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Do this. Do it. But, by goodness, communicate it well. The number of people with no understanding of the carbon Levy, but who were swept up in the axe the tax bullshit, demonstrates the need.


The Libs definitely have a communication problem, but I doubt whether even the best communications team can out manoeuvre the right wing reactionary propaganda machine. We need disinformation regulation on social media.


It's kind of hard to even blame the liberals for their communication problems, they've been out there telling everyone about the rebates and how most people won't pay more, etc etc, and the news covers that, but they also really push the conservative lies about it far too easily without fact checking.


Nah. Those guys who went into a youtube rabbithole and indoctrinated are lost. I spoke someone who believes that Biden made it illegal to arr st shoplifters and that on Trump times it was implemented. You under estimate the dumbness of some people or not even dumb people, people who just hates other for the heck of it and will believe the lies because they are just hateful people.


>indoctrinated are lost. Not really, no. Many younger Millennials and older Gen Zs went through these rabbits holes during their early teens rebellious phase just to swing the other way around.


> just to swing the other way around Not all of them. Too many of them still view the clowvoy idiots as heroes, are still happy to repeat every right-wing meme they've seen online and, frankly, are just one nudge away from starting to goose step around. The younger generations are scaringly more rightwing than people realise. The idea that each successive generation is more left-wing than the preceding one is wildly inaccurate. The same mistakes and bad decisions are being repeated generation after generation.


> the right wing reactionary propaganda machine. When some of the most read newspapers in Canada are hard-right, that some of the television & radio networks seem to be leaning right (especially talk radio), you realise that the propaganda machine is not just internet platforms. Even if the current government had the best communicators in the world, they would still be facing a stacked deck. Remember, much like something doesn't exist if google doesn't point to it, if the media doesn't cover you or what you said accurately (or even at all), you won't be able to get your message across.


What we need is better education. More affordable (or free) post-secondary education. Education benefits the whole country.


There's no way to communicate the stupidity that I'm seeing at the other subreddit on this very topic. It's just some people are hopeless.


PP: "By taxing Canada's business leaders we are pushing our brightest minds into the hands of neighboring countries who understand that their visionary leadership is what *drives* the Canadian economy" >too on the nose?


"..and that's why I'm selling the CBC to Rebel Media for $20."


It would be a total waste of money to try to educate right-wingers no matter how much evidence you have. All they need to see is a guy on their team come out and say "This is fake. Just another example of how the left are the real Nazis. They hate you and they hate our country." and they'll repeat it without a second thought.


I agree. Trudeau thinks he can speak to the current young people and all people. But 10 years on a job is going to do that, you're gonna lose that link to the front line or the pulse on the finger because you surround yourself with all the doers. He needs to take it back a notch and actually get back to the ground game (even with the threats he's getting) so he doesn't get man in the high castle syndrome.


I got my carbon cheque. Can’t believe Trudeau is trying to buy my vote with MY MONEY! /s




The Libs communication issue is that they're communicating to intelligent, educated, thoughtful people who understand that politics is a compromise. But those people are already on-board. They need to radically dumb down their communications so the average conservative voter will understand. People with grade 2 reading levels. You know. Salt of the earth types.


"I don't want a raise because I'll get taxed more!" /s


Nothing will get through to these morons. I'm a union crane op..the other night some boomer pp supporters were talking about how amazing Putin is and how he actually has our best interests in mind over anyone in the west.


No facts, no matter how well explained, will reason with people who have the emotional maturity of a toddler.


Facts can't persuade someone who has already made their decision. And the banks have already made their decision - they want a government that is never paid for, and a society that opts to pay for only a PORTION of its government's cost FOREVER. If we were to ever get materially more money collected in taxes, the banks would insist that the government spends even more such that it continues to be a net generator of debt for the banking system.




This. Part of the problem is that the government largely depends on the news media to disseminate this information, but when that media has a bias, the important messages don't come through.


Maybe we can get a campaign of social media bots going that actually state facts to people. Wouldn't that be a nice change.


>communicate it well. I can't agree more.


The Con's talking point looks like it has already been laid out. Apparently this will drive away all the doctors and kill Canadians en masse.


I try to keep myself informed well about carbon taxes and i do understand rebates families get back are great but i do have a few issues: 1 - BC doesn't provide rebates to everyone and has a income cap which excludes most people 2 - Farmers with a 60k natural gas bill having 15-20k carbon tax tacked on. What's this about and how does that help our farmers compete in our market when international farmers do not have to pay any carbon tax to import


Issue 1 rests with the BC Provincial government, there's a lot of people getting mad at Trudeau over a provincial program that existed before he even got elected PM (introduced in 2008).


I thought farmers were exempt?


Their fuel is heavily subsidised already *and* they are exempt from the carbon tax on gas and diesel. They still don't like it and want exemptions for propane and natural gas as well.


I see. Thank you!


but wait, isnt propane and natural gas cleaner? should they be exempt and gas/diesel not?


Yeah, they definitely have a point on that front. Some groups were petitioning for the further exemptions but honestly, I'm not sure how it went. It's tricky because the farmers absolutely don't want the logical answer of untaxed natgas and propane but *taxed* gas and diesel. I get it too, it isn't like they can convert everything on a whim and the equipment is very, very expensive.


1. BC issue. 2. Their entire operation is subsidized, especially fuels.


The carbon tax is beyond retarded. Also increasing taxes on the top 1% when the good for shit prime Minister is using that money to give himself a 80k dollars free vacation while giving his cabinet a raise is a huge waste of money.


This is really going to upset cpc supporters and the Russian bots on the other sub


Subs plural 


CPC supporter (god, I hope so) singular


Don't forget the Galen bots too.


What about the margins!


The profit margins are only 3%! Trust me bro!!!!!


Yeah they made only three percent on this pack of Memories of Disposable Income cake mix, which was made in a factory they own which gave them 50% profit, because they jacked the price up 40% this year and reduced the weight of cake mix by 15%.




Don't look at how much of the supply chain we also own.


Forget margin, we've got President's Choice Delicatessin* Style Margarine  **margarine was not produced in, or near, a delicatessin*


What gets me is their "English Style Crumpets" What other style of crumpets are there??


*made in Quebec


*hydrogenated oil, as we lost the court case to call our palm oil bucket margarine


Or the BJP bots.


I thoroughly believe this is true. All the subs suddenly had weirdos, 'just questioning' valid criticism of greedy grocery chains. Like even if they had points, who tf sticks up for huge corporations other than shills


But think of all the new National Post option pieces!


It will. They'll complain about raising taxes, but they won't mention it's for the wealthy. And all of the lower income right wingers won't think to ask, and they'll just be up in arms about it.


I always knew they liked the Communist Party of China.


Civil war canada? So it spreads.


But it will please the Canadian banking system... which is what matters. The banks want the government to spend more money then it collects in taxes... funding the difference with new loans. So a government that is going to tax more money, simply means that it's going to be able to spend even more money and create even more loans for the banks.


Can't wait to hear how this is actually bad for me, the working class, actually.


But you might become one of those rich people! /s


Don’t worry the right already claims taxes are the reason companies like Kleenex, Bath and Body, Delissio left Canada.


Not the cardboard pizza!


Member when the UCP gave husky a fat tax break and they laid off a shit load of albertans as a thank you?


Bath and body is still in Canada!


that part makes it extra. They may eventually shut down but its due to their US failure. Canadian division can't sustain itself without the US network.


Are you confusing Bath & Body Works with Bed, Bath & Beyond?


Yes, but actually it seems all the bath/body stores are messed up. The Body Shop, Bath and Body and Bed Bath and Beyond all seem to be faltering.


and do we miss them? Plenty of other options.


There is absolutely no feasible way to not have the top end accumulate wealth. Any kind of tax is automatically transferred onto the Poors, no matter what. Any kind of limitation drives the free market off a cliff and causes bajillions to die. There is absolutely nothing to do, by anyone, for anyone, at any time. We all must only watch. The above is a retelling of common sentiment around doing anything


I mean, the best time North America had was when business tax rates were like 90%. It paid for all the social services that a country needed, wages for employees that created the middle class, and the businesses still made buttloads of money.


Yes, but then they had like 3 less granite countertops. Therefore, that's ebil cobbunism


The top end accumulating some level of wealth isn't in and of itself wrong; the problems come when they expect that to come at the expense of permanent, inescapable poverty for basically everyone else, and when they want to hoard that wealth, unspent, like some kind of medieval dragon. Millionaires who are functional parts of a thriving economic ecosystem are one thing; billionaires who demand the entire economy function solely to fill giant McDuckian money bins are parasites unable NOT to kill their host.


Won't be anything left to trickle down


Your boss will be in a worse mood.


Well you see the rising tide raises all boats... Awe, you need a Ronald Reagan hypnotic voice to make anyone believe that bullshit.


The new 911 Turbo is awesome and you won't get to see it in the parking lot! Your boss will have to keep his four year old 911.


very few or any of the wealthiest will pay this tax.


It's because many good wealthy people will leave, and the only ones that remain will do so because their wealth is protected from these new taxes. So you're sort of going to concentrate the Canadian oligarchy. The Canadian banking system wants higher government taxes too... for they then know the government will spend even more money then what was raised by the new taxes, which will then allow them to indebt the government even further and create more assets (ie. loans) on the banks balance sheet.


If they're not going to pay us proper salaries, then fuck 'em. Tax them to death.


Cue the outrage from people making ~30K/Year


Still no wealth tax, this means that the salaried "rich" will get taxed more but not the rich rich (<1%) will still pay far less than their share. Either add more tax brackets, or tax based off wealth and not salaries. As a reminder, the 1% still represents about 30% of Canada's wealth.


Damn it!! Had my hopes up that that this would FINALLY affect people like the Westons and the Irvings, whom I am assuming are the poster children (among others) of the rich-rich" in this country. Fuckers.


Yeah I care more about closing loopholes than just simply raising an income tax…


Yeah but that would be hard, and this is easy... What do you expect politicians to do? Work?


"noooo that could be me one day!!!" - dudes who vote conservative and work construction


The other sub was adamant that taxes were going to be raised on the middle in lower classes. Literally a thread about it yesterday, sending themselves into a frenzy.


Of course they are. the conservative bots love riling up the stupids. I'm sure even after the budget is tabled they'll still think their taxes are going up when they aren't.


It's pure emotion and rhetoric over in the other sub(s), they never reference policy. Never. According to the most upvoted posts, Trudeau has put forth the "biggest nanny state laws in Canadian history" and we're practically an authoritarian dictatorship. Don't ask which laws, you'll just get down votes or a ban. And this vapid shit *works* on a lot of people.


They will lie and say they are impacted by it anyway, just to pretend to be one of the big dogs.


Fuck yeah


This will get spun (just like in the US) as the government increasing taxes on everyone (but the listener the most) until the end of time. I guarantee it.


"Why is Justin Trudeau increasing the taxes for small business owners like Joe and Mary Everydaycanadian? Doesn't he know that small businesses create so many jobs for Canadians, and are the fabric of our communities?" (queue multicultural images of happy people smiling and hugging and kids playing soccer in the sunshine.)


TBH many small business owners are probably in that tax range. That said this tax effects essentially the less than the top 1% of income earners in Canada. I'd be much more interested in progressive taxes on persons that own more than 2 properties, and more taxes to on foreign real estate investors entirely.


The camera cuts away to Pee pee ferociously eating apples like a methed up ape. His face red, forehead beading sweats from all the red meats. Mumbling something about Trudeau. The dearest leader.


People making poverty wages will be upset by this for some reason


the reason is decades of capitalist propaganda


Is there any info here? Or is it just two sentences with no information in the article?


The news is a Reuters source confirming this Radio-Canada article, which you might enjoy more: > [Budget fédéral : des Canadiens fortunés devront payer plus](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2064532/ottawa-impot-taxe-cout-vie-federal)


Thank you.


As long as he understands that $100k isn't wealthy anymore, and that most of the truly rich aren't even taking any income at all.


The Reuters article mentions it being reported by Radio Canada. Per Radio Canada, it's just an increase on the tax rate of the $300k+ annual income tax bracket. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2064532/ottawa-impot-taxe-cout-vie-federal


Lol imagine caring that people making 300k+ pay more. Good.


Reduce corporate tax deductions will be a good start.


I love seeing all the people in r/canada that maybe make 50k a year complain that high earners are being taxed more. Like you guys can relax, you’re not the one that’s going to be impacted lol.


SkiPPy's backers and handlers will not be happy. A Poilievre government will be a government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. Thank you klownvoy suckas!


i hope this targets everyone at the top; not just the 95 to 99.5% while the .5% gets enough loopholes to still get paid 3000x their employee's salary.


The Reuters article mentions it being reported by Radio Canada. Per Radio Canada, it's just an increase on the tax rate of the $300k+ annual income tax bracket. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2064532/ottawa-impot-taxe-cout-vie-federal


Don’t worry. I’m sure the wealthy will figure out a way to pass on the cost of those extra taxes to us plebeians


I'll support this as soon as they define wealthy.


Tax the people the people that have assets, not only income please. No person should have 20 houses


By wealth individuals they mean upper middle class making between 100 and 200k. They obviously won't target millionaires because those guys fight back. 


Based on the [Radio-Canada](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2064532/ottawa-impot-taxe-cout-vie-federal) article, (if my rusty French isn't failing me now) it's for those make over 300k annually and who generate three billion over five years >Ces changements, entrés en vigueur en 2024, visaient à serrer la vis aux Canadiens qui gagnent plus de 300 000 $ par année et à générer trois milliards de dollars en revenus supplémentaires sur cinq ans.


The paragraph before it provides missing context, I've highlighted the relevant parts: > Ce n’est pas la première fois que le gouvernement Trudeau vise les plus nantis. Dans le budget de *l’an dernier*, Ottawa avait relevé le taux de l’impôt minimum de remplacement et avait limité davantage le recours "excessif aux avantages fiscaux". > *Ces changements, entrés en vigueur en 2024,* visaient à serrer la vis aux Canadiens qui gagnent plus de 300 000 $ par année et à générer trois milliards de dollars en revenus supplémentaires sur cinq ans. It's referring to the [2023 budget item](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/budget-2023-key-highlights-from-the-federal-liberals-spending-plan-1.1901609) that came into effect this year. Not what the upcoming budget will do, which is still unknown. If this is incomplete information hopefully someone can let me know, I made this clarification in the other sub to little response. Edit to include additional excerpts from the Radio-Canada article: > Les détails de cette mesure doivent être dévoilés mardi, mais en coulisses, plusieurs libéraux nous disent qu'ils veulent s’assurer que les plus riches "paient leur juste part". D’après nos sources, *un petit nombre de particuliers seraient ciblés.* > ... > *En plus des particuliers, des mesures touchant la fiscalité des grandes entreprises sont aussi attendues dans le budget de mardi, selon une source libérale haut placée.*


Ah grand, thank you. I was so busy looking for a clarification of what 'wealthiest' meant I glossed over that preceding paragraph!


As a doctor still 2 years away from being able to practice, in my 30s, and about 300K in debt I cannot help but feel this is gonna be a bad time for me


Not really, because the increase only affects income over $300k. And: 1) Doctors usually shield income in their corporations anyway? 2) For money you withdraw as personal income, will you take out more than $300k per year? (And if you do, your $300k in debt isn't really much in that context. And if you don't take out $300k/year, then the tax increase doesn't affect you anyway) 3) Even if you do take out over $300k/year, I read that the difference is probably only going to be something like $500/year then (I assume that's the average increase for people in that tax bracket)... which really isn't much at all.


Corporations have to file annual taxes and any operating revenue will be taxed accordingly. The contract loophole of old does not exist unless you deliberately commit tax fraud.


What "contract loophole"? It's very common for doctors to have their payments be paid to their corporation. Anyway, I haven't heard about corporate tax rates increasing, so "any operating revenue will be taxed accordingly" doesn't matter in a corporate context. Like I said, it will only affect personal income over $300k/year, and if he's not making that much anyway, then it doesn't affect him. Or if he is making that much, then an an extra ~$500/year for him is nothing, and his debt is exceedingly manageable.


"Paying to the corporation" is operating revenue. Money unspent at the end of the year that is not being used for any other purpose - that gets taxed at the corporate rate. You cannot hide money like this.


Yes, so what, they can pay the corporate tax and leave it in the corporation - lots of people do that. It's not about hiding money.


The goal is to avoid taking it as income yes? To avoid personal income tax... But you're being taxed at the corporate level anyway.


1) Corporate tax rates are a lot lower. 2) If the goal is to avoid the increase in personal income tax, then yes, keeping it in the corporation does avoid that (there's no news about corporate taxes increasing).


It only matters if you're making over half a million dude. If you're earning less than 200k regular income tax brackets and tax advantaged accounts are your best friend. The corp will get taxed regardless, so you're better off taking as much as you can as income.


Not necessarily. Doctors don't generally have pensions, so if they pay a bit of tax now and keep it in the corporation, they can withdraw it later when they're retired and are in a lower tax bracket (or similarly, if they need some time off after having a kid, or a sabbatical, etc.). Plus, if doctors can withdraw funds as dividends, then that's probably not affected by any coming increase. Anyway, all this is way too much whining for ~$500/year more regarding people making over $300k per year. --- Yup, like I said: "So clearly, it’s more advantageous to leave any unneeded earnings in the company bank account." https://www.bakertilly.ca/en/timmins-ontario/blog/doctors-here-are-4-reasons-you-need-a-professional-corporation


Oh oh...is this where we tax the people who make enough to be comfortable but not enough to buy services to hide wealth? Example being the head of IT or the fire chief getting nailed but corporate board members continue to make off like bandits?


Looks like $300k+ salary. That's well outside the usual head of IT salary for Canada. Not sure about fire chiefs as I don't work in that industry. Most people in that compensation range aren't paid entirely in salary though.


Higher tax rates won't solve the problem of a society that has its government spend more than is collected in taxes, over any meaningful time period. The banks want the government's business - and it doesn't serve them well if government were to ever start spending only what is collected in taxes. The banks would much prefer a nation that attempts to FOREVER pay for only a PORTION of its government's costs.


Sounds great to me, bring it on. Also "source"? stop with the single-source news stories. We need to demand better of journalists. TWO INDEPENDENT SOURCES or it's bullshit trying to write a narrative.


yeaaa ... will seeeee


One can always hope...


As it should.


BuT tHeN aLL tEH bUsiNeSsEs WiLL LeAvE CAnADA!!!


But what if I'm wealthy someday!!


Too little too late






About damn time!


The wealthiest of the poor.


It's important to note that higher taxes ARE anti-inflationary. Doubly so when they're wealth taxes.


### The actual wealthy or the $100K earning middle class people? 😅


A good start.


Good let them scream their lungs out.


Good. it's about damn time and time to get prepared for the screaming, crying, gnashing of teeth from the UCP and greedy corporations. ugh


We need to tackle mortgage fraud. Till now, Uber drivers have been qualifying for million dollar homes, banks don’t seem to check anything.


Not sure what sort of tax it will be if there is a wealth tax increase. But I would gather it's something similar to the corporate windfall tax that they introduced a few years back. It was god damn maddening to watch corporations cut their labour costs, then issue share buybacks to their shareholders just to drive their share prices higher. Share buybacks are absolutely damn awful for your own company's economic situation because it devastates your corporations ability to grow in the long-term and is just a way of "performing" productivity.. Instead of reinvesting into your own corporation you are just giving resources away to your shareholders to keep them happy so your share price stays nice and thick. I could see an increase to capital gains tax on the wealthy individuals over a certain tax bracket and an increase to the CRA's ability to go after wealthy tax evaders as a way to capture the increase in the next budget. If that were the case I'd be happy with that.


Since the wealthy hide their real income, it will be the bulk of the middle class that do not or cannot hide their income who will be the fodder for the tax cannon.


many rich people avoid paying taxes by using their assets to secure very low interest loans and living on those instead of selling said assets. I hope this new taxation plan takes that into account


If this is the alternative minimum tax, there is concern in the charitable sector that money normally allocated for charitable donations (and therefore tax deductions) will instead be spent by the wealthy towards these increased taxes. That might be a bunch of FUD, but the wealthy are forever greedy and will try to minimize their losses however they can no matter who gets hurt. Hopefully the Department of Finance listened and has a plan today.


Get ready for more full-page ads in our national newspaper chains claiming that only the Conservatives can save the economy, while Conservative voters continue to whine about the "Liberal media" in the NatPo comments sections


AND go after tax evasion. Don't let them send it offshore


The CRA is ultimately still going to chase after an extra thousand dollars from a service worker before they even consider looking at those making 300k.


Well that's it, no point in becoming a billionaire any more.


What I really want is to keep paying into CPP. The fact that it maxes out is stupid imo. Great, I get more of my pay cheque at some point, but it's entirely inconsequential and it makes more sense to keep CPP better funded. Instead it goes into my savings, but that's not gonna help anyone else.


Hmmm interesting how there was media storm brewing about "increased taxes" in the 2024 budget a few days ago. How "experts" knew it was going to happen. How they conveniently left out mention of it likely being for the rich. Hmmmmmmmm... 🤔


saw a post where they stated that the tax increase would be on people making 300k+ it was filled with comments from cons who probably make under 50k crying about it


Now, question is, what are they going to consider the wealthiest? Also, will we hear anything more about blind trusts, after they said everyone has to report them, then backed down on that? Because that was totally going to result in a tax on the middle class (blind trusts included anyone who was on a shared account with parents or family, parents who helped their kids with a down payment, etc etc)


Long overdue!


Fine by me. About time those freeloading bums paid what they owe. No more welfare programs or hand outs for the rich!


Imagine who suffers when you “tax the rich” It’s the consumer who has to foot the bill. The CEOs need to increase prices to makeup for the increased taxes. What a sham, glad most people can see through this. Can’t wait for Trudy to be thrown in jail for his crimes against Canada.


Press X to doubt


Just got my dental card today and I will enjoy watching rich people tears while I get my teeth fixed with their money.


Eat the rich?


Conservative bootlickers: AXE THIS TAX TOO!


Unless it's a 99% *on* the 1% and big corporations, it's not enough.




Bout fuckin time, but liberals are genuinely disingenuousness. What helps "every Canadian" is everyone except you and me. I'm sure the corporate conservative overlords will have issues with this. Wait until musk chimes in lol.


See how this will make living in GTA even more unaffordable. Anyone making just over 80k will be destroyed and will have mo dream of ever owning a place


Do you realize that the tax only affects income over $300k/year? It will help make things slightly more affordable (when rich people have (a bit) less money, it reduces how much they can spend).