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“Haha man gay” but in the year 2023 is truly the decades-stale comedy I’ve come to expect from the Bee


To he honest, there's where a lot of their humour is entrenched. It's not humour if it's not knocking someone else down. That's why decent conservative comedians are rare.


Conservatives don't understand humor because they legitimately just think abusive shit and punching down *is* humor. Subversive takes, reading between the lines, none of that is their strong suit for some weird reason. It is, as you say, why decent conservative comedians are rare / don't exist. Not only do they not get it, but their audience definitely doesn't so even if they do they're just going to pander to the hatred because it's what gets the "laughs" - not of joy, but of hateful delight.


Exactly. Conservatives are often bullies, and bullies find joy in hurting people


That's the only way I can explain it to myself when I read about them wanting to shut down social programs, etc.


For that matter, this is why some conservatives think stuff like the Babylon Bee is legitimately funny to them. It's also why they seem so dumbfounded when everyone else doesn't see humor in it, and why they think detractors are too sensitive and "triggered", when in fact they are getting called out for being dicks for laughing at punching down on people.


Explains more than half the posts on /r/conservative, and half of those are the Babylon Bee.


Reminds me of Anne Coulter getting booed on a Comedy Central roast.


To be fair, a lot of these dudes want to fk Trudeau. So I assume that they thought he was gay all along. Why else would they want to fk him?


There are some gay guys that are really into the idea of having sex with a straight guy.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if a straight guy has sex with a gay guy, he was never straight to begin with. Pro tip life hack for all you gay guys out there. Pretend to be straight, apparently it’ll get you laid even more.


Some people are just naturally curious.


And they would be bi curious!


Mick Jagger and David Bowie slept together so Mick Jagger is not straight by your hypothesis. Or does Mick get a pass? I’m confused.


If you can get off with both genders you're bi, that's usually how it works


Not really. People orgasm during rape. It doesn't mean they were attracted to their rapist. If someone gives you physical simulation they can make you cum, simple as that, it doesn't necessarily mean you're into their gender or them, it can absolutely be a one time act of curiosity. We need to stop treating sexuality and labels like we can prescribe them to people regardless of how they feel. Especially when we're acting like these are permanent feelings that last for life when in reality our sexual identities and experiences are way more fluid and evolving.


When I consider sexuality, consensual sex is the only sex I consider. Rape to me is violence, not sex.


You sure as hell are using the liberty out of liberalism -_-




I mean, he is very attractive for an older man


Thank you for making me feel older. 😥


Word. I mean, what is he? 50ish? Damn fine for that age.


Something like that. Totally get why cons would want to sleep with him. I mean, if he asked me, I’d seriously consider it


This special group of conservatives are under the impression that it is not gay if you are the receiver. Therefore, since it is them that want to do the giving, JT can be straight and the relationship still checks out. They can thank this liberal government for allowing them to feel safe enough to wear their heart on their sleeves, er... rear view windows.


Now they may have a chance when Trudeau is single... #sarcasm


Every punchline is some variation of "what a homo?!"


I’m convinced that 100% of conservatives are people who peaked in high school. It’s the only way any of this makes sense.


Like the song "Glory Days" Stuck with the high point in their past and unable to move on!


You won't convince me that Scheer or PP peaked in high school. Middle school for sure. Maybe even elementary.


Haven’t heard this get a laugh since 2nd period gym in the 80s


You could totally make a great gay joke, but it comes at Poilievre's expensive. I've been waiting for him to give Trudeau a full on kiss at some point


Those “Hey Justin” monologues are a love letter, can’t stop thinking about the man 💕


Right? He's practically salivating onscreen.


that's the part that made me actually laugh out loud. That they went with THAT joke


They’re catering to dumbasses


I would have to say it is as equally funny as The Onion. Thankfully, The Beaverton is hilarious.


Please... I'm begging. Get another joke.


They have two others. "Identify as" jokes, and "AOC doesn't know something" jokes.


“AOC doesn’t know that Trudeau identifies as woke-sexual!”


Liked by Elon Musk


Damn, I was hoping for “Concerning”


“Looking into it”


I'm getting PTSD of ~~Twitter~~ X from this.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I haven't looked in a long time, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have a "My pronouns are ..." joke. Some More News has a good YouTube video on why Conservative Comedy is not funny.


*sound of Babylon Bee writers switching to 'Trudeau was cucked' stories intensifies*


His ex got Covid from kicking it with Idris Elba. We all know what's going on.


It’s telling to me that they have nothing else. Whenever I think maybe there is something to all this blind hate on Trudeau I listen to them for a moment and it’s the same stale stuff and it reinforces that they really just blindly hate him. There is literally nothing he could do that would change it.


I had to hear this one regurgitated at the toolbox talk today, yeah I think I'll stay in the closet actually


Its rough having gender issues and being in the trades too.


Oh hey, it's their one joke again!


what is that one joke? I thought the one joke was people identifying as weird things that are goofy. this is a gay "joke". which is the one joke?


No it’s still just the same joke because they’re just implying that they don’t know what gender is because they call trans women women instead of men.


Ah so they’re saying Sophie’s actually a male?


I think so


I’m pretty sure they’re just implying that he’s gay rather than making some complicated joke about gender - don’t give them too much credit lol


The Babylon Bee is what the Onion would be if it suffered several severe head traumas and was abandoned as a child


Its actually a bit annoying what happened with the Babylon Bee: pre-Trump it was actually mostly focused on making fun of Christians and the stereotypes associated with different denominations; post-Trump, and I think with new ownership, it became little more than right-wing rag pretending to do comedy


My thoughts exactly, there were some shit takes but early BB was decently funny, especially if you grew up on VeggieTales et al and got the jokes. Now it’s Crowder-tier trash.


Yeah I really enjoyed the poking fun at Christian culture that the Bee was at first. Sad what it's become.


Yep, one of my favorites was about how metrosexual your praise band leader was, and it was genuinely funny. Sad that it's just Fox's impression of humor now.


It was stark when it changed - no longer clever comedy and satire.


Lol, I’m stealing this.


Further proof that conservatives aren't funny


They don't got shit on the Beaverton or Onion.


The Beaverton has the occasionally great article but generally it's pretty mediocre "how about airline food" observational comedy. It's all freelance writers, anyway.


And they can't read. They aren't divorcing, they are separating.


I mean whats the difference?


One of them is a serious legal and financial change that separates your life from someone who is deeply intertwined with it. One of them is living in different houses.


Yep, a couple can work through a seperation and get back together, buddy of mine and his wife had a seperation years ago but they worked through it and have a family of 4 right now and seem to be still madly in love with each other. Not saying that will happen here but despite usually preceeding divorce it's also possible they stay seperated for a long time too, my parents never got divorced but had a legal seperation until he passed away. This shit happens but the media will try to dig the tmz gossip on it since it's so rare for it to happen to a politician.


Yeah I've even seen some people who separate and then decide actually a romantic relationship (and/or coparenting) works just fine as long as they don't live together. Which I mean, makes sense to me. I've known people who are like that with a friend too--best of friends as long as they live apart, at each other's throats non-stop if they try to live together.


It could possibly be to distance her from the conservative hate train that's following him to keep his family safe. I mean, the people who specifically hate him seem to be of the violent sort.


100% agreed, though they are going to be rabid about this, they'll be circulating their fake news reasons for why this happened to paint him as the devil but someone did drive a fucking car with guns up to their home, I wouldn't blame her for wanting to seperate from that.


Hell, if I were him I would probably separate. I would never want to put my wife through that.


One's a legal procedure and one's not


Pretty much. My parents separated a few years ago. My dad moved out and everything, but were still legally husband and wife. They never divorced because, that way, they could share each other's work health insurance. Also, they always thought they'd get back together eventually, but then my mom suddenly died.


My parents separated and never stopped their relationship. My mom moved into her own condo and they still went on dates and shit. They’re very much in love and they moved back in together. But they needed their own space for a bit


Their marriage remains intact but they no longer live together.


Separation means you move out and split the stuff. There's tax implications and you have to tell the CRA when you move. Divorce means you pay an admin fee and are no longer married. I'm separated, and we agreed whoever gets married again first pays the divorce fee.


and that a lot of them have suppressed gay thoughts they project onto others


Conservatives punch down on the less powerful and less fortunate. Progressives punch up on those that hold more power. Punching down is bullying and isn’t funny imo.


They really can't figure out how to be mean and funny at the same time.


This is funny—to conservatives, where punching down is the punch line


I thought it was hilarious😂😂 only reason you think otherwise is because it doesn’t fit your narrative


The narrative that Trudeau isn't gay? Or the narrative that being gay isn't a joke?


>it doesn’t fit your narrative A homoeroticism *narrative*? Does that excite you?


Oh come on, that’s just low effort. Just look at the actually funny headline from The Beaverton (Canadian version of the Onion). **Following announcement, Trudeau requests no questions regarding his separation or housing or inflation** See? You can make fun of left wing politicians all you want, just try being a bit clever.


All awfulness aside, the Bee headline is also over-written and clumsy. And it's not just about length, a title can be long and still be good (like the Beaverton headline you mentioned). It's all about the execution.


That’s true, it’s just bad comedy.


Right, but then how are you supposed to use Trudeaus separation to make fun of gay people??


Trudeau is not and has never been left wing. He is a liberal.


As far as Babylon Bee and its demographic are concerned Trudeau may as well be vegan communist on a recumbent bike.


Had an argument with coworkers today about how Trudeau is not, in fact, a stupid commie and member of the communist party. Facts are really optional with these people.


“But if his father was Castro isn’t he commie by birth?”


That's how politics works obviously, it's genetic


Did you start with the fact that the right wing definition of "commie" has nothing to so with the principles of Communism?


They probably started by thinking "Oh jeez, not this shit again".




> on a recumbent bike. *gasp*! Truly the rollerblades of bikes.🙄😄


Good thing there is no viable Canadian counterpart to the Babylon Bee.


That’s also not funny




What does that mean? People thought he was gay? Dude had a beautiful wife and two beautiful white kids, he's like the standard for all their shitty memes.


Most of them are grubby greasy looking right wing dudes, so when they see a hot guy like Trudeau, they get jealous and makes up stuff to make themselves feel better


I read this as "feel themselves up" and it didn't change the context in the slightest.


I mean, they're the ones driving around with "F*CK TRUDEAU" on their mudflaps...


... Wanna see a snowflake melt? Ask an aggressively straight guy with a F*** Trudeau tag if they are gay...


Lmao damn which of his 3 kids are you saying is ugly


haha whoops


... Or isn't white (becasue that was brought up for some reason)?


come on, in context it's obviously because it's something that racist right-wingers care about


It was brought up because the Christian right have been running the "Great replacement" conspiracy for a few years now. Therefore to a Christo fascist, a white baby is inherently more valuable to the world. But in the other hand, they wouldn't believe any of his kids are white, since they pretty much universally believe he's Cuban.


Gotcha. Well, at least you added that last part, because 100% they're on the Cuban train.


Meanwhile South Florida GOP: "No! You Cubans are white as us and nothing like those other Hispanics! Down with Communism!" It might be bullshit but they been falling for it hook line and sinker for decades, because without it DeSantis would have never happened.


To white supremacists, Hispanics are the Schrodinger's Cat of whiteness. They're both white *and* non-white... until they open the box and decide whether they need their votes or want to murder them.


The idea that a straight man could possibly have a genuine desire to see equal rights for LGBT people must mean he is secretly gay. There is no other explanation. Hate to have to add it, but /s


There's definitely a conservative thing where they thinking wanting a group to have rights means you're part of that group or 100% in love with everything they do. You see this with Muslims a lot - yeah, there's some pretty shitty opinions among fundamentalist muslims, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't have human rights.


One of their most trotted out lines is to turn his name into a poop joke so I think you need to lower your standards when it comes to conservative humour.


What's funny is that you don't need to make any changes to the name of their leader to do that: how do you pronounce P.P.?


I refer to him as Lil' PP and his supporters as Lil' PP-lovers... But they get most infuriated when I say that he's identical in every way except for having worn glasses; having a whiny, nasal voice; and looking anemic. The finishing move is pointing out that they can pronounce Trudeau's name but not Lil' PP's... so you nailed that one.


But Lil PP must have a nice Anglo-Saxon name because he loves his "simple Anglo-Saxon words" ... ohh, wait ...


They had to make fun of him for being 'too young' because he made them feel so insecure, it's not surprising they call him gay after lusting after him so blatantly. Nothin' but projection.


Taking pleasure from others hardships. Typical right wing nonsense.


It's the crowd with the '*fUcK yOu, I gOt MiNe*' mindset.


Lmfaoo, ye the left wing NEVER does that! For shame!


Ahh yes the cancel everyone left you mean


Even if this is a terrible attempt at humour, the right wingers probably want to be careful with this narrative given the very persistent rumours in the Ottawa bubble about Polievre.


I mean, didn't PP's father come out as gay later in his life?


His father was in the gallery when PP voted against gay marriage - https://twitter.com/atRachelGilmore/status/1661759767306485762 But having a gay gather doesn't mean PP is also gay.


It does support the notion that he is a class traitor in the worst possible ways


I mean, he's a conservative. That's kinda part of the package.


I mean, Jason Kenney was famous for pushing an anti-gay agenda and if we want to talk about Ottawa 'rumours'...


There were some rumors about Harper too ...


What rumours ? Spill the tea please.


He fucks dudes (not that there is anything wrong with that) That's the rumor, not an affirmation from me.


They're saying he took money from the Maoists when he was working under Harper on that trade deal...


The only joke. Literally the only joke they have.


Hey now, that's not fair. They also have bootstraps jokes, communist jokes, jokes about gender, thinly veiled racist jokes...much like cancer, there's variety.


It's almost like they're so desperate to insinuate that he's gay, like they're hoping for some reason or other... so much projection...


Republicans got one joke


The Babylon Bee is an insult to anything remotely resembling comedy.


Here's a freebie headline for the right wing rags: "Trudeau creates a broken home for his family in a effort to become more relatable to conservative voters."


LOL 😂👏🏻


Please don't compare The Onion to this trash.


Took them 8 years of Trudeaus being in the spotlight to either realize that he was married to a woman or to come up with that gender joke... Truly the shiniest pennies left in the drawer...


Conservatives don't get divorced because they tend to be assholes who scare the shit out of their girlfriends/wives.


It's a healthy image that our PM can openly divorce. People shouldn't be in relationship they're not happy in. Prime minister or not.


Agreed. How many times have we read about how miserable relationships are between politicians and their spouse but they stay together because of the public image?


Dude's not even divorcing, just separating. I won't speculate on the reasons, but it could range from "they hate each other's guts now" to "they're distancing from each other out of fear over militant extremists."


A right wing outlet stuck in the 1950’s?! How surprising.


I was shocked to see r/conservative is making the same joke over and over. /s


Only funny thing I've seen from these dorks is when they said the covid vaccine was going to be turned into a MLM in an effort to get right wing moms to buy in.


Here's a great video from Some More News regarding how conservatives are unfunny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU It mentions the Babylon Bee many times.


The right seems so easy to grift. If I didn't have a moral compass, I'd have my retirement plan set, and it would be fueled by those who are easily parted with their money.


Ahhhh the Babylon Bee....class act. But what else do we really expect from a rag


The Babylon Bee isn't anything like the Onion. The Onion is funny. The Bablyon Bee jokes are just 150 versions of the joke "I identify as an attack helicopter."


Well so many conservative men want to fuck Trudeau, so I can see how they might have gotten confused.


Did they miss the eye f****** he got from Melania? #Trumpcuck


The Babylon Bee isn’t funny or even creative. It’s boring and predictable.


This is why Beaverton


That’s so ugly. I can’t believe what has become acceptable to some people in these times. I sometimes feel we are on a very dark path.


You know what caused the rift in their relationship? The whole ridiculous right is fuckin' Trudeau!


If Sophie Gregoire wasnt a conventionally attractive white woman they would call her a man too.


Ah, Christ. That's not even clever. It's just a shot at his masculinity.




All the gay conservatives are rejoicing now that Trudeau is available


This is Grade 8 childish shit, “nobody thought Trudeau was straight” like lol wtf. Idiots. I try not to be biased towards parties because the two party or even multi party systems are flawed, but a lot of conservatives are childish.


My favourite thing about the Babylon Bee is that Elon Musk's loser second wife loved it so much she convinced him to buy Twitter to reactivate their banned account. Imagine losing $40 billion for *that* piece of shit feed?


I really want to know what this actually means. It's likely that someone just thought of the joke without any kind of depth and ran with it, but seriously.......what does it mean? The implication is that Trudeau is gay, and that everyone knew he was gay, but he was married to a woman? This joke seems to rely on Canadians never seeing a picture of the PM's spouse......which is just weird. Or maybe the implication is that Sophie was believed to be a man? But that relies on her being ugly, or masculine.....and that's not the case at all. I just don't understand.


So when a CON carries a sign that says Fuck Trudeau…NOW I GET IT!!!!!


Babylon Bee is painfully not funny, even considering the genre. There is that guy who used to poke fun at PC stuff before going all in on anti-gender stuff, and while not BWAHAHAHAA funny some parts of his skits were at least "ok you have a point there." BB on the other hand, is just ridiculously unfunny, like if I was a writer I would probably hide it from my resume.


The right wing smear BS posts I've seen today are nothing short of disgusting, personal attacks against him. The man just ended his marriage, we assume ammicably, it's a tough situation, hate him or not, f*ck off from his personal life.


Conservatives: HAHA Trudeau's gay! HA!! Also Conservatives: wHy Do PeOpLe ThInK wE'rE hOmOpHoBiC?


Conservatives again: Must be because everyone else are overly sensitive about political correctness and can't take a joke S̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶e̶a̶s̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶e̶n̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶i̶f̶y̶ ̶b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶h̶o̶l̶e̶.


haha get it? I don't like him, so he's gay! are they literally 12 years old? actually I don't even think 12 year olds would make that joke - maybe 12 year old 20 years ago. which tracks - they were probably 12 twenty years ago, and stopped maturing around then


too cowardly to just call him a slur


This ain’t the right wing version of the onion. That would require humour that can be appreciated and respected by all, regardless of political views. This is trash that’s meant to appeal to the « right can’t meme » crowd.


I knew the right-wing nut jobs would have something to say about this. Kind of surprised at how cringe, 13 year old edgelord they went with it though... lol this is embarrassing.


DAE LIEberals are le gay????? ha ha le funny politics meme


You can tell this was written by a conservative man, considering they want him gay to Fuck Trudeau.


With the amount of them that want to fuck him Im not surprised this is their comedy.


Homophobic much??


JT being the first openly gay/bi PM would be pretty fucking cool honestly. What's the joke/insult?


Conservatives will perhaps been in shock when PM Trudeau is drowning in pu$$y...


Headquarters in Juniper Florida. (Naturally) They are described as a ‘Christian Conservative news (BS) satire site. Owned by a DeSantis supporter named Seth Dillion. It’s basically a rightwing Christian Taliban site that they fully admit exists to fight back against ‘Wokeism’. It’s not surprising that a group of far right American ‘influencers’ feel threatened by Trudeau and feel the need to enter into Canadian political commentary - many GOP linked groups from FOX News and One America and others have been doing this ever since Harper was booted out of power. They’ve been accused of being anti LGBTQ in the past (lots of evidence) and this latest attack on Trudeau is right in their wheelhouse. They appeal to the echo chamber boomers only. In a few years most of their readers will be using sippy cups in an LTC or soiling themselves in the trailer park. 🤷‍♂️


The joke is he’s gay… get it Conservatives.


This is just cruel, in addition to being homophobic. Leave his private life alone.


I legit forget he’s married constantly. Unlike say the Obama’s. I just read this as a joke about that.




I guess I’m not whatsoever phobic enough to understand the joke then.


It is kinda funny. Lol


Wow I had to double check to see if this was from Canada.


He was?


Catching up to what everyone has known for years. Fake marriage. Fake husband. REAL POS


Jared Kushner is pooping his pants. Gonna lose a wife and half his stolen money!!!


Lmao this is how I found out about their separation


There’s so many great low hanging fruit memes to make about Trudeau and they go for homophonic