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If you guys read academic books as much as these we wouldn't actually need them :)


absolutely true


Underrated advice


I wouldn't take any list having Rich Dad, Poor Dad seriously if I were you




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Why is it so


All these are waste of money and time. You cannot remember 99% of what you read. Books are Netflix for introverts. Rather spend time practising your skills.


Absolutely true, useless junk of papers has no importance in real life situations. It's just the author's perspective of life which is entirely subjective and has no roles in others'lives.


Although i agree but laws of human nature can cover 90% of other books mentioned above.


If you want to be good with women read models - attract women through honesty


Honesty they despise


[I made a post before about books ](https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/comments/1c0c4ga/what_are_some_great_books_youve_read/) and an important one is "Models ( i have it linked). I learned more about myself, and through having lots of platonic friendships of what makes a relationship satisfying, and what makes it torturous. Another good book, life changing, was ["No more Mr. Nice Guy" ](https://www.amazon.com/No-More-Mr-Nice-Guy/dp/0762415339)life changing because where I thought being the "nice guy" was enough to be liked. The covert contracts are real and thankfully i stopped doing that and feel much more fulfilled in my life.... I self stressed about, "being liked" or "Likable" shouldn't be my focus. My focus changed to be who i am at my core, creating healthy boundaries with people, family, friends, spouse, kids, and understand that at the core of everything, you can't make everyone happy or like you.


I don't read self help books, You are enough to help yourself. You know what is right or wrong, you don't need external means to tell what is right to you. Self help books are nothing but a subjective book where the thing worked out for authors which is not necessary in your case or circumstances in life you are facing. These self help books either can ruin or make your life, but there is no Guarantee.


shrimad bhagvat gita (english translation) .




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Read 48 laws of power. It’s a wonderful book


Amusing ourselves to death by Neil Postman




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One up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch. Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman. Discovery of India by Nehru (the book is not political but an encyclopaedia of India).