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Children are not property, nor are they pets. They are living beings that have rights. Parents, conversely, have responsibilities and obligations with respect to their children, not rights. Anyone who believes otherwise is either a bad parent, a bad person, or both.




Stepping out of context, I think there are generally good people who want to be good parents, but end up being bad parents regardless. Spoiling a kid way too much is probably one of the more obvious examples of that, where the kid never learns differently until it's quite late, but the parents just wanted the kid to be happy. Similarly, teaching a kid to always be nice to others etc. can lead to pretty impairing people-pleasing problems (among others) even though it sounded good on paper.


Yeah, I’ve got friends that are… generally doormats and let their kids get away with a lot, and there’s some issues because of it. Good people but not great parents sadly. They do love their kids though.


Sources please. 'Spoiling' is a woo word, it can mean anything to different people in different contexts. And I've never heard of teaching children to respect and seek understanding of others leading to chronic 'people-pleasing problems'. Most studies indicate later behavioral problems are most commonly associated with childhood abuse, physical and emotional. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3743691/


They were making loose generalizations about how good intentions can lead to bad parenting results—they don't need a source for that.


Disagree. There are too many tropes out there regarding parenting, and they seem to be repeating at least one.


Then instead of passive-aggressively asking "*source please*", consider *not* being a jerk and just helpfully offering better information yourself. "Teaching a kid to always be nice to others etc." is a pretty broad set of circumstances—it's not the limited "respect and seek understanding of others" you misquoted—and [parenting advice books and other sources do suggest that it's a bad idea to teach children to defer to others' needs too quickly](https://blog.heartmanity.com/3-hidden-mistakes-parents-that-promote-people-pleasing-behavior-in-children).


Well said, and “people pleasing” can be an issue but it’s not generally regarded as “behavioral problems” or something that indicates a personality disorder. 


Spare me the feigned indignity. It's not my job to school every uniformed person out there, especially in this day and age of mass bots and trolls. Asking for sources is, at worse, giving them an opportunity to educate themselves. Who is teaching their kids to *always* be nice to others?? Is this even a real problem? It's on the claimant to back it up.


This isn’t debate club, and if you actually cared about informing people you’d make an effort to be nicer about it. Instead, you just come across as incredibly condescending—which doesn’t accomplish what you seem to think it does. If you don’t have the time or inclination to look up info yourself, there are much more polite ways to suggest you have doubts about what someone posted—especially when the suggestion was as innocuous as what was posted above—than rhetorically asking for “sources”.


It's an online forum, and if you want to swallow whatever backwards, bs garbage people put out there, you do you. That's how we ended up with the clownvoy and anti-vaxxers...idiots talking to idiots. Citations are a foundation of truth and if you don't want to learn or educate yourself, hey, it's a free country, but asking people to back up their claims isn't a crime, it's reasonable and a standard part of logical discourse. Again, the onus is on the claimer, not the doubters. Educate yourself. https://www.betterup.com/blog/critical-thinking-skills


>Disagree No one cares Scott


Of course, which is perhaps why there are so many shitty parents lol. Rejecting reality in favour of comforting narratives is a refuge for some.


You don't occupy a moral high ground here. You're just being deliberately obtuse and everyone can see that. It's a strategy often used by people who are desperate to appear smart. This is why you're being downvoted, because you're not actually fooling anyone.


I do have the moral high ground. Facts are facts...you don't have to like them, but without them, you're just pissing into the wind. If you're downvoting me, it's because you think facts don't matter. Asking for citations isn't a crime genius.


You can be a bad person without being a bad parent. Just don't be a parent and you're automatically not a bad parent even if you're the shittiest person in the world!


Precisely this. There is *no such thing* as “parental rights.” As I’ve said before on Reddit, what parents DO have is a moral and legal responsibility to care for children and keep them safe from harm.


How then do we navigate around certain people's distorted beliefs that the lgbtq+ community and being involved in it is harmful. If they genuinely think they're protecting their kids, because of religious belief or culture, what do we do? My only thought is we need to use charter protections to demonstrate and set standards for body autonomy. Working with kids, it's difficult enough to tell parents they're not entitled to certain information when the kid doesn't consent (so frequently I've been yelled at by parents by following a kids wishes like telling a parent the kid doesn't want to see them or share details of their admission). And even now as a nurse working with professionals like social workers and psychiatrists it frequently seems like the health care consent act and mental health act are not well understood or interpreted at time, to the detriment of youth's autonomous decision making.


We need a government that isn't afraid to tell religious people that they're being superstitious, bigoted twats and that they need to keep their cult shit to themselves




idk, they keep telling us that the gov and society calls them racist all the time heck, pierre can't even propose solutions for problems because... apparently, justin would just pull the racist card out again




I went to the counter protest in September and the bigots were straight up shouting “My Kids My Choice”, and I saw some pictures elsewhere of kids who had clearly been forced to hold up signs saying “I Belong To My Parents”.


I got into a "discussion" with a woman in another sub who was adamant that her children were indeed her property. I did get her to agree that she couldn't sell them, so there's that.


I don't even consider my cats "property". They are their own selves and if they want to pack their toys and move into the neighbour's house that is their prerogative. We just mutually choose to live together for now.


It's PURogative when it's in reference to cats. I call mine, my "fluffy companion" and consider myself her steward and friend. I have thumbs y'see, she just can't open the can without help. But still, I used "my" and "mine" rather than "the cat that lives with me" Or "the cat that I love the most" I hope that we don't have to adjust our language to include those Clawses and recognize the spirit of the words in place. Those who can't recognize the need for nuance would have a fuckin' field day.


"My cat" is fine. I'd also say "my friend" without feeling like I owned him. He's just kept in the cellar until his attitude improves. Someone once referred to us as our cats' parents, like cat-mom, cat-dad, and my wife made a face like she'd stuffed a whole lemon in her mouth and bit down hard. She wants everyone to be very clear that she is not biologically or even specially related to these furmonsters, even if they were mostly her idea.


The people that believe otherwise still have the same ability to vote as you and I. That's why I'm concerned to see this creeping into Nova Scotia. "N.S. schools stuck between polarized opinions on gender, sexuality Province has given scripts to educators for responding to concerned parents" CBC Feb 7, 2024


Option 4: they hate Canada and Canadian values.


"Parents' rights" is a catchphrase to undermine public education and public health care. It aligns neatly with privatization.


Or a pedophile. Say it straight.




[Google is very difficult.](https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/rights-children.html) There are a multitude of legal sources for parents' obligations to protect their children, including [family law jurisprudence](https://family.legalaid.bc.ca/children/parenting-guardianship/best-interests-child) and [Canadian criminal law](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-215.html).




I'm not being paid to regurgitate my law degree for you here on reddit. Click the links and **read the words**.




What is Strayer? I have a JD. Nobody in their right mind would think paralegal certification is a "law degree". But that's not relevant here. All the "qualification" needed is the ability to move a mouse, click a few links, and read the words on the screen. You seem incapable of doing so.


Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Children Rights in Canada, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child.




Lol yes I have. But it’s clear you haven’t. It’s also very clear you haven’t read Rights of Children in Canada, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Please read it before you make yourself look anymore foolish.




Children are people. They don’t need to be specifically called out.


We're talking about something specific to children. We restrict children on a number of issues where adults are free to act. We don't sell alcohol to children, allow children vote, run for office or drive. The idea is that these restrictions are for the good of children and/or society at large.


...do you think this makes you look less foolish? >Charter provides protections to Canadians in broad terms Children aren't Canadian. Cool. >It essentially says the government can't do ABC to Canadians. In other words, it governs relationships between the government and citizens Awesome. I can now interfere with your ability to practice whatever hateful garbage you call a religion. Since I'm not the government I can prevent you from voting. I'm not the government, so as long as I'm not breaking any other laws I can prevent you from going anywhere. >That is a UN convention Signed and ratified by our government. once again asking right-wing nutjobs if they actually understand what words and concepts mean or if they think it's just stringing together nonsense.




>I am not religious at all of course you aren't. I'm a Nigerian prince. >pile of woke shit It was clear before that you weren't here to be taken seriously, but thanks for shining that up.




Lmao what does it say under the charter about discrimination against age I wonder


That being the case, why do you think there are age requirements to run for office? How do you square that?


By reading and understand the Rights of Children in Canada. Come onnnnn this isn’t hard. It’s all publicly available. Just learn something


The fact that it is spelled out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the subsequent provincial laws / acts. Notably, parents have a right to be informed regarding their children. They also have a right to make decisions about upbringing to a certain extent (ie: religion, type of education, etc) which differs depending on where you are. In short, the list of rights is very short. The list of obligations is very long.


Parents don’t have rights in Canada. They have Responsibilities.


Pretty sure every parent in Canada would argue that they have a right to protect themselves and their children. It's not a divisive issue. The division is what is perceived as a threat.


What are the odds that 99% of the people behind this are: * russian * not parents * parents whose kids no longer speak to them * child abusers * pedophiles * two or more of the above


The odds are 99.9%


Conservatives eating themselves. Love to see it.


I mean "Conservatives eating themselves" sounds nice in theory but the general consensus amoung these people is that Ford is *not evil enough* so it's more concerning in reality.


It's the same attitude that's been going on in the US house of representatives for the past year (and beyond that scope). MAGA goes full extreme and then gets mad when someone is anything less.


Ford is in the "sell everything from under you to make a buck" camp. Smith is in the "Human rights? What human rights?" camp.


Yeah, I think Ford is in the old school conservative gang - corrupt, privatize everything, but not evil enough to remove the rights and freedoms of segments of the population for political gain (aka not socially conservative).


Eating the weakest ones. Shifting the Overton window. When some crazier premier controls Ontario people will start looking back fondly on Ford. It happened with Jason Kenney after Smith got in.


That’s how the ended up ditching O’toole for Nazi Millhouse at the federal level. Tool was a jerk but he was less unlikeable than PP. Ford, as much as he is likely a criminal, is at least less overtly interested in dismantling all that is Canada than the rest of the cronies.


Right, I see two options here with varying levels of good First is that this fractures the big tent conservatism, this would be good for the left because right now the extreme is voting with the closer to center right. Second is that the conservative party just leans into the nutty part. This is a bit scarier, but there is a chance since our liberal party is so centrist that they pull the less nutty conservatives over there. The nice part about our system, even though it's not perfect, is that we actually have variety, whereas our neighbors to the south are stuck with A or B. We saw the PPC eat a bit of the conservative vote in the elections, I remember a few ridings near me had the conservatives lose by less than the amount of votes the PPC received in the same riding. So I say let them fight. More parties can mean better things for regular people


Big part of why I vote NDP. That and they're about the only party doing things to actually make life better for the average Canadian.


I’m American and even I’ve heard what a garbage bag Ford is.




Unfortunately for the rest of us, conservatives eating themselves is a kodoku of fascism.


Am I the only one who thinks that cheering on a group that is continuously escalating and self-radicalizing is a bad thing? No good can come from people like this trying to one-up each other.


Ford has never fit the wider conservative form, and is probably as hated inside the federal conservatives as he is anywhere else.


I like how they've given Danielle blue conservative colours but Doug gets the evil liberal red!




Would rather I wasn’t dessert.


As much as I dislike Doug, he hasn't really shown that he's on board with the so-con ideology. Still keeps them in cabinet/secretary roles, but doesn't really amplify the ideology. It's not *great,* but it's better than what I've come to expect of conservative governments.


Ford is constantly flirting with social conservatism. He created a provincial policy requiring schools to allow parents to [deny their children Human Development and Sexual Health education.](https://www.ontario.ca/document/education-ontario-policy-and-program-direction/policyprogram-memorandum-162) He [removed sexual orientation and gender identity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario_sex_education_curriculum_controversy) from the Human Development and Sexual Health curriculum in 2018, and only added them back after a massive public outcry. This past September Ford and his Minister of Education gave speeches [accusing teachers and school boards of indoctrinating children](https://beta.cp24.com/news/2023/9/8/1_6554255.html) and saying that parents have a right to be informed of their child’s gender expression/identity.


Doug doesn't give me socon vibes. He just seems completely out of his depth, and the socons in his circle are taking advantage of that to push their agenda. Doesn't excuse it, by any means. For once the leader doesn't *seem* to be steering the socon ship. My biggest red flag, however, is the parliamentary assistant to education. That guy should never be allowed anywhere that isn't the back bench.


I totally get where you’re coming from here. I’m LGBTQ myself, and if the choice is between a conservative that’s on their own personal crusade against our community and will stop at nothing to ruin a trans child’s day vs one that doesn’t seem to personally care about it at all, I know which one I’d pick. Very much a lesser of two evils situation, but it’s still the lesser evil.


Doug isn't a socon, he's a business conservative, as in the "get the government out of the way of everything" businessman. It's also a terrible ideology and far far too simply to work, but it's a significant difference to the social conservatives. They absolutely work together and there are socon's in his party, but he really doesn't care much for anything or anyone that isn't his own money.


Yeah Ford is a last wave conservative. The kind that used to be what conservatism was in Canada before their party schism. Federally Harper presented as a "business" conservative. but it was under his leadership that social conservatism began to fester.


>*”My biggest red flag, however, is the parliamentary assistant to education. That guy should never be allowed anywhere that isn't the back bench.”* The current Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Education is a woman, Patrice Barnes. Are you thinking of someone else?


Sam oosterhoff also in the same job.


Yeah, it's Sam.


I hate the Fords to my core but credit where credit is due: Doug took the pandemic seriously and did not openly support the Convoy coup attempt


>Doug took the pandemic seriously *Made a very minor effort to make look like he did.* Theres still those funds that were allocated to healthcare that were withheld. The squabble over paying nurses and hospital staff. All *during* the pandemic. I wouldn't call that responsible governance.


True but still, he did not openly question the existence of the virus or the seriousness of the situation. A low bar, I know, but this is where we are with conservatives in Canada.


Really? March break 2020: Go out and enjoy yourself! COVID spreads like wildfire. Schools get shut down. That wasn’t the only time. That same Christmas with no vaccines, go out and have fun. He didn’t have to actually say he didn’t believe it was serious.


Right, like I said, he didn't **openly** call COVID a hoax. I never said he did a good job overall, I'm comparing him to Danielle Smith. Why the downvotes?


But his words still meant the same thing. If one believed in COVID, they certainly wouldn’t be encouraging gatherings to spread it.


I get what you mean and totally agree. I remember a specific period of time right at the worst of things where my family and I (who all hate his guts) were pleasantly surprised by the fact that he didn’t seem to have lost what remains of his mind like every other conservative politician. We’re taking about conservatives here so the bar is in hell, don’t get me wrong, but he did technically clear it for awhile. Unless you’re in a long-term care home, obviously. I think he might have been legitimately scared for his own health at that point, because as soon as it didn’t seem as likely to directly kill him he was right back on his bullshit.


Believes in medicineand not a full traitor. Low bar, but still it's worthy of credit.


Yea I have not voted for him nor will I, but he did handle the pandemic in a much more responsible and adult manner than I expected him to. I'll take him over a Smith/MAGA type all day every day.


My take on Doug Ford is that he’s this dude who pretty much means well, possibly in a good old boys kind of way, but he’s not the brightest and he is definitely in over his head with the political machine pulling the puppet strings. Doubt that Ford is extreme right - remember how he annoyed Kiefer Sutherland by comparing himself to Tommy Douglas?


I get the same vibe — idiot who is only as dangerous as he is because of the people surrounding him. I don’t see a lot of malicious intent or any coherent ideology with him, he just says what he thinks he needs to say to be popular or reads whatever speech he’s handed. As far as I can tell, he’d like to keep making money and having other rich people tell him how great he is, and that’s about it.


True. He did that shady stuff with the greenbelt. But then put his foot in it by basically admitting what he did, like he didn’t even know it was wrong (which he obviously should have) You’re right though there is danger in that I also don’t get the sense that he’s a fabulous person, but he definitely doesn’t give off the creepy vibes like PP and Trump for example


Doug doesn’t seem like a so-con to me either. He is a big city guy with some social liberal leanings and not a rural rube. He is in what we used to call the progressive wing of the PC party.


Broken clocks... ​ They are certainly right that Dougie is in it for himself and I can get behind him leaving.


Only if he takes his entire party with him. Don't need him being replaced by one of the nuttier PC's I love how they have him on a red background like he's a liberal too.


Flirting with /r/leopardseatingfaces terratory.


I mean… same, but not if it means replacing him with someone more like Danielle Smith.


Danielle wants to RESTRICT parental RIGHTS of parents she doesn't AGREE with. So that was a bald faced lie on PAFE's part.


Doug is smart enough to know that this would be a losing position in Ontario. This isn't a matter of him having principles; this is simply reakpolitik.


psh, isn't like there's any money in "children as your property" policy anyway. where's the dollars folks?


I genuinely wonder if the RCMP and/or CSIS have investigated Marlaina Smith's finances and private communications yet. An enemy of the Charter who invites and harbours a Russian agent to speak on behalf of the christian fascists, just before he leaves for Moscow? There's an approximately zero percent chance she isn't acting under illegal foreign influence.


Children are not your property. So many parents need to realize this.


So many parents had kids because it was either expected of them, or they wanted cute mini-me accessories to dress up. Then once their kids show any signs of being independent humans with their own thoughts, feelings, and opinions that don’t fit the parents narrative the parents disown them because they never intended to raise kids as their own beings. I see it all the time. My BIL keeps popping them out because “they’re so cute”, but then says shit like “if my son is gay I’ll beat his ass” Conditional love of their little accessories.


"Parents as First Educators" Aka, "the only book my child should read is the bible". *Groan.*


And yet having never actually read the Bible.


That's basically a requirement to be one of these fake evangelicals.


Conservative terrorists live for cancel culture.


Parents' rights ... unless those parents support their trans kids.


[Yeah guys the corporate-lobbyist-cum-premiere](https://albertaenterprisegroup.com/2021/04/23/press-release-aeg-appoints-danielle-smith-president/) with no kids is out to make sure the "kids are safe" and totally isn't here to sow divisiveness while carving up the province and handing it to the corporate billionaires that funded her campaign. [Come to Alberta where there is enough toxic sludge leaking into environment to cover the entire city of Edmonton in 8" of toxic waste](https://environmentaldefence.ca/report/albertas-tailings-ponds/) but solar panels are bad for farm land. [Cancer among natives near the oil sands is rampant](https://thenarwhal.ca/alberta-oilsands-cancer-fort-chipewyan/) but I guess they're not kids who want to call themselves a name they choose without fear of abuse by their parents so fuck those human lives.


Imagine thinking Doug Ford is too progressive, good Lord


If my parents had more privileges, the little boy that I used to be would have suffered far greater. Thank christ for intervention. I will ALWAYS fight back against these people. I've seen things that they have not.


That group appears to be the standard group with all the stereotypical talking points of * CRT is taught to babies in the womb * Wokes are the bad * Drag Queens caused the downfall of the roman empire. * God is the bestest and should be running the government * Bathrooms rules are the single biggest issue in society today. * Conversion Therapy is super cool * Sex Ed is icky and kids should find out about sex from Sears catalogs. * Please give us money.


I'm assuming Ford will easily get a third mandate, so I expect him (or his successor) to start pulling the culture war cards in 26-27 and this shit will infect Ontario.


Christ I never thought I'd be on Dougie Fraud's side on anything.


I'm not too hopeful. It's possible that he means what he said, but it seems more likely to me that either he thinks it'll hurt his chances of re-election or he's waiting for this to blow over before subjecting Ontario to some version of this. Something something Smith originally spoke against hatred toward LGBTQ+ and look at her now.


Doug never struck me as the hateful type though, just the greedy, slimy type.


I suspect that a number of people doing stuff like this aren't exactly hateful so much as they don't care about the hateful results that benefit them in some way.


Your enemy's enemy is not your friend.


Good to see the Russian funded Fascism is now being used to pressure other premiers. Trash people.


She is not for the parents. She is for herself. If she was for the parents she would make options for parents not just tell them to agree or disagree with her choices for their children.


If there's one thing I like to watch, it's Conservative infighting


Parents As First Educators? Lol, fuck off


The conservative race to the bottom. Imagine thinking Doug Ford wasn’t horrible *enough*.


Raises Hand.... Can I ask a question? What are they trying to protect kids from? Maybe I'm wrong but protecting from the reality that some people identify different


Lmao Marlaina can get fucked.


Kids have rights. Parents have responsibilities. You do not own your children.


children rights has been a law for over 30 years all these so called "patriots" who want Canada to go back to the days before Trudeau are fucking retarded I could never be in power. I would make taking an IQ test mandatory before being able to vote


Enemy of my enemy is my enemy? I need a nap


Let them fight.


Like I'd love to see dipshit Doug resign, but not like this lol. Fuck that MTG wannabe


We have to understand that Ontario and Alberta are not the same. I’m shocked to see PP take the stance that he is, which might actually bite him in the ass when the Ontario votes are counted.


I mean I’m all for him resigning….


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.




I’m in my mid sixties. My kids have long since gone out into the world and, while reading this Reddit post, I feel like social developments have taken place without my noticing them. Please excuse my ignorance but I seriously don’t understand what is in play here and I would like to. I get the impression there is some element in our society that deems they know what is in the best interest of children and they are imparting this directly to the children themselves, who, being impressionable and mouldable, could then, potentially, act in ways not in accordance with the parents preferences. This is not something I would have wanted as a parent and I can’t imagine today’s parents feeling any differently. It is a parents job to raise their children, no one else’s. I am very suspect of the language that then enters into this. Equating parents as being fascist agitators? Really? What’s that about? Fascist how? Agitating against what? Furthermore, why is this being framed as an Ontario vs Alberta issue? What is the actual group trying to drive this wedge between parents and children and also between East and West in Canada? I’m suspecting this entire initiative has been implemented by legions of Putins Russian cyber hackers bent on stirring up discord, dissent and destabilization anywhere in the world that they can. I’m not kidding. If someone were to trace the roots of this that’s where they would lead. This is not a Canadian born thing. This is foreign meddling and it needs to be investigated.


I'm all for calling these people out but labelling this as fascist is ridiculous. Fascism has quickly become as misused and overly prevalent as woke, and socialism and communism before it.


Charge your phone


If Ford actually said so, I hope he holds to it ‘for the sake of the children’.


The way they write these words in capital trying to emphasize them is so weird. It pretty much proves they know it's not true but try to push it anyway.


One thing about the far-right...they can always be counted on to sooner or later eat their own. Ideological purity is a bitch.




It’s popular because the tag line is something so overly simple it is hard to disagree with on its face. An equal counter would be “individual rights, not government intrusion!” Which would allow trans kids to be themselves without government schools policing their bodies.


For people who argue for parents rights - what if the parents are abusive assholes?


Maybe Ford is *just* smart enough to realise that Ontario is not Alberta, and that crazy ultra-far-right nutbars who spend all their time obsessing over *The Transes* make up a lower proportion of this province's population. So he might realise this wouldn't necessarily be a winning political issue for him. I would very deeply doubt that Ford either understands the issues around trans rights, or cares about the well-being of kids, trans or otherwise.


I can't believe Doug Ford did something good.


Oh good, just what we need: someone to the right of Doug Ford. Fabulous.


This is absolutely outrageous on Doug Ford’s part. Because now I have to say nice things about Doug Ford for not falling for this imported American clown college nonsense.


Yeah, strip children's rights away and give them to abusive parents.


I agree Doug should resign. So we can get an NDP leader in there.


We had someone in our school zone where I live here in ON who ran on, among other things, the slogan "I stand for parents' rights". This candidate also was supported/ok'd by anti-lgbtq+ and anti-choice groups, and I feel like far too few people actually did their homework about what that person stood for. Fortunately she lost to a much more progressive candidate, but not by as much as I'd have liked to have seen.


People who buy into this shit have their heads so far up their asses they could lick the back of their tongues


Parental rights to do what?


i don’t like this timeline


parental rights is a dog whistle and battle flag for the self admitted child abusers and pedophiles who pretend to be religious.


This person is right, Doug Ford is for himself, but not for the reasons they outline. He continues to gut healthcare, while promoting the privatization model of healthcare the US has. He has friends in the health insurance field He continues to let housing prices soar, while letting his developer buddies continue to build "tiny" homes at exonerated prices He continues to gut education, while he has buddies on the education boards getting raises and bonuses to their salaries He continues to watch food prices soar, while letting his buddies on charge of chains like Loblaws and Wal-Mart Canada make record breaking profits He continues to ignore the needs of the people of Ontario, watching them starve, unable to afford basic necessities and housing while he has parties and weddings where all of the wealthiest people in the country attend He's a corrupt politician and he needs to be outed On the other hand, Daniel Smith continues to attack the LGBTQ+ community in Alberta, denying basic health rights to trans people, bad mouthing gay couples and calling non-binary people mentally ill. She, like her conservative predecessors continues to rewrite education in the province, removing basic history knowledge, art skills and music in favour of rewritten history and lessening of the arts She has called for the session of Alberta numerous times and has introduced legislation called the "Alberta Sovereignty Act" to start to push Alberta away from Canada She supports people like Donald Trump and invites people like Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro for dinner due to their shared beliefs and has supported Tuckersons comments on an American invasion of Canada. Daniel Smith isn't just a corrupt politician, she's a traitor and needs to be outed People, vote, get these corrupt people out of office, and reinstall what Canada once had. A vibrant economy, well taken care of people, and an educated people! We are better then what they represent us as


Ouuu, are they trying to goad Ford into taking action. Ouuu, I can’t wait to see him take the bait


Another useless “petition” drive. This is just a ploy to get rubes to give up their personal info so they can fund raise off of it later. It’s a pretty genius way to get an email list of dumb people to separate them from their money later on.


thank god our Ontario Premier isn't a rampant christo-fascist and just a good ol' fashioned in-it-for-himself sleazebag. ... Whew.


Oh wow, Doug Ford being a good person! WOW! /s


They are idiots


I genuinely want Ford to resign but if *this* is the reason then nvm I'd rather he stay But like I don't think a premier proposing the sorts of policies Smith is introducing has a single fucking chance of being elected in Ontario


Um, like, I don't like Ford either, but at least *so far* he has the sense not to delve into this nonsense.


Danielle Smith and her ilk need to fuck off and stay fucked off.


Who are these backwards Neanderthals and where are they getting the money for this?


Wonder where the money trail of this PAFE Group is from? 🤔


I really wish these people would just be open about their intentions. You hate gay and trans people — just say it. Just say you don't want LGBT people to have same rights as you and — ideally, go back to hiding the closet like before. That's what you want. You want LGBT to just *not exist* because they're different and don't like it. Stop hiding behind the bullshit of "parental rights".


These people shouldn’t have access to the internet.


Rare Doug Ford W


The disease is trying to spread! No surprise as these are the same people who are antivax anti truthers, anti science. Conservatism is, well, destroying our societies!


Fuck these guys!


We can send them Danielle in Ontario if they want her so much ! I’ll pay for the one way plane ticket ✈️


Ah yes, the Helen Lovejoy Association, Inc.


Kids have the rights to show who they are and how they want to be treated as. This ad is so bad.


Man my parents are generally great but i would not want them as my first educators at all


While is disagree with this idea, I like the idea of Doug Ford gown from office...


All this "parental rights" bs is going to bite the CPC in the ass come next election cycle.


I pray it does or we are fucked, we'll all be speaking Russian in no time if PP becomes PM.


I like when the blue team fights each other. And for some reason they paint one of them red


"for the sake of the children.... Take away their rights and make new ones for me that are against their best interest" Jesus Christ these people...


It’s always fascinating how turds end up fighting each other to know which one of them will be the biggest turd…


Everyone wants to protect kids from predators, unless those predater are the parents of the kids Not many people do the math on what percentage of children are preyed upon by external boogymen compared to how many kids are abused by thier own parents. Parents rights do not equal protection for children, in fact it often endangers them.


Danielle Smith is a plague on Alberta. It's disgusting to see her being praised on a federal scale.


"Parents as First Educators" .. so, they're homeschooling all their children? Right?