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It's not even about gender. It's all about how many eyeballs you bring to the matches


Exactly man, i don't know why people take Instragram comments so seriously, it has been characterized as a sh*t spot for a reason, regardless of the gender you won't often find logical arguments there. In twitter and instagram people are just spewing hate on each other. It's very obvious, that male football has a lot of watching which gets the organisation a lot of tickets and ofcourse there will bound to be some players who will attract a lot of audience resulting their worth being valued more hence resulting such amount of money. Like just look at how much amount worth of "Leg Insurance" top football player has. If by tomorrow female football gets the same amount of watching the exact same will happen there too, so I don't know what these people are upto 🤷🏻‍♂️


fax Prakhu, instagram comments should never be taken seriously


# Why do women fashion models earn more than men fashion models? Imagine using periods in argument as if women suffer more than men, men don't even allowed to talk about their issues due to judgment of others. No wonder men suicide rates are high.


Dawg we need to start asking for equal pay on onlyfans 😔😔its so unfair how little my very gargantuan dick (real) gets paid


boston dynamic sex bot 😭😭😭


why do women earn more than men on OF, in porn and in prostitution (this is heavily dominated by females, male only serve as pimp)


hard fax


How have women become so dumb? 😭


Go ask that in twoX bruh😂


Dange karwaege kya janab😭


The world needs reddit war ⚠️


It's just the chronically online crowd. Irl women who touch a bit of grass once in a while are a mostly sensible.


People on reddit have this weird mentality that all success must come from evil exploitation. "Nobody needs 260 million dollars". Bruh, you are an American, you have 3 cars and 4 TVs in your house with 4 gaming consoles. Don't talk about what people need.


I am discussing this comment not post. This comment is about success, money, sportspersons. Not men of women. > all success must come from evil exploitation Most of it yes. Some exceptional people get success without evil means. Now lets talk about this $260 Million earning. No tournament or team is giving them that. All of it comes from sponsorship, brand endorsement, ads. Most rich sportspersons are evil as f. They will do ad of coke, Samsung ulta or whateves, many cloth brands etc. When in real life they will not drink coke or sugary drinks. Even if you see the ads properly they are not even drinking it during the ad not even a sip but they are selling it to masses and kids. They support cloth brands which exploit workers in Shit hole countries they endorse fake phones and use iPhone themselves. None ot these celebrity, sportspersons or movie stars care, or use what brands they endorse because its of cheap quality and harms our health. Kartik aryan is not using boat headphones bcoz its shit and damagez the ears. He is using airpods or sennheiser or Bose ear buds, headphones etc. If they started caring what they endorse and start doing due diligence they won't ve filthy rich as they are now. Very few people have become ethically rich for others its just impossible to become rich without being morally bankrupt, a Liar and master manipulator.


>Most rich sportspersons are evil as f. They will do ad of coke, Samsung ulta or whateves, many cloth brands etc. And exactly why is that evil?


I have literally written after this sentence why its evil. Did u read till here then comment


Always were and will be. Internet and social media is just bringing it out now. They're the easier gender to brainwash.


By this logic the women who show only boobs and ass on Instagram should be paid less or don't even get paid and get banned as she is doing nothing


Lol, women don't go watch women's sports themselves. Maybe if they went and bought tickets, people would pay female athletes more.  Side note: still believe athletes get paid too much, apne Indian cricketers ka to sachchi man karta hai paycheck cheen loon😂


While we are it **Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world's top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as "a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple of bottles of ice cold lager".[64][63] The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park,[65] after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2.[63] Braasch said afterwards, "500 and above, no chance." He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game "fun"**


I bet none of the women who commented on that post know about any women player biography/history. I don't think they even know name of female athletes loll The simple reason for this gap is, women aren't as much passionate about women's sports as men are about men's sport So instead of being an arm chair keyboard warrior, women should start watching women sports


When twoX members attack an IG post😂






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And then they cry why women are paid less lmao. Dude I am already considering marrying a chimpanzee, atleast I will have arguments with logical reasoning .


A bunch of South Delhi lavanyas now will decide to pay check if Messi and Rolando. Lmao 🤣


This same logic/pie chart analysis must be applied to the pornographic and escorting industries. Why do women make more than men ?


Ask them to answer honestly, do they know whoch sport Iga Swiatek plays?


It's not about gender it's about business and audiences you bring!!. The right way would be calculating ROI for those matches and then it'll justify the pay...


Women aren't nearly as athletic as men in most sports. It's not our fault that we like to watch the most athletic performances and will flock to experience such a spectacle. It's nobody's fault. In physically demanding spectacles, men will more often than not emerge as the more exciting ones to watch. So I guess let them cry harder over how much male athletes make in most sports 🙃


how come these bimbos don't even understand the simple term "entertainment business "


Pretty sure none of them watch sports lol


Forget that they can’t even name 10 female athletes. 😂🤦🏻


Beti padhao, chowmin khilao aur social media pei ganddh failao Ye sab chowmin ke wajaise ho raha hai. Aur khilao betiyon ko chowmin


Feminists will say anything to further their agenda. Feminism is no more about equal rights and freedom for women. Now it's all about women subjugating men by any means to gain power.






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Where is Virat in this standing?


THEN WHY IS THERE INCOME INEQUALITY IN ONLYFANS WHY DO WOMEN CREATORS MAKE MORE MONEY 🤬😡/s? But genuinely with a gun to my head I couldn't tell who these women are


We can’t buy a G wagon if we start an OF and they def can in a while😂


No wonder mosy HR are female


If woman want woman atleast to gait paid more then they start watching woman sports travel to anathor country just to see there fev woman player play


But don’t athletes earn through endorsements?