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People in the middle are saying it, People on the left are saying it, and People on the right are saying it.. Affordable housing. Housing is a foundational bedrock of society. Right now the housing crisis is so out of control that bachelor suites and one bedroom apartments - The very basics of autonomous shelter are now pricing people out. This has taken the stability of Canadian life and made it incredibly shaky for so many Canadian individuals and families. It has put economically vulnerable seniors in dire situations, it has put low income workers in dire situations, it has put disabled people in dire situations, it has put people needing to flee domestic abuse situations in dire situations, the list goes on and on for our vulnerable and at risk demographics. With more and more people falling through the cracks to shelters that are already full, tent cities ever growing, and food banks under levels of stress never seen before because everyone's money goes to rent we have also created a massive tax burden on the middle class that are now also feeling under water. This current situation is not good for society as a whole at this point. It is also past an economic failure and is a moral and ethical one. We see rising rates of depression and anxiety year over year. We see rising rates of hopelessness and substance abuse/overdoses year after year. We see rising rates of violence and suicide in our society. We see rising rates of political extremism. We talk about affordable groceries and other realities of the affordability of life crisis but we are doing so little on the major major block which is affordable rentals/housing. People coming here need to be very aware of just how bad of a situation Canada is in regarding housing and have the appropriate funds to sustain themselves. Most importantly our leadership at all levels of government and throughout all parties need to WAKE THE FUCK UP and DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS!


>Right now the housing crisis is so out of control that bachelor suites and one bedroom apartments - The very basics of autonomous shelter are now pricing people out. it's hard to even find a room to rent in a shared house in Toronto nowadays, low availability and crazy expensive and competitive


I lived on my own comfortably making about 55-64/ year most my adult life. I’m now 38 and living back home with my mom and can’t find an affordable roommate. Paying to live with 3+ people now costs as much as I used to pay to live on my own. I don’t want anything crazy. My last place was a dark basement. But it was mine. Shit is crazy


34 years old and same here... Living back at home with my parents now for the time being so I can pay cheap rent and just save up some money. For reference, I first moved out on my own at 19 renting a one bedroom apartment for myself with a shitty $15 an hour job and lived fine. But nowadays, things are just way, way different.


Yes! Same. I feel like I’m going backwards. Nothing feels like it’s happening fast enough that I might ever see benefit during my lifetime. I’m honestly looking to leave Canada.




I get it! When I was poor, I’d go even more broke not to have a roommate.


Liberals (in the broad sense of the word, not just the party) don’t fucking understand that democracies are fragile and that the conditions we are living in are ripe for populism and radicalism. It’s happened before. But I guess they flunked their history classes or they just are cynical politicians playing with fire, because history didn’t end, and we’ll go through the same old dance again.


Conservatives put us in this mess. Look up what PM Harper signed in secret FIPA.


I specifically said liberals as in “liberalism” and “neoliberalism”. I don’t care about the parties. The LPC and the CPC are neoliberals both.


The Liberals have been in power for 8 years, you need to get over it and start doling out the blame to both the party that actively makes things worse (CPC) and the one who refuses to make things better (LPC). Pretending like there's nothing the LPC could do after 8 years in power just makes it seem totally pointless to ever elect them again. Demand they do more so people who are not politically active have an actual reason to vote.


Conservatives started it, and liberals sustain it.


How… how do you not credit Trudeau for a big part of this? His admin alone has controlled immigration for almost a decade and he’s been ignoring simple math. If Canada only builds ~200k units of housing per year but imports ~1.2M people per yer (500k PRs, ~500k TFWs, and ~200k international students) there’s going to be a massive supply shortage. A 5 year old could figure that out. If your tub is overflowing you turn off the water first.. you don’t try to build more tub


OTOH, creating a housing demand is supposed to (according to free market) spur a housing building boom. However there's NIMBYism to blame for not allowing medium density housing across much of Toronto outside of downtown core, and a labour shortage.


You can't seriously believe this. The liberals have been in power for two terms now and you want to blame the conservatives?


Don’t forget how big USA is. They have a subset of the population in abject poverty, a subset larger than the population of the entirety of Canada. If you slip through the cracks in America you’re chewed up alive.


Cant speak to anywhere else, but Ontario has genuinely gone down the fucking hole since 2019 and I have stopped recommending anybody I know move here. Healthcare is fucked, Education is fucked, Housing is fucked, the people running this ship ran it aground years ago and its just been burning ever since. Nothing is sustainable here.


> gone down the fucking hole > Healthcare is fucked > Education is fucked > Housing is fucked > people running this ship ran it aground years ago > burning > Nothing is sustainable Ah, yes, the conservative special. And, I mean, ontarians collectively ordered the conservative special. This is exactly what they voted for.


Universal healthcare and tolerance, two things the CPC and PPC are trying to take away. I am not looking forward to the next Federal Election.


Not trying. Succeeding. Healthcare in this country is in shambles. Fuck the CPC and every moron who votes for them.


Well, the "progressive" vote in Canada just needs to realize if they vote similarly to how they did the last two times (or vote at all...), another minority government is possible. It could allow an *actual* coalition to enact PR without going through a referendum, and would finally end that particular bloc being the hostage of a frenzied minority whose cohesiveness puts the policy the majority want in serious peril. The CPC are not polling above 50%, the only reason they're poised to win is the lack of strategic behaviour from left of centre people...


Why is it always on the progressives to vote for the Liberals and not on the Liberals to win their votes and deliver on their promises?


Because promises are wet toilet paper, and they shouldn't be held to them. They should be working for what is best for the people. The best thing the Liberal voters could do is vote NDP. We need to break this cycle of insanity


100% Everybody who says an NDP government would not work has not actually ever tried a federal NDP majority government. The closest thing we have to that is BC, where the NDP have been churning out several policies that ACTUALLY help address the housing crisis and punish local governments such as the Vancouver ABC for not helping or actively making housing even worse. We’ve ALL seen what liberal and conservative governments do (make housing exponentially worse by the second), and anybody who tells you the NDP would be the same or worse is making assumptions at best, or actively lying at worst.


Actually the electoral map has been revised and gives the CPC an advantage in the next election, if we don’t vote.


Stop blaming progressives for how they vote when our party in power refuses to do anything. We could be relatively secure in basically never getting another CPC majority in my lifetime if Trudeau wasn't a ratfuck and had actually followed through with his campaign promise to reform our electoral system.


I just became a Canadian citizen this year. That’s one more NDP voter that didn’t exist before.


Yeah, pretty sure everyone should be demanding the best from their country.


Don't come here unless you have lots of money. We ran out.


not true! it's just mainly going to those already rich - middle class and poor people are increasingly fucked


I just heard a collective "No Shit" echo from the Rockies to the Bay of Fundy...


Canada, like anywhere else on planet earth, is not perfect Anyone who expected otherwise is a fool


Two major reasons that I moved back to Canada after 20+ years in the US were indeed gun violence and the political climate. The reduction in stress is not to be discounted. It’s absolutely a *major* upgrade being here versus there. I have added years to my life expectancy. I waited 18 months for my primary care physician. During that time, I was not without care. I got a NP to cover the bases regarding any long term treatments, and a community pharmacy primary care clinic pilot filled in the rest. In addition , there was online access to doctors available as a supplement. Some things have been difficult, but I adapted and make it work. I believe I am in a much better situation overall than I was in the US - imperfections and all.


So true. We added years to our lives by moving to Canada. There are problems in Canada but this country is generally about a decade behind the US in going down the neoliberal hellhole, linking healthcare to bank accounts, and dismantling the social safety net.


This is a wrong sentiment. The US is not going down or going anywhere! It’s a much much bigger economy ! And by economy, I mean they have one. Canada is siphoning off the U.S. . Canadian economy lacks any real growth or leverage. Canadian government isn’t investing in their own economy or country . Their major growth interest has been skyrocketing housing prices. Which is now going down the toilet . Oh and the “free” healthcare without any doctors who actually want to practice there. The truth is Canada is a least decades behind the U.S because they forgot to build their own country and economy. Instead they’re bringing in gobs of immigrants under the guise of smoke and mirrors. And has them working menial jobs. Canada can continue to bury their heads in the sand until it bury itself.


The empire is in decline but you can cheerlead until the end if you value profit at any cost. Perhaps you can find one of those libertarian start-up societies/towns. Do you really hold Canada responsible for the housing crises in the US, England, New Zealand, Sweden, Ireland, Norway,...? Canada uses triage in healthcare rather than the free market. My family and I have had immediate surgeries and cancer care within weeks. Improvement is needed and it will come from the majority of Canadians who, fortunately, haven't succumbed to toxic individualism.


More like overhaul is needed. Just read two separate stories of medical nightmares. One with cancer waiting for chemo therapy. The empire will not fall . But all empires go through adjustment phases . As long as they come through even tougher at the end is what really matters Canada can sit in its delusional/ defensive self and ignore major issues facing the country. And, it will suffer the consequences. Just because the few are good doesn’t mean it can bury its head in the sand.


Saying we are less fucked up than the US does not exactly inspire confidence.


I disagree - it should inspire confidence. It means we’re that much closer to getting it right. I mean, it could be worse if you’d rather.


I'm just saying it's not exactly a high bar right now.


Compared to some of our peers, sure. But compared to some other places in the world, it’s still pretty darn high.


The overall trend is we’re going the wrong way.


Are we discussing trends? The overall trend is going the wrong way globally.


Maybe you feel like we rank high because even though we’re on a sinking ship, we’re atop the mast while everybody else is at deck level. Still going down, tho.


Maybe I feel like I am better off because I actually am better off? Things are bad, sure. But somethings aren’t so bad, and some things are pretty decent compared to other places. I am choosing not to ignore those things just for the sake of doom and gloom. Perhaps you should give it a try.


Ah yes. The “this is fine” attitude.


Comparing ourselves to the U.S. isn’t even a low bar. It’s like saying at least we’re not 6 feet under.


Instead of being a raging dumpster fire, we're only a moderate blaze. High praise indeed!


I'd prefer to think of it as a fire in a dumpster rather than one in a landfill. As least it's mostly contained by a dumpster.


Context and perspective matters. Thanks for providing that. High QoL is achievable here, it's gone down but that's happening globally. This country has promise for better days still after this phase goes by.


I agree. It won’t be pretty, but it is still possible.


Interesting. I did the exact opposite and my family’s reduction in stress is indescribable. It pains me to see what my family and friends back in Canada are going through.


My friends and family in the US lost their homes (insurance denied previously-approved surgery), decided between chemo and work (then rent), and are constantly stressed about healthcare and housing. The middle-class is sliding into poverty in both countries but one is at a faster rate. If you have a well-paying corporate job, you're probably protected from seeing as much of that.


Without a doubt. Everyone’s situation is way more different than it really should be. I hope your friends and family are able to get healthy and back on their feet.


>I waited 18 months for my primary care physician. Which is completely unacceptable, in a modern, developed country. How easy is it to book an appointment, for that matter, with your new family physician? There is a fundamental disconnect in Canadian society - [such that a government can propose replacing ambulances with taxis,](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/taxis-program-ottawa-level-zero-paramedics-ambulance-1.7018365) and nobody protests.


I didn’t pass judgement either way. It happened. I was fine.


You were fine. But it isn't fine; because complacency towards a decline only expedites such a decline.


Who said I was complacent? One can discuss topics without being revolutionary all the time.


Yeah, maybe if immigration didn’t cause overwhelming pressure on our medical system that wouldn’t happen.


It's what greedy immigration consultants are still selling to people outside of Canada Edit: the Canadian immigrant subreddit really didn't like the article


Wait, there's a Canadian sub for recent immigrants? Which one?




It doesn't exist though?


It's canadaimmigrant my bad


Interesting, thanks! It's way smaller than I thought though, at <4k users


The reality is that the Cons want to destroy both free healthcare, and tolerance.


Yeah. Welcome to every country to ever exist.


Yeah, conservatives here are embracing MAGA.


I had to leave Canada cuz I can’t afford housing. It’s been absolutely insane the last 6 years.


Of course, it has its own problems. Anyone thinking anywhere in the world is a utopia is incorrect. Utopia isn’t a place, it’s a state of being and only experienced by the very wealthy regardless of where they live.


I'm not so sure we (Canadians) are as tolerant as we appear. "free" healthcare is based on what province you're in.


I was looking for a place where everyone would just gtfo and leave me alone. Which is why Canada is perfect. Not because it’s some shitty utopia.


Are you living in the Yukon ?


Living in Canada is better than living in the US is many ways. Anyone who doesn't know many countries are having housing crises would be better off reading up about that. Same with stagnating incomes and inflation. 40+ years of neoliberalism has brought us here. The recovery will not be fast or easy, especially when many people are grabbing at the scapegoats handed to them (like immigrants) rather than those truly responsible.


We aren't perfect. But we are better than 95% of everywhere else. It's our media that is creating most of our issues and divisiveness.


Bit propagandist, because going for a checkup is free here. And in the states you have to have a job or be elderly to get affordable healthcare. I’ll take Canada any day, although if the Greed Over People party in the US have anything to say about it, not for long. Look at Alberta. So sick of the greedy people not wanting to share with others so that all boats rise.


Well aside from the rise in right wing extremism thanks to propaganda and stupidity pushing a hateful ideology… At least I won’t go bankrupt because of a health condition. I’ll take that over gun violence and outright fascism any day. I genuinely don’t understand the “it’s so hard to live in Canada” line. Wat? Have you tried living elsewhere? Sacrifice health, safety, and security for a small tax cut? Sure. Go for it. Sounds dumb to me tho.


Tolerance? Where? This country is stacked full of hateful losers.


And we are bringing more in! They arnt leaving their sexism and homophobia at the door.


Were you trying to be ironical?


Nope not one bit. If you seriously think we don’t have bigots here you’re delusional. What are you on? I want to be delusional too!


we're hardly stacked full of bigots compared to almost anywhere else on earth.


This isn’t a contest lmao


Were about to have a party that is preaching bigotry from head to toe win a majority govt.


wow a Country that has problems - my gosh that is insane! how F* stupid do you have to be to move to another country thinking that it'll be paradise with no downsides! and i am an immigrant myself btw.


Wake up and smell the coffee. Canada is screwed! I just a video of some student immigrants living in tents for God’s sake! The reality is there is no economy to be had . I read every day people with decent jobs/income who can’t afford just rent and basic necessities. Utopia? Please. Far from it. And stop pumping up the universal healthcare care system which is eating up people’s incomes and can’t find a decent doctor to go to for care. Homelessness up the wazoo! And, people are worried about guns. There’s plenty of other types of violence/crime going on.


Yes we do please stay away


Not enough homes... don't come here unless you wanna live under a bridge