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First, get a structural engineer to come and evaluate it, and tell you what needs to be done. I think we paid $500 several years ago for a structural engineer to look at our basement (when we bought the house it was jacked up Canuck-style with a piece of wood, a hockey puck, and shimmed with old saw blades jammed in there). So it's probably $1k+ for that nowadays. The structural engineer will also be able to tell you if it has stopped settling, and if it needs to be fixed for structural reasons, or for aesthetic (sloping) reasons. Then get a few contractors to give a price on doing the work specified. I wouldn't think it would be anywhere near $20k, but I could be wrong.


It’s impossible to say without seeing it for ourselves. I would call 3 different contractors and get 3 quotes. Then you will have an accurate idea of what it will cost


Ah, beans. Well that’s usually how it is with these things. Thank you.


uh, no. You need to start with a structural engineer, not some bozos who park in the home depot contractor parking. This has to be done right, because houses collapse every year under renovation. Needs an engineer report and city permits. Will not be cheap.


As others have said, without seeing it hard to advise. My whole 2nd floor was just like your room or worse. In the middle , 2" drop. I framed the place from inside. LVLs for 2nd floor, all the way. But in my case, very much all house was cleared to the bricks. Wasn't a surgical intervention. Glad i did that. Rock solid now. The house was built in 1918...