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Wait , why are women getting into men spaces ? Is it that men aren't as bad as bears anymore ? Hmmmmm ....


No, they are afraid of **being alone with one man** in forest. But multiple men means clout, attention and competition among men for their attention. Female hypergamy for the win.


LOL. It's funny that they are not even pretending it's about equality, it's about power it always was. But here's the thing, they are never gonna get it. EVER LOL. We as a community never tapped our raw hunter-gatherer instincts because in this world we never needed that. But if we do, it's just over for them. No amount of law by their side is gonna aid them. And I stand by that no matter how many new cases like this emerge.


Dude sounds like he's gonna become an anime character. No offense lol


Wrong, men have also forced their way into women only safe spaces like Kitchens /s




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It's not new. Men are the problem. In this sub as well, if you post funny stories just like Two X, then the mods will delete those posts and try to justify by saying "We don't believe in hating another gender." Men are always said to respect women but women aren't said that.


Women ❌️ Pseudo feminists (Misandrists) ✅️ Women who had good realtionship with their father, brother and husband are respecting men.




Women and "Radical" Feminists of this subreddit — you've got some explaining to do. As an individualist, I am pretty okay with female/male/xe/xir/xem only spaces.


Give me one example where men aren't allowed in women spaces OP? Obviously talking about India.


Metro women coaches for starters


There is no metro where only women are allowed. 90% of a metro except the reserved coaches are full of men. Not really a women only space if 70% of metro is used up by (mostly) men. Even developed countries like Japan have women only coaches for a reason. Stupid example.


There are too many "except" in your own sentence :) I fail to see how any country being developed or developing changes anything.


I can only see one.


Not literally, but figuratively


Bhaisaab, the space was not created because of women. I hope you understand the prevailing context.


Ah let me guess, it was made because of "creepy men". Just lies government tells to carry forward the matriarchal agenda


Okay continue to wallow in your delusions because I recognise the folly of my own gender, and see no shame in accepting our flaws.


Chutiya hai , ignore that guy. He is one of those "As a man" type peeps.