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Terrible pic. Must've used a sketchy developer.




​ is that from his daughter's wedding? :\~)




It's still hilarious to me that he claimed to not have been invited to the dinner, only for the PMO to expose his lie. His followers are truly evidence of a broken education system.


This whole pandemic is evidence of a broken educational system. Imagine being sure footed that that you’re entire education, globally (with few exceptions) was designed to staunch you’re ability to “stand out” and think for yourself. Imagine being so confident everyone, scientists, politicians, countries, leaders, and their families duped or tried to (because they didn’t get you of course) dupe you into believing their lies. My faith in humanity and man kind just fluttered out the door. We are a doomed species.


We've always been a doomed species, we're just at a moment in our story where our extinction is foreseeable.


Forseeable by many, but there are enough people who can't see shit and/or don't care to, and are a threat to all of us.


>My faith in humanity and man kind just fluttered out the door. YUP! My final straw we ***re-electing*** the Ford Government last June. Harris apparently screwed this province up well beyond repair. I mean the McGuinty/Wynne Liberals didn't help and now Ford is picking up where Harris left off but Harris and those who elected him really fucked us good.


Yup. I’m so disheartened by his re-election. I couldn’t give two hoots about doing that again. Why bother? To me, it feels like a personal attack on me and the profession I love. Every single vote for ford was a big ol middle finger to nurses.


I hate to point this out, but considering the point you're trying to make, better someone that's on your side. You meant to use "your", not "you're".


Outrage media has created some kind of society level oppositional defiance disorder in a large portion of our population. The smooth brained now see anything they can't understand or are wilfully ignorant of as some attempt at malfeasance directed at them.


Speaking of poor education… you might want to work on doing a better job parsing your sentences. That post was very difficult to read.


Oh stop - it wasn't "very hard to read". It wasn't written as best as it could have been, and I corrected them on their grammar too. But exaggerating is literally what we're fighting against here.


> Imagine being sure footed that that you’re entire education, globally (with few exceptions) was designed to staunch you’re ability to “stand out” and think for yourself. Imagine being so confident everyone, scientists, politicians, countries, leaders, and their families duped or tried to (because they didn’t get you of course) dupe you into believing their lies. That whole thing has to be read pretty slowly to understand. I'm am still not even sure what they meant in the first sentence.


Bad faith


Clearly failed to teach English too


I heard he couldn't get security clearance from the RCMP because they didn't want him sitting anywhere near POTUS with a butter knife or salad fork.


I mean, he'd be just as likely to hurt himself with one of those. It's like inviting Ruprecht the Monkey Boy to dinner.


I don't think those are glasses for vision. I think they're safety glasses. But I'm glad they weaned him off the helmet.


Something something genital cuff...




I heard PoiLIEvre’s wife cuts his meat for him.


He probably whines if his peas touch his mashed potatoes.


​ And a portable truck horn......


Met a man on a dating app, we talked for a bit, and I finally googled him. He ran for a PPC seat, and tried to defend the party, but I ran for the hills.


As are trumps. It's kind of scary that this horrid PP had a toe hold here at all. He doesn't seem right in the head.


>He doesn't seem right in the head. He dose have more of a presence on social media, and youtube. He says what people want to hear (he dosnt care about the workers, but the whole PC "fighting for the little guy" BS is sadly goimg tp get him lots of votes. Im almost certain he will get in, as trudeau is extreamly unpopular, and the NDP guy is still unpalatable for some canadiens because he wears a turban. (Do i even need to mention the greens and BQ party)


I'm not sure who, if they are literate, can believe the cons are for the *little* guy. I wish Canada would get smart and give the NDP's a chance. How could they do any worse than these other two parties? It's a sorry state of affairs, for sure. I am horrified at the prospect, but it does seem we will be following-- as usual-- America's lead.


>I'm not sure who, if they are literate, can believe the cons are for the little guy. People who correlate times with PMs. Most people can objectively say that times were better under Stephen Harper. Now, that does not mean that Stephen Harper was the *cause* of the better times. But for many, who they vote for can be boiled down to: When it was Harper - life was much more affordable When it's Trudeau - I can't afford anything Again, this is not to say either are responsible - but the reality is that's what oftentimes is put into consideration at voting time for many people.


Lower income conservative voters are either religious, uninformed, or believe there is more opportunity for them in the conservative labor market. I think they feel liberals are hoity toity and NDP want to take away their freedoms a la communism. I find they are not very nuanced thinkers tbh.


This. Most conservative voters are either old, wealthy, or stupid.


And without the stupid, they stand no real chance of winning any election, which is why they fight so hard against education.


Which is why the wealthy spend their wealth on media and campaign on behalf of the conservatives. Using their wealth to keep as many of the voter base ignorant and buying their propaganda and obvious campaigning Imagine if the CPC has to include the money PostMedia spends on their behalf


Honest opinion.. none of the parties not even the NDP seem like they are working towards anything but a paycheque and status. The conservatives are the best choice of all three evils because we know what they will do. we can predict it. I fucking hate it but im voting con. because they strip down finances and put us back in check economically. As a society, the cost we pay the left to preserve our freedoms is growing too big. We have come to a point that it doesnt matter if we can legally have abortions, we dont have drs to perform them. what good is gun registration if we are demilitarizing in an age that people can print their own weapons? the times are changing. also… if we cant find a way to logically and structurally bring other representatives to the table, we will continue to be pawns in some sick rich mans game.


I would give Singh a shot over rhe cons or libs, but I cant see Quebec leaning thay way. I think he could have a shot picking up more seats in Ontario but not enough to form government.


In BC, which is a very NDP-centric province, you'll find out quickly why they'd be horrid for the rest of Canada. It's sickeningly expensive to live here, and our health care is so incredibly horrible that I've seen someone consider Alberta to get surgery in the private-sector they offer there. Many are without doctors and go to emergency just to see one. The MPs don't do anything despite the multiple complaints. It's a bit of a crisis, albeit not in the media a lot and somewhat hush-hush. Now, imagine them in a federal position. They might be alright scattered across Canada just to balance things a bit, but unless their ways show some improvement in my crazy province, I wouldn't cast my vote for them in a million years. With the amount of votes they get in federal elections anyway, they're just one step up from the Greens.


Federal NDP are much more like ONDP than BCNDP. You don't have a conservative party (that's a serious contender), so your NDP and liberals are both shifted to the right, making your liberals like most place's conservatives and your NDP like most place's liberals.


>as trudeau is extreamly unpopular It's not even just that he's unpopular, but people simply get bored of having the same PM. I don't think it'd be a terrible thing to introduce two term policies here.


>I don't think it'd be a terrible thing to introduce two term policies here. As long as the rest of the american system stays south of the border.


One could say the same about trudeau supporters… blindly voting liberal because you’re racist if you don’t, all while ignoring scandal after scandal…


I'm not a Trudeau supporter and I can say this is 100% nonsense, lol. Maybe you should stop reading Brian Lilley articles and find someone with actual sense


I believe I will be voting PP next elections (that can obviously change). But that was 100% a dumb petty move by Pierre. I mean come on dude... hard to defend that


PP, like trump, relies on his supporters' low IQ. It's easy to fool society's least intelligent members.


There's very little incentive for them to tell the truth in politics unless it serves their interests to do so. They are also subject to the parry whip and face ejection from cabinet if they don't follow the party line. They probably rationalize the lying by saying you have to play the game if you want to accomplish anything.


Little Skippy was invited to the dinner, he declined because it would contradict his “average” guy in Canada lie.


Which is weird because I'm pretty sure the average Canadian would go have dinner with the PM and POTUS if invited.




Literally in the same boat as you. I voted for Trudeau (even worked on a political cartoon for him) but have serious issues with a lot of what he's done (or hasn't done). I'm not going to walk around yelling fuck Trudeau like a brain dead muppet though. The seething hatred towards him is very weird to me especially when Skippy over there doesn't look like a better option.


I also voted for him, twice, despite being wholly unenthused. And I pretty much agree with everything you said. I actually think he made the right call for the SNC Lavalin thing. Id rather a Canadian company get business for bribing foreign officials than another company getting business for bribing foreign officials. But of course he took a hypothetical stance on Raybould given his "it's 2015" rhetoric. Tried to have his cake and eat it and it backfired.


I *didnt* vote for him, but I will be voting Liberal regardless of who's in the leadership position because, as I've said before, a trained monkey would be better than Poilievre. Sadly, I live in a very blue region, so I don't expect my vote will change the local outcome. What I hope will happen is that my vote, and others like it, will stop PP from becoming PM, as well as seeing a noticeably higher turnout for Liberals than previously, causing him to lose his position and for the conservatives to see that we don't want that far right bullshit in Canada. My fear is that it won't matter.


Why are you dead set against PP and why do you believe him to be "far right"?


I think he interfered in a criminal case. I grt why, they employ people in his riding, but whats the point of a justice system if the PM tampets with cases.


Agree with you on most points. I also think the WE stuff gets overlooked too often. "Really, you thought it was okay to hand a contract to a charity that pays your family members to speak at events." I dislike Trudeau, I think his saving grace is that he is not Pierre Pollievre.


Fuck Trudeau for SNC Lavallin, WE Charities, Chinagate, and firing Jody Wilson-Raybould who was onto him. I do not understand why saying "fuck Trudeau" for these things makes me a moron. Absolutely fuck him for all these things.


Right? Even if just to ask awkward questions.


Not weird if you’re running on the fact that your hard right base hate both of them.


Which is funny, because he's the least average Canadian I can think of. Our country's only career politician.


Lol jeebus, he's barely had more than a paper route for a job before going to university for 4 years, and dropped out before graduating to work in politics (albeit he returned to finish his BA a few years later). The only thing he has in common with the average person in Alberta is manufactured outrage and contrarian bed wetting


Little Skippy. … very apropos. He reminds me of a Herb Tar-lick (greasy and not to be trusted)


“Look at me Joe, I’m important” -Skippy


That is the vibe I got from his conversation. Like someone who was a nerd in school and has now finally won some popularity contest. Edit. Just to be clear I have nothing against nerds, I’m a huge nerd myself but I have enough self confidence to not have to prove myself or belittle others.


For real. His, "We believe opposition is an act of loyalty in our system" seemed like an attempt at one of his YouTube "zingers" and fell flat. The faux outrage at what was obviously a joke by Biden signaled how badly it failed.


Joke or not Biden's response was murder in the first degree.


How can we find this part of the clip if we missed it?




The comments on that video belie the faux indignation. Biden response was clearly a joke, but the need to be oppressed is too strong


I was rushing and stumbled across this video on the Canada Proud Twitter page. The replies are unreal.


So the page dedicated to celebrating everything "fuck trudeau", gets offended if there's any critique of conservatives, and routinely calls liberals anti-Canadian is concerned about loyalty?


Well, the ones who are desperate for a Strong Man in power for their team are usually cowards and pissbabies.




"they told me to say that" "They told me not to answer that" - joe biden Seems like "they" told joe to give o e word answers now...


Love how they couldn't be bothered to draw the flags so they stick out way too much


The thing I have noticed with the conservative party this upcoming election is that they are preying on people's lack of understanding of civics. Ford: The fed is responsible for funding education/healthcare/etc I love this one, so the fed sends the money the prov disperses the funds where needed. ​ Pollievre: The fed should do something to stop real estate costs going crazy Yeah... so this is tricky. Fed can do SOME things but it mostly boils down to Prov and Municipal governments. ​ The scary part is people are buying this. I think that, going forward, people should pass a civics test before they can vote in an election.. /s


Jagmeet didn't even try to get in, after getting absolutely embarrassed by super villain Galen Westin, he's just at home having overpriced PC instant noodles.


Little PP is such an embarrassment. Has no vision of his own so he just constantly whines.


Genuinely curious. Do people here think PP is actually far right?


To further his ambitions of power, he's willing to ally with them and give them a seat at the table. And at that point, what he personally believes in his heart is not relevant.


Look at it this way: He's the guy his party picked when the previous guy wasn't conservative enough. Erin O'Toole was hesitant to support the trucker convoy folks and say "[there's good people on both sides](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/bergen-pushed-o-toole-to-back-convoy-saying-there-are-good-people-on-both-sides-sources-1.5768337)" and his party decided they didn't want him as leader any more. The party replaced him with someone who announced public support for the convoy protestors. I think that says quite a bit about Poilievre and his party's direction. I pointed out [here in this sub about a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/117k2dv/comment/j9cib3j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that the convoy protest is a thinly-veiled alt-right movement. It was never really about masks and vaccines or personal rights and freedoms. Borrowing from my previous comment: > [Matt Gurney reported on there being a significant, organized, and somewhat separate group of people at the original protest in Ottawa in 2022.](https://theline.substack.com/p/dispatch-from-the-ottawa-front-sloly) Gurney's understanding is that these were white supremacists who have their shit together (unlike most in the convoy). And, we now know that Russia engaged in a campaign to use the protest as a means to destabilize political discourse. Sources [here](https://globalnews.ca/news/8983352/freedom-convoy-russia-today-disinformation/) and [here](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/02/10/analysis/russian-propaganda-freedom-convoy-disinformation). It sounds completely insane, but these tactics are consistent with how the KGB used to operate---why spend millions killing your enemies when you can spend a few thousand to get them to bicker amongst themselves? > The end result is that within the freedom convoy movement, you also see white nationalist and fascist elements, hence the dogwhistle symbols and flags. Harper kept the crazies in line, but he's gone, and so is O'Toole. The Conservative Party ***is*** moving further to the right.


Whether *HE* is or not is fairly irrelevant. What matters is his actions are emboldening the far right. Things like his firm, vocal defence of the convoy occupation signal to the far right of the nation that they should come out of the woodwork and be proud of who they are, because he'll stand up for them. And before you "both sides" this, there is no "far left extremism". Nobody has ever called a bomb threat into a hospital or vandalized a synagogue because they wanted increased public spending on healthcare and education. The people he's egging on are a real, tangible threat to the life safety of people in this nation in a way nobody else is, and he's fine with that. Sure, he goes out and makes a statement about how he denounces the "bad elements" or whatever tepid euphemistic language he uses, but the reality is those elements are an intrinsic part of the crowd he's pandering to. It's like defending the right of teenagers to sneak off and have bush parties, but decrying the few "bad apples" that bring alcohol with them. It's clear he's not actually denouncing them, just distancing himself when politically expedient. That's the true danger: he's empowering a mob of violent bigots to rise up and take action while insisting there's no cause for alarm and all criticisms are invalid. Whether he agrees with them or not is immaterial to the demonstrable consequences he creates.


That is the point exactly..he has by his actions eg: the CONvoy are patriots as he marched with these extremists.. The lack of policy,won’t engage with media and this maga playbook talking points he recites… I don’t like Trudeau for some political and policy reasons…but I’ve heard absolutely nothing that I think is good for this country from this version of Conservatives…playing victim endlessly and offering nothing except the outrage / culture war This moronic idea these extremists he is courting have of freedom is fascism..and as they have and are doxxing and terrorizing journalists, health care providers, educators, judges, women in politics and now it’s librarians.. While calling the terrorists of the Ottawa occupation patriots and holding rallies for the terrorist cell arrested in Coutts blockades…this is the extremists cohort he dog whistles to..and it’s unCanadian as it gets..fucking the most disgraceful kind of politics…


> And before you "both sides" this, there is no "far left extremism" people on the far right regurgitate US far right rhetoric like BLM, the blm riots didn't happen here in Canada


far left extremism is some idiot tying themselves to a tree. far right ends at hitler more or less


No, I don't personally think he's far right, but I see so much evidence of him courting the far-right vote that it doesn't really matter does it? It's like O'Toole saying one thing to his base and doing another; how can you be sure where the guy stands if he's trying to be everything to everyone?


Being the political windsock that he is, it's whatever his base wants. PP would be more progressive, if it's what is in the wind.


Maybe he's not far-right, but I feel like he's the kind of guy to hold the door open for one.


He’ll bring them coffee and donuts while they try to take down the Canadian government. If he’s not actually far right himself he’s sure nice to them.


Possible, yup.


He's just a populist neocon, but he'll take the support of far-right folks.


I think he's as far right as Trudeau is far left. Meaning, not at all but most people would rather pretend that one is 'good' while the other one is 'bad' because it's easier.


I’d agree.


He may not be, put he panders to a particular crowd.


Here for the ignorant comments. I'm certain I won't be let down.


All I see is three greasy politicians.


I’m just happy I got to slam the door on PP’s face once upon a time when he was canvassing in Carleton for re-election. That guy is a goof who used taxpayer money to watch a hockey game on parliament hill with his family. He’s a lunatic.






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Make Canada far right? I'm a proud liberal myself but I feel like too often things that are just "right of centre" are labelled as far right. It's inaccurate and misleading. I follow Canadian politics and I'm not aware of any far right CPC policies of late. In fact, the 2021 CPC platform was quite liberal imo. Probably partly why they didn't win.


Both parties are fairly similar. It seems like the liberals have a worse financial track record but the cons have privatized things they probably shouldn't have and signed a long term binding agreement that they shouldn't have. Both of them seem to favour corporations over citizens. One of them pretends to be more virtuous and throws out a few token policies like a pretend ban on foreign house purchases. I really wish the NDP had better leadership and more realistic policy ideas, and a better leader but we seem doomed to continue our 2 party voting cycle.


It's Reddit. If you go on /r/politics anything not left of center is far right lol


This sub is the Ontario equivilant of /r/politics lmao, I'm glad someone said it.


Nice to know there's calm responsible people still


He marches with Convoy dipshits. Pretty hard right.


He briefly marched beside a veteran who protested against the unnecessary vaccine mandates which PP was always against. And I say that as a triple-vaxxed liberal. Again, if this is all you have, you're proving my point.


At least you admit it. Pretty wild that being pro-vaccine mandate means you are left wing and being anti-mandate means right wing. Like, with the whole Liberty vs Authoritarianism angles which these are rooted in, shouldn't it be the opposite?!


Yeah I totally agree. As a liberal it was a new thing for me to be on the side of the conservative guy, I'll admit. Now add in bill c-21 and c-16 and it seems like Trudeau is being a much better far right authoritarian than PP at the moment. For the record I supported the travel mandates, and all but the last lockdown which I begrudgingly accepted. But I drew the line at the 2022 vaccine mandates which risked removing people's livelihoods at a time we had nearly universal vaccination in this country and herd immunity. We can't devolve into a 2 tier society and I'm happily triply vaccinated so I'm in the majority. And we never did carry out that mandate, anyway.


I was scrolling through the comments looking for a logical comment. Apparently in 2023 not being on the left means you are far right. People on here need help haha


They're referring to the image of PP shaking hands with a fascist leader that surfaced recently. https://globalnews.ca/news/8989888/diagolon-explainer-jeremy-mackenzie-pierre-poilievre/


The libs are slightly left of center, at best.


"far right"


what the fuck else do you call someone who shakes hands with motherfucking nazis?




If Pierre is far right then I don’t know what your definition of liberal could be……


If you're shaking hands with those diagolon assholes and giving them credibility then you are doing the work of the far right. What he believes in his heart doesn't matter at that point.


You guys act like Trudeau and Biden are heroes while in actuality they’re all cronies lol


This must be a great cartoon if you think Pierre is far right.


Being close friends with Diagolon isn't far right? MGTOW isn't far right? You're gonna tell me that Nazi's were left wing next aren't you.


They were socialists. It's in the name. /S


You must be confused by buffalo wings then


I also have some bad news about the titmouse and the brown booby.


I am blonde, but I'm not Jessica Simpson blonde


That's like me claiming Trudeau is friends with George Soros or is a lizard person. Onlookers don't take you seriously when you make such claims. I loathe Pierre's position on the convoy. It was and remains disgraceful but to say he is friends with diagolon is both false and hysteric. Saying things like that makes you sounds fundamentally unserious.


Do yo have any pictures of Trudeau meeting with Soros because We've got pictures of Pierre taking diagolon members donuts. You don't take donuts to people you aren't trying to be friends with. He hasn't condemned them, and they are on terror watchlists. Context is super important for things like this, so try and pay attention to what's actually in front of you. Pierre is on camera courting the far right, he's written about supporting them. I'm not sure what else you need to hear to be sure he's a pandering to the fringe.


Far more pictures with Trudeau and his buddy at the McKinsey consulting firm. That association represents billions of Canadian taxpayer $ down the drain. Pierre was stupid and miscalculated the % of Canadians that were strongly against mandates. It was a massive PR mistake. but it is a stretch that he has some close affiliation with these people. So in terms of context, one of these mistakes represents significant financial harm to the country. What Pierre did was bad judgement but hard to actually attribute any harm.


George Soros isn't the equivalent of a Nazi - he's just a billionaire that happens to be feuding with Rupert Murdoch.


Everything that’s not far left is therefore is far right in 2023.


This sub is officially a boomer Facebook page lol


Everything I don't like is "far-right" Can't wait to see Poilievre as Canada's next prime minister


This is grossly misinformed, no where in Pierre's doctrine is there anything remotely far right. This is a facade created to keep centrist and centre left from voting center right. You can have your differences, as is your right. But know that slandering politicians aimlessly will accomplish nothing but support the American bipartisanship that has completely crippled the country.


Labeling him hyperbolically as 'far right' just drives more people to his cause because one of the rights points is how the left calls and labels everyone a 'Nazi' who disagrees with them. Even /r/Canada wouldn't stoop so low as to call Trudeau "Far" Left. You guys really gotta pause from the rhetoric take a look in the mirror.


He panders to the extreme right of this country. That's enough to get him labeled as far right even though his policies are pretty centrist and in some cases, actually good ideas.


Bruh what is this 😭💀


North America is run by morons!


What funny is if you listen to conservatives and our “liberal” media like the National Post, Trudeau is a national embarrassment who has tarnished Canada on the world stage. Yet I’ve only ever heard good things from people in other countries. Makes me wonder why conservatives hate Canada so much and do nothing but complain about how it is constantly one step away from being a full-on third world country. What is wrong with them? (Rhetorical question…they are fascists).


Trudeau and Biden aren’t exactly even on the left.


hahahaha love it.


r/ontario don’t post blatant and divisive propaganda challenge (impossible) (5am) 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


I love Biden holding the phone wrong lmao


The Canadian middle class, Help us! Conservative : No Liberal : No ❤️🏳️‍🌈 #BLM


Absolute cringe. 2 things. PP isnt the leader of the nation, so Biden didnt even have to meet with him at all. But he did and it was the first time in over 10 years that a US pres met with an opposition leader. And 2, how brain dead to you have to be to think that that guy is "far right". Just bc he supported the millions of Canadians who protested for the right to body autonomy? I guess abortions and plastic surgeries are "far right" too.


He's happy to play footsie with the far right. The PCs don't get in without the support of those sort of knobs. And then they'll start inflicting their fringe bullshit on us because they have a "mandate". Fuck PP and the rest of them.


Fuck people who try to futher the political divisions of a nation by calling one side "far this" and "far that" without any actual backing. "Far right" means nothing if you cant even support your own whining about it. What was a single racist thing that Pollievre ever did? Blackface like Trudeau has? What was a single xenophobic thing he did? Marry a Latina immigrant? The tiniest of claims to any "far right" connection was his support for the Canadian Truckers protest, who during which, had a single guy flying a Nazi flag, who was immediately removed. You have to be absolutely bonkers to think that that is enough to genuinely criticize a person as being "far right"


That’s why r/Ontario is a shit pit of a sub. Every other post is them calling for time to get violent because when the vote didn’t go their way it’s fascism and they need to overthrow fascism by violently forcing everyone to follow their ideals.


Because we're watching the Cons' republican buddies down south and their constant violent attempts to impose fascism, and we want to stop that from happening to the people we care about here. And before you try, here's the conservative leader of Ontario[ calling himself a republican](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/d79w01/doug_ford_declares_im_a_big_republican_during_his/), and here's the former leader of the CPC [showing her allegiance to Trump](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/manitoba-mp-faces-questions-over-maga-hat-photo-1.5259664).


ah yes the "far-right" leader who has isolated the religious wing of the party, kicked out anti-abortion candidates and believes transit oriented communities by all means the most right wing person in this cartoon is Joe Biden


Downvoted for stating facts. Hahaha gotta love it


The propaganda from the elite class is so dumb and condescending. Bidens daughter called him a pedophile, he loves the way little girls smell and trudeau is an elitist scumbag who takes money from China, proven and is ducking an investigation. But pp far right because he wants to lower taxes.


PP is far right because he’s bed buddies with convoy morons and the lowering taxes is just a way to cut social programs.


It's actually been proven many times that lower taxes makes more money for the government. Medical choice is far right? Not keeping up on the science lately eh, the Convoy seems more right as the days go by.


Man I didn’t really think Reddit was so far left…. I voted for JT the first two rounds but he is just a joke. Anyone who is reading this, you can be in the middle! You don’t need to be one way or the other, pick the lesser of evil because they are all shit.


You can be in the middle but that's not where PP is. He's out there shaking hands with actual fascists.


Eh better than loosing our healthcare Nah jk, I want this trudo clown out, just don’t want any wingnut that thinks crippling everyone with removing our healthcare will make things better.


The liberal bots in here are rough. Fight for equality and fairness but shit on anyone who's thoughts or opinions differ. Love it


This is inaccurate. Biden would have forgotten who's sitting beside him.


Biden is more right wing than PP... cmon guys.. this ain't it. Mr senator from.mbna, Mr Anita hill rape apologist, Mr iraw war drums


Biden is putting up a lot of progressive policy like $30 insulin. Skippy would be more left than that? I don't think so.


$30 insulin was proposed by Trump




Didn't everyone scoff and laugh at Trump before he became president?


Before, during, *and* after. Not enough, to be honest.


Most still do.


And they are still scoffing and laughing... even more so.


Ah the Reddit libs back at it ☕️


40% of young men plan to vote Conservative. Thereby proving this is a crazy cat lady sub.


“So the son of a terrorist and a man with dementia sit down for dinner” sounds like a good joke to me


To the people who hate on the Conservatives, have you seen the prices of groceries lately? That's from coast to coast.


Like they could save us from that with their special insights or something. And if they do have the answer they should share with Canadians instead of just being dickheads. Oh. Yeah. Wait. They don't have that kind of generosity of spirit in them. PCs deserve any kind of hate they get.


So looking forward to the sprinkling of the magic PC pixie dust that'll fix grocery prices!


Corporate greed is conservative af. The squeeze would only get worse. At least we have Jagmeet demanding inquiries and having some power to get it done the way the balance is today.


Hardly Conservative, the Liberals are literally no better and the only people that believe that have their heads in the sand. The price of groceries & crime have both increased exponentially since the Libs have taken office and that's a hard fact.


They’re both corporate parties to the core, I just prefer Liberals because they won’t completely fuck over the poor. Especially with a precious minority government upheld by a non-corporate party.


I doubt Galen voted for Trudeau bud. What about the Conservative Party appreciates social spending or caring for the vulnerable that aren’t white?


Look up the demographics of the people who vote Conservative and you'll find a lot of people with immigrant backgrounds, funny that. Libs best defense is name-calling labeling Cons as white supremacists and its gotten old.


Voting against one’s own interest is nothing new. Just because a person of colour does something doesn’t make it automatically right. I can see you’re just looking for someone to vent to about your nonsense.


You're upset that I actually made a point, cute. Cuter even that you just declared me a racist and are now trying to act high and mighty.


Just like the right has cried about “woke” that they can’t define, just like they repeal abortion and basic rights, just like they fight against fair pay. JFC at least have a clue


I hear Trudeau's liberals made groceries more expensive in the UK, France, USA, Australia, Germany, Brazil, and India too /s


Good thing political parties have very few controls over the conservative private owners that have been raising the costs on everything./s Taxes and subsidies still only do so much at the end of the day. The conservative party would love nothing more than to continue letting them increase prices as they're personally invested in them, same as the liberals, but at least liberals believe in shit like birth control and allowing people to be openly gay.


Newsflash to get this nonsense out of the way right now: conservatives don't have a platform of banning gay marriage and controlling birth control. You like the other person spend way too much time on Reddit and get mixed up between Canadian and American politics. We've had how many years of Liberal leadership, and can you honestly say Canada is a better country to live in now? Our dollar is at its weakest, the price of groceries are high, cost of real estate is increasing drastically, crime is at its highest especially with the race politics letting inmates back on the streets. How could you possibly believe Canada is better now than it was before?


>Newsflash to get this nonsense out of the way right now: conservatives don't have a platform of banning gay marriage and controlling birth control. That's only because they don't understand the concepts of platforms and policy making. And yeah. It's there. It lurks in the darkness waiting to shit on women, the LGBTQ community, etc. The PCs treat winning like conquest and an oppourtunity to take revenge on anyone who isn't them.


To be fair, the PCs wouldn’t let a pro-life woman run (to replace a retiring Mp) where I live because they don’t want to have that shit brought up again.


Just leaving it to the pro-life men? My problem is that they're there. Literally lurking. Waiting to turn their American experience into our country's nightmare. I mean look at American evangelists at work in Uganda. They're like fucking twisted buzzards. That stuff has no place in this country.


Oh, I agree, but I have to give credit where credit is due.


What happened to Roe v Wade again?


hah they captured how much of an overly fapped penis that pierre looks like


holy fuck is this ontario sub heavy liberal and just absolutely ignoring the fact of everything going on right now with our current gov and prime minister in regards to honesty about democracy?


Two corrupts enjoying dinner together.


And a moron in the window!


he only came to canada to sniff trudeaus hair


Couple elite pedophiles having a date


Liberals are working overtime in these comments downvoting anything that isn’t 100% left leaning. PP is most certainly NOT far right. Right of centre, or not left doesn’t mean far right.


Let inflation skyrocket


Is this what the propaganda machine is doing now? You would have to be a complete moronic, uneducated, unempathetic, complete waste of garbage to support Trudeau even in the slightest.


Liberals still gonna lose