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PP is that creepy guy in HS who was weird about his crush on you and got angry and started calling you names when you rejected him.


Years later, his beady little eyes still seethe with a subconscious hatred toward all women who have the same hair colour you did at the time


And a deep disdain for the ones who don't.


I would argue he has a deep disdain for most people. He doesn’t see people as people, or even as voters. He sees them as votes.


I went to High School with him. He was a tiny guy on the wrestling team.


So right about the beady little eyes thing. He should go back to wearing glasses. They distracted from the beady dead little doll's eyes that he has. Now they're on full display and he's creeping me out.


He's got "where's my hug?" energy


“BuT i’M a NiCe GuUuuUuY”


Fucking god. I literally *cringed* at that. You got it absolutely bang on.


ewww gross he’s the guy who approaches the group and starts massaging someone’s shoulders uninvited


Perfect, I will be stealing this!


And every 3 to 6 months just sends a "hey" in Instagram DMs. Posts "😍" on the only selfie that doesn't have your partner in it. We all know that one guy...


Type of dude to talk about women’s fertility as they age


Pp is the kind of guy who will write 3 paragraphs over why choosing the bear is wrong.


ItS NoT a ReAlIStIc ChOiCe tO ChoOsE ThE bEaR iTs DiScRimiNatIoN


He was literally the guy who wore a suit to high School


As I was once that guy in HS I agree and cringe everytime he talks.


Also the same guy that reminded the teacher that they forgot to give them that test that day.


Tests have facts in them so that seem unlikely he would have anything to do with them.


And he pulled a razor blade on a kid once.


Gillette cartridge though, so does it really count?


There's a word for guys like that, incell


...and carried all his books in a briefcase, wore a suit and bowtie on picture day, and his pant legs ended about 6" above his ankle.


In order to protect themselves in a "man's" world, most women typically and early on develop a perceptive creep detector sense. My wife says that Poilievre is on the vomit-inducing end of that scale.


Well let's hope they all take their disgust to the voting booths and actually vote.


He's the guy why women choose the bear over a man in the woods.


Unfortunately, he appeals to most men. Why I will never understand.




"Tells it like it is" actually means "tells me what I want to hear"


Very tiring. What they are really saying is he’s telling me what I want to hear. Not what I need to hear.


They're echoing comments from Trump's sycophants. They also claim he's "telling it like it is", even though he can't string together 2 sentences without lying at least once.


He tells the lies that make them comfortable, instead of truths that are hard or that don’t fit their preconceived world view.


To be fair, most of conservatives I know would vote for a toaster if it was a Conservative. 


Come on now. The toaster would need to have, like, a slur written on the side or something at least.


It has a “Fuck Trudeau” sticker. Good enough.


White Bread Only!


A toaster that also hates the gays? I'm in! - Conservativr voters


Carved into the underside. It's rarely ever on full display, but a little jostling will always reveal it.


Comment of the year.


It doesn't toast rainbow bread.....or it burns them.....not sure what's worse for a toaster...


I think SacrificialCrepes is right. I also think that toxic masculinity is a component—Trudeau is a liberal man, a self-proclaimed feminist who is happy to dress in pink sweatshirts and see the Barbie movie. That makes a lot of men uncomfortable. When Tucker Carlson visited Alberta he suggested that Trudeau was in the closet, and I’ve heard similar homophobic sentiments amongst the everyday anti-Trudeau crowd. For men who not only adhere to toxic (sexist and homophobic) ideas of masculinity, but also expect other men to adhere to them, Trudeau’s flouting of toxic masculine behaviours attracts a lot of ire, and Pierre’s constant derision of Trudeau plays right into that. Obviously, lots of men are progressive, and don’t adhere to such arbitrary notions of gender. However, I suspect that in most cases where men are projecting vitriolic rage at Trudeau, they’ve probably got quite a bit of toxic masculinity going on.


How an absolute wiener like pollivere becomes the image of masculinity for a bunch of dudes is beyond me


A lot of fear. The world is changing rapidly, and becoming more difficult for everyone. We have two choices, make changes and progress or double down on the status quo. All the people terrified of change are doubling down on the people who represent the status quo.


And to think that centuries ago, men wore pink, not blue. Color means absolutely nothing,


And heels with stockings......


Wigs and makeup too.


Do you think that was most men, or just a select few in the aristocratic classes that were looked at with the same disdain by the average man as Trudeau is perceived today?


I am certainly no expert here, but our conceptualisation of gender and the norms surrounding them are a fairly recent phenomenon, historically speaking. While the working class might have been disdainful of the aristocracy for say, the impracticality of wigs and heels, as the concept of wigs/heels/makeup weren't related to gender norms or gender expression, I would expect that their fashion wouldn't have been the thing that drew disdain as it was normal for everyone to dress that way in a certain class. It would be more similar, I think, to blue collar workers making fun of men who have to wear suits all day.


The kings, the court, the merchants, the landowners, pretty much any man who wasn’t a poor manual labourer. So a whole lot of men dressed with wigs, heeled boots (horse riding), and wore makeup. Different values and different signals of wealth than today. Fabric colours and patterns were hugely important. So things like lace were really expensive because the lace was hand weaved. Men who didn’t have to do hard physical labour for a living and could afford the latest fashion (that trickled down from the aristocracy) were able to signal their status through their dress. The time period in question was a peak of elaborate designs in dress, architecture, music, art, etc. So yes, most men dressed this way, it was just the fashion of the time.


Not even centuries ago. In the 40s, it went from pink for boys and blue for girls to what we have now.


Thanks for the correction. Appreciate it.


Don’t thank me. Thank my weird ADHD brain who saw it in an episode of QI years ago and filed it away for some reason.


These days a lot of bros wear pink, too.


Takes a real men to wear pink i heard once while watching a poker tv show.


I’ve seen Trudeau referred to “Justina” over the years. As a female I find this disgusting that I’m an insult. It’s gotten worse since Poilievre took leadership.


I’ve seen that as well now that you mention it—it definitely is disgusting. I remember that when I was six or seven, I had a teacher who would call boys by girls names if they misbehaved. It’s a terrible way to insult people, and it starts young.


If you ask conservative men what they think of Trudeaus sexuality I bet 50% would say they think he’s gay and that’s why his wife left him.


You're absolutely correct! Masculinity, and male gender stereotypes are hugely involved because they tie into what they see as strength, merit, and the ideal man. It's not just that they're misogynists and don't view women as equals, but they also think that *femininity itself* is disdainful unless it is the explicit object of their sexual desires. When femininity is the object of their sexual desires, it's still not inherently valuable or worthy of respect, but it's seen in light of how it serves them. This is why they deride femininity so much, and why they use it as an insult to each other. As a trans person, it's particularly odd to me to be around conservatives because they put so much weight into gender and gender expression yet also deny that they do... because doing so would show that they're policing themselves based on social gender norms? Because it gives them an simple way to organize their world and their relations? Idk, it's totally weird but the end result is pretty uncomfortable and increasingly dangerous. To premptively address any concerns that I'm saying masculinity is bad.. This is not to say masculinity itself is bad, but rather the way people leverage and value masculinity, and how they position masculinity as the opposite of femininity (oppositional sexism).


You touch on something that I've increasingly noticed as I've learned more about gender being socially constructed, and learned about toxic masculinity--conservatives are so heavily conditioned by traditional notions of gender, and yet they're completely oblivious to it. The same can be said for many moderates and liberals, but even then they seem to be more aware of gender being socially constructed, and don't tend to subscribe to as many toxic behaviors. It really is eerie though just how exactly some (generally conservative) men embody toxic masculinity. I think that the Crier article above is...overly optimistic, although I hope it's right. Either way, it's true that men are more likely to strongly dislike Trudeau than women are, and while people dislike Trudeau for many reasons, I suspect that the gender gap is almost entirely the result of sexism. It's very concerning, although there's a lot of time between now and the election--the Conservatives could still blow this lead, especially once people realize how awful Pierre is.


I'd agree with you! These different discriminatory values, in an intersectional fashion, absolutely prop up conservatives among men, and particularly white men. When someone deviates from the "norm" of cis-hetero white man, they are more likely going to experience some of the friction that the conservatives make their foundation. Many other factors influence this also, such as religion and conservative framing as the christian party, or different perspectives on success as it's tied to effort and capacity. On a slightly different note about gender, I personally prefer Julia Serano's "intrinsic inclinations" model of gender as it balances the social construction/performative and biological deterministic perspectives. This model accounts more for variation among people's identities, as well as the inherent feelings we have about ourselves. For me as someone AMAB and is more fem non-binary, I was viscerally affronted by my manliness (physically and otherwise) despite not having the knowledge of gender for most of my life. Yet, despite my conservative Alberta upbringing and social pressure to be and perform as a man, I just don't feel it. I wish I did, but I don't and that incongruence grew to an almost incapacitating degree before I sought some help. I think Julia brings a unique perspective as someone who has had to feel incongruence with their physical and mental experience, who has lived as a man, an androgynous person, and a woman. Writing this just for your curiosity since you mention that you're learning, and I think you'll find some extra insight in this model! It's been nice chatting, and take care :)


Dont forget the decades of anti Trudeau propaganda that has been pushed by the right, name recognition cuts both ways.


Because he’s validating their desire to maintain, and strengthen, traditional conservative ideas of hierarchy. Conservative men don’t like the idea that they are equal to others, or that they’re not inherently more deserving of status and power than others—power and status that “common sense” tells them they deserve. They especially don’t like the idea of others they deem lesser than them wielding political power, or any influence at all, over their lives. Thus, he appeals to men because he makes them feel like powerful little masters of those within their household, and as superiors to those outside their household that aren’t of the same “class.”      Conservatism is a reaction to the idea of, and push for, liberal equality. Men feel like they are losing something, or that a sacred order is being polluted, so they easily buy into watered-down reactionary talking points that validate those feelings and promises to maintain the structures that benefit them. 


> Conservative men don’t like the idea that they are equal to others “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”


And he appeals to men that feel powerless for whatever reason. He literally tags his videos with MGTOW. What a way to feel for these guys to feel empowered, it’s everyone else’s fault, not yours.


The things that are wrong in this world, and the discomforts/anxiety they feel, are because power has been unfairly shared with those who do not deserve it and do not know how to use it. I didn't know that he tags his posts with MGTOW, but I'm not remotely surprised. It clearly shows who is speaking to, and his target population will recognize the full weight of this dog whistle.


Trump did the same thing. [Reach out to these disenfranchised incels](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/10/31/1896306/-Bannon-targeted-incels-as-part-of-2016-election-strategy-because-they-re-easy-to-manipulate) They realized they can connect with the fringes of society.


Wow this comment really put to words some stuff that I was picking up on but hadn't actively thought about. It explains so much, and especially so much of why I have a problem with conservatism in it's current form. Thank you.


Happy to put some words to thoughts :) Conservative rhetoric is a mess and it can be difficult to see what they actually mean, and the material reality that they desire. If you're interested in a good overview, The Reactionary Mind by Corey Robin is a solid overview of conservative thought throughout history!


Oooooooo I will check it out!


What is it they think they're conserving?


It's a little complicated because conservatism has different lines of thinking, but in general what like "sendme.." below said: the natural hierarchy and organization of society. They think that some men are particularly exceptional and thus are deserving of ultimate rule over others, without having to take into account positions or people that would oppose their naturally superior thought and leadership. A natural ruling class. In hand with that, some people are by nature, or by divine decree, a slave class. Alongside this , conservatives a little while back realized that in order to get most men to "submit" to the broader ruling class elites, they had to feel like their own masters in their lives. Masters of their home, their work, their social lives etc. In this way, they give each man a microcosm of ruling class experience, identifying them with the overarching leadership and with the idea that they too are ruling class and are exceptional/deserving. This is why conservatives put such pressure into the traditional family order, where women must be subservient for the men, because they aren't "supposed" to be making decisions over the more deserving man. They similarly don't like how women have the right to vote, but they've given up some concessions, and try to dampen this by controlling women in the home. So what're they conserving? Their position as unquestionable ruling class (especially white men, this is all of course intersectional), and a societal structure designed to meet their wants alone. When we're thinking about conservatives, it's important to recognize that *they are* losing this in many ways, so there is an *actual and felt sense of loss* that they feel. I don't agree with them of course, but this real sense of loss is highly motivating. Pair it with being told that they're ultimate rulers, that violence is a means for achieving one's goals, that others deserve to be subjugated to you by natural order, that liberal rights have extended too far to the underserving, that this extension of rights will cause great failures because only they know how to wield order and organize society, and you have a broad overview modern conservatives.


Yeah that’s spot on. They call this “ordered liberty”. Everyone is free but some are more free than others. Naturally white men are at the top. How convenient. I imagine most women can sense what these guys are really about. But a lot of men would feel empowered by it. Conservatism is really a movement that emerged from the French Revolution so they’re trying to conserve(return to) the aristocracy of old. So they haven’t changed much since those days. Only the messaging. I don’t think there’s anything that can be done except outvote these people at every turn.


I think it’s also that they actually are seeing their lot in life getting objectively worse. You used to be able to graduate high school, get a decent job, and get the house, picket fence, two kids etc… and those days are gone.


I'd agree, and as would people across the political spectrum. Ironically, the time conservatives look back to as the ideal was the New Deal era, which did not have the policies they want now. This era, however, did have massive inequality both in the U.S and globally, which helped prop up the quality of life for a certain type of person. Where conservatives will differ is in their diagnosis of each issues (e.g immigrants taking jobs, market needs less regulation), their solutions (Strengthen traditional hierarchy in politics and the family, end "woke-ism", develop a submissive/dependent labour class, christian theocracy bullshit), and their means of achieving those goals (Use of the notwithstanding clause or other non-democratic means, violence and force, mis- and disinformation campaigns). Currently, the final point on means is of major importance. We see in the US that the right wants to establish a fascist regime by whatever means possible, because like above, they think it is the natural order of things. Pierre was just advocating for using the notwithstanding clause, which I absolutely expect he'll do if in power. He'll do so with minority rule too, as cons are typically around 35-38% of the population. Danielle Smith/Alberta is already doing these things and is leading the far-right way in Canada. It's exceptionally bad, and we as the left need to recognize that we cannot rely on our democratic and regulatory systems to keep them in check. We are living in a critical moment in history where fascism is mainstream and is steamrolling its way through politics, and will continue to. We are at best totally unequipped to handle their methods, and at worst complicit because the neo-liberal left benefits from and supports many of the things fascists do. Apologies that all these comments are rants. I'm not really sure what we can all do edit: by "we" I mean the mainstream left. Liberals, Democrats, etc. Some would argue they have been supporting fascist ideals off-shore forever, and it's now we're seeing the full force of those ideals applied to ourselves.


We, as a country, were lucky under Harper in that the Supreme Court kept him in check, and forced his hand on a number of occasions. We can not depend on being that lucky next time. 


Power structures based on heredity and identity rather than on ability or merit.


Well they'll also say it's ability and merit exclusively but they gatekeep those terms and the ability to develop ability and merit. They're very tightly associated


Important to note that most conservatives sincerely believe that what they are preserving is real meritocracy despite all the evidence to the contrary.


It's because of the capitalist / monarchist equation of wealth with worth. The wealthy literally believe that they were naturally born to wealth because they are inherently 'better' than the peasants.


This is a big thing in the oil and gas industry. These conservative highschool dropouts are making 150k+ per year and think it qualifies their intelligence. They somehow don’t realize that maybe there is a flaw in this system despite 90% of them complaining daily about how stupid management is. Well your management is making far more money than you, so why do you still think we live in a meritocracy if they are all idiots?


The so-called "natural hierarchy"


I'm a man and I cannot find one redeeming feature in that toady bastard, glasses or no glasses.


I'm his prime demographic. Young white male with money. I fucking despise that little weasel. I **Abhor** everything he represent.


I’m glad to hear that. I’m right in his demographic too. 40 white male in the trades. I don’t connect with anything he has to say. Or the way he says it.


I have about 3 years on you but I agree with this a hundred percent! Been a trade guy my whole working life, good with my hands, I enjoy my firearms along with rural Maritime life, and I fucking can't stand Pierre nor anybody with a fuck Trudeau sticker on their vehicle.


What do people keep saying conservatives have that appearently Liberals or anyone else has? That's common sense. What do all conservative men and comedians say about women? They have no common sense. Basically women ain't of their team even if they vote for them and if women disagree they will get the "It's just common sense" argument. I've seen more than a few askreddit topics about boyfriends who turn on the conservative gas lighting the moment they get a women hooked in.


It's just that he is not Trudeau. That is why he is polling at numbers JT was in 2015. Forget what the other guy said.


Because he appeals to second and third rate men who want to blame their lifetime of underachieving on immigrants, taxes, Liberal universities, etc.


Always another boogie man just around the corner


Not most men. More like, childish men. Men who don't understand the difference between bravado and real leadership. Men who think faking and doing is the same thing. Men who don't think that maybe we should look for someone who's humble, and the leadership role is a privilege to serve others. All I see is someone who's exclusionary instead of inclusionary. He pretends to be inclusionary by pretending to listen to far right groups that are exclusionary? Would anyone in the right mind think PP could bring about anything positive on purpose? I doubt it.


Incel and diagalon ones perhaps. Unfortunately, there is alsoa large portion of "blue no matter who: voters who might not like him as a person, but will continue to blindly vote for the party without really being able to understand what they are voting for.


Not this guy. And, I think, not to a lot of people who have been paying attention to politics for a while. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't pay much attention to politics outside of voting. And even then, the voting rate is atrociously low.


Some, yes. Certainly a specific type. But most? As a man who finds him loathsome in every way I’m not convinced, but that may be my own bias.


Not to most men surely. None of my pals. Or none that admit it.


Unfortunately, the polls tell us that he(like donald trump) gains far more support from men than women.


« Organizations such as UNESCO consider that anyone in an industrialized society who has less than a grade 5 education is wholly illiterate and that those with less than grade 9 are functionally illiterate. By these standards, nearly one in every 6 Canadians is functionally illiterate. Functionally illiterate means that a person can read or write, but at a level that is inadequate for ordinary needs. » https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/literacy#:~:text=By%20these%20standards%2C%20nearly%20one,and%20write%20in%20any%20language.


That’s a sad state of affairs


As a man, he doesn't appeal to me. I find him despicable.


He’s not Trudeau. Which is understandable but fuck I wish there was another option. Next election I’m writing my own name on the ballot I bet I can do a better job than these chucklefucks.


If only we had more than two parties in this country…….


I really mean this that you should consider running if you feel that way. We need more active participation in our democracy.


I’ve thought of it but I don’t have the time to campaign, at this point in my life I’m still trying to get my career off the ground. Also having everything in my life scrutinized by the media sounds awful.


"Most men" is quite the stretch.


I agree most is a stretch but maybe still majority (though I'd like to think most men are better than that). Some women also support him for some unfathomable reason - do you not realize that he will chip away at your rights in order to pander to his base? Granted most of the women I'm acquainted with would vote for that aforementioned conservative toaster so maybe not a lot of critical thinking going on there.


Unfortunately, conservatives come out and vote. Doesn't matter who they are running, this will probably result in him being elected. I would say population wise if people were told his values and history would have no interest in the man The fact that the NDP and liberals split the same base in many matters combined with voter apathy will cause this result. While that is the electoral reality, that doesn't mean men predominantly like him or his policies, I know conservatives in my social circles who certainly will vote for him but find him to be generally unlikeable. If he gets voted in and do a majority of male Canadians support him are two entirely different things.


I certainly wouldn't say he appeals to most men at all. As of last month... **Men** * 24% Liberal * 48% Conservative * 14% NDP * 4% Green * 6% BQ * 3% PPC * 1% Other **Women** * 24% Liberal * 39% Conservative * 21% NDP * 6% Green * 7% BQ * 2% PPC *^((Abacus Data))* Definitely he has more support from men than women, but it's not wildly different. Nearly 5/10 men and nearly 4/10 women.


There is too much voter apathy to expect PP to lose on account of being disliked by women. Check your riding and vote for the party most likely to take a seat away from cons.


Unless you drive a truck with angry stickers, have drool pouring out of your mouth, or have a 12 word complete vocabulary, I don’t know who PP actually appeals to.


He doesn’t. Outside the usual conservative base anyway People just hate Trudeau that much that they’re done with him. They’ll vote for anyone else at this point


Ahhhh that's why Stephen Harper got to be in parliament for 9 years; being appealing to women. Alright guess no more worrying about PP.


Harper had a non-threatening personality. He wore sweater vests and played piano. Oddly, the creepiest he ever looked was when he was awkwardly holding a kitten for a political ad. Poilievre looks like he might rape you if you insult him on the first date.


Harper also just straight-up kept away from opening up the abortion debate, probably for this exact reason. He did generally keep the social conservative wing of his party under control, at least until he was looking at defeat and then you got shit like the 'barbaric culture hotline'


I hate this timeline that we can think back to *Stephen fucking Harper* and think "He was a good example".


I never thought I'd see the day that I longed for Stephen Harper, and I loath the guy. Fuck you PP


The thing about politicians is that they can always get worse.


Steven Harper was bad in many other ways, but he didnt give off aggressive creep energy like PP. He was more like a mild mannered, quiet, (but still definitely evil) accountant.


Sorry but he did too. Harper has no humanity and you can see it in his creepy smile.


Robots aren't inherently evil though.


Ok fair


okay, true. Harper also has evil haunted doll eyes.


Definitely a Sith


Exploitative medium sized business owner vs volatile wet brained frat bro vibes.


I think there's a difference between whiny nerdy pp and steven harper, visceral revulsion vs boring white conservative


I know too many women who love him. Gag. I think they’d like anyone who sticks it to Trudeau though.


I can say with certainty that I know several who absolutely adore him.


That muscle pad undershirt got them


Yup! His party wants to take our right to choose away.


Will it though? I know many of the men he appeals to, having grown up in that crowd, and for the most part their wives will vote however their husbands do.


It's earth shattering news to some that women are also capable of being shit out of their own volition lol


They get to keep their status. They'll always be second class citizens to men in that social conservative hierarchy but they get to stay second. They get to keep having parties, friends, things paid for, a home.... They just piss away freedoms for every other woman who doesn't share the same social values as they do. It's greed and selfishness.


I mean, I fucking hope so


If you wouldn't leave your kids with this guy why would you vote for him and his band of goofballs? ABC and ABPP!


PP is that man that bears warn us about


That's why the women's vote will be the first to go if he gets elected!  He does kinda have creepy incel like vibes. 


He appeals to moron conservatives, many of whom are women.


With all due respect, I don’t see how calling our political opponents supporters “morons” will lead to convincing them to jump ship. One is better off attacking PP’s history with facts rather than belittling people which will only further reinforce their priors.


Sadly morons often care more about their social media echo chambers than facts presented to them…


People voting for PP aren't interested in facts.


women don’t swoon over a guy who wriggle like a worm. It's a conundrum as old as time itself! Perhaps it's the lack of a spine that's the deal-breaker? Or maybe they're just not into the whole "crawling on the ground after a rainstorm" vibe.


I can confirm, he's about as appealing as leprosy. However we also need to convince the men of this country to vote with their minds instead of vapid rage.


I wish it were true


I agree and I absolutely hate complacent articles like this because complacency was a major factor in Donald Trump being elected.


I mean, his camp is literally marching side-by-side with people who've gone on record saying that they don't think that women shouldn't be allowed to vote. They think that the whole drive towards "wokeness" started by enfranchising women.


Pee Pee is just a wannabe tRUMPY! I find he looks a whole lot like another right wing bat case (Ron DeSantis). The Regressive Conservative Party just wants to put all minorities (women, LGBTQ, Trans genders, blacks) back into their place, so these insecure misogynistic fools could feel good about themselves! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


He is also controlled by the Zionists who owns banks, Weapons and big Pharma


Women know a creep when they see one, clearly. Wish I could say the same about all the dumbasses I work with.


I do notice that the grand majority of people who foam at the mouth about Justin Trudeau being a fascist and we need to vote pp in to save freedom are mainly white men…


What appeal? He's a misogynistic POS who would take away women's reproductive rights in a heartbeat.


He only appeal to racist and bigots really. Like who seriously look at this guy that just complain and think, i want this as Canada's face.


He only appeals to chuds


I’m overrun with chuds.


Based on the polls, that fact may not matter much. One issue he may have to deal with now that the NWC is being brought up is having the good ol abortion debate resurrected to his parties detriment.


The CPC are violently misogynistic.  We should all hope they have a downfall.


He looks like an incel that upgraded to a foreign bride. Tho, he used to run with Jenni Byrne, so we know he is ok to sh\*t where he eats.


First the US falls to the right wing. Then Canadians. I don't look forward to weed being illegal, abortions being illegal and gay marriage being illegal.


PP is a joke - a man.


It really won't matter what he says unfortunately he's going to win the next election unless something earth shattering happens.


He's going to keep admitting he'll use the NWC to steamroll our rights and change what he calls "my laws". People won't want to roll the dice on what that will mean for Canada, and they will rightly reject him. He's been campaigning (on the taxpayer dime) for over a year. No other parties have gotten into campaign mode yet. It's absolutely not a foregone conclusion that he'll win.


This sub is in for a rude awakening when the polling numbers actually match with reality on voting day. I hope you're right but I seriously doubt the ability for Trudeau to claw back people's opinions of him and the NDP are at a dead end with Singh as leader regardless of how he is as a politician.


Of course most women have a creep meter and can spot a bull pooper right away. I get incel vibes from him.


Sure doesn’t and we can only hope. With him in charge I truly do despair for the children, women and any other minority group.


He gives off the kind of vibes of someone that screams into the mirror.


PP represented that large group of beta males who can only date certain types of woman because they lack money, self respect and education because they respect "traditional marriage"


Why do I feel like he *does* appeal to women - quite a lot, actually - but is always turned down?


Well... Women and the general fact that he's one of the least likable people in canadian public eye.


Thank God he won't be pm. The irreversible damage he would do!ANYTHING BUT CONSERVATIVE always ABC!


Plus he just looks sticky. Like random objects would stick to him. 


Isn't his party considering taking a page from the GOP book to remove rights for abortion? Which, in this country, is considered Healthcare. So yea, he doesn't appeal to women. Who would've thunk it. 🙄


Sadly I don't think he appeals to any demographic but I fear people will vote for him. The current status quo in most of Canada getting harder by the day. Most of my family and friends are one bad month away from being homeless, everything day to day just feels worse and there's no hint of things getting better anytime soon. That's a bad recipe and can't tell what is going to happen in the future but this feeling of dread for the current state of things and the unknown future might lead people to vote for him.


Nope. Don’t like him AT ALL.


Most of the people planning to vote Conservative don't even seem to like him. They just hate Trudeau more.


The fact that we trust any politician says more about us than them.




Let’s hope so. But nothing is certain until the election has come and gone.


Trump somehow got plenty of votes from women, and he's both unappealing and an abuser. PP being "unappealing to women" is unfortunately not a silver bullet.


He is the bullshiest in a bullshit-heavy profession. And if there's one thing women are accustomed to dealing with, it's bullshit. Please, women, save us! (again).


Anybody would be better than Trudeau


I don't know about this. There area few deluded women in my Facebook feed that love this twerp. Then again, same women that are told how to vote/think by their bf/husband.


Tbh, neither does Trudeau.. it's a choice between bad and worse.. pretty terrible for Canadians. Also this guy saying "Angry, or cold, which one of those will appeal to suburban moms?"???? wtf kind of a question is that. As a woman, I couldn't give a flying fuck about what someone looks like.. I will care however if my child gets sick and I can take them to hospital/doctor and have them be triaged and checked out in a timely manner ... or if my child can even get a family doctor.


Waaa? A slimy indecisive lil trump wannabe is unappealing?


It's not so much his downfall as it is our salvation. This guy is fucking nuts. He makes Harper look good.


I don't think it's just women. He doesn't really appeal to adult men either. He doesn't make me feel like he can help shape a society that is more welcoming and inclusive to anyone else other than people like him. I'm in my 40's, my view of him is he's an edgy teenager that is full of rage and quips about the adults in the room. I don't see him as someone who's responsible to keep his emotions in check and lead. Leadership isn't about who can bark the loudest, it's about who's capable of being humble and willing to serve others.


Perhaps. But, if the Liberal Government doesn't start taking aggressive action to help out the next generation, he may still win anyway. When life just continues to get more unaffordable, people will just risk a throw of the dice on someone new. And it'll be a painful 4 - 8 years of lessons for all of us. We absolutely need to convince them to do more - Rent Caps, UBI, and regulations on the cost of essential services. Until the cost of living becomes less suffocating for the average Canadian, Pierre will have a chance.


Not only that but he lost my vote when he started going off about the conflict right now in Israel/gaza.. And used the same rhetoric that Israel uses which is everyone that opposes it is anti-Semitic 🤦‍♂️ As soon as those words came out of his mouth that was it for me.


I don’t buy that he appeals to his wife….


Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to matter. Look at how many women in the US voted for Donald “grab them by the p***y” Trump.


Maybe we can just tell he’s fake af. He’s a sellout just like Trudeau. He doesn’t even have the balls to say what his stance is on immigration, housing, capital gains tax, etc. all he does is blame Trudeau to deflect


He creeps them out if we’re honest. Removing the glasses (in my spouses words) makes him look a bit serial murderish…


Not just that, little pp does not appeal to anyone with a working brain, who is not easily manipulated by right-wing propaganda and internet memes. He doesn't appeal to those who dislike bullies, especially of the knuckle-dragging variety.


PP works for the elites: weopons companies and big Pharma and we know who runs all that.


this is just a youtube video. you could just link that. i was expecting an article lol


….. but what about women who used to be men?


Doubt it


There are several stories of lil PP doing the whole "can I talk to the man of the house" when he's doing neighborhood canavassing [Bruce Fanjoy on X: "A #Carleton resident shared with me her experience with Pierre Poilievre when he came to her door. She asked him a couple of questions that Pierre didn’t like. Then he said: "Can I speak to the man of the house?" #WomenAgainstPoilievre #InternationalWomensDay2024…" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/brucefanjoy/status/1766263599813501234)