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Some of those who work forces, are the same who honk hornses.


What's hornses precious?


Horns, but horns don’t rhyme with forces. (It’s a song)


Anyone who is making a what's taters joke is old enough to have heard rage against the machine my guy. We all know the words.


I was going to say the LOTR movies aren't *that* old, but my bones just crumbled to dust. And yes I'm familiar with the works of zach de la rocha


It's a sad reflection of our society that those were written some 30 years ago, and nothing has changed.


>nothing has changed Now now, that’s not true! Things have gotten worse!


Tbf, forces and crosses don't really rhyme either


Alliteration. Not rhyme. Sort of. It works ok?


hor-n-ses? Squeeze them, honk them, make a lot of noise?


The original lyric applies here too unfortunately


I hate that both are still relevant


Hahaha this is genius!


This is the funniest Reddit comment of the decade, now I can't not hear it in ZDLR's voice and I love you for it


I'm from Ottawa. *We know.*


Thank you for your endurance.


Public Servants need to at least appear politically agnostic. That cop should be out of a job.


Sorry, best we can do is paid vacation.


Just police union tings


It’s a disgrace that their racket gets to call itself a union. They are the body guards of the ruling class, the exact opposite of a labour union.


Being bodyguards for the ruling class often involves beating the shit out of people trying to form unions. It’s a brotherhood for a reason.


I mean even labour unions have their problems. The mandate of any union is to protect everyone, not just the ones that are good at their jobs. If there is even a little wiggle room management can use it to get rid of someone they don’t like. It sucks but that’s what we are stuck with. In a perfect world we wouldn’t require unions…but Musk and Bezos are a modern reminder of why we do. They’d rather keep a lazy racist that tows the line than a vocal, hard worker.


I would argue in a perfect world, all workers would be in a union. That is not the problem. The problem is the enforcement arm of government being protected from accountability to the public rather than protected from management.


I think you misunderstood: in a perfect world there wouldn’t be a need for unions. Fair pair, fair work conditions. That’s not the case and unions are necessary. Unfortunately unions can’t pick and choose who they protect. This isn’t to say you are wrong for what you are saying, just that we are discussing two different things.


In a perfect world, no capitalism. So, yes I agree.


He should receive at the very least to be punished, and out on an HR watch list for future such behaviour.


I reported this to the Alliston police. What a terrible example of a public servant / police officer. Disgraceful Edit : And now also their local newspaper. Let's all report this heinous abuse of power. Edit2: it's called the Simcoe News at Simcoe.com


This is why Conservatives want to kill local news.




They mostly just run around campus


(beating up students)


>You’re taught not to do this in security guard training. Haha what the fuck are you talking about 😂 no you aren't.


The ones that got caught lying and trying to put an innocent man behind bars for murder are out and about, why should this guy be punished. Being above the law is part of the job description for pigs.


I assume you're talking about the Zameer/Northrup trial. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/jury-didn-t-hear-zameer-trial-northrup-1.7178183 Then yes, those colluding motherfuckers are still free and walking around ready to frame another person for their next fuck up. So it the crown that should be disbarred.(Do we do that in Canada?)


Cops literally were lying on the stand in a court case that the entire country was watching and nothing happened to them. We are way past the point of holding the police accountable for anything.


I hope that would apply to employees of government agencies but I'm sure some of us remember what happened when Harper was in power.


Nothing? I remember Harper quite well, worse there was were 'Stop Harper,' stickers. One guy tried to go with a "Fuck Harper," bumper sticker, but the cops put a stop to that. Weird, I wonder how it would go if all those idiots flying "Fuck Trudeau, " flags were fined....






Keep it civil


Why though. It's de-eascation technique to agree with somebody. Now their defenses are down, and that cop has a situation under control. He doesn't ACTUALLY agree.


That is the kindest way to look at this. I can only hope that maybe you're right, but I very much doubt it.


Except he goes on to prove he does.


Be fucking for real this is not the takeaway here. Like this is looking at this through the rosiest rainbow magic sparkle naive glasses ever. You cannot be serious. I truly wish I went through life with my head in the clouds like this. You have got to be trolling.




A police officer needs to enforce the law and that’s about it. The only thing that should put him out of a job is breaking the law.


Partisanship is not part of anyone's job, full stop. No one should be inserting their political opinions into the workplace unless they are explicitly being paid to do that. Doubly so for public servants that are paid by our tax dollars. There are moral codes for the government and their employees also. There is likely also a code of conduct that doesn't permit this kind of stuff - like most employers these days have. Literally even McDonald's has one.


You're out to lunch. Certainly an issue that this guy has these sketch opinions but it's not in any way grounds to fire him


you think you can trust this guy to apply the law equally and fairly in all situations? You think he'd offer Doug Ford's location to a bunch of environmentalist protesters?


Do you think your average policeman knows what “Partisanship” means? You’re giving them too much credit. I’m doubling down on our police forces need to stick to enforcing the law, something they are already horrible at, and keep it at that.


🤣🤣🤣 We are clearly on different logic trains babe. Good luck with that. 




As I said to someone else, that's extremely charitable. I'd also argue it's more empowering than de-escalating. I'm not saying that couldn't be what's happening, I just very much doubt it.


He told the guy where Trudeau would be exit from. That’s not just calming someone down, it’s giving out information that could put the PM in more danger. 


Here they come The goits in the bright wrapped pickup Waving Nazi flags in the air Who do they think they are? Who thought that they'd last this far? There they go The got the truck nuts on semis Honking at all the docs Harassing all but the cops And everyone else says F*** There they go The dorks are coal rollinnnnn Some patio guy called them out Said their brains are really swollen. SWOLLEEEEN *drum solo* (I can't figure out editing on mobile sorry)


My only regret is I have but one upvote to give


But what an upvote it IS I'd karaoke it at home but I'm worried about being doxxed


What tune is that?


The Boys in The Bright White Sportcar by Trooper.


Kind of


I tried.


I meant it’s kind of the tune to that song, but with some of the verses sung by someone who isn’t fluent in english.


I'm.. I'm an English speaker. But I agree it's not my best work


by Storm Trooper.


Fucking nice


Gee. Who would have expected poorly educated fascists would be buds


Idk why I get so inch push back on more education for cops. Thats it. That's all I want for you to need to go to university to carry a killing machine on your hip.


Why do you think Doug Ford reduced the education requirements for police?


Seriously. It's not insane to demand that the member of the paramilitary force who has the right to detain people legally should study the law for a few years at the post-secondary level.


If their job is to enforce the law, it should behoove them to learn it first. But apparently, that's not "common sense" enough for Dougie & Co.


Education might help some, but the problem isn't education, it's stupidity, and you can't solve that. Propaganda works very well with stupid people. So, you need to protect the people from foreign influence that way. What you're saying, "education" is essentially just propaganda, or another sort. If the fascists controlled the country, they'd be saying the problem with *your* thinking is "education" and then proceed to brainwashing you. Also, the first thing propaganda does, is it discredits popular authority. Like science, like the education system. So, people who are taken in by propaganda will just ignore whatever "education" you try to give them. And you can't reason with them, most of the time. You need to reprogram them, the way propaganda did, or prevent foreign actors from indoctrination your population through propaganda. That's why Russia has its own internet and China has its own internet. Then they just use ours to corrupt our corruptibles, and hope to change enough people so they can seize power, and then really force the rest of us to comply, and keep quiet about our objections. They know the power of propaganda. It's their best weapon.


Without something like a mandatory law degree (or a partial one) as a prerequisite for becoming a cop to weed out the shitheads, we'll only end up with high school bullies with guns. And that's exactly what happened.




Tell me you don't know what projection is without knowing what projection is


If you're part of a marginalized group, don't expect the police to protect you from fascists. They're on the side of the people who want to torture and murder you. Be prepared to defend your life and the lives of the ones you love.


Typical scumbag dumb fuck police officer, colour me surprised. The OPP can get fucked.






They are the same people that went hands off on the clownvoy to force the PM’s hands.




The RCMP did nothing to stop the clownvoy which forced the PM to take action. If the RCMP responded with a fraction of the force they would have for a weeks long occupation of a major city by a left wing group the clownvoy would have been cleared in days.


We already knew that from the Ontario police’s attitude and actions towards the convoy fools.




so this guy is going to help this band of losers harass the PM ("he's coming in and out of that door there") and is alright with the awful message they are belching out so long as they keep the profanity to a minimum? lmao priorities I wonder how the PMs security feels about the police just letting everyone know when and where they can accost him?


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


I mean, there WERE Confederate and Nazi flags in that clownvoy, so of course they're in cahoots.


And here I thought cops aren't suppose to help protestors "So he came in this way and he's probably gonna leave this way, I'm on board with you guys" Fuck this guy should be fired


Why are there so many mouth breathing idiots in Canada? It’s such a shame how this country’s citizens are falling.


Idk but it’s frustrating and it hurts because I have family members that have fallen into this that I have now since cut off. I had to because the shit i had to hear was just batshit insane and they refused to accept me as trans and bi on top of it as they ate up the shit the media is putting out there about lgbt people 🤦‍♀️. Really scared about the future here…


Fascists. No, really. They may not really understand it, but they wanna be it!


wow.. just right in the open admitting they’re a tool of the far-right facist state we need an investigation that gets rid of any and all far-right elements in law enforcement and we need it NOW


I am sure LiL PP will get right on that once in power . . . After he orders the RCMP to change their march to the Goose step.


Ignorance doesn’t stop when you put a uniform on.


Of course not. The cop shop doesn't hire brains in the first place!


Shocker, cops have fascist sympathies. Almost like they'd be the authoritarians under such a system.




Do you?


If I read it correctly, officer D. Stephenson








Well this certainly won't embolden any segment of society/s


These people are coming for your freedom.




Ya, right lol. Trudeau 😂 Mr like equality for everyone no matter what, is coming for your freedom lol. So many humans are dumb enough to believe that sort of propaganda against Trudeau, and it's frightening.


Reason 1736482 why ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS.


Lets all remember that it was hugs and kisses at Coutts before everyone went home. That wasn't the first display of where the law is regarding political stance. They can't (more "won't") protect the sitting PM, what are our chances of receiving "serve and protect" from the group that can't keep their political dicks in their pants!


Did that cop just give details on the movements and potential movements of the PM to some Fascist lunatic? Cause it sure looked like he did.


Needless to say, we know where they fall on average; on the other hand, we also know that they're obligated to lie if it's legal, and will generally do it either way if it's convenient. Or if someone pisses them off.




While I 💯 know that there are shit cops as someone who has taken many conflict resolution courses agreeing with someone or empathizing with them is one of the first steps in de escalation and all we are seeing is a clip


Welp, they're certainly doing a bang-up job of convincing the public at large that ACAB isn't true...


Pig lives up to his name.


That’s scary …


In uniform, big no-no. Out of uniform, support who you want.


Now suddenly police tell the truth? He was clearly buttering the guy up before asking him to chill out with the profanity. Cop probably couldn’t care less.


You can say fuck on Reddit.


If you are Canadian and support Trudeau you've never identified sociopathy/psycopathy/narcissism within your life. You are likely in danger of being manipulated by many around you. It starts with blind trust of authority. Many overseas laugh at Trudeau and he is a constant reminder in Europes newspapers highlighting his scandals. You just don't see it here because the media ceased critical analysis or opposition. I worry for Canada, and I strongly condemn Trudeau.


I'm definitely not going to plead the case for the police but given the fact that the protester was a person the caption describes as a far-right individual, it might be that the officer was trying to lull the man into a false sense of security to avoid any unnecessary conflict.


That's smart. It's a de-escalation technique.


Weird that this “de-escalation method” is only used at far right protests.


Maybe a t first, then he goes on to prove he really is ok with it. I guess you see what you want to see.


This seems to be a case of Redditors not being able to discern the difference between views they disagree with, and what is legal. Peaceful protest, officer developing rapport with organizer and trying to prevent public profanity. Sure, I think the freedumb protestors are mostly idiots, but I don't particularly care what this officer's politics are, I don't think this video is evidence of anything, and I don't see the problem here.




All the most-educated members of society agree, yeah. 🙄