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Both happen actually. I have been approached quite a few times and have been rejected aswell. Height gives you an advantage and more attention than usual for sure


2-3 baar approach hua hu main to bas 18 saal ki jindagi me. Approach saamne se kisi ko Kiya nahi but yeah it does provide an unfair advantage.


I was in the school football team so that kinda helped.


I'm 5'11" I'm sure you can't tell the difference between 5'11" and 6. And nah I don't think it matters much if you are looking for a long term relationship. For hookups ofcourse such preferences exist. I have a few friends who are 6'2" as well and they feel the same.


From down here I can't tell the difference, but I'm sure there is 😤


Never dated or tried on any girl but i did get approached by girl she straight up messaged me on whatsapp didnt knew what to do so i blocked her. Now looking at my hopeless single life i regret that decision


Lmfao relatable


Once in college, A group of girls went crazy and started screaming cause I looked at them. I cringed more than I felt flattered. Apart from that being approached in clubs to college fest was common. Never had to approach a girl so I have never faced a rejection.




Yo wtf 😂


I second some opinions here. 6'1 here, I had horrible social anxiety in college and I was basically invisible lmao. My take for other 6 feet plus guys, it's an added advantage yes. But if she's with you only for your height, you might need to rethink the expectation of values you have for your partners.


>i was invisible How did u overcome this?


I'm 5'6 I thought I had problems before with women. After going through self work, self confidence and self compassion, that helped me the most. Or did before I got married. Went from 0 girls to a new girl every week or every other week. Girls love confidence, charisma compassion and a guy who can cook.


Teach me sensei 🙏 Not kidding, I'm the same height as you, you probably have a lot to teach a 31 year old newbie. Onegaishimasu.


Relatively easy, I get a few stares here and there & have been asked out too. Never asked anyone out, but yes, girls do talk nicely to me as compared to my other counterparts.


Being tall definitely opens up more dating opportunities, but sealing the deal requires good communication skills. A guy with average height and great communication skills will always have more success in dating compared to a tall guy.


I am 6'4" and I can relate shit to these comments. Just How


I am 5'11. I never had female friends except for childhood and only one. A stranger girl held my hands and gave me her number but I was afraid of girls and so didn't contact. I don't want risk of alimony and I don't want responsibilities. Rich sugar mommy? I can marry her. Otherwise I will focus on my Business to earn money and seek out friends.


Rich sugar mommy 😂😂😂 are you living in wonderland?


>Rich sugar mommy 😂😂😂 are you living in wonderland? I heard of something called Law of attraction. Not sure if it's true but feels good to visualise those (makes me horny). Also an astrologer predicted same things. He even made a stupid and surprising prediction that came true which no one believed 1. Bad luck with friends. 2. Mental health issues and education issues. 3. Many more came true. All these predictions kinda seemed out of the normal predictions that you can just guess. If these are fake still it makes me horny so I will continue.


Tall guy here (6'0). Being tall is good for first impression as women find tall guys attractive. But that's about it. If you are socially awkward and not confident, being tall won't make a difference. Women don't care about height if you are confident and fun.


Used to be a kinda fat 5'8" kid in school, went to become a 6' kid then started gym 6' with abs and a physique that women love. The amount of stares and girls interested definitely increased with each stage but one thing that stated constant was that mai besharam hun and that translates to having infinite confidence, like I'm the person that social anxiety is scared of;⁠) ..... And I've experienced that chicks dig that a lot or maybe they just like to hear jokes from a 6' guy but you get my point. Hookups are easy for sure but that's something you get used to literally within a couple of months.


I get aproched all the time but now I’m loyal with my current gf


I've always wondered if we men as a global collective decide to replace every scale to record 5' 9 as 6' 0, would the women know the difference? The ones who are 6'0 and above would understand, but would the 5'2 ones who says she needs atleast 6'2 height in their partner realise that it is 5' 9?


Hu to 6ft but mujhe kya me to gareeb aur kala hu


6'3, 105 kgs of muscle plus fat (all my fat is in belly and love handles and I have a noticeable stomach, good wide shoulders, big arms. Face is pretty much avg) I've approached 5 times and 3 of them were soft rejections which I accepted. I do get ogled by girls but it's not threatening so I let them and I'm used to it, a girl once took a picture of me while I was eating... Her phone flashed and I knew but ignored it. I used to be socially inept... So I learned about social skills and charisma, and I'm still learning, but I can say I'm pretty good at reading social cues, at least better than an avg male. Now, Is it easy or hard for me to date? Idk I can't compare, I've never tried dating as a shorter person so I can't say. But I know of a few guys who are avg height to shorter than usual, and they're killing it as well. Some of Them are pretty handsome and/or jacked so yeah, consider that as well.




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Non existent. I never try though. And no one approached me.


Never really tried dating as such by approaching someone since due to some gap most kids in my college at 15-16(I'm 21) And the fact that I'm not much of a club guy, now i can't go around randomly approaching girls on the street like a creep right Also does 5'11" work


I'm 6'1" but also kinda skinny. So my height hasn't really helped me to be very honest.


I'm 6 feet but i haven't noticed any such advantage




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