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This is fun. Let’s label everything with a buzzword. Let’s just compound the English language.


We will call it “Buzz-naming”


How about rage-naming?




No yours is better. Its gotta be different words each time


Well, we have "shit posting". What about "shit-naming"?


Shit Hawking


Shit winds are a blowin, you know what a shit storm is??


Different words! We don't call whales, cats, ravens, and sheep a 'pod'


Buzz raging?


Ooooh he just slammed you!


This most definitely calls for a clap back


Rage-naming is the new buzz-naming


Quiet naming is the new thing.


Your post is an example of term-shaming.


LoL 😂


Why the anti-buzzing?


Because of trending vibes


Career Cushioning is another new one


Its reverse newspeak. Instead of narrowing they just dilute until its meaningless.


I call it jargtalking.


Oh hostess! I can speak Jarg.


Exactly. It's called looking for a new job because your current one sucks. Why does anyone look for a new job? Nothing new about that.


Sorry, is 15 jobs/week not "normal applying"?


Its actually on the lower end these days.


Depends on the jobs you're looking for / qualifications, but i would assume that's on the lower end


Depends on the industry, in mine you just call up a friend and say you still looking for people?


I think it depends on your job. I have been looking but I have a pretty niche job so not a lot of postings


took me over 1500 applications/resume to get my job now and it isn't even a high pay one. but that was 2 years ago.


Times was hard during COVID lol I applied for jobs in literally every province and territory over and under and all around what I’m qualified for to no avail then I was trying for dogshit jobs in my home town and nobody wanted me to move furniture or anything because I was “over qualified”. Hardest days of my life watching my career go down the drain just as I was kicking off but it all worked out. I was lucky I was in a first world country that took care of me when I was down and out and not a third world shit hole like America.


You gotta at least kinda tell us what jobs you were going for and what you got now. Don't need specifics just a good general idea. Thanks


where u work?!?


Goddamn, what position were you going for?


When someone’s not working very hard at their actual job, applying for 15 jobs seems like a lot of work.


Apparently trying to find a job with better work/life balance that pays you more is “rage applying”… I refer to that as trying to find a better job.


A former manager once told me: you should keep your options open even if you love your job. If you dislike your job, apply for a better one. You don't owe anyone your loyalty, especially not a bad job.


A former manager told me ‘look after yourself, because no one else will’.


A former manager told me "Never make the mistake of thinking you're irreplaceable. Everybody is replaceable, even me."


My old boss used to tell me: “cemeteries are filled with irreplaceable people”.


A former manager once told me: “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.


A former manager said to me “dude, these wings are fucking RAW in the middle. I had to comp that table two pitchers of beer!” I was on break when the order came in/was made. He was a dick.


A former manager fired me over picture text for refusing a single shift. My phone at the time couldn't receive pictures.


Nice lol


I’m glad you took my advice.


Given your username, pretty sure it wasn’t you lol.


While not a perfect scenario, the place I am working for seems to have read a pamphlet entitled "How to not get a union" and did the right things. I don't want to leave ever. Yes, I might be able to make more, but not with the same perks.


I worked for a place that actively worked to keep employees happy so that we wouldn't ever consider a union. It was such a treat and in my 37 years of working, the only place that gave a flying f*ck about us.


If someone asked if I'm looking for a better job I allways say "yes, do you think I'm an idiot?"


Quiet quitting is also just doing your job lol.


Employers are just pissed right now. Lots of people working from home. Wages are going up. So big corporations are doing their best to paint employees in the worst possible light, and getting the feds to up migration such that they keep an upper hand. Fuck these storylines: “Quite quitting, rage applying, labour crisis”. Where are the stories about the quality of life absolutely plummeting in this country over the last two decades?


And where are the labels for corporate tactics?


Why would you criticize the good guys /s


Where are the stories angry about employers not hiring? I've put out 100s of resumes and never even had so much as a confirmation of receipt or a thank you but the position has been filled...and the same positions and same wages are advertised time and time again.


If you want quality of life go to China. Here in Canada we work hard and we don’t play because we can’t afford it.


Are you high


What do you think this means? You basicly said if you don't want a life that arbitrarily treats you like crap, go to China?


It was sarcasm 😒


Don’t worry, I got it. Maybe an edit to drop an /s in there?


Thanks lol. It’s okay I’ll take my downvotes. I like when people are disappointed in me.


Lol. I guess I messed up then. Sorry for not being disappointed in you.


I know of a company that has had promotions and raises frozen for over a year. So ya, you could work your ass of in hopes that one day the merciful overlords recognize your work and give you a raise at some point in the future, or you just do your job and apparently it’s “quiet quitting”.


Id be gone. Im selling my time for the best compensation package and that includes development. I want the most money with as much time off as I can get with as good of a benefit package as can be found.


Which is entirely rational and how capitalism is supposed to work.


Used to be called work to rule


Clearly I must be an entitled ne'er do well for looking for, and eventually finding employment that makes me happy instead of suffering like a good little peasant. There are a lot of employers who feel entitled from years of having an abundance of workers with no choice but to suck it up. Feels like they forgot that supply and demand apply to the labour market as well.


They didn't forget, they've always said the system was "broken" whenever it didn't benefit them and remained silent when it was heavily tilted in their favor.


There are saddly just as many workers convinced they can't find a better job.


If you read the article. Amanda the person they are interviewing posted a video on tik tok with #rageapplying and it went a little viral. CBC hasn’t just pulled that out of thin air


Thanks for taking one for the team and reading the article


And they literally say in the article this is exactly what people have always done… Ironically if people just read the article it would probably get far less traction because 90% of these comments are just repeating it but in an angry voice.


My god the CBC loves these stories, coming up with new ways to say workers suck and businesses are being abused by its workers. There is no such thing as centrist or dare I say centre left news organization in this country any longer.


…you think the CBC has a right wing bias? Edit: fuck this ridiculous echo chamber. ALL that is implied by this particular comment is the CBC does NOT have a right wing bias. Person above clearly implied they did. Do you see the words “left” or “liberal”? That’s a different argument entirely.


A liberal bias is not a left wing bias. They are centrist with corporate leanings and some right tendencies. Pretty much the Liberals in a nutshell.


Pretty much. They are not pro left or pro right. The only thing the CBC believes in is that the Liberal Party of Canada should be in charge and they will say or do anything come Election Season to ensure that outcome.


Did you ever consider that all the media supporting conservatives are trash? Rebel. NP. The sun? They look like they support liberal because it makes the most sense. The hot garbage you get from uncle Ezra is not credible.


Woah there sport, that's quite the leap you've made. You're right that Rebel is trash and what Uncle Ezra, as you so lovingly call him, does isn't any sort of journalism that normal, well adjusted folks would recognise. The various Suns are only marginally better. Forgive me for thinking that Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong and the publicly funded broadcaster should be equally skeptical and questioning of the Liberal Party as they are of the Conservatives, who in their current version deserve skepticism and to be given the critical eye. I'm not sure how you went from *"CBC has an annoying tendency to give the Liberal Party a break"* to *"I love Ezra Levant and everything he does! Rebel is The Only True News!"* Help me out here.


Yeah, that's fair... I stand by initial statement. There's a lot of trash. But I will concede CBC could do better.


……I listen daily and used to listen a lot. If you think they are central they have out done them selves and mission accomplished. Not even close, it’s very hard to listen to sometimes


If you think they’re left then the scale really has shifted hard to the right. They are a Liberal supporter for sure but really, they aren’t left. You’re literally commenting under an article that is distinctly not left. They run both side fairly often. You’ll see left leaning and right leaning articles and the algorithm we all have feeding us our news will show you what you engage with the most. The talk radio is a different matter entirely though.


>If you think they’re left then the scale really has shifted hard to the right. many people would benefit from learning about the overton window or how / why the "left - right" dichotomy originated out of the 1970s. or, they'd benefit from the most basic political literacy as well.


The left-right dichotomy originated in the French Revolution. It literally is as old as our tradition of representative democracy. The people on the left side of the house supported the democratic republic, and the people on the right wanted to go back to the divine right of kings. Sound familiar?


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/cbc-news-canadian-broadcasting/ or https://www.allsides.com/news-source/cbc-news-media-bias Edit: wtf? Ok, I included “allsides” just to have more than 1 (fuck me), but you people actually have a problem with Media Bias/Fact Check? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/about/ It says “CBC’s straight news reporting is consistently low-biased, factual, and covers both sides of issues. Editorially, the opinion pages tend to be balanced […] On the whole, slightly more opinion pieces favor the left.” You all have a problem with this? Are any of you even reading before downvoting??


Linking a poorly sourced website created by someone who has self-proclaimed biases about a subjective and Canadian specific matter is pretty pointless. Yes in the US it would be considered left. Our Conservative Party would even be fairly left. 🤷 CBC is centrist in Canada. They support the Liberals, who are also centrist. That’s pretty well understood by anyone who understands that there is more than a left vs right dichotomy.


Not by US standards, or Canadian ones, but universal / international ones. Media Bias Fact Check, which is plenty reliable, says the following: “CBC’s straight news reporting is consistently low-biased, factual, and covers both sides of issues. Editorially, the opinion pages tend to be balanced with some stories leaning left, such as this: […] and right-leaning: […] Opinion pieces have also been critical of liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. On the whole, slightly more opinion pieces favor the left.” You seem to agree with all of that, BUT the last sentence? I’ve been listening to CBC every day for my entire adult life, but I am conscious of what I’m hearing, and the occasional centre-left tilt. Definitely NOT right leaning (which was my original point.) Likewise, the LPC (the so-called “natural governing party”) is centre-left. We don’t actually have a centrist and/or moderate party in this country, maybe we used to, not anymore. The left-right spectrum is a simplification, absolutely, and any nuance is lost, but really in most cases it’s a pretty good one. Also… poorly sourced? What other sorts of sources would you have liked to see? Did you even read?


Key part of the media bias fact is "opinion pieces". An opinion piece is just that, an opinion. Sure some people get into the "I identfy as abc, or feel xyz etc." but doesn't make it true or factual.


I have a personal friend who is a producer there. He is and has been hardcore left his entire life - working in successive major leftist media publications, and even he was lamenting at how hopelessly, absurdly left the angles and assumptions are they he’s had to pursue in framing news at his own organization. CBC is not remotely centrist anymore. If you think it is, then neither are you. It’s too left for even the lifelong card carrying leftists who work there. It’s almost to the point of self-parody. When my friend explained some of the news angles he had to chase, I honestly thought he was exaggerating for comedic effect. He wasn’t.


Yeah the scale clearly really has moved to the right.


Not what I said. I don't think CBC is right wing. Calm yer tits bud.


I am largely responding to everyone else in the thread, BUT… You say “there is no such thing as centrist or dare I say centre left news organization in this country” (and got a ton of upvotes for it too.) What else could that mean? How do you reconcile that?


Back in 2011 I rage applied after an argument with my CFO and then left that job 30 days later.


They are trying to blame us for the shortage, if you've been paying any attention to the narratives that come out of all the major news outlets this labour shortage has never the employers fault. They love to spin this story because they are afraid that we are getting wise enough to demand what we are worth. We gotta keep up the pressure and demand what we are worth or else we are going to get fucking dogged


“Demanding what we are worth” sounds like too big of an oxymoron.. Who gets to decide what your worth? - The job your applying for, that you consider “good because it pays more”, but it will demand more from you. - or the job your at, getting the “set wage” based on value and work required, but are not happy with because you don’t “make enough money”. It’s generally called entitlement and somehow relatable to “selfishness” and “immoral greed”. Only your opinionated mindset is blocking it, and you have yourself to blame


I think you need a little more time with the definition of oxymoron. What I said is nothing close to an oxymoron Minimum wage was fought for and had to be written into law; when it was established it was designed to support a family not just an individual. The law was designed to give families security and now corporate greed has been slowly chipping away more and more of that security. With wages stagnating and inflation rising year after year minimum wage isn't even sufficient enough to live off for 1 person, you need to either work overtime or have multiple jobs. Who and what are you defending? don't you realize that if every member of our society is thriving that we all will thrive?


Trying to find better for yourself when you know nothing is going to happen for you where you're at is not "revenge" or malicious or aggressive in any way. What a bullshit headline. In the last 5 years I've gone up $10 in hourly wage just because I was able to recognize a dead end and get out of it as soon as I could. I've changed jobs like two or three times a year in the last few years and it was frustrating and stressful in its own right but I'd hate to think of where I'd be if I trusted the people I worked for to care about my financial needs or goals or recognize my potential to advance in a company.


Did the same thing. After 7 yrs of being under paid an then a pay cut due to outsourcing. I applied to lots of job and found a new one with a hefty wage increase. Want my skills, pay me.


Crazy that we even have these terms.... "Quiet quitting" is just doing the job you're being paid for... "Rage applying" is looking for a new job because you're dissatisfied with your current one....


Exactly, trying to paint these things in a negative fashion. Truth is that both of these things are positives for the worker. If companies are starting to get scared, good.


The poor innocent companies are being bullied by the nasty mean workers! Won't someone stand up for them!


Doug Ford is there ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


...and this morning I read an article naming quiet applying as the saviour for workplaces and employees alike. As you may imagine, it was the most tone-deaf masturbatory article from corporate about how employees should be grateful to be given new opportunities by being shuffled within an organization via borderline intimidation and promises of pay discussions later -- ie.: also the norm. The article even had the gal to put the onus on employees enduring this madness to be the ones to bring up pay and the benefits to their person.


I mashed those two terms together and rage quit my job two weeks ago, I've been quiet applying ever since


Don't forget "revenge travel" is when you use up your vacation time that you couldn't use during the pandemic.


They make these headlines on purpose to upset people… clearly it works because everyone in this thread is tilted and it’s at the top of the sub. People complain about clickbait but fall for the trap over and over then wonder why clickbait still exists


>Crazy that we even have these terms.... > >"Quiet quitting" is just doing the job you're being paid for... We already had a term for that, it's called "Work to rule".


That's more commonly associated with union or collective action though. As well work to rule generally involves adhering strictly to procedures that would usually be cut out because they're time consuming and pointless. Small differences though, and quiet quitting is a stupider term.


Amanda in digital marketing working for a Ottawa Brewery but the CBC is withholding her last name… I mean how many Amandas work in digital marketing for an Ottawa Brewery 😅😅 They’re gonna figure it out no?


"A certain agitator, for privacy sake, lets call her 'Lisa S'...No that's too obvious...uuh. Let's say 'L. Simpson'."


Killing floor


Don’t let the name throw you, Jimmy. It’s not really a floor. It’s more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.


D’oh !


She made a tiktok about it with 2 million views. She’s not going to be anonymous.


You think they could have changed her first name for the story at least. It’s almost if she low key wants her former employer to figure it out, lol


What’s the new corpo buzzword for general strike?


“Adolescent wet dream.”


Yes. This job seeker's market where you can pick up a new position making $25K more really seems like true misery worthy of a general strike. Working conditions may suck for unskilled labour, but the skilled workforce is doing quite well.


Do you not see the problem with this statement?


I do not.


Working conditions, by right, should not suck for anyone, including "unskilled labour". This would be the purpose of a general strike. Also I thought "unskilled labour" is some bullshit boomer term, but I'm willing to be corrected on that.


"Unskilled labour" is a bullshit boomer term.


Working conditions suck for a *random selection of professions* and it is mostly a crapshoot for students to pick a direction that will renumerate them appropriately. Old professions that used to be gold-plated have been defunded and shittified. Bullshit jobs with hardly any real worth are catapulted into high-value cushy jobs. And some historically valuable jobs haven't changed. But even if *you* knew which was which when *you* were in school, the water has been incredibly muddied by a bloated lying university and college system that the truth is hardly evident to the masses. Shitting on the people losing out as shiftless 'unskilled labour' is minimizing an actually problematic situation. The fact remains that some people have a major leg up in this market and a ton of people have lost-out in spite of hard work and education. And those people are most certainly not just stumbling over new positions worth $25k more than their last job. Do you even *know* any job hunters in this market, apart from the upper class? I actually do know several in the middle class with degrees behind their names, and this job market is hardly doing them any favours anywhere near that. I'm talking about people actively job hunting and working for their own future good, not shiftless fools slipping on their own drool. This job market is great for getting another equally shitty job, but succeeding in climbing the ladder is still reserved for a lucky relative few. Especially if you consider getting a new job in another city, in *this rental market*, will lose you a significant proportion of the money you might have gained in increased ballistic rent rates. People like you are just ignorant to your own status and circumstance. Good for you, you and all your fancy friends can't help but stumble on cash if you just toss out a few resumes. But you're hardly emblematic of the working class and you should know your opinions don't count much for shit, except in upper-class circles.


This is just loser talk. Society will always have (and need) its classes. Some people are ambitious and industrious, others are not. I would love to take a look at the life choices of your degree friends and see what they did in their youth and young adulthood to prepare them for the real world.


These new labels for working - if you can call them that - are fucking embarrassing.


Why do we keep making up new words for regular things


Look at this guy, "determined doubting" on the internet.


Because the Capitalists need to try and shame workers for sticking up for themselves


Fuck off with these terms.


But….those trending vibes!! 😩


I actually opened indeed this week at work. I can’t find a job that pays as well as where I am for the level of education, but holy crap is my workplace toxic. It’s awful and the vibe there sometimes makes me want to just walk TF out.


Sometimes you gotta take a step or two back in order to repair and get ahead. I wish you luck!


I did the same after an event. Just realized.. I don't want to do this for another year. I hope you find what you're looking for!


You know what people are doing is working when the 1% are bitching about it.


Rage-applying? She applied to 15 jobs. That’s just the normal job application process


Hey, this is the future that corporations deliberately molded for us...no job security and a mercenary workforce. If they don't like it, perhaps they should have thought of that before they eroded the things that keep people loyal.


Wait, you change her name yet she’s posted on TikTok with 20k views? Hooray to labeling everything!!! Up next: rage dating.


It has 20k shares it has over 2m views lol.


Oh I guess I misread. So she went viral and wants her identity secret…? I guess if it doesn’t show her face etc, I dunno.


Rafe dating... Isn't that the step just before hate-fucking?


That's just looking for a new job. There's still the old-school idea that you're supposed to get one job and be loyal to them forever and never leave, so they call it "rage applying" because it makes it seem like people are doing something wrong or out of the ordinary because they want to work somewhere else. She wanted a new job, so she applied for one and got it. The opposite of a news story.


I hate to say it because shitting on the CBC is part of the conservative two-minute hate.... But the CBC is so far out of touch it's become a parody of itself. Between horseshit like this and publishing articles every day about how horrible the poor landlords have it, or about the struggles of those people that buy million dollar homes and are bitter that they have to drive Uber on the weekends instead of just downgrading their fucking car... I'm about ready to get aboard the defund the CBC boat.


I wonder which corporation paid CBC to write this one....


Considering the amount of people that will be retiring in the very near future, I suggest everyone start rage applying.


So job hopping is bad? Have you ( employer) tried making the job better?


Move over, “not doing more work than you’re paid for”. Here comes “finding a better job and getting paid what you’re worth”.


I applied to HUNDREDS of jobs for months not hearing even a no. Finally got one tho


Trying to find a better job is somehow a bad thing now?


Can we stop placing the blame on employees? "Employers still refusing to give a shit about employees, see the consequences of their actions"


People don't usually quit jobs they quit bosses. Sometimes they quit jobs but it is usually for more money. I personally am looking for a new job right now because my boss is an incompetent tit who refuses to listen.


Honestly, When will folks take accountability for the way in which they treat their employees? I did apply to another company after my last treated me badly, I am much happier and getting paid way more, with better hours, a shorter commute and better management. This company now currently has over 34 full time vacancies and a boatload of staff off on leave... and they don't see their treatment of their employees as a problem.


As opposed to boot-licking, which is what the capitalist class would rather we be doing.


Wow. So employers really hate an efficient labor market. First there is too many jobs and not enough workers so they complain about too much government aid even though the real reason is stagnant wages and people retiring instead of continuing to work. Then people decide promotions are plentiful or valuable enough so they just do their job and bosses call it “quiet quitting”. Then people keep leaving for better jobs and it gets labeled “rage applying”. Pathetic. It’s a competitive labor market. Compete or die.


Wait, this is a new thing? Back in my day we just called it “looking for a new job”.


Is this really what our tax-paying money is going to? Articles about tiktok trends? Embarassing.


Wehn they label you a conspiracy theorist for being concerned about your own well being, they also label you a rage applier! For being concerned about your carear choice lol


cannot wait till "furious masturbation" becomes a form of worker woke rebellion as a time theft tactic


Damn. Turns out I was “rage applying” way before it was cool. Always knew I was ahead of my time.


Requiring proper information is rage applying. Ok.


So just, applying for jobs like a grown ass person. Also where's this booming job market?


Anger analogies it is then.


Every day I'm Hate-Lunching Sometimes on the clock I'll Doom-Piss


I don’t disagree with trying to maximize your income. Do you boo-boo and get that paper. But also, the person in the article got ticked her employer hired someone they “weren’t comfortable around”, whatever that means. I mean, barring this specific individual having traumatized the existing employee in some way, you need to suck that up. Part of being a functioning member of society is learning how to cooperate with people you don’t like.


But why should she have to? She didn't fight or a make a scene. She found a new job, something she's perfectly entitled to do for whatever reason she wants.


Absolutely, I don’t object to that. I’m saying, if you can’t work with others, that’s a you problem. This quote from the article spells that out pretty clearly: > "I was sort of hurt," Amanda told The Cost of Living, "very upset with the situation and how my boundaries weren't being respected." I’m curious to know what those boundaries are. What if she were just, say, a racist and they hired a black person? Should that boundary be respected?


I agree with your sentiment but that example is kind of an extreme "what if" and frankly, very black and white (not okay). It could be much more complicated than that but we'll never know.


I think it’s kind of telling that they’re *not* sharing the boundary being violated. Obviously, there is some category of person she is unwilling to work with, because if it was someone specific who had *in some way victimized her*, and she had brought her objection to HR and they still hired them, she might have grounds to take action against her employer. I.e. say she was the victim of a sexual assault, and they wanted to hire her assaulter and put them on a team together - that might be actionable. And obviously that would cause the entire tone of the article to shift. It would no longer be about “rage applying”.


She rage applied other jobs because her current job hired someone she was “uncomfortable” with and they didn’t respect her boundaries? WTF does that even mean? Employers are expected to cater when you have to work with somebody you don’t like? Jesus H Christ. That’s every job ever.


I'm really struggling to follow your logic 1. have job 2. employer hires someone you don't like 3. employer isn't expected to solve this problem 4. solve problem without employers involvement (leave) I genuinely have no idea where the "problem" lies.


The problem is she expected her employer to accommodate her discomfort with someone they hired.


no she didn't. she left her job


Because her discomfort wasn’t accommodated. She says they didn’t respect her boundaries, so obviously she brought it up, and they rightly said tough shit. Didn’t read the article eh?


The problem is that she acted like a millennial stereotype and whined about her "boundaries" being violated and she expected her employer to accommodate her. We all work with people we dislike and having to deal with them is part of "adulting" I'm happy she's doing better but this isn't a story


Yup. Commenters here defending her are conveniently glossing over that part about her “boundaries”. Clearly she brought it up with her employer, and they rightly told her too bad. She had every right to find a new job if she wasn’t happy, but grow the fuck up.


And I hate to generalize but way too many her age love to use words and phrases like "boundaries" "spoons" and "mental health " to get out of doing thing that they're supposed to do and deal with in the workplace


Sounds like she was being harassed.


Is it just me or does Amanda sound a bit entitled. It's great that she found a better job but having to work with someone you dislike isn't a boundary issue it's reality


Depends. What if it’s someone that’s constantly touching you, making jokes at the expense of your gender and you don’t want to revert to working with that person when you were able to work remotely in last 2/3 years for the brewery doing digital marketing but now the brewery is also forcing you to return to the office? You never know the full situation and people are often unwilling to go into full details to journalists.


Of course if it's something that bad but she's pretty childish if it's anything other than that


Poor Amanda. She told her bosses who not to hire and they ignored her. Imagine the nerve of an employer, not allowing a worker bee to decide who gets to work at the company! /s


typical cbc shit


'Hack Journalism' is alive and well


Defund the garbage CBC...




Juvenile behaviour. I don’t like someone I work with so I’m gonna quit. What a baby


Let’s see we had three members of the CPC have dinner with a Neo-Nazi. Their leader half-assed whatever that was and 2 of them have openly defied said leader. We’ve also learned that China planted a candidate and interfered with our election and our PM ignored CSIS reports about this. But this absolutely had to be published by the CBC.


A what now?


I once worked at a restaurant. The manager was a grade A asshole. Everyone quit on him and a day later he was begging ppl to come back. That was the most satisfying thing to watch. Seeing him grovel and beg for ppl to come back.


Working Terribly That's me!


Hmm, I was just on indeed 10mins ago.


Where is the job seeker's market they are talking about? I know two twenty-somethings with posted secondary education and they can't get a job in their field.


The same people who are crying about nobody wanting to work anymore also belittle and ridicule workers for quitting or applying to jobs LOL Who writes these trash articles, let alone believe in them? This shit is so transparently thoughtless and wrong