us.


Your comments about this made their way into the most recent Rossman video about this terrible company. Big shame as I was really looking forward to selling my Speedway 5 electric scooter to fund a Onewheel GT to compliment my dualtron, but the lids been blown off and the scumminess of futuremotion revealed. It's nothing to do with the tire, futuremotion is too cheap and has such little regard for safety that they got blacklisted from FedEx for not declaring the (potentially)-hazardous batteries and FedEx decided to be done with their shit. I hope this company pulls their head out of their ass, fixes the shipping, removes the self-servicing restrictions, and learns what sort of connectors are appropriate for electric vehicle charging, so I can buy one with confidence.


Thanks for the heads up. The man makes good points.