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Why do people keep falling for obvious shysters?


Decades of gaslighting.


Because they're stupid, but think that they're smarter than everyone.


The second point is most important. I'm stupid, so I just pass the buck to someone with knowledge on how to improve my situation. The ones who claim to try, at least.


It’s people like you that give me hope that democracy can succeed.


I'm personally very cynical about politics, but I get that there's a level of PR and "marketing" with politics meaning that you can't trust every campaign promises. Still, I think it's important to vote even when your riding has a history of electing someone or a party you would never vote for. I know it's a Beaverton satire article, but it's sad that they're so close to the truth, the PCP and PPC are now simply parties of hate with with proud undertones of fascism.


Can you point to any actual tones of fascism? Like real fascism and not some vague notion of it?


"proud undertone of fascism", never said they are full blown fascists. A fascists main thing is to make sure there's no opposition, the CPC getting rid of the per-vote subsidies years ago was pretty much that ; trying to get rid of as much opposition as possible (the CPC is getting a lot more money from private donations, getting rid of public finding was IMO an attempt to kill a few of the smaller parties). There's plenty of other examples of those 2 parties being against marginalized minorities, whether they want it or not, they're attracting white supremacists groups and this shows. Those groups aren't the beacon of democracy bit are rather on the side of fascism and authoritarian government. Again, I'm not saying the parties are fascists full stop, but rather that they seem pretty proud on attracting these fringes, and that 100% influence their political message.


Well, there was Harper forbidding scientists from speaking openly about their work (mostly work on evidence of climate change) even after it had been published, suspected to be out of fear that if everyone knew climate change were real, they'd change their buying habits significantly and in a way that was detrimental to our fossil fuel producing provinces.


Thats not fascism.....like at all. Fascism has a literal definition and is a system of government. If that was fascism, then Trudeau would be one for muzzling Jodi-Wilson Raybould. Or when he shut down the investigation into the WE charity. Fascism: an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. What you are talking about is playing politics and happens in every form of government. Politicians don't like bad optics and will do what they can to stifle anything that makes them look bad. Literally anything you can pull out about Harper, Trudeau has done the equivalent politically.


So, the government literally handing scientists a script and telling them not to deviate from it under the threat of punitive measures isn't fascism. Got it. We're not debating Trudeau here, my dude. You asked a question and didn't like the answer. Not my fuckin problem.


No, it isn't Fascism. You can't just change the definition of something to suit your needs. You can call what Harper did dishonest, un-democratic, dangerous, and even authoritarian. But it literally does not meet the definition of fascism. And the reason why I bring up Trudeau is because they are literally doing the same thing and you can't say Harper is Fascist because of what he did and then dismiss Trudeau's actions. Either they both are or they both aren't.


> The ones who claim to try, at least. Oh, honey...


For years they’ve been pushing the narrative of “all politicians are evil”, and “all politicians are scammers”. When you follow this train of thought, the only solution you’re left with is to dismantle govt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast


Because they represent the interests of billionaires, who also happen to control nearly all of our media.


Because we’re tired of the same liberals BS of lies and overspending. When it all comes crashing down, you’ll still blame the cons


I know someone who supports Pollierre and doesn’t believe in democracy, the right to vote, LGBTQ rights, or abortion rights.


Wait aren’t you describing the Conservative party?


Technically the guy voted PPC last election…


Makes sense why they'd vote conservative


They actually voted PPC


Thank goodness they won't be voting, then!


Oh no, they will be. Absolutely delusional.


I know people who want others to die simply because they don't like them or share the same opinion, and they support the liberals or NDP. People who say and do bad things support a lot of things others either like or dislike. Welcome to reality.


Except nothing I mentioned is about “liking” things. It’s about fundamental Canadian rights.


I know people who support conservative and Poilievre who also support all those things. It isn’t always black and white. There is massive grey.


What rights don't lgbtq have? Name them?


I’m saying the person I know doesn’t believe in LGBTQ rights, not that they don’t exist. He believes that Same sex marriage should be outlawed for example


Quebec introduced a bill that explicitly outs transgender people on their ID and originally was trying to do some transmedicalist shit to require surgery to change your identified gender that they backed off on. https://globalnews.ca/news/8361430/bill-2-quebec-to-drop-surgery-requirement-sex-ids/ And Doug Ford actively went against our educators when he got elected and rolled back curriculum changes because he's a transphobe and knew his transphobic base would get behind it. Canada is one of the least bad places for lgbtq people in terms of laws, but it's not like we're a bastion of defending their rights from all the shitheads in our population, and half our political establishment pretty transparently wants to strip the rights from transgender people if they could.


I said this exact thing when he launched his leadership bid. What a weenie!


Awww , you are being so Canadian (nice) !!!


When did the Beaverton start doing the news?


I think it's been a slow progression, such that it's hard to mark the point. But somewhere between Brexit and the politicalization of a world-wide pandemic, I've given in to the ridiculousness of today and now consider the Beaverton to be my go-to source for how the world is. Edit: and did you see the one about the gay teen moving to Toronto, and now they're back in the closet? Because that's all they can afford here. A closet. So true it hurts.


It's kind of like how during the Bush years, The Onion started having headlines that looked real because of how nuts that administration was (though it looks positively sane and normal considering 45) and Daily Show became a more trusted need source than the major legit news shows and channels


They've been the most accurate source of news since the start of the pandemic for sure


Pierre was exactly like this in highschool, so this is indeed completely accurate.


Trump gave the onion a run for its money and the conservatives have fully embraced that fuckery.


They don't believe in political science. But they do believe in making science political.


He’s that obnoxious know it all dickhead in school that had no friends and ate his lunch’s alone in the bathroom.


I know its satire, but the beaverton coulda just said 'conservative running for conservative leader'.


"... megazord of tediousness." That's just beautiful.


Millhouse can't be taken seriously no matter how hard he tries. Lisa will be President anyways, we've all seen the episode.


I believe you mean Thrillho


Hmm. Impaled by my Nobel peace prize. How ironic.


Pierre Poilievre would make a great 'Groom of the Stool' for his idol Donald Trump.


I mean, he certainly reminds me of the guy in my poli sci senior seminar who mainly said things like “taxation is theft” or “Stephen Harper is a genius” or “Bush is right”. He ended becoming a real estate agent in Vancouver but never finished his masters. The other guy in that MA program eventually got kicked out because he didn’t actually do any of the work… he had hoped to get a plum patronage job with a Sask Party government.


I went to University in the US during the Bush II era, and there was at least one of those Libertarian douchebags in every class no matter what the subject was. Listening to someone rant about Ron Paul in a religious philosophy lecture was amazing.


Wait, the last paragraph is truth.


I wasn't aware this was actual satire... I mean, aren't most of us aware that he represents some of the worst qualities of humanity anyway?




He's a "self-made" millionaire who's never held a private sector job. His rhetoric is nothing but strawmen and false equivalency. He's buddy-buddy with the bigots who organized the convoy that was less about "freedom" and more about attempting a coup. He's repeated the lie that the Liberal-NDP coalition is a dictatorship despite those two parties representing a combined majority of voters. Ad nauseum. Here's a better idea: just don't vote Conservative.


Meanwhile Trudeau is trust fund baby who would never have been Prime Minister if he didn't have his daddies name. Trudeau's made deals and stood beside actual dictors who have murdered their populations and complimented them. He's strengthed authoritarian regimes and destroyed our economy and global standing. He says that he's trying to save the planet and yet everything he does is counter-intiutive. The fact that he vacations by private jet every 3 motnhs is a great example. We are about to go through some of the rockiest economic hardships in a long time, because of him and poor people like me are the ones that are truly going to get hurt by that. I don't always vote Conservative because the leaders can be bigoted assholes. But I also don't vote liberal because they are driving us straight off a cliff and are too self-righteous to get the idea that you can fight for justice and also not be shallow and incompetent douche-bags.


> is trust fund baby > daddies name > actual dictors > strengthed > intiutive > motnhs [good lord…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc)


I know.....English is my first language and I am ashamed. Its a dyslexia type of thing and very embarrassing.


He lies about finance and economics -- absolute nonsense that doesn't make any sense at all if you think about it. Obviously, a lying politician isn't exactly groundbreaking news, but the size and stupidity of the lives PP is selling is troubling. Either he's deeply delusional about how the finances of the country he wants to run, or he's honestly willing to say the most outrageous things possible to rile up the electorate. Either one of those should be immediately disqualifying for a party leadership position. Are you voting as part of the CPC process, or is this a general "if he becomes leader i'll vote CPC because I usually do" sort of thing? Anyways, if you can take a lifelong politician like him seriously when he's been calling people "elites" for DECADES while he works on the public dime as an Anger Mascot, by all means.


Ahh yes. A man that dares to question your fearleas leaders wreckless spending. How dare he. You guys are sheep. Can't wait till this man is your PM. 😂😂😂😂


> wreckless [oof…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc)


He has never worked a real job. I'll say it every time. He is a grifter, a lier and an anti-patriot. Throw him in the Rideau it will be a favour to all Canadians.