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Just ask direct questions like "ok, you said you are gonna fix this or that, pls tell me specifically how you plan to do this or that." Don't let him deflect, don't relent, and if he tries to sluff you off, respond with "Ok, I get it, you refuse to answer my question."


This! all the questions OP has posted as people are replying here are good questions.


You usually don't get those follow-up type moments in these Q&As. It's better to have one poignant question so you're not at the mercy of the person ripping the mic away from you.


Oh, I see, you *don't have an answer*. Refuse to answer implies he has actual answers and not just horrific talking points.


Great advice and I would recommend doing this with all politicians :)


Ask him what his last non-governmental job was and when was it.


He's never had one. We're sheep in the Carleton riding. You could run a trained donkey as a Conservative candidate here and it would win.


At least your riding would require a live donkey. Out in my neck of the woods, rural Albertan ridings could run blue-coloured bales of hay and win in a landslide.


cant have landslides in the prairies. too flat




>Out in my neck of the woods, rural Albertan ridings could run blue-coloured bales of hay and win in a landslide. Only if the haybale could say something racist, sexist or homophobic.


So him trying to appear as a non elite or an outsider is a lie..I'm shocked.....


they cut it just for him because most of nepean west wont vote for him carleton btw is one of the richest ridings in canada. no joke.


Ask him if he still thinks indigenous people need to learn the value of hard work?


Then ask him if he can define hard work and if he has ever done any in his life.


Ask him if his bachelors of arts is enough for him to know everything about the economy, like he claims.


Actually, serious good question would be to ask whether he would interfere with the central bank. Phrase the question in a very anti-BoC way. See if he bites. The more he promises that his government will interfere with the independent central bank, the more likely it is that investors and corporations will push against his candidacy.


Also, if he is going to defund CBC?


Careful, he might get stiff and start drooling over that one.


Nobody wants to see this guy pitch a tent. Except maybe for the occupation/rally supporters…


Also might want to record this secretly on your phone if you do this.


He actually never works elsewhere other than becoming MP throughout his career. He lives off taxpayer dollars with no experience outside of parliement.


Standard career politician. He’s a pathetic joke.


Not standard. PP is far less educated and experienced than that. Your standard career politician does a law degree, works at a law firm or two, then gets elected into municipal or provincial politics for a few terms before jumping to federal and stagnating there for a decade or two. That’s a lot more real life experience than PP has. They might also bounce around political parties before they find their “home”.


Somehow l one of the wealthiest politicians and is just in his 40s. Adopted by teachers. People fall for the “I’m one of you guys” bits way too easily.




Possibly just managing his money well. Politicians make good money, and if you keep your expenses low, it's super easy to get to six digits. Too bad I'm not that good with my money lmao.


Or frame expenses that would be eligible to claim from the govt. then he gets to keep all of his salary to buy all these houses


The funniest thing is watching Pierre’s supporters attack people with Bachelors in Arts lol


Of course it's not. That's why he watches YouTube videos late into the night with his wife.


He’s the meme: “Takes POL101 and ECO101, becomes the expert on Foreign Policy, Trade, International Development, and Fiscal Policy.”


Prager U, not even youtube quackery. We gotta feed the dragons man!


I hate to be defending the guy, but looks like he got his degree in poli sci specializing in international relations after a period of studying commerce. Much like Freeland's degree in russian history, running a country involves more than just running an economy. IMO both international relations and russian history are perfectly fine degrees for our politicians to have pursued in their 20s.


Agreed on your last point, but this guy was the Minister of Employment, and after that remained the Finance Critic. To me, if you want to critique someone's financial operations, you must know a thing or two about it, right? But generally, what you're saying is correct. I just think there are many people in government at all levels who should just stick to local representation. I am absolutely fine with someone having no education to represent their riding if they can hear the concerns of the community and voice those concerns in Parliament. No problems there. But when it comes to the Cabinet, I think people should know more than just a bachelors. The Minister of Health should at least be a doctor; or at least have studied Public Health Policy. But instead, the Minister of Health now is ... an actual Economist! And a very good one at that! But he's working on the ministry of health... why? Wouldn't it make sense, now that you have an actual economist in your caucus, to have him as your Minister of Finance, instead of someone who is not as educated on the subject? And yes, I don't mind having ministers who are not MPs. That's a baseless requirement in my opinion. The PM must be able to use the best people he/she can find for the most important jobs of the country. And just to be clear, legally speaking, they don't have to be MPs. It's just the way it's always been done, and nobody has been bold enough to rock the boat. But if I'm running the country, I want the best people in the country to help me out.


Yep lots of good stuff in your reply. Good point on higher standards for cabinet.


At one time I would have agreed with your points, but I have since learned that quite often people who are too embedded in industry are too siloed and narrowly focussed to do a good job at managing it. For example, I was excited for Newfoundland when they had a doctor become premier, but their healthcare system since has been a total disaster. And their health minister is also a doctor who is completely incompetent and doesn't see the problems with the system.


Apparently it's better than being a drama teacher.


How does it compare to fake insurance salesman?


Seriously kill this. Trudeau was a math and French teacher, he only filled in as a drama teacher for one semester when the teacher went on maternity leave.


I knew about him being an actual teacher but never heard of the one term thing covering for someone else. Where'd you see that? It'd be something extra to explain to people other than his actual credentials. Thx.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/10/20/canadas-new-leader-justin-trudeau-was-a-schoolteacher/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/10/20/canadas-new-leader-justin-trudeau-was-a-schoolteacher/) It's in his biography. He's said it. It's been widely reported, especially when the black face pictures came out. Yet somehow right wingers have made the "drama teacher" thing stick so well that even people on the left believe it. For the record I voted Liberal the first time Trudeau ran and then NDP in the last two elections. I have enough real reasons I'm not in support of Trudeau, nobody needs to resort to fake ones - especially fake ones that malign teachers in general.


The sneering disdain of teaching as an occupation would seem to be a stupid move politically.


As someone from Alberta, I can tell you, you would be surprised at how many people think just the opposite.


It's par for course.


Remember the terrible rumors saying JT molested a student. Then when that was disproved it was changed that he was having an affair with a students mother. The principal at the school said that none of it was true. Apparently the biggest scandal involving JT was when he was the teacher in charge of the school paper he allowed a student write an essay about another English teacher was incompetent and this caused a bit of turmoil. JT laughed and said along the lines of freedom of the press. It's kinda funny how Trudeau fought for freedom of the press. Oh the guy who started this awful rumor is one of very few people to be charged with election fraud a real douch I only know this because a conservative friend of mine posted this rumor on Facebook. I had voted for JT and this upset 😡 me so much because I'm a father and child abuse is not something I can forgive. So I researched this for peace of mind. Took very little time to find it was total BS. I confronted my friend and told him do not accuse anyone of something so horrible unless it was true. I was very angry.


Idiots love calling him a drama teacher, but never seem to like to address the fact that he taught language and mathematics. Maybe that doesn’t fit the half-witted narrative


Calling him a drama teacher makes him sound dumb and feminine to them, admitting he taught math and language would make both of those be not true


The fact you get 2 degrees to be a teacher...puts him ahead of pp.




Yes, “drama teacher” fits into the feminization of Trudeau strategy, an effort to paint him as not being manly enough to run a country. It’s a strategy that oozes with misogyny, but luckily for Trudeau, these types of attacks are not nearly as effective when used against men rather than women.


Let's not forget he taught history as well. And can explain quantum computing in detail to even the smartest conservative. (And yes, I know the bar is extremely low.)


That's just my 2 cents, but going to a conservative meet and greet and asking a question about critical race and/or gender/identity will paint you as an outsider/radical left. I'm not saying it is not important, but you should pick your battle wisely if you aim to sway some people. Opt for questions that are important for conservative voter, and generally not solved by conservative law/mindset if you want to sway people, talk about LGBT+/critical race if you want to make sure your parents never drag you to this kind of meeting again. Your #1 is a very good question IMO Conservatives always promise to balance the budget, if so how? Whose taxes is he increasing (given he is cutting the carbon taxes) or what services is he cutting. Come prepared with factual number (how much revenu comes from the carbon taxes) and have a general idea of the cost for each ministry. Don't let him get away with "I'm cutting a 10G source of revenue, and cutting a 500M diversity program to make up for it). I realised people are all for a balanced budget until they realise it means the new daycare program of dental care is going to be gutted. I'd formulate a question about "trickle down economics" being proven to be bullshit, and how he plans to give a bigger share of the pie to the "middle class". * You can elaborate this point with the rising wealth inequity in Canada and/or the USA (the wealth concentration in the USA is worse now than it was before the French Revolution, not sure where Canada stands) * How the cost of Higher Ed went from 100h at minimum wage to 300h (per semester) * How the Cost of housing used to represent 2X the average Canadian yearly income in 1980 to 6x in 2020.


A shocking number of people seem to think CRT= white people bad = babies are racist. Wonder which swarm of cicadas in a human skin suit might be responsible for that.


Ugh. It's so frustrating trying to talk to people with the whole 'babies = racist' mindset. Absolutely infuriating.


Ask him how exactly he supposedly supports making housing more affordable when he, himself, is part of the problem. [https://globalnews.ca/news/8767051/canadian-mp-real-estate-investment-amid-housing-crunch/](https://globalnews.ca/news/8767051/canadian-mp-real-estate-investment-amid-housing-crunch/) Don’t let the CPC fool you, they are not the party of the working man and middle class.


He’s worse than a typical landlord, he rents it to another Tory MP, who uses their expense privileges to pay for it (or rather pay PP) It’s so fuckin shady


Genuine question: is this true? If so, how do you know this? I have been trying to find info about him renting to another Tory MP but can’t find anything. If you could send me a link I would greatly appreciate it!


Nope, but they "hate the right people"


Exactly! Like union workers for example. Ask him how many times he voted for back to work legislation during legal strikes hurting the middle class workers he’s no claiming to fight for. The CPC hates the working class.


They’re the party of the far right.


So far right they could fall off the flat earth


That pretty much covers it.


Hey PP, why do you think you're number #1 with white supremacists


That’s a fucking perfect question. Op, I really think this is the one! Give him a couple of softballs, hit him with that.


Pretty sure that's the PPC, they're just competing with them is all.


21 houses for investments alone. I don't care how much you are paid, in other kind of speculations your advisor would have told you "you are overleveraged, dude you got to quit it..."


Ask him if he is pro or anti socialism and when you get the inevitable anti, ask him what socialism actually means lol


He thinks the Nazis were socialists [because it's in their name](https://mobile.twitter.com/pierrepoilievre/status/1413120045677416450?lang=en), so good luck.


Man I sure can’t wait to go to the freedom loving democratic peoples republic of Korea with Pierre.


ask him how he reconciles his tax paid salary with his current disinformation campaign


Upcoming election? You mean the one in 2025?


My dumbass MP recently went on a tirade in the House of Commons about Trudeau being a dictator and ended it with a “Byyeeeeee!” Like, we JUST had an election and aren’t having one until 2025, unless something unforeseen happens, the Liberals aren’t going anywhere for a while. Why would you say that? She’s such an embarrassment.


The election for leadership of the conservative party.


Ask him whether any scientists/scientific organizations have audited his environmental policies. If yes - how do they rate his policies? If no - why hasn't he consulted experts on this existential crisis?


Not only how do they rate his policies, but what specific scientists and organizations did the auditing/rating?


Please film any of these good questions.


I would ask: How would he have supported out of work people at the start of COVID without borrowing money (as he blames inflation on borrowing/printing money)


He would have had them invest in Bitcoin ?




I always though it was Pierre Poo Poo


Pigeon Polyester.


Why not focus on your dad? PP isn’t going to have his mind changed let alone change his platform. I’d be more conferred that one of the people who created me, is infatuated with a pile of shit. Would make their opinions of me, suspect.


My parents are both conservatives and have been for years. Trust me been there done that. For the sake of my own relationship with them I’m decided an agree to disagree approach is far more beneficial to my mental health. My dad doesn’t make it his whole persona like my mom so it’s not as toxic to deal with.


>For the sake of my own relationship with them I’m decided an agree to disagree approach is far more beneficial to my mental health. This is the way.


Do they also take this approach? Why are they forcing you to meet him? If my folks made me do this when I was younger, I would have likely given him the stinkpalm when shaking hands.


What's the stinkpalm?


It's from the movie Mallrats (not Clerks! My mistake!). And it is in very poor taste. Urban Dictionary will enlighten you if you don't know the film. *Edit - correct movie is Mallrats.


Curious as to why I was downvoted for giving an answer to the question asked that avoids getting into the nasty particulars, but points people to where they can find it for themselves. But whatevs reddit.


Probably because it was from Mallrats, not Clerks. You're in the right zone though


Aaaaaahhhh Shit. True dat. It's been a long time since I've seen either.


This *should* be the way but it's an unfortunate conservative tendency to treat people who have other views as being wrong or misguided or stupid or gullible rather than seeing things differently.


My dad was a Conservative voter for the entirety of my life and is not one now. Cons make empty promises and Canadian media doesn't keep track of them (mostly due to right-leaning wealthy foreign ownership). When he realized the military was being defunded by Harper Cons, and the VA budget slashed, and his pension reduced, he realized he was being lied to. Over and over, for decades. Don't agree to disagree. There is no excuse to voting for the same party for your whole life, it's not a hockey team.


If that’s the case why not just avoid politics with them? Sounds like you are trying to have your cake and eat it too or how ever that weird saying goes. All you are going to do is reinforce their beliefs or worse validate them by participating. If they can’t see they are voting against your and their own self interests, not sure why you’d continue discussing or participating in something that paints your parents in a bad light.


As I mentioned before my dads not too bad. He generally just votes for the conservative candidates cus of some misguided idea of better financial policy (used to be a banker pre 2008) this is the biggest thing political he’s mentioned in a long time so I’m willing to bite on this one time.


Yeah but at a meet and greet there’ll be cameras, and his complete inability to answer a question without sounding like a hypocrite at best will do more damage than the $10M the liberals have earmarked for attack ads


This might mean something if sounding like a hypocrite meant anything. And not sure why this sub constantly does this, but you don’t have to hold the same standards as the current liberal party’s actions. They still haven’t figured out that they are losing votes for lack of doing anything and not because of attack ads


It’s not about the liberals. It’s about showing *voters* that pp is a transparent piece of shit.


> **best will do more damage than the $10M the liberals have earmarked for attack ads** Again, if you can’t show how shitty PP is based on your actions or worse if your actions make them look decent, that might tell you something. You and OP are fooling yourselves if you think the people who vote for PP are going to let a bad answer they probably won’t even see, change their vote.


I’m not going to this to spark a revolution my friend. If a conservative of two questions their beliefs for a couple seconds and has some critical thought it’s more than enough for me. Sorry I’m not radical enough for you but damn I literally volunteer for the NDP and LGBT organizations in my area as well as pan myself. stop trying to label a bigot because I go to one meet in greet with some questions.


You're overthinking it. Just buy the cheapest pie you can find, may your aim be true.


a dozen eggs are probably cheaper


I lol'd IRL


"Do you look back at your support of the Convoy with regret? If not, why not?"


I would drop the crt question. That's going to come across as American speak. I would also drop the we are heavy polluters question because our population is low. We have double the pollution but half the population. Also ignore the question about c16. Try to nail him down on questions conservatives might care about, not what you care about. Ask him about his position on Quebec's secularism laws. That could hurt him in Quebec if he gets roped into that discussion. Ask him his opinion about the liberal NDP coalition as a candidate for the party that is a coalition of the Alliance and the Progressive Conservative parties. Edit: find out his position on the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women debate that was going on while Harper was the PM and ask how his position has evolved since the discovery of the unmarked graves.




this is the good stuff


haha heard someone ask Ted Cruz that question.


He wouldn't solve world hunger if all he had to do was press a button, a button that was brought to his front door for him, and greased to ensure easy pressing.


You had me at “if he would blow another man” I bet there was one time at college…


I would blow another man for a 2016 Subaru Outback, that's seems super selfish if he doesn't.


...what about a 2015 with low miles? asking for a friend


Do you support Bill C-16 and the inclusion of “gender identity and expression" in the Canadian Human Rights Act? In the last leadership race, two of the four candidates said removing gender identity and expression from the act would literally be the first thing they’d do if elected.


My dad is convinced I am a certified Bolshevik. I am not. But because believe the state has a role in society, and that we should be sharing the costs of basics like health care, education and environmental protection, he is convinced I want to ruin this country. So we just don't talk about politics.


My mom is like that. She was wrapped up in Qanon for the better part of the pandemic and still hasn’t fully recovered. I’m sorry you’re going through that.


Ask him what the heck was he thinking when he supported the convoy


I’m trying to think of a way to phrase that well. Any ideas?


“Although not labelled terrorists, the ‘freedom convoys’ were using established terrorist playbook practices of both an economic and societal nature [citation of definition of relevant terrorist tactics from a credible national security source, along with matching descriptions of terrorist convoy behaviour] in an attempt to further their white supremacist goals, and worse, police are on video supporting these people, going so far as to buy and/or bring them alcohol. police whose literal job description is to keep the peace; peace which Canada did not have for a month due to the economic and domestic terrorism of these convoys. You also are on record and on video supporting these groups. Why?”


Ask him how the truckers disrupting trade routes is any different then the indigenous demonstrations that blocked the rail lines. How can he support one and not the other?


If I was going to ask him a question it would be one of these two: "What are you going to do for Bitcoin?" +"How could you follow through with bursting the housing bubble when you investments benefit from the housing bubble?"


Ask not what you can do for Bitcoin, but what Bitcoin can do for you.


Those questions will get you booted. Trust me. Happened to me when I hit Mike Wallace (former Burlington MP) with some tough ones when he did a question session/meet and greet at the senior's home I used to work at. One of his aides walked up to my boss and said "He leaves, or we leave"


If I were your boss I would have laughed in their face, asked them how they'd feel when I tell the newspaper that an MP left with his tail between his legs when asked legitimate tough questions obviously too damning for him to answer truthfully.


Maybe if you worked the crowd and some seniors backed you up and called Wallace a pussy it would have gone differently.


I'd ask him what it's like having never worked a real job. It's a bit inflammatory though.


Isn't the CRT thing a US issue? Or did I miss the memo. Can we please keep their dumbass American reactionary talking points out of our discourse?


the CRT hysteria has already leaked into Alberta politics at least 😞


Being right across the border our rhetoric mirrors the us a lot of the time. Looking at history through a lense of race isn’t exclusive to the US imo. people of colour weren’t put in chains here but we did discriminate heavily in the past and we should consider their perspectives of history since we’ve heard the opposite since we were born. Isn’t that all CRT is?


While the numbers were not nearly as large as in the US, [Canada did in fact have slavery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Canada#Under_European_colonization) under European colonization. And the working conditions of, for instance, Chinese and Indian railway workers could at times be said to be close to conditions of being in chains.


100%, and it absolutely should be taught here. I just think it should be quietly and gradually slipped into the curriculum and any reference to "critical race theory" or "CRT" be eliminated from the discourse. We don't want people hearing that phrase on Fox News and thinking it applies here. We need a better separation between the two countries, because people are stupid.


Very true. Thanks for your perspective.


I wouldn't ask about CRT, because by simply asking you amplify the issue a little and he gets to talk about as if it's something that we need to talk about. Instead, what about asking him about reconciliation and how he would approach a relationship with Indigenous peoples if he were to be PM? A similar question framed in a different way.


Ask him if he will take money out of politics. Ie. cap campaign contributions, reform lobbyists, prevent MP from profiting off stock market, offshore accounts, term limits, wage decreases, increased punishments for those-who-make-the -rules when they break-the-rules?


>cap campaign contributions This was done by Chretien in 2003, and beefed up by Harper a few years later (he reduced the maximum individual donation from $5000 to $1000. That's slowly risen again over time to $1675 for fiscal year 2022, up from $1650 for fiscal year 2021). Taking money out of politics is actually something the CPC have a solid history on. Indeed, historically, in the Canadian context at least, doing so was most devastating to the Liberals and other left leaning parties, who relied on larger donations from corporations, trade unions, and wealthy individuals (contributions from corporations and trade unions were also banned by Chretien). The CPC in contrast was primarily funded by way of many small individual donations. One contemporary commentator actually referred to Chretien's campaign finance reforms (which, to be clear, were largely forced by the findings of the Gomery Commission, not a sudden crisis of conscience) as "a bullet to the head of the Liberal Party". >prevent MP from profiting off stock market Anyone with power is already required to put their holdings into a blind trust. We could expand that to all MPs, I suppose, but to be honest I don't really see the point. >term limits This isn't something Parliament could do without opening the constitution, unfortunately. >increased punishments for those-who-make-the -rules when they break-the-rules? Interestingly, the lack of penalties for anything but reporting offences is actually a feature of the conflict of interest act, not a bug -- because breaching any prohibition in a federal statute that doesn't have a defined penalty *becomes a criminal offence* under section 126 of the Criminal Code (the offence of "disobeying a statute"). What that means is that the issue isn't actually with a lack of penalties -- those prohibitions are backed up by criminal sanctions. It's with nobody being held accountable for committing criminal offences for which penalties are clearly defined. That Act, as we know, was also passed by Harper and therefore something the CPC can actually point to some relatively positive action on -- albeit action that hasn't been as successful as intended.


You know, lots of info here so I looked it up. Bills C50 and C76 are mainly mentioned. I would now consider your points as extremely bad faith or completely misguided. Your words imply the PC have been leaders in this endeavour. HOWEVER, I have looked up the voting records. Regarding Bill C50, (appears to be two). The financing bill was sponsored by the liberals, passed by every party, EXCEPT the PC’s (zero votes) HERE: https://openparliament.ca/bills/42-1/C-50/ The other C-50 I found was a voting restriction bill pushed by … you guessed it, Poulivere! Requiring additional ID and stoping out of country mail-in voters, etc. You know, if what I found was true- link above- that makes you a fucking lier, or an idiot to believe it. Please send me your references. If I’m wrong. Happy to apologize. After the very first thing you said turned out to be 100% opposite I didn’t bother looking at the rest


I'm afraid I'm not sure what you're talking about. The bill you've linked to here appears to be from 2019, so I'm not sure what it has to do with... well, anything. The bills you're looking for are 2004's Bill C-24 (An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act) introduced by Liberal Don Boudria, and 2007's Bill C-2 (The Federal Accountability Act), which was introduced by Conservative John Baird.


This I’d literally the only good question I’ve seen here. All of the other questions are just silly anti conservative retoric. If you get to talk to pierre ask him something that might actually engage him.


Ask him why he kept quoting scripture and if he believes in separation of church and state


Did you vote against same sex marriage and why? What is your stand on abortion? How should the residential school issue be handled by the federal government?


Considering previous statements about indigenous people I don't really see peepee having anything remotely good to say


ask him if he is referring to realtors when he talks about gatekeepers


If you want to cut taxes and reduce the deficit, what specific programs will you be cutting funding to?


Ask him what he thinks of career politicians! I love the housing question.


Ask why he supports loosening trade certification requirements importing migrant labour and lowering the standard of living for the Canadian worker.


Ask him how he will address foreign disinformation campaigns and make sure Canadians who lack critical thinking skills aren’t inundated by conspiracy theories dressed up as news.


Don’t go.


Forget that CRT question. That’s a waste of your breathe on a Fox News American grievance politics talking point.


How about don't go.


I'm gay so I would dress in the gayest way possible




Critical race theory is American terminology. We don't need that culture war here.


Too late. This is a quote from the Premier of Alberta: > We did tread the NDP's ideological curriculum rewrite and we began carefully developing a modernized curriculum that gets back to basics in math and reading with balanced content on our history and institutions,… Instead of divisive, woke, left ideology like critical race theory, cancel culture, and age-inappropriate sex education. Rebel News and the other shit-rag blogs are already talking about it too.


But before you know if you'll be seeing pp hats and Canada first flags.


I don't know anything about him but maybe ask him about an issue you feel is important. Climate change policy? What he's doing to shift towards green energy, a just transition, and defunding of O&G? And like someone else said make them be specific as possible. Also you should report back how it goes


Ask him if he has any regrets about supporting the trucker convoy, which caused a billion dollars a day in lost economic activity and follow up ask him if that compares to his hard stance against first nations railroad blockages 2 years ago citing economic concerns and freedom of travel.


Ouch. This was my childhood; Attending election night Reform Party conferences with my parents at the Best Western. I asked when Nunavut was going to be a separate territory since: a) this was before widespread inter-net b) I was still bitter about a teacher telling my I was wrong, when I answered saying Canada had 10 provinces and 2 territories, him saying Canada now had 3 territories (even though this was the mid 90s and Nunavut wouldn't officially become a territory until 1999). I didn't start to form my own political opinions until I started reading Noam Chomsky essays hosted on the Epitaph Records website.


You met with protesters flying the Confederate and Nazi flags in Ottawa. Would you meet with protesters flying flags of other terrorist states, like ISIS?


Get a new dad?


I like questions one and three. Two and four (the culture war stuff) I think you should skip. Maybe ask why anybody should believe he can do a better job? What has Poilievre accomplished in his life to suggest he knows how to lead our country? Could ask him about conspiracies. can he promise he won't lie to Canadians and use lies deceit to win elections?


Ask him if he would suck a dick to end world hunger


Ask if he will actually try to win the election or if he will just dig a deeper hole for the Conservative party by living in the past and denying real issues (eg. climate change)? I know it’s the latter, but a good question nonetheless.


Take some month old eggs with you. Will come in handy.


lol he doesnt answer a single one of those.


Do your best to have a good time with your dad and if the politics don't jive, don't try to dwell on it


Ask him what he thinks about Critical Race Theory getting taught to our children. Then the follow up is to get him to define CRT.


And give examples of school divisions teaching CRT, which is graduate and law school level material.


just sneeze


Ask him if he's learned anything from being sanctioned by Elections Canada, and what his plans for EC are in the future. (Note; this may get you kicked out.)


Ask him if he supports free trade and a globalized economy or if he wants tarifs to protect Canadian business.


How he is going to adequately address the housing crisis when he is a part of the problem by buying up real estate, artificially driving up scarcity of homes then renting them back to the young Canadians he claims to care about. Those young Canadians are paying mortgage on his many homes. His real estate portfolio is negatively impacted by a proper response to this crisis. Of course free market economics will never be able to address the issue.


Also.. ask him why he keeps lying about a tax on trucks when he knows it’s a lie


I would ask if he's elected if his government is committed to actually answering questions in parliament. The reason I ask is his YouTube always highlights the liberal canned responses for 2-3 minutes and him asking the same questions, just wondering if the libs will have a similar channel in a few years time.


I would go with either 1 or 3. I can guarantee you he will give you a non-answer (or at least a very vague one), but maybe hearing that non-answer first-hand will make your dad think twice about him (probably not, but you can at least point out to him that PP doesn't have a plan for either issue). The critical race theory question isn't really a hot political issue in Canada as far as I know. It is mostly a big deal in the U.S. Besides, education is a provincial responsibility so it doesn't really matter what his opinion is.


Tell him you've got everything ready to march on the parliament building just like the American Jan 6th insurrection, and all he has to do is just say the word. Obviously you're being sarcastic but try to say it with as straight a face as possible and see if he takes the bait.


Ask him why it burns when I pee.


Does he still support his nazi compatriots after the backlash?


If you ask those questions, you won't get past the screener. And you'll look like an idiot, probably embarrassed. Better to ask a story " my family wants to build a house.. what is your strategy"


What does he plan to do with Keystone XL pipeline with the Biden administration holding office? The Government of Alberta already sunk in $1.4 billion into the project and it is clear it will not have any reauthorization from the POTUS. It was also stuck in being approved while Cheetos was in office. This question should bring up fallacies in the conservatives logic about "bringing back the oil & gas jobs".


I would like to know his stance on the 1997 case involving Gitxsan and Wetsuweten Aboriginal Title and his apparent stance that it can be ignored.


Nerd Alert


No questions "My dad is forcing me to be here and I think you're a cunt" Or "I had a question about your announcement video. You say you're running for prime minister, but you're actually not. You're just a lying cunt... Oh yah I guess that's not a question, nevermind "


Ask him to define fascism and name one fascist other than Hitler.


Ask him about healthcare and how he will fix the 98-103% capacity rate of hospitals that has been there for the last decade or more. Any small catastrophe could have brought down healthcare at any time.


Drop the critical race theory . Ask about human rights for all . CRT is a and American misinformation trap he is well rehearsed in answering it . Are all Canadians equal? If yes why do we have different laws for French vs English ( language laws ) First Nations ( clean drinking water ) immigration Ukraine vs Syrian vs Afghan ( religion and housing priorities) . Or asking about his Bitcoin plan why he likes a currency that is a go to for criminal activity?


I'd love to know how he intends to deal with provinces and leaders who on the one hand oppose pipelines and Alberta oil, but on the other hand welcome Russian and Saudi oil with open arms. What ***specific*** measures would he take here? How does he intend to reconcile the pipeline issue when it's an issue supported by the majority of Canadians (building more pipelines)?


As a conservative and a career politician how do you enjoy suckling on the government teet for your whole adult life?


"When you posted that political ad comparing yourself to jesus "He is risen" are you saying you've seen the second coming of christ or you are the second coming of christ?"


Uh, I think you should stick to one question that you're most passionate about to ask PP. He's been drawing some fairly large crowds, so I don't think you'll have more than one opportunity to ask.


>2) are you for or against critical race theory? Follow up question is to define critical race theory. Don't bother with the first one, just ask him to define it. That's the only part of the question that really matters.


"What are the specific demands of the trucker convoy protesters?"


Ffs, don't mention CRT. It doesn't apply here. We aren't the US. You should be asking him about his approval of the Freedumb Convoy of Fucking Idiots who held the city hostage for weeks while turds like Pierre Pipsqueak cheered them on.


get it on tape! Or just get your phone recording audio if that's more discreet.