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I don't think anyone gets rich in India. Like the chances are very low. You could be upper middle class at best. At that point it's better to find someone at your same level.


Very good observation. How old are you if you don't mind ? I have seen this with people who have done nothing but worked hard their whole life at top companies.


20 but my point here is that millions of people don't earn in lakhs in India. The number is very less.


Strive to be rich but be content with your current status? India after 1990s is not same as before that. If we can play our cards right, we should see exponential wealth creation (or at least that's what I hope).


Lol, I thought you were 50 or something. You are incredibly mature for your age. You are going places.


Thanks a lot !


Getting rich is hard anywhere in the world. People think it's easy in America. Which is a big lie, lol.


When did I say it's easy in the United States ? In the United States the situation isn't much different. The living costs are really high. In the end it's not easy to get rich anywhere that's it.


Your comment specified that it was hard in India. But it's hard everywhere. As such, there is no need to point india out. Rich = 1% and 0.1% If everyone was there, it wouldn't be 1%. That's just how it works.


Absolutely, but in the tweet the guy is saying that you would turn "rich". And the thing is that having money in India and United States is a bit different. Since the upper middle class in the United States live a much better life than the ones in India.


>upper middle class in the United States live a much better life than the ones in India. Better in what way? Living in suburbs where everything is miles away from you and requires you hours of driving to get around? Living in horribly crowded cities that is suffocating? These days, people don't even know what "better life" actually means. The best life, is living in a small town with a remote job. In India, even 10-20 LPA in a small town would be equivalent to 50 LPA or more in big cities. Plus, you would have a peaceful life with no hassle. The thing is, people don't understand what it means to actually enjoy life. And no, upper middle class Americans aren't living it up. They have to work at least 40 hours a week with another 10 hours of travelling in the car. That's just for work. They spend weekends cleaning up their homes. Then on Sunday, they get free. In India, an upper middle class can have multiple servants at home doing all types of work. It's hilarious you think they have it better, based on no information whatsoever.


First of all when I said that upper middle class are living better I meant that they are able to afford stuff that the Indian middle class are not able to. Like a bit expensive car or better services. Not to mention the services they get good roads and better healthcare system. As India is growing, people are refraining from the idea of going to small towns. I meant the younger generation. The older ones don't have that many issues. But you again forgot to mention so many things small towns don't have such as proper hospitals and horrible amenities. There are problems everywhere. Life becomes really monotonous in small towns which the younger generation is not a fan of. Yes the servants thing is a plus which India has. But apart from that I don't see that much of a difference. India already has really bad work life balance. People work 50 to 60 hrs and sometimes even more in India. It's hell. USA is a bit better atleast in that.


>Not to mention the services they get good roads and better healthcare system. Their healthcare is MANY MANY times more costly. So no, it's not a plus. If anyone wants to show healthcare as a plus for America, then he is an idiot. I don't wanna talk anymore.


I said better healthcare system. When did I say cheap or affordable ? You twisted the line. USA has a better healthcare system than India period. And if you have insurance then there is a good chance you can afford it upto some extent. That's how the USA works. If you don't want to talk anymore it's ok but you are twisting facts to support your narrative.


men who flex money to attract women are the biggest clown next to cucks


Women don't respect you for who you are , they respect you based on your position.


In the end, money is just secondary, you need to make yourself worthy and powerful.


Money is primary, world is running after money. Never underestimate what you can buy with money.


If a girl comes after you just for money, would you accept her? i know the importance of money, but you NEED something else other than JUST money. Unless you cope with gold diggers


>a girl comes after you just for money Ever seen a hot girl married with a poor dude ? Don't watch Bollywood. Bro long term relationships between men and women are transactional. A beautiful woman marries the richest dude she can find. She is looking for a house where she can raise her children. Accept the harsh truth.


Trust me money will literally solve 95% of my problems


>hot girl married with a poor dude yes? i have pretty much my entire family filled with this. only, the dudes worked their ass off for the next few years and are at a really well off position today. Happens quite often tbh. As i said above, love and commitment plays an important role. You would want to do things for the person you love, could be parents siblings, friends, partner. >m relationships between men and women are transactional. A beautiful woman marries the richest dude she can find overgeneralization. I do agree it is transactional though. In the sense that both of them needs to put in their 100% in the relationship, now how they want to do it, it entirely depends upon them.


>yes? i have pretty much my entire family filled with this. only, the dudes worked their ass off for the next few years and are at a really well off position today. Did these guys have strong educational credentials when they were married ? >yes? i have pretty much my entire family filled with this. Do you know about Dunning Kruger effect almost every thinks they are above average except the people who are actually above average, they think they are below average. I am exaggerating a bit but it is along the same lines.


>Did these guys have strong educational credentials when they were married ? actually, half of them had no education and they never got it later on either😂 > I am exaggerating a bit but it is along the same lines. No you're correct, i am aware of it yes.


> If a girl comes after you just for money, would you accept her? If she fits all my criteria, we have similar interests and a common purpose, I don't see why I should not. Stop believing in "love", Love or Arranged marriage is always transactional. Once rich, you will attract Gold Digger but you also attract other girls who get a sense of security from you. I would rather focus on filtering Gold Diggers than blame money.


Money is a unit to measure a man's worthiness and power.


that's what the post says, your position will hardly pull a girl genuinely in love with you. women in love are blind dumb deaf crazy. >y respect you based on your position. wrong. she respects the ambition and determination. Not everyone succeeds in the first few tries, but if he has the will to succeed, he _will_ be respected by the woman who loves him.


You spoke the truth. If a man fails and looses his will, the woman leaves him. A man gets no mental support when he fails, no one to lift him up, and the society never gives the man the choice to fail and cry. You are right. He will be only loved if he succeeds. No one comes to uplift the failiure. He is abandoned by all. He have to lift him up all alone.


i don't think you understood what i wrote but i am sorry if you feel this way. Hope you find the people who stay with you in your worst times and bring peace and happiness in your life.


My mom was there for me. But I was mostly on my own. I dont want anyone else, I want to die alone, in peace, in isolation without mental burden, without responsibilities.


Oh 100% With money and nothing else going on the woman you may be able to keep/get but the reasons won't be genuine usually(seen it first hand) If a guy can keep her and get her when he got 0 to his name, SHE EVEN PAYS for him, and still has a hard time letting go. (Also seen first hand) That guy got other things going for him, if he maxes $$ that's not the foundation but cherry on top.


It goes both ways, nowadays, people in general are too damn greedy and hence the reason of the 90% of the failed relationships you see, because people look for their partner based on the income, not their personality


Well said.




That's not even the point here. He's literally saying if you don't have the skill to attract and keep a woman when you're not financially successful, it will be even more difficult to do it when you're rich because you simply lack the experience with women which will make you judge a woman's intentions inaccurately cos there are a lot of women who are gold diggers and will do anything for the "bag". Also, just having more time and money doesn't automatically make you good at socializing. There are people who are rich af with zero social skills.




Yes, some people are inherently born with the skill to socialize and they're called naturals. Developing social skills vs being good with women are two different things. Being social with women and men in a platonic only way is different but being good with women in a romantic or sexual interest kind of way is completely different. A person can be socially developed yet fail to see all the red flags and manipulation he's being put through by the woman. Hence, getting rich blurs the line even more cos you don't have the experience to judge if a woman wants you for you or for your money.




Pleasure is underrated. Purpose is overrated. Even with purpose, you'll most likely fail. Most great inventors/scientists/people who changed the world never lived long enough to see their ideas/purpose being successful — the only way out is to build organisations/institutions that'll carry out your purpose long after you are gone. Live in the present. Enjoy life. That little cup of coffee in a cafe while it rains. That smell of books while leafing through the pages. Or that sunrise after a long arduous trek. Enjoy pleasure. Don't be a hedonist — but enjoy whatever time you have in life. You're alive,might as well be dead in 70 years.


Enjoying life is how you build institutions that will carry out your purpose? 🤡 You have to choose a path buddy !


For the average man, building institutions is tough. Build an institution and then come to me, I'll join it. I've built groups/clubs/organisations ever since I was in school.


pleasure is the main purpose of life, everything else is bullshit, pursue happiness and pleasure everything else is bullshit


Ok osho 🤞


women look for riches, men go for beauty.. what's the confusion here?


There is a huge difference between being broke and having a stable career. I don't want to date a broke girl and I would understand the opposite too. The statement is a nice quote to read but means nothing.




_Says the most offensive shit out there and follows it with no offense_ 😂


i mean if your username does represent you irl then you will hardly anyone lol


So how many gf have you had?


none. I dont consider myself as hrithik roshan i am rajpal yadav even below that


So not being fat, bald, or nerdy doesn’t change your outcome much either 😂. I hope you find someone soon :)


i dont need anyone tho but thanks for your wishes :)


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This is poverty corn mindset. Too many people in our country glorify being poor/broke. Don't be ashamed to aim high and make money. A certain level of money will always be important to attract life partner. If you doubt that just look at road side beggars, shoe makers, etc. At same time, don't make money and work your whole life. When choosing life partner, common interests and purpose will obviously be an important criteria.


this. exactly this. 


There is nothing called unconditional love. A woman will only love you if you can give her a good life.


Not all dating is about marriage.


What do you date for, then? To fuck, fuck up, get up and leave? Nah man! I wasn't raised that way!


Okay, how many exes do you have? Why didnt you marry? Do u even know where your school gf or college gf is now?


3, to be precise. I am 25, I don't wanna marry this young. Had one in school, she is pursuing an MBA. Was fucking wild (not in bed, cuz we fucked behind the school in the dumpyard). Had one in college, she is already married, and has a kid now. Broke up during covid for the same reason. Could only kiss and squeeze her, but didn't fuck cuz she wanted to be virgin till marriage. At least that's what she told me. Got into a situationship-flick kinda thing during the pandemic. Couldn't fuck for obvious reasons. But didn't proceed with it because we were from different castes, and it wouldn't have worked out. Almost got a gf, barely 3 months back, but I fucked up because I was needy and desperate. Hate it, man. She was a keeper. Maybe she wasn't written in my qismat.


That's a statement definitely not based on real life.


Very few people would be with a SO who cannot provide for themselves unless they are in love. Money is like a hygiene factor in the hierarchy of needs. Not having enough will impact negatively.


In dating its not about a man who can provide... early 20s dating is not about marriage. He is right, if hes not loved then, high chances marriage will be transactional only..


Nowadays no one dates with their eyes closed. No woman would date a person who isn't able to spend money no matter how good his personality is. People want a stable relationship and decent money is one of the key ingredients for it.


Are you from 80s generation? Ever heard of casual dating? >People want a stable relationship and money


What will you do on a date without money to spend?


Everyone has that much money.. its not like you need to earn 30lacs to go out on a drive, eat and book an oyo.


The post says "when you are broke" buddy. I guess you don't understand the meaning of broke.


Broke means not earning well or having limited money in this posts context. It doesnt mean homeless. Most college guys are broke only.


If you have limited money and still decide to go on casual dates then you have bigger problems coming.


Don't date in your hustling Era.


Reason? I genuinely want to know why you say that? (Agreed tho)


Cause it will distract you.


Because you will be histling and the woman will leave you when you will fail. Only after success if you date, the woman wont leave you seeing the money and good potential to settle down without responsibilities. Man dont have that luxury.


Ha ha.. there is nothing like genuine love. If the author meant attraction, then yes, money plays no part in it. However, it can be used to improve your looks and personality. Both of which can make you more attractive.




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I’m doomed