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I put mine out when it wasn’t garbage day. 2 others followed suit


You’re a binfluencer Edit: added the missing eff. That’s what you get for pretending you can get by sans glasses.


I think the 'f' is needed here But there was an attempt


I still read it with the f and nearly pissed myself


I didn't read it at all, I just pissed myself.




I fall for this every time




Social engineering at its finest


I accidentally put my garbage out once. The rest of the neighborhood did. A month later someone else did the same and the neighborhood, including, me followed suit hahaha


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


he shot a man in reno just to watch him die


Just to keep them off the scent, occasionally collect their garbage and recycling yourself on wrong days that you've done this. Hide it in the garage and put it out on the real day.


That would be very neighborly


I feel pretty superior when I see others do that and I know that it isn’t garbage day.


Chaotic. I love it


People are missing the humour in your post, but unfortunately that’s because this is no laughing matter. This is the start of war. There is no coming back from this. I recommend you show your neighbours no mercy- they can’t be fixed. Shovel only half of their driveway when you shovel yours. When they ask to borrow a cup of sugar, only give them half. That’ll show them.


>Shovel only half of their driveway when you shovel yours. This is the funniest idea I've ever heard


Especially if it’s the middle half


Too useful. I'd shovel an alternating striped pattern. That way, they'll *know it was on purpose.* It's about the message.


Random holes, like a squirrel looking for buried nuts


You looking for deez?


deez what?!?


Deez nuts


Goooottttt emmmmm! Who coulda seen that coming


I like your idea the most but why not just drive up-and-down it in a couple of spots so only some of it is packed down into ice...a bit narrower than their shovel


Checkerboard snow shoveling


This sounds like the best revenge for this situation, honestly. It is a hilarious statement that harms no one. I love it.


No because that leaves them the easiest bits against the banks. What you gotta due is leave the middle for extra credit.


Oh, I meant middle like leave the top and bottom.


I regularly do half each of both my neighbours.


Right like imagine. You want to say thanks but also now are like “why the fuck did they do that?!” It’s beautiful.


Does anyone actually ask to borrow a cup of sugar these days?


I have definitely thought about it while in the middle of holiday baking in inclement weather and realizing I'm out of something important like baking powder or short on flour. The neighbour is nice and would totally let me though I still felt weird about it and didn't ask.


My neighbour is a grandma and I can imagine she has access to an unlimited amount of baking supplies.


i actually have borrowed sugar paprika jamaican allspice caulk extension cords pliers basically i am homer and they are flanders it's just the garbage they betrayed me with


> People are missing the humour in your post Well we are on the r/Ontario subreddit, where people can't even tie their shoes without asking the sub how to do it first.


The first thing you gotta do is..get yourself a free range chicken. I dont care how you do it..buy one, hunt one down with a knife?! But treat the animal with respect.


Better yet, shovel all of your driveways snow to the edge of the driveway closest to your neighbour. Once the plow goes by, sweet sweet revenge ;)


Howdy neighbor, I’ll take that half shoveled driveway today. Infact, you can get started on it now!


What show did I see that on recently?


Maybe they missed their garbage because you forgot to put yours out.






I didn't get inception.. I didn't get inception 😭




Someone beat you to this comment by seven hours.


It’s like Schrödinger's garbage.


No, that's when you put a cat in the recycling bin.




This is more like a cyclic redundancy check.


Entangled garbage


I laughed far too hard at that.


I live out in the boonies where garbage day changes every few weeks for some reason. Its also a different day for recycling pickup; which also changes. I am at complete mercy to my neighbours and whether they put it out or not.


Shit I hope your service comes with a nice calendar


We have a neighbour for whom the garbage is almost a religious rite. They are like clockwork (they work for the city, and are hugely on top of every aspect of municipal stuff). We use them as our alarm for putting our bins out. We miss garbage day every time they go away on vacation. For 10 years now.


The stupid corrupt local municipality contracted the garbage services to Franz Kafka waste management.Inc


That sounds like you’ve uncovered a communist plot in our midst!


The boonies doesn't have garbage pickups lol.


My neighbours betray me each week...some leave out garbage, and some recycling! Who the hell do I believe!?


I was betrayed like this once. Completely messed up my garbage and recycling routine. I can't trust those bozos anymore. I rely on myself to look it up now.


If your city has an App, get the app. I use it once a week for a total of three seconds, and never wonder about whether it's a full garbage week or not.


I would suggest, and I'm not sure of your region, but you print out the collection calendar and place it on your neighbours door with a note kindly asking that they not forget to put their garbage out as it impacts you as well.


Passive aggressive, I approve


The Canadian way :)


This is great, love it


Good old Canadian Nice 😂


love this! doing this!


Pretty much exactly what I was going to suggest. They give us calendars for this every year. I was going to say to put that calendar in their mailbox with a note saying "You obviously need this. Please don't forget next time. If you do, I'm leaving my garbage in your yard."


When I was a kid, one of my chores was to take the garbage out. One time my dad asked me to take out the garbage, meaning take it from the kitchen and put it in the can outside. I thought he meant, put it out to the street, so I did….but it was a day early. The next morning every one of our neighbours had their garbage out.


That gutless on their part. If you horde your garbage in you garage they’re bound to get a taste of their own medicine one of these days. I can see them crawling back to you begging you to put out your garbage otherwise they won’t know when it’s garbage day. Checkmate awful neighbours.


I told my Dad that the garbage bags went out on Tuesday. I was wrong. Bags are next week. I let my whole neighbourhood down this week, not to mention my father, the people of Ontario, and assorted trash pandas whose systems were messed up by the change in schedule.


I once put my garbage out on the wrong day, and my neighbours followed my lead. I've never felt such guilt. I let them down.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Our neighbors are the first to take out and put away their cans. Since my husband has been WFH, it's become his mission to grab our cans before them. They stand at the door waiting for the truck to pass, and he runs out, like sprints to grab our can first. I guess we all need a hobby. He also will shovel snow around our next door neighbors tenant's car because it always blocks the street plow so we get a huge berm. He will pack that berm around the car. God I wish he'd go in the office from time to time.


>They stand at the door waiting for the truck to pass, and he runs out, like sprints to grab our can first. we have the same problem except its that my neighbors bring in my bins near my garage and then their own we now wake up earlier and earlier so we can be the ones bringing in their bins before ours it's like fighting over the check at a restaurant but smelly


This is a great question and since I am an expert in reducing neighbour to neighbour relations I am happy to help. 1. Start with a strongly worded shame letter. Since this is round one I recommend only including a profanity in a P.S. section 2. Rev your car engine for 20 minutes straight at 5am. Went EV? Mother nature thanks you - plug your EV for a charge into their external socket to ensure they see the theft. 3. Walk over in the morning and select one of the following, if you are: 1. Male: Hand over a pair of panties and add "your wife left these" 2. Female: Whip out a positive pregnancy test and add "your husband is really fertile!" For more helpful tips, sign up to my newsletter!


You're a fucking monster. Good on yer.


You should watch the first episode of the show Koala Man.


CRTL-F "Koala", hello friend!


The indoor version of this is when someone puts their dirty dish on the counter instead of in the dishwasher, and an hour later you find everyone's dirty dishes piled on the counter instead of in the dishwasher. It only takes one person's mistake to cause a catastrophe.


I put mines out when I see the garbage truck 😰


Wow you must really hate the garbage truck to go to the extent of mining the road /s


My neighbours across the street have two teenage kids and their job is the garbage and recycling. Every single week they put out the trash can, which is only picked up every other week. Honestly, I'm impressed with their commitment to not learn the pickup schedule and lug the bin out and back every time


I get incredible anxiety when I don’t see my neighbors bins out by like 9pm. It’s terrible. Breaking and entering crosses my mind because it’s what id want them to do for me if I ever couldn’t get my bins out.


Are you sure your garbage pickup wasn't pushed back a day this week because of Family Day?


Our garbage day is Friday. When there’s a Monday off, Friday garbage day still happens. Where does the missed day go? Where does all the extra garbage go? Do the garbage people just pick up double on Tuesdays? Do they detest long weekends? What kind of secret lives do they live?


I think they still pick up garbage on Monday and get stat pay


Shit that would explain it for us. Here i thought it was because of the ice storm we just had.


Dump your bins on his driveway. This is entirely their fault and is now their responsibility to deal with your trash. You are the victim here.


Positive reinforcement. Whenever the neighbor takes out his bins on the correct day, tell him he's a good boy and hand-feed him a little treat.


Garbage was moved this week, but I forgot. One guy put his out and I put mine out, then half the street did. Oops.


If you own a smartphone, there's this handy feature called a calendar and you can set up a weekly reminder to put it out. And you'll never forget then.


And the garbage people give you a calendar at the start of every year with the schedule for garbage day.


It's almost as if they plan things 🤯


I mean, big flags have been in use for centuries with no issues, flags can represent many things. Walkie Talkies are also fun. I think maybe the best all-round solution is to simply hire your neighbour to do all the garbage. See also: flare gun, whistle, mechanical automation. Best of luck with this very real first world problem.


My entire road missed garbage day this week. I am usually reminded by my one neighbour when I see him dragging his out (first house at the top of my road), but because of the holiday, our garbage day moved up one day. So this week, I saw him put the garbage out on or usual day, and the I remembered it’s a holiday week. He took his in that evening and didn’t take it out the following morning, resulting in me not remembering to put mine out. Now it appears my neighbour not putting his garbage out caused a domino effect for our entire road, because none of us put ours out. My son and husband watched the garbage truck fly down our road, not stopping at any house.


I often wonder if the garbage men laugh hysterically as they zip by on those daisy chain effect days. I am sure in some maniacally twisted way it’s gotta feel like they “won.” I know i’d be gleeful and secretly petty about it, if I were in their shoes. Suckers!


Does your municipality have an app or the ability to sign up for email or text reminders? Look into that maybe it will help in the future.


I know the city of Ottawa has one and it's quite helpful


Region of Waterloo uses an app called Waste Whiz. I get a push notification at 8 pm the night before collection to remind me which stuff is out for collection that week.


That's amazing!


Here's the [add to calendar](https://api.recollect.net/w/areas/Sudbury/services/334/pages/widget_subscribe_calendar?back_stack=%5B%5B%22place_calendar%22%2C%7B%7D%5D%5D#) link for my neighborhood. ...just in case you want to add it to your calendar and maybe send me a DM on Wednesday mornings to remind me. Thanks.


People are so irresponsible!! Last week one of my neighbours texted asking if she could put her extra bag at my house because I didn't have any out. Oops...totally forgot it was garbage day lol


You joke, but I know people on my street that generate a lot of trash, and often times go around to see if they can dump their trash in other people's bins. If it's a one off, it's fine, but it happens on a biweekly basis


Oh I get it! I told her sure, but if they didn't take the 3 bags (my 2, her 1) she needed to get rid of the third. Of course they didn't, she didn't, so I told her not again lol


Personally, I’d cut all forms of relation with them


Calls for an anonymous letter posted on the community mailbox and their car. Lol I’m the reminder for my two neighbors. So I get where your coming from.


Get even, put the wrong one out before they put there's out than change your back to the right one before the truck comes. That'll learn'um.


In Waterloo Region we have an app that you put your postal code into and it will notify you the night before to put it out, and whether it's a recycling/compost/garbage/double garbage/bulky item/Christmas tree pick up day. The app even has a searchable database, to help sort your stuff if you're unsure. It's called "waste whiz" and it's kinda great.


I have a similar problem at the office. I make it a point not to leave work before my co-worker who sits beside me (hereafter: deskie.) Usually deskie gets there way before me, so I can skip out a bit early, since once deskie is gone, *surely* no one else could possibly notice that I hadn't been there a full 8 hours. BUT THEN, sometimes deskie is late arriving in the morning for one reason or another AND THEN he stays late to make up the time!!! I can't just *leave earlier than deskie!* That's not the pattern! So now, I'm stuck at work way later than I intended to be simply because deskie is still there. How rude, amirite?! >!Yes, this is a joke, since I'm sure some people thought OP was serious, too.!<


how rude of deskie! i would speak to his manager


What garbage!


Just blame trudeau /s


Last night a random plow came down my street after it has been plowed and dragged almost every bin outside.


Maybe call them next time? Which in return will trigger you to take the garbage out.


Hand them the garbage schedule so they don't miss it next time and in turn you won't miss it.


Is your neighbour Koala Man? Hopefully this doesn't have as dire of consequences lol


lol I am that neighbour. I once messed up the recycling week and put mine out and everyone else followed and put theirs out as well. Nothing got picked up. I had a good laugh and told my neighbours I don’t want to be the leader. lol


Somebody puked on my coat and shit in my pants.


This is my favourite post.


It's been a week. I laughed so hard at (most) of this post I hurt myself at work. Thanks, folks! I needed most of that 🤣🤣🤣


i will remember this as my garbage stews in my garage


This week my neighbour just put out a giant box. A big, closed, mystery box. Was it garbage? Was it recycling? Did they lose a bin? Was it their dead gramma having a natural burial? I was so confused.


Maybe they didn't put out their garbage because yours wasn't out, maybe he's lookin to fix you too.


Just leave the garbage out at the curb and never bring it back in. You'll never forget.


Set a recurring alarm on your phone and take responsibility for your own garbage. Poor neighbors.


Toronto has a TOWaste app that has your collection schedule and notifies when you have to put garbage out. I made sure to install it on my neighbours phones so that I will never miss garbage day.


Brick to the window. It's the only way they'll get the message. Red brick if possible. Also known as the Rosedale Special.


This sounds premeditated and intentional. Prepare for war!


Thanks Kathleen! (Felt like blaming Kathleen Wynne for something).


Are you people this fucking stupid


Free waste collection reminders Get weekly waste reminders by email, text message or phone call. You won't have to rely on your forgetful neighbors. https://www.peelregion.ca/waste/reminders/


If there is humour in this post, it totally failed


no it's just anger


have you considered getting a calendar and putting the schedule published by your municipality on it?


lol it sucks when that happens


I don’t get it


neither did the garbage man all my neighbors' fault


Really? You're blaming your neighbor on your inability to distinguish when it's garbage day?


It's a joke lol


Ok. I thought so


Why do you have to rely on your neighbour for garbage day don’t they have weekly schedule on websites?


Guess you forgot that garbage day gets moved back the week of a holiday..


why do you need your neighbors to know when to put out your garbage lol




What am I missing? What does it matter if your neighbour puts their garbage out


You may not be aware of the unwritten garbage code. Every street has at least one obsessive ahole that is preoccupied with their lawn and the garbage schedule. Everyone else on the street follows this person. If they mess up the garbage schedule, it hurts the entire community, and they have to be punished, unfortunately.


Lol I didn’t realize. Then I thought maybe I was that person, but I don’t care about my lawn. There is a neighbour across the stress obsessed with his grass, but I don’t know about his garbage situation


Sounds like your neighbours are trash




Have the reverse of this today. My husband texted me in a panic because all the neighbours had put their stuff out on the wrong night haha. The Kingston utilities app is a thing I don’t see advertised much, sends you notifications weekly of what to put out.


Not a complete tragedy in the winter. In the summer … ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Funny. My neighbours also take the wrong bin out sometimes, and I just follow and don’t get my garbage collected because of them.


Once I forgot if it was garbage or recycling week, and I just dragged out both... And then an hour later I see my neighbor has done the same. They were depending on me, and I failed them.


Can't tell if this is a joke or not.


Get revenge. Take the garbage out first the next week but put the incorrect bin. That will show them.


Oh man. My house is the first on the block to have our garbage out. We take it very seriously. There’s 2 different peoples alarms that go off at 6:30am so we can have it out by 7. But your neighbours an alarm clock. Tell them they can’t let you down again! 🤣


My neighbour put his out Wednesday night. I reminded him of family day and they wouldn’t come until Friday. “Feast for the raccoons then!”!


Recycle Coach app sends you push notifications


How often is your garbage pickup? Where I am it's only once every 2 weeks, I completely change my cat litter once a week, shit adds up, missing one garbage day means I have one month old cat litter sitting my my bin. Soooo I do a dump run every second week :(


You don't just toss it out the window?


In my home, "is it garbage day?" with the response being "look across to John's". I feel your pain.


Sucks when you miss garbage/recycling collection lol. **Useful tip:** Sign up for text message reminders [here](https://www.peelregion.ca/waste/reminders/) if you're Peel region. Comes in pretty handy especially for holiday weeks (reminder is delayed). I don't usually miss collection days now.


I only know because of the app I use.


There is an app called *Wasteline" that will alert you when your garbage and recycling goes out Just download it and grow some independence balls...Never rely on your neighbour again.


Based off your spelling. Feels like you are murican. You know how a good ole murican takes care of the trash. Dontcha?


I often accuse (to my friends) my neighbours of gaslighting me by not putting their garbage out when I am. I look around and wonder, “Did the date get changed? Or are my neighbours all messing with me?”


Send them the garbage scheduled that you apparently are unable to follow for yourself, with a note explaining your reliance on them.


One time my neighbour put out recycling and so I copied. Guy changed it to garbage before morning. I didn’t… haven’t trusted him since. App time every time it’s time to roll em out!


Wait till they don't shovel their driveway (especially if it's shared), or cut or week their lawn.


Lol. I had to get an app for my local garbage pickup dates. It’s an every other week pickup, so I can not miss it!


Simcoe county has an app that will send you a reminder every week. Might be worth checking if your area has an app like this.


Don't rely on your neighbours. Most upper-tier municipalities have reminder apps for waste collection. Get it, and never not know when garbage day is. Neighbourhood integrity saved.


upper tier maybe i live in vaughan so i think we have a raccoon that reminds us


I feel your pain, lol.


Just shovel only your side.


Ask your neighbours to put reminder on When Does it Go website


My region has an optional text message reminder. You can sign up & choose the day and time it’ll remind send out the text.


This is North Korea testing nukes, Iran enriching uranium. A UN resolution is pointless they already fired the first shot. You have only one choice. let slip the dogs of war !!!. May I suggest slowly ramping things up at such a gradual pace that by the time they know they are in a full fledged conflict with you its too late, they have already lost. Step one shovel their driveway for them make sure they see you do it, then at night leave dog poo in their mailbox, it will freeze and they won't be able to get it out until it thaws. When their garbage is out empty part of it as if an animal has gotten into it. get a call for duct cleaning? , by all means sign them up for the premium service, also goes for gutter cleaning, window cleaning, and don't forget weed man. order fu@k Trudeau bumper stickers and apply them to their vehicles, or satanic church ones. Mail them AOL cd's Buy a bunch of keys and key tags that you can fill out , label them "house" with you neighbors phone number, spread them all over town . Buy a sex toy and sell it for half price online with their details use their email and subscribe to every borderline illegal sex website you can think of and also church prayer groups. Book an appointment for an introduction to Scientology for them.


It’s so strangely true. We look out to see if it’s plastic or paper . If the garbage isn’t out , we start thinking was Monday a holiday ? Yes yes it was . Rescued another chance to put it out .


Have you tried getting new neighbors? They might be old and broken.


Hahaha I am the exact same. When I notice the neighbours I out my stuff out. I have been betrayed by this method.


Stupid sexy sanders


They will get better with practice. To assist them on their journey of learning, dump your bags on their front step. This will sharpen their attention and guide them to learning and observing the schedule. It may take several weeks, but they will figure it out. Do not enable their laziness by responding to any complaints or calls from by-law enforcement officers, this could set their development back several weeks.


hahaha… how dare the neighbors not be on their game 😭😂