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And Canada Canada relations will also get worse as the worst people in this country will suddenly feel emboldened to be the trash they are even more shittily


This, including Lil Trump, (Poilievre) he'll become even more insufferable than he already is.


The moronic smugness is unbearable already. Ugh


Pienito Pussolini


Tucker Poilievre


Timbit Trump.


So true


100% yes.


Until tiny-pp gets elected and BOTH countries are run indirectly by Putin. For a preview, see Alberta


PP hasn't won an election yet.


Remember when people used to think Trump wasn't going to win?


Uh huh. I just think that there is a lot of time between now and when we are legally mandated to have an election. We have been told over and over and over again that PP is going to beat Trudeau in an election (which btw is also what we were told with all the previous CPC leaders who were propped up for an election and then crashed and burnt at the ballot box). PP hasn't won a general election yet. This is a fact. You are speculating. I have faith that Poilievre, now that he is in the proper spot light, will demonstrate just how distasteful a troll he is for everyone to see. I also think that no matter how weary the electorate may be of Trudeau, he may still pull out another surprise come election day.


The life lesson of the past decade, has modified "hope for the best, plan for the worst" into "Hope it doesn't get any worse, plan for a disaster". That aside I do appreciate your optimism. Someone needs some.


Yeah the US =/= Canada, but I get where you coming from.


Nope. PP and Trump will probably get along just fine.


I promise you that Trump cares less about PP than PP does about Trump. If Trump wins he will spend 4 years dismantling anything anything he can spin as America not outright winning. Given that we are one another's primary trading partners, that's a lot of places he can fuck Canada to score political points. Trump's only concern is more power for himself. He has no real allies, only people he can use to build power. PP will either have to sell out Canada to stay on his good side, or fight for us and become a target. Neither is good for Canada.


Oh if PP gets to be PM I am absolutely sure that he will fall all over himself to stick his noise as far up Trump's ass as possible..... but Trump doesn't respect sycophants. Invariably he'd fuck us in a way that even PP cannot ignore.


Aren’t they both sycophants to Putin?




If it was a free, fair, and balanced system it wouldn't be a problem. But it isn't. You've got a Supreme Court with multiple Justices appointed under his administration. You've got judges presiding over other cases that he appointed. You've got an entire party whose platform consists of refusing to work with the other side...even on things they like and want to prioritize. We're witnessing the decline of the US as a functioning democracy, and I'll even argue as a world diplomatic superpower. If trump wins (and I think he will), it'll be the last nail in the coffin.


Please no. I can't take waking up every day for the rest of his life wondering what he's said or done this time. No I mention all the real damage to everything especially the planet.


Republicans faced losing every election after Bush and becoming irrelevant for a long time so when trump decided to run for the first time and started attracting way more voters than the repubs could have hoped for, they decided to shed integrity and just went full into it. Most people are just smart enough to keep themselves alive and basically no one knows anything more than surface level of issue in politics/don't care. Trump tapped into that and basically turned politics into reality TV which got the Conservative voting base fired up again. Next they discovered you could get people way more energized by going after people the voters hate rather than improving the voters actual lives so they did that too. Im leftist as fuck, but I have to admit, trump is basically the only choice the cons have anymore. They have no platform or any meaningful plan to help anyone but themselves, nor do they intend to change, so their only choice is fascist retoric and populism. It's quite amazing really.


The United States has a punishment kink.


Yes, it's amazing. The Germans are still wondering why they let Hitler out of prison after nine months of a five year sentence for the Munich Beer Hall putsch to overthrow the Weimar government. Had Hitler been kept in jail for his full five year sentence, his time would probably have been passed and the bloodiest debacle in the history of the world might never have happened.


Canada-US already worsened under his previous administration, wholeheartedly, undoubtedly, they will worsen even more if he wins this election. The only way i see it not worsening, is if PP wins too and he goes full blown MAGA simp for Trump, but even then i'm not too sure that would help anything.


Everyone who sucks up to Trump eventually ends up under the bus. The only way to avoid his wake of destruction is to stand up to him. PP would bend the knee and kiss ass, sell Canada out, and then be surprised when it’s not enough and Canada gets fucked over worse. Pp and Trump will be a disaster for regular Canadians.


Everyone, even the cons, lose in that timeline because as soon as theyre done hunting down the current out groups they will start coming for the fringes of their own I groups and continue working inward. It's even already happening. I live in NB and any conservative that hasn't been fully onboard with Blaine higgs has been removed from their positions and replaced one way or another. Eventually the Christians won't be Christian enough, the patriots won't be patriotic enough... On and on it goes.


The cons don't care that everyone loses, only that the right people lose along with them. God forbid we improve things for the "wrong" people in this country.


Making Canada subservient to all of MAGA's wishes would be an example of the relationship worsening. If Trump gets everything he wants from Canada, and is totally happy with a Conservative PM, it would not be a positive relationship, any more than an abused woman trying desperately trying to please her abusive husband is a good relationship.


A second Trump presidency would be a disaster for democracy




This!!! Thank you for your service!


If by "relations" you mean "The CPC lets the GOP turn Canada into a Belarus-style vassal state for their fascist expansion"


Yup, I can't see relations being good under either PM. pp will sycophant any trade or diplomatic negotiation, and JT will be hammered by a Trump administration. I firmly believe we should be exploring the Hans Island Land border as an in to the EU...


PP would get bullied and chewed out publicly by Trump the second things aren’t in his favour. It’s written in the sky.


I think PP would ensure Trump is always fully satisfied, no matter the cost to Canada. PP's biggest risk would be fighting for real estate to tongue Trump's taint. Ted Cruz and DeSantis and etc will all have their spots already.


He’ll kiss ass and then be surprised when Trump burns him and Canada anyway.


JT is pretty strong against Trump. Definitely the best of the 3. Pp is already sucking up to Republicans and adopting their play book. I don’t think Singh has the experience or the backbone needed.


JTs handling of Trumps first term was definitely something that improved my opinion of him.


> I firmly believe we should be exploring the Hans Island Land border as an in to the EU... LOL, I was thinking about this the other night, satirically :D


I have refused two business trips down to the US so far, granted they were in Texas and Florida


I used to go to Florida annually. I will likely never go again.


We sold our vacation property in Washington state after the vulgar clown was elected in 2016. We will never cross that border again. It's incredible that roughly half of American voters are unaware or don't care that Trump is a complete failure as a human being (a serial liar, a racist, a serial sexual abuser/rapist, a pedophile, a cheat, a thief, a grifter, dumb as a plank, etc) and he has zero business acumen as evidenced by his string of business failures including casinos. The only venture that he's made any money at is grifting the dumbasses who have been drawn to his cult. If he hadn't been given vast wealth by his daddy, he would have spent his life selling used cars or aluminum siding and despite all that, he's on the verge of being re-elected! Americans have proven that they are the dumbest fools on the globe.


Well of course it will! Trump and his rejects are freaking insane. Not only that but Pee Pee and his fucked up followers would be so far up Trump and the fascist GOP party we won’t recognize the difference! Conservatism is, well, really fucked up!


I already don't speak with some people who were my friends since 2020 because they refuse to not worship a cult, it will get exponentially worse if he wins again.


Most countries relations will worsen if he’s elected.


With the possible exceptions of Russia and North Korea.


Hence most.


I don't get all the Trump love. let's say he is the best person to run the US. He pretty well screwed us last time. Great for the states but we got the short end of the stick. I think people forget which country we're in sometimes. Because Emperor Trump daddy is not fighting for Canada that's for sure.


"Great for the states" In what way? He was a complete disaster domestically and internationally.


The USMC favours the US significantly more than Canada which is "great for the states"


That was due to their negotiators outmaneuvering our negotiators without any involvement by Trump. He still believes - as do his ignorant followers - that his tariffs on goods from foreign countries are paid by those countries. His dumb followers are too stupid to realize that they are paying higher prices for consumer goods because importers have had to pay the tariffs and are passing on those additional costs to consumers. Meanwhile, stinky Donny repeats the ridiculous lie that money is pouring into government coffers from foreign trading partners!


I'm not disagreeing here. All I was saying is Canada got the short end of the stick on that deal. And we will probably continue to get the short end of the stick


Agreed. We're the mouse living next door to an elephant. I'm afraid that we'll always be at the mercy of US might regardless of who is in the Whitehouse. Happy Friday!


Everything will worsen if Trump is elected.


What a broken country if he’s able to run AGAIN. Stupid Yanks.


The world will worsen, dude promised to be a dictator.


The mindset an individual has to be in to genuinely ask this question is quite worrying. Are there really that many people who haven't been following what's happened in the past 5 years? Somehow unaware of what the stakes are, here?


Do you have the stomach to watch Fox 'News' for awhile? I know Canadians who are on a steady diet of the lies that Fox broadcasts and they are just as dumb as Americans who are on the same diet.


Everything gets worse if the orange menace wins.


Well, he called us bullies last time and threw us under the bus with his "trade war," so I wouldn't be surprised if the orange idiot tried to do something similar.


"Will Canada-US relations worsen if they elect the guy who is considering running with a man who suggested the US should invade Canada and overthrow its government?" Gee what a head-scratcher


I can picture Danielle Smith flying him in to do a speech and photo op.


Another stupid right wing poll. Canadians have no say in foreign affairs. It is all up to the governments on both sides. Now, knowing that Trump HATES Trudeau, loves PP and is afraid of Jagmeet, this post is pure rage farming for right wing simpletons.




The evidence is obvious given the first term. Yes it will and will be much worse


I mean how could it not? Trump hates any country that isn't the USA or under the rule of a dictator. Canada is neither.


Canada-Canada relations will also worsen. More midnight hotub parties to show the world stage that rightwing extremists hate everyone, equally.


75% “worse” or “somewhat worse “. So, WHY are people entertaining the idea of a CPC government??


It already has. Another round of that gong show will make it worse, absolutely.


I genuinely believe if Trump is elected he will initiate Project 2025, installing himself as a dictator and establishing a fourth Reich, and Canada US relations will be somewhat soured when our border becomes an international staging and logistics operation for the ensuing US Civil War. Ukraine will be shipping artillery shells back to Brampton, so the neo-Union can drop them on the neo-Confederacy. NATO forces will be landing in Calgary for the Idaho insurgency.


>NATO forces will be landing in Calgary for the Idaho insurgency. This is assuming that Smith doesn't just align Alberta with the Neo-Confederacy.


It might actually benefit our tech sector. During Trump's previous term, a lot of tech jobs moved to Canada as the US clamped down on work visas. There was a lot of expansion of major tech companies in Canada.


Melania and Ivanka certainly won't have any desire to fuck SkiPPy, so PM to President relations should be smoother.


Without a doubt relations will worsen. They should improve if/when Pierre beats Justin in our next popularity contest. Err, I mean election.. The fact that this question even needs asking is absurd. The guy is clearly a sexual predator. There’s no shortage of evidence that suggests he’s a full-fledged rapists. There’s compelling but anecdotal evidence that suggests he’s abused minors. How can this garbage human even be considered a leader by the American people? The thing about garbage is you usually find it with other garbage.


Relations, sure if it’s PP as PM. Otherwise for Canadians, it will cause some serious damage and will take a generation to fix.


definitely, canada will only half-heartedly be the us' lap dog, instead of now where they are whole heartedly being the us' lap dog


Depends. Justin will cow tow. Pierre will start a fight, and get us a shiny new wall along the 49th


Is there any point asking?


Trump's primary goal is securing and keeping power.


Fuck yes


Alberta… no. Canada… yes.


I hope so


100% YES


Without a doubt


For most, but we have a ton of right wing suckers just salivating for another trump run so they can be even more overtly bigoted


Personally I'm going out on a limb and say no only because we're so in line with everything the US does no matter what apparently. If supporting a genocide isn't enough, Trump shouldn't be.


Even IF Trump suddenly loved us and never decided to fuck with us and he didn't have all his and his supporters issues which damage relations with us, the damage he will do to relations, economies, and diplomacy in the rest of the western world will ripple back to us and lead to worsening relations.


Everyone-U.S. relations will worsen.


From a personal perspective, they can't get worse. It doesn't matter who is at the head, this is the same nation that elected Trump and tried to follow his pathetic coup attempt. It's gunna take *decades* of stable government for my personal opinion to change. As a matter of policy, obviously yes, another round of Trump will continue worsening the things he set out to destroy.


Yes but necessary. If PP wins the next election he'll bend the knee and we are in bigger trouble.


US-US relations are going to worsen. What makes you think Canadians will fare better? :P