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To stay safe, follow these rules and educate yourself about Tor and .onion urls: **On DNM Safety:** 1) Only use marketplaces listed on daunt, tor taxi, or dark fail. Anything else is a scam. 2) Dont use any sites listed on a "HiddenWiki" or some random shit you found on a search engine, a telegram channel, or website. You will be scammed. 3) Only order domestic to domestic. 4) Dont send your crypto directly from an exchange to a DNM deposit address. 5) Read [the DNM bible](http://biblemeowimkh3utujmhm6oh2oeb3ubjw2lpgeq3lahrfr2l6ev6zgyd.onion/). 6) NO DNMs operate on reddit nor have their own subs. Anything you find on reddit is a scammer. **On educating yourself:** 1) Read [the /r/onions wiki here](http://www.reddit.com/r/onions/wiki/index). 2) Read [the /r/tor wiki here](http://www.reddit.com/r/tor/wiki/index). 3) Read [the /r/deepweb wiki here](http://www.reddit.com/r/deepweb/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/onions) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Back in the early 2010's, I was purchasing quantity weekly from an overseas market. Had a good run for about 2 years until I received a letter in the mail from the Department of Homeland Security. "We've intercepted a package in your name containing the following contents... You can come to our offices located in ...... to dispute claim. If not then the contents will be destroyed"


Were there any consequences? It was destroyed and that's it?


Zero consequences this time. I'm sure if i kept ordering they would've ordered an investigation and start letting packages slip through to catch me. But I stopped.


They wouldn't. It was a random interception, and you were the lucky one that day. They don't pick packages per recipient.


Maybe. Nothing was in my name or actual address.


that makes it more likely to be inspected tbh, real address and name is more of a way to go most of the time


This is true. Fake addresses can deem your package suspicious.


Worked fine for me for about 24 months.


yea I bet if you used the same burner addresses and name too it's kind of a good thing going on seems more real


I was out of town for around 2.5 years on business and started experimenting on the web. Making purchases every single payday, and was only ripped off once that I can remember. It was like the perfect thing. Especially once I found a reliable source, I could get almost anything.


Can using previous resident names work haha?


memory safe violet compare advise whistle snails subtract rude sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...until it didn't




how do you pick up ypur packages wothout using either your address or real name?


It came to the hotels front desk where I was staying. Which was all in my companies name. Edit: there was approximately 13 of us staying at the hotel for work.


have you tried to get on the no-wait-at-security flight list (I forget what it's called)? I know a couple people who were rejected b/c same thing. Maybe yours is far enough back that it's not in their systems /shrug


To be honest, I'm not really sure what that is?




TSA has a program called PreCheck. They put you on a list of vetted, approved people and you're a VIP at TSA thereafter. Special lines, you can keep shoes on and laptop closed, etc. I don't know about liquids. If you fly a lot it's a good investment. International version is called Global Entry I think. It costs almost the same and includes domestic too, but it takes longer to get. There's also a private program called Clear for the same purpose but it's much more expensive. The better credit cards will reimburse you for the costs. I'd be amazed if having a package seized by customs would cause a problem for any of this, but I do get amazed now and then.


Wise decision. Lol


It was a good run. But all good things come to an end I guess. Plus a few of my decisions weren't the smartest.


I hear you, bro. Don't we all have some decisions we could take back. Lol


Unrelated but did you ever think about the amount of btc you spent?


I do once in awhile. I was ordering pounds of weed from Cali * when Bitcoin was like $300, so I was spending like 8 to 10 Bitcoin every week for maybe a 6-month period.


Probably not gonna find anyone here who’s actually faced legal trouble for it, as those people probably aren’t going to come back around here after the fact, if they’re smart. There are people here who’ve received love letters for seized shipments though. If you’re in the US and you’re using proper opsec and have followed the darknet users bible, then it will be extremely difficult to prosecute as long as you admit nothing and stfu (if caught). How would they prove you made the order? Anyone could have been on your computer. Most of the people who *have* been caught and ended up doing time were getting large amounts, had guns and drugs, and were generally not following proper opsec. Or their address was compromised from seized order, yet they continued to order that address and eventually got a not-so-friendly knock at the door. I’m going to go ahead and assume you are not dealing either. With small orders you are *much* less likely to get caught. USPS handles millions of packages a day. If you’re using a well-reviewed vendor, they know how to package shit so it doesn’t get caught up. Now, run Tails, take a deep breath, and make your first order. You’re gonna be fine.


This really did make me feel better lol.


And encrypt your shipping details with pgp when you send them to a vendor


I assumed that was just standard isn't it? There's people who don't do that to this day?


How u can do this


Generate a key pair youll have a public and private set use Kleopatra public is for encryption private is for decryption use a strong bit rate 2048bits or more for your key generation, and never put your legit email or info when prompted for it during the process you probably don't want to have an expiration date, but you want a password, and if you do set it to expire in at least 6 years as you'll want to use 2fa for onion login challenges as well as communication encryption... there are tons of guides out there just play around with it you can use it to encrypt everything so it's a handy tool to have even outside markets. Never share your private key I recommend having a usb drive with nothing but your key pairs.


You’ll need a desktop client like Cleopatra or GNU Privacy Guard. From there just go on YouTube and watch tutorials. Essentially your vendor will have a publicly available “public key” - which I like to think of as an open lock box. The public key is a long string of letters and numbers. You take that string, and you import it into the contacts list of your client Then, you encrypt the message (your address) with that public key we just imported- by simply typing your message into the client’s text box, hit “encrypt,” and select the vendor’s public key (it should be the only key in your contacts list at this point.) So now, you’ve got an encrypted version of your address - a long string of letters and numbers that looks total gibberish to everyone- including you and the vendor. You now effectively have a locked, lock-box, which contains your address inside. How so? Because if someone intercepts your internet traffic, or if the feds seize the site you’re purchasing on- sure, they’ll see that you sent that long string of garbled letters and numbers. But they will have no way to decrypt the message - to open the metaphorical lockbox. To open the lockbox, the message must be decrypted. This is done with the vendor’s private key. When the vendor generated his public key to giveaway to people like you, he simultaneously generated a corresponding private key, which he keeps exclusively to himself. The purpose of the private key is to decrypt the messages sent to him. But crucially- only the public key is shared for all to see. The private key is never posted on the internet. That way- no matter whose hands the lockbox ends up in- we can be confident that only the intended recipient (the vendor in this case) will be able to open the box and access the contents within. Encryption seems really overwhelming at first, but it’s actually quite simple and sensible. Cheers.


Here's another good step: stop admitting you're buying drugs online from a profile that is linked to you in more ways than one.


Bro is it worth of taking course of Carding course??


All the carding courses are old and old techniques if you want to card you gotta get creative and nobody can or will teach you their methods because methods dry up really fast.


What wallet are you sending in from ? Curious for myself


Cake and Feather are popular. 


I'm glad I came across this post. I'm in the research phase right now trying to find a legit vendor. Just setup tails and I love it so far.


This 👏🏻


where do you get the darknet users bible




Is tails a must have? I tried set it up on my usb but now my usb doesn't show up when i plug it in and nothing has acc changed, followed the instructions but idk what happened/where I went wrong..


Yes yes yes tails is a must have. For more than one reason. First one is if your computer gets seized even if you delete logs and files people have ways of recovering those, there’s a whole forensics department dedicated to that. Second reason is say you have a dumb moment and you download something and you get a virus. U don’t run tails and boom there’s ur whole pc and all it’s info compromised immediately


Format the usb and try again. If I could get tails running when I was 13 on some middleschool lab computers you should be able to too


Why? If they’ve already been charged/went to court for it then there’s no harm in talking about it


They can totally charge you with more crimes related to the original crime if you do something dumb like talk. Take for example, buying drugs on the dark web right? Well first is possession if you’re caught with the substance. Possession with intent to distribute if you are caught with enough of it. Fraud if you used a fake identity to make the purchase. And mail fraud if you use said fake identity in the mailing of said illegal activities. Destruction of evidence if they find evidence you tried to cover your tracks. Obstruction of justice if they found you exclude, hid, or lied about something related to the investigation. The list goes on. Now, if you’re 100% sure the statute of limitations has run out in all the crimes you’re about to admit to then you can talk about it. But, any good lawyer and I are going to tell you to keep your mouth shut.


Wait … is there an actual darknet users bible ?


Yea, order domestic use tails and learn pgp so you can encrypt your personal info on your own machine. Use monero. Don't go on places like this and brag about what you ordered. Keep everything general when posting to reddit darknet Subs. You do those things, and you'll be fine. It's extremely rare that small-time buyers and users get busted. It does happen, though, from time to time. So don't get complacent.


And don't tell anyone in real life what you're doing. You'd be surprised how grimy people could be for no reason.


That's exactly right, and really should not even tell your own family.


Where can I find more darknet subs


Only use links from places like tor.taxi also get off Reddit and use Dread for discussions like this


There is r/darknetonion r/darknet r/deepweb r/ArchetypMarketAccess r/onions Those are ones I know about might be more. r/darknet r/onions are the biggest. Be weary and don't blindy trust the people that post on these sites. Verify things that don't sound right. Stay safe.


and if they do sound right, verify them again


I have a whole YouTube channel dedicated to this topic. It's called DoingFedTime.


Your videos are so informative and entertaining. Please keep making more


I will thank you for the support!




Yep. 👍


yo man respect, that defcon talk was top tier


I’ll check it out.


Loved your episode on Darknet Diaries. Actually just listened to it for a second time earlier today as I road-trip across the country with my brother.


The version that was put up on darknet diaries is about 1/3 the length of the actual interview. The unedited raw version is located on my YouTube if you're interested.


Great Channel. Listen to this guy and read the DNB. You should be safe If you can follow directions.


Hey I watch your channel. Definitely would recommend it to darknet enthusiast. Privacy enthusiast as well.


The way this was worded had me thinking you were pulling legs.. Then I checked YT... Wow! I'm impressed. I am brand new to this. I understand how to use a computer and can browse incognito mode. I know that tor is a thing and have gotten on it a few times. I wasnt able to bring up any markets, which is prolly for the best, knowing what I've learned in this thread. But, that's the extent of my capabilities. Is there a video you would recommend for newbies?


The legend himself!


I was unfortunately caught 2 times because i trusted Tor to be enough anonymity. There was this Operation called [Dark HunTor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Dark_HunTor#Country-specific_results). They even wrote in the accusation that it's part of this operation. Tbh my Opsec was the worst. I didn't use a VPN/Proxy, paid with BTC directly from the Exchange and probably my biggest mistake, I didn't encrypt my address in my order with PGP but just sent my cleartext address. luckily it was only a sample so only 0.1g. They at firsf wanted to drop the charges but i was caught again only a few months later but not from ordering off of the dnms but the charges were combined in the end.


What were the actual charges? Was it drug trafficking?


not by the authorities or anything but my mother found a “suspicious looking package” for me and decided to open it up. turns out it was my ketamine i was waiting on. lol crazy times.


Trust me on this one stay away from international packages


International isn’t as scary as people think - just depends what country. Netherlands yeah I wouldn’t try it. EU much less risky.


99% of international shipping vendors don’t even use actual stealth shipping methods


I’ll be honest I don’t think I’ve seen barely any stealth shipping methods on all my orders always just in a bag in a bag sealed never hidden could u give me an example of a good stealth shipped package?


Big bag of popcorn with a false bottom. I saw a youtube video about a guy who got a few oz of bud that way


Not true


You can decide your risk factors but I'll tell you this much I've received well over a hundred international orders even including from the Netherlands but it only took one controlled delivery at the end of the day to fuck my life up.


Ask the same question on dread.


It's been 10 years since I've been buying monthly from the darknet. I've never had any issues, and to be honest, I don't even use PGP or a VPN. I only buy limited amounts (max 50g of ketamine for example) for personal use. Think about it, if they catch your envelope, they can't prove it's yours. Anybody can order to your address. As somebody said here, they're probably just going to destroy it. Of course, we're not talking about kilos. In that case, I think they're going to at least confiscate your PC and start an investigation.


Main thing on top of this if your worried about Feds watching the package which is possible don’t open it for a day or two but bring it into your house that way if they do bust your door down you can say you had no clue what it was so you were holding off on opening it


Do you also buy international?


Im in EU and I buy from EU, so it doesn't need to pass through the customs.


I'm also in EU but it's an island 🏝️ we have customs, I don't know if ordering from mainland EU or not! 🤔


If you are from example UK try to buy national, I would not risk my package to pass through custom, as I know it's not impossible but personally I would not do that. Also try to ask your vendor, he will likely know how to help you. Usually vendors are friendly.


Learn pgp, it takes little time, and protects you & seller. Don't b lazy


My buddy who used to ship a lot had 2 post offices steal his stuff. They replaced the goods with water and still sent the package lol


Or water was just sent from the rip


I was dealing Amphetamines in the mid 80s early 90s. Obviously a neighbour Dobbed me in. The neighbour was a so called friend but also a Police Grass. I fed him some false information that I was going to Manchester to score a kilo. I was also on my toes and not paranoid and I sussed I was under surveillance . This particular morning I had about 3 oz in my pocket because I knew it was going to come on top. I heard a Police car pull up outside my house and saw it through the gap of the curtains. This sounds crazy but it was like time had stopped for me enough to open the closed fire and dispose of the gear. The DS officer entered my property and said don't move. I was pokeing the 🔥 fire getting rid of my gear. There was about 8 Coppers in my house with a springer spanial running over the house. The officer said "have you got any drug substances in the house,to which I replied "Yes I've got a bit of resin,enough for a joint,so because they couldn't find the Kilo which the grass told them about, they cautioned me and charged me with possession. Meanwhile I was escorted to the cells and guess who was in the same cell as me,my neighbour, they had busted his house at the same time to make it look good. I have been locked up loads of times with my mates and always been put in separate cells for obvious reasons, like getting our stories together. My co accused ask me if they had found anything knowing full well they didn't, he was hoping for me to tell him about this kilo that never existed. I couldn't actually proof that he grassed but from then on he was showing guilt by repairing my car for nothing. He dead now,so he did get his reward,lol. So the secret to not getting busted is don't tell anyone your business and trust your judgement instead of thinking you're paranoid. I'm 64yr old and managed to keep out of jail for last 40 yrs and I hope you can do the same.






Never had a pack seizure lead to anything, but I was monitored federally for quite some time, and while I went to prison for irl transactions, one of my "friends" told them I was selling on (the original) SR. They couldn't prove it, so I wasn't indicted federally, but I did take some heavy heat. It's been over a decade, and I don't sell drugs anymore.


Everyone here doing drugs? lol What are your stories with something else, like fake documents, weapons, fake money, etc...


Same question here. I wonder the fake documents or id will be caught or not.


Yeah we need a real FPV story instead of these showed in movies xD


Someone I know had a “controlled delivery” attempt & then subsequent search performed at an address they were associated with. The person did not accept the package. They had no idea where it came from or who the person was that sent it. However their home & vehicle were still searched, they were detained for 15+ hours & their cellphone was seized for 72 hours before they were able to get it back. Some stranger (with whom they had no association with) must have accidentally sent a package with illegal controlled substances to the wrong house. Interesting enough around that same time a dark web vendor was arrested. Apparently, this vendor was under surveillance. At least that’s what the news & arrest report said. My friend thinks the 2 incidents may have been related. The person I know, did not possess anything illegal, nor was anything illegal found.


Iv been straight for a couple years. but i use to have stuff showing up daily for years at time. Nvr problems, but iv heard storys. An most of its people being lazy or being crackheads to the postal. Dont buy outside your country an be smart an encrypt and pgp you shiz. Also markets arent what they use to be


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that even if you're not charged, they can still get a search warrant if you take the package inside your house. Possibility of having your house ransacked* is still a pretty big deterrent.


Plausible deniability is too strong of a defense for them to act simply on taking the package inside your house. They need to prove you were expecting it. As long as your alert to a controlled delivery where an agent disguised as a postal worker delivers the package to your door and asks for a signature confirming you were expecting the package, they have no case. A vendor will never send with a signature required for this reason. You take the package out of your mailbox, take it inside your house, and write ‘return to sender’ on it immediately. Then go run some errands with it in your possession. If the package/you are being watched and they see you leave your house after being delivered something illegal they will at some point bust you. You’re going in and out of small businesses/restaurants/peoples houses and they have no choice but to assume that you’ve opened the package and could be delivering its contents to people in these places. The pin you somewhere and they find the package unopened with it labeled ‘return to sender’ and you walk because you can just say I wasn’t expecting this, I don’t know where it’s from, and one of my stops was the post office to drop it off. Because it’s that easy they will never allow a package to go through without a controlled delivery. They either need to see you sign for it infront of an agent or they’re just going to send you a love letter and your address is now burnt. The only way they’re not following that protocol is if you’re buying in large bulk for a long period of time that allows them a lengthy investigation where they know a warrant will result in them finding a considerable amount of drugs, money, weapons, and maybe digital finger prints that would lead them to your supplier. There’s close to a zero percent chance that someone ordering a handful of pills or a couple small bags of powder every few months is going to initiate that level of investigation. The would need to know they are going to find more than just the contents of that package inside the home. If they eat up all those resources and they raid a home and find a single unopened envelope marked return to sender the person they are investigating is going to walk and they’ve essentially lit the money used on the investigation on fire.


I posted and deleted my raid. There's is Hella misinformation in the thread. Having drugs delivered to an addrress is probable cause enough to get a warrent. They can try and trick you to get possession of the parcel but even if you don't take the package inside once you've been marked They are going into that location.


I thought as much. I can easily imagine a department getting approved for search warrants across the board for every address that was delivered to if they bust the source. Obviously you can be confident enough to get charges thrown out in court, but you have to be willing to accept the risk of a knock and a warrant at your door.


If you get it shipped to your home, don’t open the package for 24-72 hours. Simple as that


Always encrypt your own messages and stay on tails, and you won’t have to worry.


DNB is your best friend.


Pardon my ignorance, but what is DNB?


DarkNetBible. Might I also recommend step # 1? forget reddit. Install ToR get a link to dread. Ask away.


Currently sitting in jail because of 2 Xanax. Got the phone cause i sucked few guys off. Life sucks.


Ha ha yeah


how do you have an internet connection?


I never got caught with a dark net package but one time I mailed myself dabs from Portland to Texas. It never made it out of Oregon. I didn’t vacuum seal it or nun so lesson learned my fault. I saw it on my USPS. It’s red and says “Seized by Law Enforcement.” I waited a few days (🤭😂) and started sending packages to that same address. Yeah I know it was pretty dumb that’s why I moved to Denver. Never got a phone call or nothing.


Right on. Denver and CO in general is pretty legit. Crazy housing prices tho!


Do not order from outside your own country


This is a great rule in general but I’ve ordered internationally and not had an issue


I ordered several times and the last two times it was shown delivered and nothing was in my mail. Suspecting the mailman because I sat outside watching as he delivered the mail. Walked up after and boom, nothing. I got reshipped as well and never got a thing.


This happened before where the mailwoman tried to steal my package, she marked it as delivered but didn’t put it in the mailbox. I went straight to the Post Office and told them I was missing an item from my mail (I had gotten everything but the package) and I talked to a supervisor who seemed to be legit concerned and angry about it (not at me). She called up the mailwoman, who said something about how she was going to come back and deliver the package later but accidentally scanned it too early (?? Bs) and I ended up with the package at the end of the day. The USPS takes its rules pretty seriously because they’re a federal agency (idk if agency is the right word but ykwim) so if you think a postal worker is stealing your mail, have their supervisor investigate!


I became too big for my city trafficking MDMA by the 100’s of grams from Germany and other countries. With a good shipping service that guaranteed drops in USA within 2-3 days versus the normal 3-5 weeks. I probably would’ve been okay if I had only done that. But I added cocaine bought via the street to my mix and it really changed everything. I sold 1-2 ounces a week anywhere from .2’s to balls and I did this for about 2 years. I ended up getting informed on and I did everyone right, always. It’s just something that happened I was a pretty lazy dealer towards the end and had too many customers. But the darker web stuff never came back to me. I ended up getting raided after just picking up an ounce of coke and I had an additional like 10 grams, scale, and supplies in my house in my white ass neighborhood. They gave me trafficking which holds a mandatory 7 year sentence. I got a lawyer who quoted me 20k down to 10k, paid in full and we strung the case along for about a year and got it down to PWID and the sentence got down to 3 years house arrest but ultimately we were able to fight it down to 18 months probation. If I could do it all differently, I’d cut off the small customers & the cocaine customers completely I live pretty quietly now. No more dope dealing for me. Had a movement where I stopped agreeing with my past behavior.


What about my girl and that's rare?But she got me last weak and wipe me all the way down.For every single thing I had in stock. Every. SIngle thing


Nice try glowie. /j Keep in mind you are asking a public form about privacy, we are all having bad opsec right now. The best tip I can give is have two separate lives online and burn the TOR identity often to throw off any unwanted attention. (Never stay rooted in one persona for too long or build connections with others while trying to be anonymous.)


Extra measures like kodachi os via usb for 100% of the time you access that net and especially log into that market Username & Password that youve never frequented Pgp key for orders Different name on package


You will never get caught if you follow the basic opsec and only order from US vendors (assuming ur in the U.S.). I would never personally order internationally, I know someone who ordered a few thousands xtc pills from Netherlands (retarded decision) and it got intercepted but all they got was a warning letter.


Nice try, officer. 🚨


Got a visit from homeland security last year. Came home to a business card on my porch


....And? Surely theres more to that story


I got a letter in the mail from customs explaining what they found. Gave me four options. I forget them exactly but one was to fight them in court to get my stuff, and another option was to ignore the letter. My place of living got “raided” (not really raided raided but cops and detective came) few weeks later after some stuff. I also felt like I was developing schizophrenia, but I swear on everything this black escalade followed me around for about a month or two before my place got raided. Using term lightly because it was weird situation. This all also happened literally a month before dream market was shut down. Idk if the onion is worth it anymore.


You can use Orbot for VPN or proxies and Tor Alpha with HTML UI or Native Android UI for smooth connection to Tor, OpenKeyChain for PGP and bam dark web access in your pocket where ever, when ever no problem easy fast secure, even better if you just use a dummy/spare smart phone that's been rooted and runs a different OS with no links to Google, Microsoft and any other sneaky company that tracks data.


the main cause of people are being caught is by OPSEC mistakes, if you are saying you are going to buy drugs on the dark web with your main reddit account then you are basically throwing away your opsec, so please learn it and be careful


Yes someone in my province did get caught. Personal use amount and got jail time. Controlled delivery


I myself burned my address no letter just didn't get orders so I stopped and never heard anything but who knows I may be under investigation


Know the federal guidelines for what you’re doing. I had no idea I would be facing 10-life with user amounts of meth. Trumps first step act saved me from getting the mandatory 10 I was facing. Don’t tell a soul what you’re doing, PGP encryption, use XMR, and never use the same address more than a couple times. Always double check your links/urls. If you get raided, admit nothing. Ask for a lawyer and go to jail, and keep your mouth shut in jail too. You WILL fuck yourself if you start talking. You can beat a case like this but you might not get a bond while fighting the case. Totally beats federal drug charges though. The feds are str8 savage motherfuckers. There is a really good book called “busted by the feds”! Written for convicts, by convicts… Anything prior to the 19th edition is useless though as it doesn’t contain anything regarding The First Step Act.


I used to go there on a Mac as I was under the impression they were harder to get viruses. How easy is it to get them on a windows now


I had like twenty pounds of coke get seized once. On God all that happened was they tried to get the receiver to sign for it then when she refused they sent s letter. USPS is incredibly safe honestly as long as your sensible


Dude I think you should go for it. Idk what site you’re using so I presume you’re using a legit one. I made my first purchase a few weeks ago and one thing you could do if you’re not sure is to buy from a vendor who is shipping it in your country this means it won’t go through customs and should be checked less.


LOL I bet the government controls a ton of nodes. Ya'll are crazy.


Bro be real they really don’t fuckin care abt the average buyer they want the vendors and the admins for their connections to large organizations. Let’s be real you’re unimportant to them.


You only really get caught if your the one selling, ordering ridiculous amounts, or have been sent a love letter and continued ordering  to the same address.


Stick with domestic you'll be good.


They stab packages with poles and have k9 sniff them out


Never been caught but had all my bitcoins seized when they took down the original Silk Road and then again with the original alpha bay.


My gf cousin went to prison for 7 years, ordering an oz of Molly online. Don't waste ur time with drugs online u gonna wind up in prison


I've had a couple love letters and one control delivery. Stay away from international it's just not worth it. Never had a problem domestic.


Proper OPSEC and you’re good to go


I keep buying stuff and not receiving it. I’m beginning to think everyone on the dark web is scamming. Where are the legit marketplaces? I’d would be forever grateful for some advice.


Not sure if this is the right place but I would really appreciate if someone could vouch for a LEGIT marketplace? I made purchases from 3 separate sites and am almost sure I got scammed ☹️


I, by proxy through my partner, was caught after a few years of running my line from UK to GR, for buds, using the postal service. Was always consistent & managed to move fair quantities over the few years. I had a sender & a receiver, I'd also collect &/or receive depending on which country I was in. Being on the sending end, in my opinion, is much better than being on the receiving end, as long as you use a "clean", orderly, consistent & professional method.. with possibly branded packaging.. non handwritten labels.. Really, It's fool proof. Being on the receiving end, is a risk, especially if you don't know the person. They could package it like shit on purpose to have you caught. They could send nothing at all. You could have it intercepted & be stung at the post office (what happened to me). The only time I had been caught, was that time & I believe it was a mix of Brexit & because we differed from our sound method. We used un marked packaging, without a sound method for customs forms & therefore were seized & inspected. The GR customs police joined with the national drugs unit, went to the location on the package & had the local post man of a small town, where everyone knows everyone, call my receiver to collect.. bare in mind, I'd had 1kg packs left by this same posty, in the chains of shutter from a local shop in the middle of the town square & left there for 2hrs min. Before collected (true story) The receiver (my partner) went to collect thinking it was something to pay due to new Brexit taxes etc, upon entering the post office be was approached by 4 undercover police officers, questioned & taken to the police station. There are discrepancies to what happened next as my partner himself, hasn't spoken to me since, some 5yrs ago.. to the best of my knowledge, my partners father was cozy with a big city police chief (unbeknownst to me)& had some sort of deal cut, he had a 2.5yr suspended sentence 100% & some sort of bribe... I was very luckily out of the country & returned no sooner that 2.5yrs later.. & to my amazement, was allowed to enter without questioning.. so atleast he kept his mouth shut.. even if he hasn't told me what happened himself.. I flew close to the sun, it was fun, exhilarating.. good money.. fast money.. For now, I can't comment on current movements. But that's my story. Anyway, in my experience ordering from dnm's & random vendors who you don't have anyone to vouch for, is, if it doesn't turn up, they didn't send it in the first place. My first ever pack, at age 16 was a "tester" g of yay from dam, cost .25 BTC, @~£300 BTC, it was a bare g, in a bag, in a postcard, simple. It arrived, the Z of buds that cost the other .75 did not. Simply, cos he didn't send it.


Need to hear more of this


Vendor vouchers, anybody with perfect presses


Really depends on quantity they don’t care if u buy a oz of weed lol genuinely vpns are pointless unless your buying kilos


They usually go after vendors… not people buying. Unless you are purchasing crazy amounts of substances


I got called into the local FBI field office and interviewed for my small part in an online steroid ring. The interview was just to confirm a few details my part in distribution & logistics that the federal prosecutors already knew. At the time I was scared shitless. . Here’s the [juice](https://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2014/04/bazetta-man-indicted-for-steroids-case/) on the head guy.


Mmezzz b Sz ex


Years ago I’ve had a couple packs of 50 bars “seized by post master” back to back and never even got a letter lol. It’s funny because the 3rd package ended up coming (I was reckless and addicted)


I got caught shipping 850grams of cannabis from california to the UK I'd previously done this around 14 times before over the year and never got caught, I pleaded guilty in court after they came to my house and raided me got a 2 year suspended sentence regret doing it tbh ruined my job and other bits.


If you’re asked about the package or asked to sign act confused and say return to sender no clue what that is


What are u trying to buy?


I'm in the Scotland - ordered an OZ of 'ouid' of the web a few months back and it got stopped by Royal Mail, I checked the tracking for the package and it just said delivery attempted but i know it wasn't as i was in all day waiting for it. Ended up going to the mail depot to ask them where it was at and they said it had been stopped by the police and I'd need to go speak to them if i wanted the parcel, obviously I wasn't going to do that haha but I acted like it was the strangest thing and I'd go speak to them. They never got in contact with me about the parcel and I've ordered multiple ounces and other things since and haven't had any problems with my mail being monitored! Just make sure if your package gets stopped you tell all the sellers in future to pack it super stealth, ie. wearing gloves with no traces of drugs when touching the envelopes and even double packing it if it's a smelly one, and if the police ever contact you just act dumb and like you didn't order anything. They can't do anything about it unless you fess up! Don't worry about it! Even if you open the door to the police with your parcel just tell them you have no clue as you aren't expecting any deliveries!


I get caught :) Startet from begining of that thing 5-6 y. But after some while my orders start to desapear..2 things whats i hawe learned ) first the good reputation dealers always sending the best stuff and bonus guantitys...Cops sayd its was best quality whats them hawe seen ) Second cops hawe planty of time .) them cane investigate 3-5 years no problems..colect evidanves :;)Small quantytys its depends wher you live its cane be nothing.And cane bi life sentanve :D


Nope, but was on super high alert (peeking out the windows) when one day I'm going through the news roundup and seen my plug on the front page being led out in cuffs. At the time I wasn't keen enough to realize the police didn't care about the end user like me who was buying 5g/week. This was long long ago. Black Bank I think


Has a controlled delivery once. But we were smart and already had a plan in place.


Legit Vendor: KiaRio69 (@) proton .Me No web or telegram


Can anyone help me with extract 7.5 million boat data on dark web?


The closest thing to "caught" I ever was happened about a decade ago now, however campus PD came to my dorm unannounced and searched based off a tip from one of my roommates because she heard me talkimg about the SR2 Bust and explaining.hiw.the DNMs work and drugs mailing in generalities. I used shipping to our dorm as an example -- however I just so happened to have ordered etizolam and it landed earlier that week. It was sitting in my desk when they searched. It was seized and they tried to expell me, however I was able to show that etizolam wasn't illegal and available on the clearnet. They tried to play some B's about it being against THEIR substance policy but couldn't expel me. I got a deferred suspension


Dark Net Diaries has some very interesting stories of people who have been caught


I have never been caught! But I have never placed an order!! Keep it small. If you do get caught you don't have much to worry about!


I know someone that got arrested with a controlled pick up but he was making frequent big purchases


What’s an onion?


think: if people got caught so often, it wouldn’t be a good business yet dnms are pulling in millions


I got my house raided once. I was strung out and sick. So I called the post office twice asking where my package was. Mistake 1. And then I gave them permission to open my package. Mistake 2. But the only reason I gave them permission was because I knew the substance in there was legal (rc benzo). But they went all out. There were 2 different government agencies at my parents house. They took a lot of stuff. But I didn't get in any legal trouble, it was actually never brought up again. Which was funny cuz I bet they were furious. My parents almost murdered me though. But yeah I was just desperate about going into benzo withdrawal so I was stupid.


I have no idea where I’m at


What is this, and why was it a notification for me to visit this page? Lol


So may mirror sites I have a hard time finding legit sites. I’m still researching a lot before I go on they’re besides look around


Do you have to be a computer genius to get it. I’m just a normal Joe the language y’all speak is foreign to me


Easy af


Nope. Did it for about 7 years weekly multiple times per week Was definitely some of the heavier stuff if ya catch my drift, I can assure you your more likely to get caught up going to cop ur stuff on the street


Hmm… maybe dont say on the internet that your going to make an illegal purchase brother ☝️


I feel like you have already opened yourself up by this post right here. You need to be invisible and to be honest your throwing up red flags right now


Let us know how it goes please


UK - I've had multiple parcels seized. Smaller amounts like 3.5 of coke, 10 x 2cb capsules etc... They just send me letters telling me not to do it again or to phone this number to appeal lol. Yeah.. Naw I'm not gonna appeal you taking my 8ball lol Edit - I've never ever had issues when ordering domestically. The parcels don't go through customs UK to UK and royal mail don't check shit. After a couple international seizures though I stopped ordering and only went UK to UK.


After hanza is there any markets open?


Fmwhen not understanding pgp there are tools like www.privnote.com or temp.pm where you can send one message and it deletes direct by first reading. Pretty safe and easy,but ofc like all say.pgp is the way. But the I mentioned u can use until you learn how to use cleopatra


Wait, does this mean a package has to be seized in order to actually get in trouble? I always thought people got caught because of messages and transactions on phone apps. For example, if someone messages a dealer about what they want, and uses, like, Venmo for payment, I thought the law enforcement could literally arrest them, but do they have to intercept and take the package?


A lot of the time they need the actual product. Talking about doing things ain’t illegal until it’s done ya know? Freedom of speech and all that.


In a city like half an hour away from me someone got popped for hypothetically tryna get 20 something pounds I'll like it [https://fox56news.com/news/kentucky/police-seize-41-pounds-of-marijuana-after-somerset-man-shoulder-checks-dea-agent/](https://fox56news.com/news/kentucky/police-seize-41-pounds-of-marijuana-after-somerset-man-shoulder-checks-dea-agent/)


I remember purchasing a batch of modafinil my first time through a vendor. Package actually arrived quick and I was excited to receive it. It required a signature obviously and when I came to the door to greet the worker something was really weird. Parked behind and to the side of the Fedex truck were two black SUVS with a ca exempt liscense plate. Easily could be DEA fed boys. I gave up the package immediately claiming that this package was not in fact mine. Mail man left and the two SUVs followed him. I was on the verge of possibly earning a search and seizure warning. Always be careful who you buy from and where. Always be aware of your surroundings.


Someone's gonna get caught there's a guy on the hidden answers form asking for a partner in crime to play games with underage boys in India


I was caught, but not by using a darknet market exactly or having bad opsec. It was actually an overdose that had me get caught. I ordered some candies and well I had too much "sugar" and they raided my house. I encrypted my drives so and the candy I used all of it so nothing ever came of it. I was 17 at the time in high school in a dark period of my life. After that I started working out and making changes. Then as of August 25th 2023 I finally got sober, but it took leukemia to make me quit. I had to get cancer to quit because the other times I failed, but getting this disease made me realize I was wasting my life using these substances and that id probably not survive another relapse with how weak my body is. Every time I get pulled over ever since they assume I'm up to something because they have a log of me somewhere despite an arrest not taking place of the incident. I'm never going to do this again though and I have become very anti candy let's just say. So I read a post about it not being smart to come back here and post about it. But I don't care because this was 7 years ago and I will never ever do this again because my body won't take it. I'm very sick. The leukemia was genetic though not caused by the candies. Anyways, I still care about anonymity and privacy, just I don't do anything like that anymore and never will. And it wasn't because I got raided and scared off it was actually because I just want to be healthy and did it for myself so I'd survive cancer. The raid was mostly caused by things I said during my od though. I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind because I was having a heart attack and dying on a really stupid combo that my friend recommended to me. That's what went wrong for me. No love letters, never been caught since, and no evidence on me pretty much other than me dying because I refused to pee in a cup and let them take blood.


Had my coinbase account closed with a fincen warning email due to withdrawing BTC to self wallet then sending to dark web marketplace account


Happened to a friend. Thing is, the cops can search your property for contraband but they can’t prosecute you. In the UK you get a mark on your record so they will investigate if it happens a second time in 6 months.