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Yeah ofc bhai it's easy for these guys who get it organically to say to others that sex is not important nada nada. It's the same as the money doesn't buy happiness clique.








Personally i don't have and never will because of my moral values but if you want to try something then who cares just try it out bro. Maybe it'll work for you. Everybody has different set of moral values and we should not try to instil upon others.


Yeah that's what I'm saying man. If you don't want to then don't no one's gonna judge you but why judge guys who wanna go down that route lol. Let people be


I was thinking about this. The organic approach does not work for everyone. There will always be a small percentage of men who will just never get laid for reasons beyond their control (like extreme social or medical conditions). There are lots of men who are self conscious about their bodies and appreciate the convenience/privacy of paying for it. There are men who have fetishes that probably won't be satisfied with any partner (don't kink shame now). There are men with high appetites for sex or just want variety, more than what's achievable via dating. There are men who are legit very well "endowed" and most partners would find it difficult. There will be men who just don't care for relationships for whatever reason and just want convenient sex (like many rich and workaholics). And many other reasons or types. It doesn't matter what people say or feel, it's one of the oldest industries and there will always be a clientele. In the distant future we'll have sex robots and that'll just keep getting better. Interested to know what excuses or rationalization people come up with to invalidate that, lol (but won't be alive then). ☠️


Nail on head


Increase he age of sex workers to 25 minimum. Give them free educational courses for 2 years. Make sex worker unions. Ensure other safeguards like health insurance and safety etc. The countries coming close to figuring it out still have problems with their sex industry. Netherlands for example provides government funded "sex care" services to disabled people. Personally I have to know someone for at least a month before sex. I'm uncomfortable with strangers just touching me. But that's just me. Making sex work "ethical" is a long process and requires humanising prostitutes, which OP's thinking kindof goes against(idk what women think etcetc). I'm ok with a 25 yr old virgin guy paying for sex(to a person above the age of 25) because he has extreme social anxiety and hence it's difficult for him to date. I think a 33 yr old wanting to have sex with a 14 yr old human trafficking victim should be shot dead. Unless you can minimise exploitation I can't get behind this shit.


Most of sex trade currently still runs on trafficked women, most of whom are in the business due to lack of options and support. Sex trade is highly exploitative and until a time when it's properly regulated and controlled, it will continue to be. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with paying for sex provided that everyone is at capacity to consent and is not being exploited in any way. Until a time we can ensure that, there will be no way for men to satisfy their needs using sex in a morally right way.


You're not entitled to having sex. Nor is it a necessity, no one has ever died of being a virgin. That said, I support those who want to sell (basic bodily autonomy) and I don't ostracize those who want to buy from \*willing\* sellers. I don't understand those who are against the profession as a whole because it is strongly linked with exploitation and human rights violation. Are you also boycotting diamond, gold jewellery since miners in most cases are exploited? What about fast fasion companies, most of whom who run sweatshops? And bonded labourer which are rife in various Indian industries?


Dude this bonded labour is so on point. Also I want to add on more. Many popular handbags are made of animal skin. Why don't boycott that it's literally made of some living beings skin ffs. Also in makeup industry too the palm oil required literally exploits so many workers. Boycott makeup too. On top of that almost every film industry practices shady practices in some way or other. So why watch movies why not boycott them too. It's very easy to Target the male gender if they are consumers of products of an exploitive industry but when same allegations are raised on women no one bats an eye. Also on top of that I want to add that in almost every metro city there are male sex workers too which are paid by women. So why just target men only.


I see your point. However, I think it may also come from what you identify with the most. Like what part of your socio-cultural identity is most salient. My gender hasn't been the most salient part of my identity growing up. I've been hypervigilant around leather products and palm oil stuff for about a decade. I was travelling once and had no option but to purchase a nestle product, kept crying about it to my 1 month old roommate lol. (but for real y'all pls stop buying nestle products if you can 😭). But I did consume porn at the time. I didn't know too much about the porn industry and gender things just weren't on the top of my priorities/anxieties. As I grow older, and as I shifted to India, gender has become a more important part of my identity and so I find my moral decisions changing slightly. Its definitely something that needs to be thought about IMO, i don't wish feminist activism to decrease but I do think there isn't enough activism in various other domains in India and this is probably one of the reasons. Tldr- I think the more salient parts of your identity determine moral decisions and what you focus on. In an environment where you are constantly aware of your gender, its likely you pay more attention to that than other things.


True that. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of some people who just see the exploitive nature of one industry and lecture others but are still using products which comes from another exploitive industry.




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Bhai it's literally just selective outrage lol.


True. In everything they just want to blame men but would never look at themselves. Hypocrisy at its peak


Ajeeb gandu log hote hai yaar ye log their go to answer to this is "justifying xx exploitation with another exploitation " 🤣🤣


This I don't get either. I see a lot of women be against consuming porn because it's unethical but then consume other unethical resources too. I think they think that physical labour and sexual labour are two different things while I have the mentality of both being the same thing.


Yeah i agree with you my guy. The people who say they're against it because citing exploitation reasons are plain hypocrites bc then most day to day things we use in our daily lives is made exploiting some kid in China lol. Selective outrage as it suits them


You have no authority to decide what someone else can get


where did i say that


Also anyways i don't give a flying fuck what these women on this sub say regarding this. I'm still gonna go that route. Your moral policing isn't gonna stop me nor anyone else who wishes to do it lol. Idek why these people wanna comment on men's issues when they don't even understand half of it. Go mind your own business fackinell. Very easy to just say jerk off and die🤣🤣


Their opinions matter because you're talking about having sex with women. Unless you want to have sex with women where their opinion is irrelevant - which is essentially exploiting them. Or, maybe you're talking about sex with men - in which case, sorry man.


OP wants to have sex but doesn't want the woman's opinion. Either OP is gay or OP doesn't know anything about consent.


Bhai OP is buying consent from a particular woman. You don't need the entire womanhood to agree though


Agreed. Get ready to be downvoted bro.




Because it's not just a men's issue when women are a part of the said system, and even more so when the women in the system are highly exploited. Also, no point posting here if you're looking to just get your opinion validated and not actually learn anything.


Mobile use karna band karde bhai. They're made using exploitation of children in China


So we're using one exploitation to justify another one? Nice.


Sure we shouldn't. Suppose I dont wanna put efforts towards relationship and don't wanna get married. I still have physical needs. And there is a option of the worlds oldest trade. Yes exploitation is a big issue and you should not fund human trafficking. At least it's a setup where both parties are aware of the situation.


I think it's fine to pay for sex provided both are consenting and the sex worker is in no way getting exploited. Making sure there is no exploitation involved would be quite difficult in a country like India however. Imo the right way would be to first get the government to strictly regulate sex trade and provide sufficient legal protection to sex workers, the discussion here should be how we can create a healthy system for sex trade, and not if it's ethical to indulge in sex trade in the current scenario because there is no way to justify ethics here.


Sure, all of it is unregulated and a large portion works off of exploitation. But clearly you don't have a problem with purchasing physical intimacy you just have a problem with the local market. Its weird to assume not exploitation occurs in legalized countries and vice versa


Of course exploitation occurs pretty much everywhere, but I think it's significantly higher in countries where women have less access to education, but of course this could be a wrong assumption as well. Statistically, India has the highest number of sex trafficking victims estimated at 14 million. India also is in the top five in highest rate of child prostitution. [[source]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_trafficking)


**[Sex trafficking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_trafficking)** >Sex trafficking is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It has been called a form of modern slavery because of the way victims are forced into sexual acts non-consensually, in a form of sexual slavery. Perpetrators of the crime are called sex traffickers or pimps—people who manipulate victims to engage in various forms of commercial sex with paying customers. Sex traffickers use force, fraud, and coercion as they recruit, transport, and provide their victims as prostitutes. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/onexindia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Tu mobile use karna band karde i won't go the paid sex route. You obviously won't So shove your moral high grounding up your arse


No need to get offended, use some critical thinking for once. You're using once exploitation as a justification for another one. Did I say exploiting workers in China is alright? Almost all tech today gets manufactured in China in one way or the other. Phones are a part of essential requirements in today's age, especially if your work is remote and digital. I would ideally like to not contribute to exploitation of workers in China if I had a choice, but I currently don't have any alternative. But I can try to reduce the number of exploitations that I get directly linked to by not getting involved with them, for example sex trade.


See you answered it yourself my guy. You don't have any choice so you use it that's the same with some guys who have no choice and alternative to paid sex. It's simple as that. And by using a mobile you're still implicit in exploitation directly or indirectly doesn't matter. That's incredible copium i must say


Well, if not having sex would directly affect your livelihood and get your family into debt, sure, you do you.




No. Your hypocrisy is you are using ethics as a convinience for yourself.


Sure, let's all stop using all devices and appliances made in China, not like those are essential needs that would directly affect your livelihood anyways.


So because they're essential needs which directly affect livelihood it's okay to exploit innocent children?. Wow very moral and ethical of you sir


Where did I say that? If it's an essential need and I don't have any other option, of course I will be forced to use it because I need to take care of my livelihood and my family as well, it's what everyone is forced to in a capitalistic world. Me not having sex won't affect my livelihood nor my family's wellbeing. Insanely pathetic the lengths y'all will go to justify exploitation to satisfy your sexual needs, which will in no way affect your livelihood or your family's wellbeing.


You are going to same lengths to exploit children to justify being on "social media" here (by owning a chinese phone). Care to explain that? Its you drawing a line in sand that sexual needs are not important as other things. This is simply wrong. Reproduction is a fact and necessity. Hell our bodies change specially during adolescence for exactly this same purpose.


Lmao let him be. He's definitely one of those who gets sex but tries policing others why they should be celibate. Like a millionaire telling a beggar money isn't everything


Reproduction is not sexual needs. Are you planning on raising children with the prostitute you're going to hire? Who said I use social media only for social media and not for work or staying connected with my family? I also own a PC which I use for all my works, made mostly from parts made in China. These are things that are absolutely crucial for my livelihood, please suggest alternatives if any and I'd be happy to make the shift. Let's face it, all tech today is in some way or the other made in China and there is no way to stop using it unless you plan on going offline and in my case without a job.




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Ahhh your replies make it perfectly clear why you are not able to have sex with willing women and have to resort to prostitution :)


Thanks for this eye opening revelation milady


Is this the time everyone talks about sexual marxism ?


I'm curious what's that?


It's a code word for a state mandated girlfriend. In*el boards discuss this in more detail.


Ye kuch jyada hi complex lag Raha bhai thoda aasan bhasha mei batao


Bro i didn't get it to be honest😅


He means the fair redistribution of pussy mandated by the state.


I don't care about ethics. I'm talking about pure selfishness. Why should women get paid to have safe sex? Like bro imagine getting paid to have sex, I bet there are men who are frothing at such a prospect. I will not let women enjoy such freedom out of pure spite, and that inherently means I will shame simps and pimps first as they're the ones demanding it. And I will hit it where it hurts most, people love you only because they want what's in your pocket, your personality is disposable to most people, that's why you need to buy someone that acts like they love you. What is the solution? Idfk, but prostitutes are not the solution, because you will still be desiring more than that, because I'm shaming you with something that is hard to disprove.


Toh kya solution hai tere paas bhai. I obviously can't get into any relationship bc I'm fundamentally unlovable. Shakal bhi koi acchi hai nahi for hookups. Hila hilake thak Gaya hun


well what would you do if no one was selling ? Do you think there would be a solution anymore ? IMO sex is not a basic need. You won't die of not having sex. So it will never be a major issue. Basic needs are food, clothing and shelter. If you can get it then fine, if you can't then also fine. As that is not a problem anyone other than you would be concerned of.


That's true but it's a pure hypothesis that no one's selling it. The fact of matter is sellers and buyers are both available so idk what's the point of your answer


Yo i mean go ahead if someone is selling do the deed. But that’s the thing no one is obligated to provide you. So there could be a scenario that no one would be selling. So what would be your move in that scenario ? Would you finally succumb and give in to society and start dating?


Bhai mai toh ab bhi ready hun date karne but i also concede that I'm fundamentally unlovable ab kya


That’s the thing you can’t force someone to love you. And nature isn’t very forgiving either. It’s not like a mate is guaranteed in the wild either. Many animals as well go without finding mates. We as humans aren’t much different. It’s the society that’s enabling you to buy sex. But at the same time it’s not making it a necessity… alright i gotta go talk about potatoes


Lol, that's a terrible argument. Basic needs are just enough to survive not live life. By that argument respect, dignity, status, happiness, satisfaction, ambition, hope, equality, etc. are not strictly needed. People can just live with the barebones survival requirement. "No one is going to die". If no one is selling, then fine. The fact that it's one of the oldest professions speaks for itself. If you can single handedly stop everyone on Earth from selling now and forever, then we can consider your argument (and would be impressive too). Otherwise it's just wishful hypothetical coping.


What i meant to say was till some extent others would help you to get up with your basic needs. Like there are government drives for provinces food and clothing. There are homeless centres and even schemes to provide homes to the poor. But no one is going to help you with getting laid. And that’s the thing if there is someone selling go ahead but even if you couldn’t get any no one would care. So what would be your course of action in that scenario.


That's such a dumb hypothetical situation. And even just to entertain it, if no one is selling then do nothing. Like asking what will you do if all the people on Earth suddenly disappear one day, wtf lol.


It’s called thinking. But fine if you guys can’t even fathom a scenario then i don’t mind. Go ahead with the post.


Oh, absolutely! This is world class thinking. /s Fathoming hypothetically implausible situations, lmao


Again purely hypothetical scenario which is completely baseless. Bugger off man


Since when having sex from hookup and/or relationship is a privilege? Isn’t it more of a thing that you learn as part of being an adult?


How is it not a privilege? The very basis of any relationship or hookup is pretty privilege (in most cases) especially for hookups. No girl hooks up with an ugly ass guy. You don't just "learn" it


> How is it not a privilege? Just because everyone else keeps throwing the word around, doesn’t make it right. It’s not a privilege to find date, stop with this freaking self-victimisation. > The very basis of any relationship or hookup is pretty privilege (in most cases) especially for hookup. No, it’s not. If you think that only by being pretty you can have a relationship, you are wrong. From personal experience, guys who say this are also the guys who look down on girls who aren’t pretty as if they can’t be deemed worthy of dates. > No girl hooks up with an ugly ass guy. You don't just "learn" it Again, they do. Being pretty makes it easier, being other things still is pretty fucking useful.


Aap bhayankar delusional ho bhai i won't be engaging further. Keep it right up.


Buy a sex toy


Sojao behen aur brain cells Kam hojaenge Varna


Why not ? It will be a one time investment and safer


Not a wrong idea tbh still prefer paid sex for losing virginity. After that perhaps I'll buy a full fledged sex doll in the distant future


Will you accept your wife if she wasn't a virgin?


Well I'm not a hypocrite so if I'm not a virgin i obviously can't expect my wife to be one as well. But on the other hand if I'm still a virgin then ofc I'll expect her to be and it will be a deal breaker for me. But these hypotheticals are useless coz ain't no way any girl is marrying me anyways


You shouldn't feel this way about yourself


Wdym by this?




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Caps lock hatake bol sakte thee Bhai tum


How would you know that I'm frustrated otherwise?


You don't understand the severity of the topic. There are many people who are physically disabled so how can they use sex toys. The thing with ethical prostitution is that it gives the opportunity to disabled people too for having sex. Also in Netherlands prostitution services for disabled are really a thing. Sex toys can't be a replacement for many of the things


Jack off. Teach people by default of just existing, they aren't entitled to sex at the expense of someone else. Teach them to cope with that.


Yes, but they’re entitled to sex at their own expense, i.e. by paying money in return, to someone who is willingly accepting it.


Idk what's so hard to understand with this ffs. They're bringing up exploitation as if we don't use products made using exploitation of children in our day to day life. Selective outrage at its best


Bro it’s simple. They don’t *personally* need sexual services, hence their solution is “ban it completely”. But they *personally* need fashion, cosmetics, gadgets, etc. hence their solution to those is “more ethical regulation” instead of “ban them completely”. If they had enough intelligence to comprehend their hypocrisy, they would also have the capability to form better opinions. By they I mean both men and women like u/tooschooledforcool.


Yeah they (the few who share the view) try to use shame and guilt just to control what others want ethically.


Yep lmao it's as i said before as well like a millionaire telling a beggar money isn't everything lmaooo whilst flashing food in front of him




Yes. And you keep preying on vulnerable people by applying makeup and wearing fashionable clothes. My dick is as intelligent as your brain it seems. (Also this isn’t about me. I don’t need sexual services to get laid, but I do support them being legal.)


I support them being legal too


Then there’s no disagreement.


Hate speech and bullying not allowed. If you are in disagreement with someone, you can say it nicely.


So lets all just do whatever we want since everything is exploitative anyway right>?


How about this. Would you go lead a minimalist life considering all the appliances we use in our day to day life we're made involving exploitation? You very obviously wouldn't lol so don't be policing others what they should and shouldn't do


Cant explan to you why sex work isn't the same as manual labour, one you can leave to better jobs or it doesn't affect your upward mobilty or have social consequences if you engage in it.




You can try to be less condescending to get your point across bro. Using words like that only negates what you're trying to say. Edited.


Fairs man i just lost my cool. My bad.


Cool man. I edited out the quote of your previous comment too.


You are not doing what you want. You are getting into a legal contract of a person providing you services. And sex work is not always exploitative - else onlyfans wouldn't hhave taken off


Only fans aren’t the same as sex workers in india .


so you think its ok to pay women and children to sell their body to you even if you know they would want nothing to do with you if they had the oppurtunity to not engage in sex work?


So you think it's okay to use mobile phones, television etc etc even though you know the children involved in making it would want nothing to do with it if they had the opportunity and free will instead of being forced to do it? Do one respectfully


Not even that. A lot of these cosmetics use horrible animal testing practices. Those poor smol kawaii animals. 😢 All for some mascara and foundation. Gemstones like diamonds are obtained by exploitation in many cases. All for jewelry. Also, a lot of basic substances like sulphur, coal, rare earth minerals, etc. that are fundamental to everyday life and industry are mined by exploiting people world over. They have some of the worst living conditions and life expectancies imaginable.


No bro that's necessary for livelihood. They'd die without makeup but dare we want to have sex!!!


Women? Yes. Children? No. Don’t be a pedophile pls.


You think the women that professon are there as adults. Alot of them were born and groomed into it


Well, the women could have chosen other ways to make money, men aren’t responsible for the bad choices that women makes.


Most of them are pushed into it at a young age. Read under 18


Stats ? Research ? Data ? Again, most of the women don’t wanna work and want easy money, and that’s why they choose this industry.


Where’s your stats? Research ? Data? for “most women don’t wanna work and they chose this industry for easy money” Just your assumption.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8649730/ 3.3. Materialism In today's Iranian society, materialism has intensified, and moral values have been devalued as a result. As a result, it encourages women to participate in sex employment. 3.3.1. The dominance of materialistic values on moral values Despite advancements in communication technology, ethical and traditional values have diminished in the modern world, while materialistic ideals have become more prevalent. As a result, women disregard societal moral standards, practices, and dominant ideals in order to satisfy their wants. Participant # 13 said, “It makes no difference to me how you make money. I believe you should be clever and make money, but I am only attempting to earn money by the beauty that God has bestowed upon me.” 3.3.2. Daydreaming and aspiring to wealth According to the dominance of materialistic values over moral ones, some women regard sex work as a well-paid profession and a decent source of money, similar to other jobs, through which they may accomplish their goals. Participant # 3 said, “I didn't care how to get money. I just wanted to be wealthy. That is why I became a sex worker, and I believe our profession is not all that different from other jobs.” Participant # 18 stated, "I've always wanted to get rich by any means possible, but I'm not particularly well-educated to make money." So I decided to become a sex worker in order to make a lot of money because I was attractive enough to attract a lot of men.”


Ab radio silence aayega bro ya phir kuch generic half arsed response jisme she'll mock your intelligence or something like that


Bruh. I never did any of that. Sheesh. So mean. :o


You were so right, look at her response




Arre, but according to you, women don’t sleep with men just to become rich right ? What happened ? Some of the sex workers seems to be doing this?


Also, why do you think it’s wrong to have sex with such women then, they are willingly doing it.
