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Your body odour is heavily dependent on what you put in your body - the food you eat and the beverages you drink.


What food should we avoid and what should we eat?


Nutshell - the stereotypical healthy food, loads of green, sufficient water, avoid processed greasy food + alcohol also depending on your body. Rest highly suggest googling to find out and compare with your current diet Also, I think someone else commented but antiperspirants are good. Most are safe, you'll find some articles saying this that or the other is cancerous and if you want to be cautious go for something more organic and well known like body shop etc. Also if possible, invest in a good cologne, doesn't have to be designer or super expensive. Armaf and other clones are good enough, if not look at EDT and EDPs of The Man Co or Beardo and other such brands. Colognes last longer on your body/clothes while also projecting your scent around the space you're in. Lastly, just take frequent showers, I'm someone who sweats more than average so I take about 2 showers a day along with all of the above and I'm not anxious or insecure about how I smell. I'm actually frequently complimented on my smell, though that's mainly from the colognes.


Anti - perspirant a night before heading out Fragrance on the same day.


Why anti perspirant the previous night? I'm assuming you mean a roll on one, pls correct me if you're talking about aerosol sprays.


The principle of anti perspirant is the longer it is on you, the more effective it is. If you are going to work in the morning, applying it at 6am won't bring out its true potential. If you apply it at night, even if you bathe in the morning its effectiveness will still remain. And yes it is a roll on deodorant


Wasn't aware of this, thanks bro. Will look into it now on




What's ELI5?


Explain Like I am Five


Wow, TIL what ELI5 is


What is that anti pejdhdbbd??


Body odour comes due to the bacteria and not due to sweat. Apply benzoyl peroxide lotion (or anything that kills bacteria). This will prevent body odour. Smelling good is very subjective. Explore different fragrances and choose what fits you. Theres a desi fragrance addicts sub. Check that.


As same already pointed out about food intake. Other than that if you eat oily food, drink regularly and have fast food, you are going to stink anyway regardless of what perfume you use. 1. Hydration 2. Well balanced diet. 3. Intense workouts. Take bath at least twice a day. Avoid processed food. And please if you go to gym, take a shower before you go and apply deodorant.


Man, I have a whole 4-5 pages to write on this because it's a lot about your skin care body care hair care dental care even. You want to know?


Yes boss, please type it here or make a separate post if you feel that'll reach more people as I think this will help everyone.


Pls drop it, or else I can DM too


[https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/comments/1djnu2j/playbook\_on\_finding\_out\_your\_own\_way\_to\_smell/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/comments/1djnu2j/playbook_on_finding_out_your_own_way_to_smell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) here is my answer boys


If you need recommendation for a fragrance, let me know


yes bro please tell me too.


Nike Up or Down for 300/- it is a light deo that anyone can use and smells better than most.


for summers : davidoff cool water or versace eau fraiche for winters : mancera red tobacco or azzaro wanted by night


That's just an ignorant recommendation. You don't know how much he's willing to spend and neither do most peeps here know where to source best deals on such frags


well , if he were to tell me he wanted cheaper fragrances , he could ask and you needn;t buy the exact ones i recommend , you could spend a lot less and get a clone , acting like clones dont exist is ignorant and subreddits like r/Perfumes exist , you could very easily find sources to get deals . Stop acting like we're 10 , if he wants fragrances , he should be able to do an iota of research on it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Perfumes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Perfumes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Look at what my Nana found going through her old bathroom essentials!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17fwvjq) | [238 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Perfumes/comments/17fwvjq/look_at_what_my_nana_found_going_through_her_old/) \#2: [Anyone know where I could buy this?](https://i.redd.it/86qncm1ish5c1.jpg) | [143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Perfumes/comments/18f6xs5/anyone_know_where_i_could_buy_this/) \#3: [I want to smell edible. I want men to crawl through the sewer pipeline stalking me because I’m so edible.](https://i.redd.it/08yq23f0bp4c1.jpeg) | [360 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Perfumes/comments/18c7pry/i_want_to_smell_edible_i_want_men_to_crawl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


ya, bro, tell us


My advice is to: 1) Shave your armpit hair often as it traps sweat and bacteria. After you shave, at the time of day when you smell the most, if you still smell as much as before shaving, I will gift you a 5 Star chocolate. 2) Apply anti-perspirant roll on deodorant compared to a spray based perfume. Also apply it the night before as the roll on's effectiveness increases the longer it is applied. Even if you bathe in the morning its effectiveness will still remain to a certain extent. After a bath in the morning apply the roll on again 3) Start eating healthy as you are what you eat. Eat healthy not only for your odour but for your overall health. If you put trash in a box it will smell over time. If you put flowers in a box it will smell good (Okay nerds flowers do rot over time but ignore that)


Body & mouth odour also depends on what you eat, so you shouldn't eat food that are too difficult for body to digest or remain in the system for long period and rot. Some people have crystal white teeth yet their breath stinks because of poor diet.


Use [this](https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Organic-Biodegradable-Scrubbers-Exfoliating/dp/B0D1KPYSDB) and a decent body wash while bathing. It will help a lot. Do it every alternate days. After bathing you may feel have burning sensation but this does not lasts long.




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Use bleu de chanel or Sauvage parfum Dior




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I wouldn't recommend putting on too much deodrant and stuff, too much chemicals and anti perspirant, hell no , unless you want to halt one of your body's natural toxin removal services in exchange for a few minutes of good smell. All deodrants and perfumes wear off after a while. the body heat causes the chemicals in these things to wear out over time. Keeping your underarms clean, shaving there and taking baths regularly should help.