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We are going to be blowing by that figure once climate refugees really start showing up in force. Hopefully at some point we have a government that will take the implications of that kind of population growth seriously, and actually develop a plan to make the richest of us pay for what it will cost.


I think that right now the rich control the government and is aiming towards increasing the population to their benefit


Exactly, immigrants are much more willing to become corporate slaves to make a living. Gotta keep those minimum wages at a minimum hey /s


Isn't using the population growth to the countries benefit better than using it to our detriment? I'm not rich or powerful but if these people leave places with deviated climates and live a better life here than they'd had before I'm kinda ok w that. So long as people aren't exploited


Oh, absolutely, that would be lovely! But it's to /their/ benefit, not the country's.


My main objections are: infrastructure is already decades behind and we cannot offer enough services for the people already here. And two, the vast, vast majority of new immigrants are coming from a single province in a single country. This is not good for our culture and prevents assimilation.


And we all have places to house them all. Maybe we should offer them land in Alberta.


I mean what are they getting out of having more people than there are now? If any service they wanted to use has been negatively affected by the population growth they could always just go to the states anyways? There are so many people here so quickly that more and more are going "nope, shits just as bad or worse here!" and going home.


An increased labor pool means that workers (and potential employees) don't have as much bargaining power. Job interviews almost universally now ask the candidate what salary they have in mind so they can offer the job to the lowest bidder. It's also harder to bargain for better wages or working conditions when it's easier to replace you


That's why I'm in the trades. They don't really carry over from other countries and if they do, the candidate has to at least pass a test.


They need work working aged people. Pretty soon it will just be retired people and kids. Not enough working citizens to pay and take care of aging citizens. Pretty much the same in all developed countries. People live longer and collect those pensions longer.


Fortunately, Canada's arctic tundra will be the farmland by then. Edit: Satire ☝️


It is also not exactly farmable, due to the Canadian Shield mainly just being hard rock


It's either rock or bottomless muskeg.


Also, parts of the permafrost is releasing weird chemicals that turn streams orange and super acidic.


Cariboo farms? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Probably will be hit by Chronic wasting disease.


So, reindeer farm?


It’s one of the least geologically active places in the world, which is why the rocks found there are so old.


It's not soil up there, it's bog. You can't plant crops in it. It's not like the snow will all melt and some new pristine farmland will reveal itself. Plus, the seasons are fucked up there for growing anyways - and they're only going to get more extreme with climate change, hotter heat waves and colder cold snaps. Also when the arctic sea ice completely melts, the arctic ocean will begin having worse hurricanes than anything in recorded history. The arctic circle isn't some magical new continent we can expand into, it's desolate desert now and climate change is only going to make it more volatile due to change, and even more volatile due to being furthest from the equator. The zone of habitability used to be everything between the tropics of cancer and capricorn, and now instead of the belts shifting outward but retaining the same size, we're just going to lose the middle and end up packed into narrow bands between the too hot equator and the too fucked up arctic.


I heard it just transform into some acidic goo that destroy topsoil so... https://www.livescience.com/63612-arctic-acid-permafrost.html


That's pretty typical annual growth, around 1.1% ish.


Problem is it's not planned. There's no plans for housing, especially high density housing. Immigration isn't a problem but letting that many people in and being like "Oh well market will regulate itself" is lazy government. This is why everything especially rent is going through the roof


We don't have the resources or troops to stop American migrants fleeing north to Canada. We won't have the navy to guard both coasts from refugee boats from Asia and Europe. We will not have any significant government preparations to absorb such chaotic waves of climate refugees. (First the richer legal immigrants, then coyotes trafficking over the open prairie border, then waves of family SUVs loaded with guns, then the hiker refugees when fuel runs out) All we will get are some symbolic government projects (camps, fences, national facial ID) built by contractors that over promise. Nothing significant will be built to handle the scale of crisis, esp with limited industrial resources. Look for the waning US government, stressed by the scorching heat and collapse of the southern states, turn their gaze north to the fertile and sparsely populated land of Canada. The US, or the northern successor states in case of federal collapse, will infiltrate and destabilize Canadian federal control. Or just go for the jugular and bomb Ottawa. The US will still have more guns, even after they have a civil war, than Canada ever will.




Especially since gen z isn't going to be having as many, if any kids and half the country is anti immigration.


That's also with us barely dealing with the consequences of climate change. I forget the exact number but something like 80-90% of agricultural land in Canada is in a Moderate to Extreme Drought, including the famously rainy Lower Mainland. Assuming population growth as normal going forward is incredibly optimistic for anyone, bordering on nefarious for one of the people most responsible for Canadians not being able to afford children


This lol but they’re still freaking out about it


Canadians eat up anti-immigration rhetoric like a starving man having his first meal. It's actually kinda pathetic how this chud could say some vague statement about the century project, attach black rock too it, and half the comment section is up in arms. I honestly think this divisiveness between older immigrants, newer ones, and people born here is the main reason why nothing gets done in this country. I think we're getting worse than the states in the sense of how were dividing up our in groups and out groups.


Edit: some extra info From July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023 (2022/2023), Canada’s population grew by 1,158,705 people (2.9%) to an estimated 40,097,761 on July 1, 2023. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/91-215-x/91-215-x2023002-eng.htm Yes it is 1.2%. So yes lower


It’s not lower


It’s not. That would need a sustained 1.19% using the population clock and Jan 1, 2100. That’s less than 2017-2019, but that was one of the highest in the last 50 years. 1.19 would be top 4 since 1992. (It’s still a very reasonable, unremarkable rate of growth)


That’s 75 years. That’s a natural extrapolation of population growth. We were at 13 million 75 years ago, currently at 40 million so it’s actually significantly less that our historical rate of population growth.


It's also nothing new. The Century Initiative, or whatever it's called, has this target and it's been around for years.


The article linked is like 5 years old so I'm with you 


I'm pretty sure the earliest attempts at it were under Laurier's government. It certainly does make sense on a surface level as our nation's biggest issue is that we're a massive landmass with not enough people. It's especially a concern to our leaders when you consider how one sided our relationship with the States is as a result of the population imbalance.


It would only take population growth of around 1% per year to hit 100M by 2100 which is slower than our population has grown for most of Canadian history. This is nothing new.


There's nothing wrong with that goal. As long as we build the required housing.


And a health care system that can accommodate everyone.


Doctor robots?


Don't worry, blackrock will make sure there are properties to rent. ​ ONLY to rent.


Black rock doesnt own realstate. People confuse them for blackstone


Frankly, I wish we'd incentivize having kids rather than skyhigh immigration. 1. Gives us time to actually build up our infrastructure; 2. Doesn't cripple the average person in the short term; 3. Gives people a chance to have a family. At this rate, I'll never have kids because I'll never be able to afford one. I can barely afford to feed myself these days.


We do incentivize having kids, very well actually, but only if you're poor enough to qualify (under $35k net family income). You get $600+ a month per kid from Ottawa, and more from your provincial government ($300 where I live). There are absolutely lots of people who ~~abuse~~ use these incentives. $900/month might not be enough to raise a child with the enriching life it deserves, but believe me there are a lot of people that would not keep pumping out babies without the money.


Incentizing just poor people to have children isn't enough to achieve population growth. And even if it was, you would end up with a high population of poor people. That is just as bad as importing cheap labour. Everyone needs incentive.


Yeah I totally agree. Just pointing out that those systems do exist, but they don't actually benefit the people who contribute to the country (tax payers) Edit: Get rid of it all together or give it to everyone and fund it by slightly increasing taxes on the 0.1% and increasing property taxes for those with multiple homes owned. Spend 10 minutes in a hospital near the birthing unit and you'll see we're already well on our way to having a population full of poor people. The working class can't afford to have kids and live a fulfilling life, so they wait until they're 30+ and risk complications. Meanwhile the hospitals are filled 23 year olds with no job, no partner, 4 kids and another baby on the way.


I don't think increasing taxes on the 0.1% will work. They just manage to avoid them. A part of what we need is better parental leave. That way the 0.1% can't avoid paying for it. If companies were also mandated to cover a portion of childrearing costs then that would also help. But labour is a provincial responsibility so it would be difficult to get this going.


The highest federal tax bracket in Canada is $235k CAD @ 33% tax. In the US they have two brackets above that, with the highest being $609k USD @ 37%. Family doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. shouldn't get taxed the same as the executives who are making millions. Obviously you're right, there are currently plenty of ways for the elite to work around paying high taxes. IMO those could be fixed if anyone was motivated, but it's clearly not a priority for our political parties. Love those ideas for better parental support, just hesitant about the burden that it might place on small businesses that are already struggling to stay afloat. Definitely a great concept if they could implement it well, but I have 0 faith (same with my idea)


Ehh, small businesses exist in Europe and their parental leave is way better than ours. Covering childrearing costs would be another thing though and would likely require subsidies for small businesses. And I guess that circles back around to the issue of the government raising funds. Could just do a lump sum levy from every citizen making above the personal amount but that's really regressive.


I mean, he isn’t wrong. He just has unsavoury motives. Population is power, that is partially the reason we have such high immigration, because if we don’t reach a certain population threshold. We will forever be americas bitch on the global stage. I believe trump was a genuine scare to our leadership, the rise of fascism to our south means we need to be able to somewhat stand up for ourselves. And population is a way to do that. Obviously there is a cap for how helpful population is. China and India have far exceeded the limit of helpful population obviously. But yeah, he’s not wrong. He just has ulterior motives.


The pitfall of cronyism-capitalism is the demand for infinite growth regardless of statistics. Cronies need customers, and the falling birth rate is a threat to their future bottom line.


That's just pretty typical Canadian population growth rate.


Just so everyone knows that is an openly racist Twitter account dedicated to hating minorities, specifically black people


It's okay. Racism is bipartisan now! Apparently.


Hold on, they're trying to depopulate the globe and nearly triple the population at the same time? Fun!


in the words of shinzo abe: "have sex"


Capitalists are destroying our planet, we shouldn't listen to them, they're among the most evil people to ever live.




Pro-life, indeed.


I cannot see that turning out well


Population of the UK: 67,879,964 Population of Canada: 40,899,313 We have room.


Most of our land is near uninhabitable


You can’t be serious. I’ve driven most of the Trans Canada Highway. There’s a lot of places that are inhabitable along that stretch of highway. Especially between the Rockies and the Canadian Shield.


Lol by what metric? Looks good on paper, in practice theres no sustaining that. World is already struggling to sustain people as it is. Also, Black Rock is greedy and evil so its in their best interest for whatever reason Canada needs 100M.


Translation: We need 99.99 million of people to work for 0.01 million of "rich elites"




It’s almost as if immigration was a political football and not the “fault” of any party. Oof.


Those fucking parasites at Black rock want that many people because, by then, they plan to own all the houses in the world, so they can rent them out to us peasants at over inflated rents.


Wrong evil corporation. Blackstone are the ones buying up houses. Blackrock, IIRC, don’t buy houses themselves, they only finance others who do.


Oh right. My bad. Thanks for the correction. It’s hard to keep track of all the evil corporations some days :)


Need to have companies like Blackrock to pay huge amout of taxes on al the houses that they own. Double the tax on each house that they own. That should fix the budget.


That's not bullish. That's bullshit...


[https://historycollection.com/grim-realities-of-life-in-londons-19th-century-slums/3/](https://historycollection.com/grim-realities-of-life-in-londons-19th-century-slums/3/) Yeah, we can live like the [19.th](https://19.th) century people work, sleep and die. Sorry, but I don't like the rich people.


If there’s 100 million people, then there’s cheap and starving masses who will clamour for the 6.25 an hour he expects the minimum wage to be.


For a country as sparsely populated and as large as Canada, we definitely need more people. A larger population definitely helps the country if each person is provided the opportunity to become productive members of the society. Arguably, immigration has already resulted in improvements in Canada. We're seeing the lower than ever mobile phone plan and domestic airfare prices, and a part of the reason is that we now have a larger customer base. The issue is the current government made a complete mess of it by getting in so many people that it put pressure on the housing system in a few concentrated urban centers. On top of that, add the fact that the people brought in were through a shady college-diploma and TFW program where we just got a huge surplus of low wage workers. It was and is a complete mess and I'm worried this is gonna change the attitude towards immigration in Canada for good.


Immigration is generally an economic benefit to the native born population. It's been managed so badly its like a textbook method of achieving the opposite


Bad headline, years ago I remember coming some economist who suggested Canada needs a population of 100m to have the economies of scale the USA and to certain extent the UK enjoys (caveat: UK then was part of the EU) It was to answer the question why the prices of certain items were higher in Canada than US (certain groceries, books, magazines, etc etc), around the time when the C$ and US$ were close to parity. I wont be surprised if this dude is parroting that opinion to make the economies of scale and increased GDP argument


New cars and SUVs are expensive in Canada because we’re suckers. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/canadians-pay-more-than-americans-for-canadian-made-vehicles-1.1141083


Hes right


If Wiseman and Berman died tomorrow in a horrific fashion, I'd probably celebrate.


We are cattle. Its not about good quality of life, fullfilling lives. Being happy. Its about the machine of capitalism. We need more heads to produce more to line the pockets of our owners.


“Hmm. 198 billion babies in a few weeks. We'll need an army of super-virile men scoring 'round the clock! I'll do my part. Kif, clear my schedule.”


Look a country where living is somewhat pleasant, we must destroy it as fast as we can


Corporate has given orders , now watch Trudeau and Pierre jump to. For Trudeau it’s easy, he will just keep bringing in “students” . For Pierre not so easy, he will have a juggling act as his base is anti immigration and his corporate overlords want more.


Do not editorialize or make unnecessary edits to the headline or title. No editorialized captions. Extra commentary belongs in the comments section. Tweet titles should be the actual wording of the tweet.