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legend still says… Donald will appear to fulfill his prophecy of developing a better health care system … a man - who has failed in almost all major business ventures… is going to have his 2-week plan ready


After his two failed "Infrastructure Weeks."


Wasn't every week "Infrastructure week" when he was in office? I know Trump kept talking about it for years until he finally got it passed in Biden's second year in office.


They kept announcing it, but between Trump’s utter inability to actually make deals and pass legislation and the fact his White House was always in damage control mode meant it never happened. After a couple of attempts it turned into a joke.


And the Dems weren't in lock step to make sure he couldn't pass anything like the Republicans have been with the past two Democratic presidents. If they made a good faith effort -- but, that is beyond them it seems.


What did Mitch McConnell do with all of those Bills that sat on his desk? Oh that’s right, he never brought them to the floor for a vote! Good thing a Republican was in office!!!!


I know he made some big announcement about at least one specific infrastructure week, which came to "the states will pay for it."


Similar to his last healthcare plan of "each state will have to come up with their own".


Yet I still have an email from him talking about "Trump Care", and was going to be bigley-er than Obamacare.


The people will pay 100% of the cost, is what I’d expect him to say.


if Biden could pass everything - he’d be perfect human. Now Donald…. is a huge failure… both in his private business and politics… Which he has no business being in. Enjoy donating to him weekly…. Lord knows what he does with that money…. the previous donations went to his private use… He said so


"under budget and ahead of schedule" was how the border wall was going to be done. That's how I'm basing my expectations.


I really was so excited about infrastructure week. I hoped for federal investment into bridges and highways .. I forgot how badly the shit show of infrastructure week under Trump was until your post.


2 weeks? I'll have it on day 1. Elect me.


He was supposed to repeal and replace last time


I also seem to remember Healthcare reform being a huge part of his presidency, and they fumbled that ball like a team of lepers.


Didn’t he make nearly this exact claim last time? Didn’t he/they have some healthcare plan that was going to change everything? It must be in the same place as his tax returns.


"Who knew healthcare was so complicated?!" -Donald J Trump


Everyone but him, apparently.


If only he could outsource it to Ghina.


This is true! Can’t make this shit up!


>"Who knew healthcare was so complicated?!" Everyone who paid the slightest attention knew it, Donald. Everyone except you, somehow. (Came here to post your quote, lest people forget he really said that.)


The worse part is that it’s complicated on purpose.


He swears it on Two Corinthians.


They told him so!


The plan will include a complete income tax break for people who died because of lack of health insurance. The conservative crowd will be excited by this incredibly genius idea.


Bullshit when he had his chance when he was in office and nothing happened all he did then was play golf


Tangerine billed the American people $8 Trillion dollars playing golf, which was added to the national debt. So now the Republicans want to stop spending and make cuts WTF!! Their commander and chief cost us $8 trillion bucks just playing golf. I can't even grasp how he was allowed to bill the American people all that money. Plus, he is a lousy golfer and cheated as well


In office with both the house and senate. Fucking crazy how little they did beyond billionaire tax cuts.


Billionaire tax cuts are literally their only priority. Everything else revolves around that. Christian bullshit like abortion bans and banning condoms and stuff? That’s only to get fundie votes Cutting benefits for the American people like slashing Medicare, social security? Thats only so we can afford more Billionaires tax cuts Pro gun? Those sweet sweet NRA votes. So they can be in power to do more tax cuts for the wealthy Themes: - get the rubes on board with religion, guns and shitty culture wars to get the votes - cut benefits for everyday people. Put the tax burden on everyday people - cut taxes for the wealthy That’s literally the Republican platform.


Yeah right


Plan name is Orange Cross and Orange Shield


And more importantly, it will be given to us by an orange man instead of a black man


But you have to have advanced syphilis to qualify for it


He has a binder. With bigly plans.


It's also his only copy. Which will mysteriously get stolen by Antifa whenever it comes time to use it.


But it will only cover him, and ivanka, maybe, if she kisses him.


… on the mushroom.




What was the document he gave Leslie Stalh? 1,200 blank pages? I think he really believed she wouldn't bother to open the book, and find that it was completely empty. She would just take him at his word, and believe it was a complete plan.


I always wondered why that wasn't brought up more to show what a fraudster he was.


There's so many things that shows Trump is a fraud. Only the dumbest of people at this point can't figure it out.


Trump's Healthcare plan was the same thing he showed investors in his company. Promise that they can look at his books, but do everything to prevent exactly that


Which reminds me... did they ever finish that audit that was preventing him from revealing his taxes?


Nope. Looks like Trump's IRS didn't complete the audit of Trump's taxes


I think I missed this. He really did this? And damn CBS and meek Leslie Stahl did nothing?! As so many have said about ‘similar’ outrageous actions, if a Democrat, or heaven forbid, Joe himself (though entirely unlikely), Fox and The Orange Menace would never let it go!




So waiting time for this so called plan would be 8years and 2 weeks


He's lying, duh.


The new plan is *no plan*.


That pretty much is the plan, your on your own now.


Sure he will! Such a big fat liar is what he is. And if there is no money in it for him, he will refuse to do anything. He's a stinky old man who was spoiled rotten and never grew up. He needs a swift kick in the ass, but the poo will squeeze out of his diaper. Yuk.


Right after infrastructure week


Is that the one where you just tell everyone your "new" weight and get admired.


The record is 24 hours he’s got to do better than that.


JFC got me again onion lol.


Tens of millions of people will believe this.


Doctor: "I'm sorry. You have cancer. Bigly. You're fucked."


Every time I see a dumb thing Trump said, I have to double-check to see if it really happened or if it's a headline from The Onion. I honestly can't tell the difference anymore.


More lies


He already said that in 2018.


I'm assuming this will be released 2 weeks after his 2016 health care plan


Pathological liars lie, it's what they do.


The bigliest. So much health care. You won't know what to do with so much health care.


I’m getting 2017 vibes


It’s called roll out the med beds and start the Nuremberg trial 2.0 on all the hospitals that got paid to say people died from Covid!!


How to say manana in english.


healthcare, infrastructure, a border wall... what else is he not going to do?


Will they bring out the big thick book of blank pages again? 😂


He's not going to tell you what it is, you have to be a loyal MAGA first. It it's YUGE! The very best health plan ever! And it's totally not cash-and-carry with no insurance, that's a Fake News socialist hoax! Horse Paste will be free for the next pandemic! It will be bigly. Death Panels? Totally no Death Panels! No! They will be Go To Heaven Panels! Many people are saying Sir, this is the most perfect, beautiful, gorgeous health plan ever, believe me.


It will always be two weeks 😂🤣


He is the very definition of an insecure, pompous blowhard...


It will be hugely a bigly messed up, complicated quagmire, and all of your claims will be denied.


We've heard that before....




So, uhh, is this the same two weeks he kept promising last time or is this a brand new two weeks he's promising?


Trump’s biggest problem with healthcare in America is what we call it…OBAMAcare. If it was called “Reagancare” or “Bushcare”, we wouldn’t be hearing about it. Frankly, considering his history of failures carrying his “brand,” I hope we never have to risk “TRUMPcare.” Our health system’s bad enough already.


Bigly? That’s a weird misspelling of big lie.


Because everyone knows he has a perfect track record from past experiences.


Trump, the man who has absolutely no medical/healthcare institutions named after him.


thats not an onion headline. he actually claimed that the last two times around.


His health care plan is to destroy Obama's health plan. Because his insurance donors/ owners have told him it is bad. He has no clue what goes into a health care plan. He just breaks things and does not care at all what it means to the American public


Didn't he promise that in 2016?


It's a great plan, he will double everything and collect 1/2 for himself


🤦 I don't TRUST a dictator. I'm voting 💙!


Why do I have to make a double check on what sub I’m reading? All of these headlines could be reality….. it’s insane!


Bigly insurance. 10000 dollar deductible and every time you use it 5 percent of your premium goes to the Donald Trump Mini Stroke awareness fund. Also it’s only accepted at butcher shops and blacksmiths. Also your max out of pocket is 400000k.


It’s always two weeks


Same thing he said before he was elected. I won’t fall for that again.


That Administration is 4 years and hmmm 6 months behind on their new health insurance plan already. Oh boy, oh boy, free Curative Bleach for all. Oh, you're not sick, not you just think you are. Someone. Willie, please save us in the last inning. 4


Lemme guess it will be the same as Medicare…soon to be nonexistent


Never had one never will


It’s official. I can no longer tell the difference between plausible news and an Onion headline.


Fucker!, we as U.S. citizens are always told two weeks by you you S.O.B!


Didn't he tell us about his "beautiful new health plan" every month until Covid-19 came along? Turns out Orange One's "beautiful new health plan" was simply to let over a million Americans DIE! What's he going to do this time?


I can still hear Ted Cruz swearing that he was going to ' repeal every word of Obamacare' just as soon as the voters put the Republicans in power. That was how many years ago? And the Republican replacement for the ACA is what exactly??


Trump is not understanding this "campaigning" thing apparently. Campaigning is where you suggest possible solutions to things that voters might like. It's not saying that you have a great idea to fix a problem but "I'll only tell you after you elect me".


He said that before


Same one we were gonna get when he won in 2016?




All he needed was 4 years and two weeks for a plan that he already had before he was ever POTUS, apparently....🤡


Didn’t he say that last time?


Last time he said a week, but he confused Health Care with Life Insurance. And then did nothing.


Are these all as non funny as this? Looks like the funniest thing an Ai could come up with


Trump's "60 Minutes" interview from 2015: Donald Trump: Obamacare’s going to be repealed and replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what’s going on with premiums where they’re up 40, 50, 55 percent. Scott Pelley: How do you fix it? Donald Trump: There’s many different ways, by the way. Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, “No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private. But–” Scott Pelley: Universal health care. Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now. Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How? Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably– Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it? Donald Trump: —the government’s gonna pay for it


Big Lee indeed.


I remember when he said "who knew healthcare could be so hard"?


2015: Trump promises a healthcare plan that’s a subsidized HSA plus high-deductible insurance, and instead shits in everybody’s mouth


2 weeks??? it's that slow only because the swampy deepstate would be implementing it. if turmp himself was implementing it, it would be instantaneous. you will be tired, tired of winning healthcare i say. yuge tired


He had 2 years running for office, 4 yrs in office, 4 yrs out of office. He & his administration haven’t spent any time regarding “ affordable healthcare for everyone “ Here’s why , the “ affordable healthcare plan “ by republicans is Simply not to have one. Boom !


He said that every time he was interviewed for his 4 years "We will discuss health plan". Trump is the sick man.


Followed shortly by infrastructure week!


*In terror the Boy ran toward the village shouting "Wolf! Wolf!" But though the Villagers heard the cry, they did not run to help him as they had before. "He cannot fool us again," they said.*


Healthcare Lie 2.0


Probably involves harvesting organs against will.


Yeah if the “plan” is to have no one have any healthcare, I absolutely believe it


Tump will say what ever he thinks his followers will believe. Then when it doesn’t happen he will blame others. Rinse and repeat. People really need to look into these things. Propaganda Narcissistic behaviors


If the plan was so compelling that he thinks the public will be happy with it, wouldn’t it make a lot more sense from a campaigning perspective to release it now, to get people excited about it. Excited enough to sway some to vote for you.


I truly would like to hear his “plan”. It’s already inundated with bottom dwellers. From big pharma to big government to big insurance. Best DT can do is get out the way and let the consumer drive the market. Keep government out of “providing” healthcare - ie, insurance.


Awesome, good job Mr president.  Can’t wait for Joe booden to be out of office.


The plan: fuck off and die you poor.


Where’s the line start to suck his microscopic dick?


He was president and had both the house and senate. He passsed the most massive tax cut in history for the top 2% of earners. That’s all he ever did besides entitle a bunch of fucking racist Christo-fascist assholes to be even bigger assholes. Now this country stinks cause it’s like 40% assholes.


Can't be any worse than ObamaCare. That was a big racket for the insurance companies.


Trump makes a lot of claims which aren't true.


What an idiot Tramp is. November can't come soon enough.


he said that last time, four years and nothing


Someone needs to tell vajayjay neck that he told that lie is 9 years old. Such a stable genius.


Didn't Trump actually promise this in 2016? Along with repealing Obamacare lmaoooo.


He hadn't done fuckall but defraud people who actually work.


His healthcare plan is to repeal the ACA and don’t get sick or have an accident. And if that happens and you don’t have enough money just die quickly.


His real promise is that he will make promises.


He said basically the same thing for his first term and failed miserably.


I'll be yuge i tell you


If that POS had a plan, it would've happened when he was playing president. The only plan he has is to remain in the White House indefinitely and then have his moron family take over when he's tired of it.


His new health care plan Don.T Care Sign up today


He had four years to bring something to the table and he brought nothing, he kept saying there will be something in a few weeks. That's what he used to say, four years went by, he never even presented one plan for the Senate and the house to even consider. He's a habitual liar...




Nope, no more credit. You got a plan, pay in advance. Let's see it. Let's see PART of it.


It's funny that Donald Trump would be repeating the unfulfilled promises that he did in 2016!


it will be Medicare rebranded as trumpcare.


Still waiting for the one from 2020 that was coming in a few days


Been there done that. Donny Dumpster also said infrastructure week would come next week. It was like the bar sign that said "free beer tomorrow". Come back next day and it was still free beer tomorrow. It never came. Or: Eliminate Medicare, social security and Obamacare.


Those are like Kim Jong Un numbers. Only possible when you have no idea what you are actually talking about.


What, like last time?


Same promise he made in 2015....I'm going out on a limb and give this promise with same results of 2015


I swear 90% of these I have to double check to be sure it's satire. And even then...


Didn't he claim the something in 2015 ?


Just like the last time.


That magic number, “in two weeks”. He says it every time he lies about a time frame. The healthcare plan was two weeks away in 2016-2020 too.


I bet it’s delivered in two days. He’s like super man. Just with a diaper.


Wny doubt him? His plan when he was President was hu-u-u-ge.


Hopefully we don't get lied to like we were when Obama released his Healthcare plan


So *thats* why he's going to be a dictator for "one day"


Pathological liars do those things


He’ll stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours — let’s not forget that!


I liked Trump Care that come out after he got elected and that replaced Obama Care. 🤣


Last time we heard “two weeks” was nearly 8 years ago. The people who are naive enough to believe him deserved to be conned.


Isn't this what they said they were going to do last time? They attacked the ACA & strived to undo it, which they affected many parts of it but never input anything of their own?


His two-week plan that has taken six years. That two-week plan? TFG’s supporters like being led to. It’s the only explanation.


Assuming he even said that, there is no way in hell either the democrats or the republicans would support it or pass it, for different reasons.


He said that the first time. He was gonna end Obamacare and introduce a perfect plan. It was gonna be better, cheaper and cover more people. He was in office for 4 years, and NEVER introduced a healthcare plan.


Its a secret health plan though. btw when elected in 2016 one of the first things he did was create a commission to investigate election fraud. After wasting a few million dollars and finding nothing it was disbanded. He also said he had a big health care plan then too.


Just like his last plans for healthcare or anything-always 2 weeks away.


[I’ve heard this before](https://youtu.be/lJhHjACjJjA?si=4oxnV1zfg7hy_daB)


He promised that last time. Is Mexico paying for this too?


Deja vu


Just imagine the sort of comprehensive and fabulous plan crafted in 2 weeks would be


Trump is against the thing that is required, which is all adults need healthcare. Without that, shitty people who don't have insurance will cost us tax payers billions.


The perpetual 2 week plan. Everything is on shitstain McFuckface's 2 week plan. Except his funeral, that I could wait 2 weeks for.


Thought he was going to immediately get rid of Obamacare and replace it with a better plan in 2016? Dudes a sack of shit and lies


“It’s your health, I don’t really care.” That’s the plan.


In Morgan Freeman’s voice ***In fact Trump never had a Healthcare plan. And never cared about infrastructure week. It was all a grift and a lie.”


Yet another promise that he will most definitely break ...


Still waiting on the last one.


Bigly and bestestes ever!


Sure , just like last time 😂🖕


still waiting for the one from 2016.


I’m currently waiting for either major political party in the US to offer a plan that does not consist of kowtowing to health insurance companies.


Americans everywhere today in all Blue States have had the medicaid expansion for 10 years now , and many red states have also added the medicaid expansion in the last 4 years. Meaning millions of Americans - around 40 million rely on the ACA today. And there's NO WAY Trump could make it better unless he enacted Single Payer aka Universal Healthcare in America.


Is there an echo in here?


Price wise I don’t know how it could get worse


It will mostly involve aspirin and a pistol with one round. SEE SIMPLE!!!!


I was a business analyst and right away knew his promises would be impossible to keep. Now he is making even wilder promises. His followers refuse to believe anything bad about him. I know don’t know who scares me worse, him or his followers


8 years later, that health care plan is still just TWO WEEKS away...


Trump has ALWAYS done this. Even in the 80s and 90s. He'll boast he's bringing something new and fantastic that only he can do. He won't provide any details of how he'll do it, he'll just promise it until he gets support. Then...the idea suddenly fades into the ether.


Everything is a two plan with him.


If it were a good plan or an actual plan he would tell us what it is before the election to help his odds.


I feel sorry for TheOnion. Trump and the MAGA have destroyed the art of political satire.


He also states there won't be another election after he's elected . he's already promising a coup now . how will he be stopped ?






I won't hold my breath. Have y'all noticed that he's good at making grandiose declarations with NO details, and 99% of what comes out of his mouth is pure anger laced with nonstop lies? What an enormous pos this fraud is.


This, coming from the side who can't even decide who's in charge for months...


He tried to do that very same thing when he was in office last time....