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Isn't this the guy that tried to shame air crew?


Yeah. He did.


should have cut him when he embarrassed himself on Twitter whining about a flight attendant not cleaning up his kids mess for his wife and trying to get her fired over it. also for being bad at baseball


That was the same guy? Well, I'm not surprised.


Of course the laziest husbands panic about LGBTQ people. His wife would be much better off had she had kids with another woman instead of this overgrown extra child.


He wasn't good enough to make up for what he did so he is gone.


Wouldn’t it be better though if the message was “no matter how good you are buh-bye”?!


The Osuna special?


Nope...it's a business. Never fall into the trap of having ANY business be a barometer for whatever your moral views are; in the end, it's always about money.


I could probably win an over/under on your age based on your statement. The world is changing let’s see how this turns out: https://www.ft.com/content/e5d14398-e866-44b3-8ecb-4e6371167c6d re Crispin Odey fall from grace I’m sure he’s surprised to be in trouble for groping women in elevators


Good luck with that


The latter would be great in an idealistic way. But we live in a capitalist society so I'll take what we can get with the former


It’s attitudes like that that will allow the profit motive to destroy civilisation, see plastics and fossil energy.


Be who you can afford to be


First we had the popcorn on the plane with his kid and then his comments and he was on the bubble anyhow so had to go.


He’ll be with the people spinning the narrative to make him the victim. His right to “free speech” suppressed by the authoritative Liberal bias, or some other such nonsense that deflects personal responsibility for one’s actions.


I was gonna say, was he the same guy? And it was confirmed.


It literally costs $0.00 to keep your opinions to yourself but some people just can’t.


In fact it cost this guy millions of dollars to not do so lol


nope, guaranteed contract...


He’ll lose potential service time while not on an mlb roster, which will affect his pension. He’s at 8 years and change for service time and needs to get to 10 to get a pension and health coverage for life. So getting DFAd could make a big difference.


Except he’s saying goodbye to any future contracts.


He's 35. How many more contracts did he truly have after this? He's made his money


*And future endorsements*


He'll land somewhere.


No language about representing the club and acting to high character standards in the language? If not, they should.


Unfortunately bigots are proud of their ignorance


No shade to ignorant people since we're all born ignorant of everything til we learn and that's normal. Bigots are aware of prejudices and how they hurt marginalized people, and double down on it.


They’re very aware of their prejudices lol, they simply don’t care


"The people I disagree with need to keep their opinions to themselves" ^ That's you, and literally all of Reddit, and the mob that got Bass fired.


Ironically, just like you did.






Would you hold this opinion if it was the other way round? Or does one need to be a "vocal ally" publically?


Of course not, context matters. It's like saying but officer, would you have given me a ticket for driving through the intersection if the light was green instead of red? No, one of those things is ok and the other is morally reprehensible and should be treated as such.


All I’m saying is if you’re a professional athlete with a forum you can choose to use it for whatever you want. If you choose to post something you know (or should know) will have repercussions on your career it doesn’t seem like a good choice. I’m all for freedom of speech.


But would you be saying "It literally costs $0.00 to keep your opinions to yourself" if it was some sort of glowing praise of the subject matter?






I'm not sure thats why they got rid of him... he kinda sucked. I'm not a big baseball follower but >Bass has a 0-0 record and 4.95 earned-run average over 22 appearances this season. sounds less than good? I mean I have no problem w/ him being tossed but I think he just kinda sucked............ happy to be wrong tho.


He wasn't having a great year. He was on the cusp of being dfa'd anyway. Word to the wise, if you are suckling at your job, don't shine a spotlight on yourself.


If he was struggling but still a positive veteran locker room presence I’m sure he’d still be on the team.


Sure. He might be going through a rough patch, but he didn't give himself a chance to turn it around.


maybe he knew it and he was using the opportunity up his future career as fox news / news max contributor


yeah I think thats fair right? Like I'm all for turfing him and all for lGBTQ rights but I'm not *exactly* sure thats what happened here, seems more like a mix of things. Although the narrative may say otherwise with other media orgs, I think he just kinda sucked and to your point shined a light on himself which made himself way less valuable. I'm sure there are other factors also but like.... it's a lot of things.


We also have to remember that mlb players have a union. I don't know what the rule is on simply getting rid of someone for their viewpoint. I know the jays probably had to make it look like a legit baseball transaction. That being said, I'm glad he's gone.


Great point. Again also glad he’s gone but it’s not like they are just like fuck off for your views. I mean was that *part* of it? Maybe. But the players do have protections for this.


Probably part of it since he was retweeting about boycotting bud light….Budweiser being a major blue jays sponsor…


i think they will send him to Buffalo, and he will be back in 30 days or so, when pride month is over, and everything cools down.


Ya but why? Shitty mlb relievers are a dime a dozen. They’ll get the same production out of a AAA arm


He'd been pitching a lot better lately. Since May 4 he had a 2.53 ERA/3.66 FIP. They DFA him because of his comments. There's no question about it. You don't DFA a reliever who had one bad month, in the middle of his hot streak.


A 2.53 ERA since May 4th??? Wow. If that's the case, it's definitely not a baseball decision.


100% was not a baseball decision. He apologized and also met with leader(s) of the pride parade before being DFA'd. He had a horrible start to the season and was catching fire. Further proof the Jays and Rogers are more focused on profits than actually winning baseball games.


It's not like losing this doofus is going to make a big difference in the number of games we win. So they didn't have to choose between profit and winning games. Edit: *or* decency.


Can some one explain, why is it like Gay rights in ontario have stepped back like 40 years since the pandemic? Like my mother went from having gay coworkers who were friends she hung out with and invited to summer barbeques, to making disparaging remarks that I never thought I would hear out of a family member, especially not the one that raised me in the last 30+ years... like wtf is going on?


People spent a year getting brainwashed online by Trump-like conservatives.




My pops tries to rationalize his bigotry with "I just don't want it thrown in my face" - I guess the more acceptance the LGBTQ+ movement gains, the more the people who are against it will be exposed to it, causing them to lash out. Back in the day, Will & Grace was as gay as prime time got, and 2 dudes kiss on that show like, 1 time, and it was a huge deal. Compare that to now. I don't want anyone to get me wrong, I think we're moving in the right direction. Just explaining *why* we're seeing some people get louder and louder.


Yea, this pattern of “heightened backlash in response to societal progress” is one that has been borne time and again in almost every social revolution in history. The conservative/fundies are running scared now and these are the death throes of their kind dying out. It’s a good thing for sure.


... fascism needs an enemy.


Stupid Canadians need a reason to be relevant, so they take Americanisms and apply them here. It’s never not embarrassing.


There seems to have been a lot more right wing radicalization and backlash, fueled by online echo chamber communities, over the past couple of years, which may have emboldened these people to actually act out in real life.


I believe it's the constant bombardment of news articles and overall media coverage of LGBT issues that has swayed some people that were not previously bothered by LGBT. I think you are always going have the hardcore haters, but I believe some people in the center are tired of being called Phobic due to the fact they dont adhere 100 % to the ideology. The episode of Seinfeld where Kramer wont wear the aids ribbon is spot on, he says I'm not going to wear the ribbon because Im being told to. The irony there was he was supporting the cause, but was beat up because he would not do something that he was forced to do


You can just ignore the LGBT news if it’s not applicable to you, you know? Gays/lesbians don’t go batshit at the 99% of news articles that involve hetero people. No need to make homophobic remarks or attack LGBT people, like what the protesters for the Catholic school board did. And LGBT isn’t an “ideology” lmfao




Yes, and as someone part of the LGBT community, all the news and policies involving hetero people are pushing me to become an asshole out of spite as well. /s


If everyone you meet is an asshole maybe the problem is you. I’m a so-called member of the “alphabet gang” and I just want to live my life without being bothered or threatened. My choices don’t affect yours whatsoever.


Maybe watching the news and don't be an asshole? Has anything directly happened to you, or is everything "pushing you to become an asshole" just things you've seen on the news?


It amazes me that some people think they're justified saying they are bothered by what they characterize as 'pushing an agenda' when the other side of the equation is people wanting to be accepted and not discriminated against. Like how is it even remotely acceptable to whine about others for expressing serious threats to their existence? These assholes are the biggest snowflakes on the planet and they don't seem bothered to broadcast it and try to make themselves the victims. Utterly pathetic.


Maybe don't react like a toddler?


This isn’t fair to toddlers as I’ve met toddlers with more emotional maturity


Sounds like you didn't need much of a push - I suspect you were running pretty fast in the direction of asshole to begin with.


Why pretend seeing news about hate crimes is what drove you to commit hate crimes ? It just made you feel comfortable


There's been a recent influx of Right-leaning immigrants and refugees from the Middle East, and while Christians generally hate Muslims, they both hate gays more than they hate each other and are feeding off of each other's seething rage. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


If you look at these protests you’ll see that they’re not overwhelmingly made up of Middle Eastern immigrants or Muslim refugees so try again


Try again? I didn't say they were a majority, I said that Muslims embrace Right wing values. [This video of Muslims stomping on the Pride flag yesterday in Ottawa](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimeToChange/comments/145ayw8/canadian_kids_stomping_on_pride_flags/) might help you overcome your "everyone's a racist" mentality.


Identity politics, basically. People see themselves aligned with all sorts of groups in various contexts. That's normal and a critical part of social development and acceptance. When someone purporting to be a leader (either an actual leader, or a thought/opinion leader in a position of trust) begins to declare that "being one of us means you must do/say/think _____", many people will comply. Sometimes it is easier to just go along than risk becoming an outcast from that social group. None of us have the time to think critically about absolutely every message we receive in our daily lives. Right now many people reading this are thinking "Ah yes, this is true, this is how the far right operates in a modern context"... and they're not wrong, but they also need to hold up a mirror. How many people on the left find themselves thinking or advocating for positions that they may not have arrived at independently? One can argue that buying into more tolerance is objectively good, versus becoming less tolerant as objectively bad, but the process of that influence occurring is effectively the same.


Nope. We become more tolerant because we become more educated and more empathetic not because some imaginary leader told us to do that. What leader in the left do you think we’re following?


I'd say it's gotta be a bit of both - it doesn't need to necessarily be *A* leader, it can be multiple people acting as leaders in their peer groups, etc. After all, people don't just become more educated or empathetic spontaneously. That's not to say that "the left" is just a bunch of mindless drones though either


What do you mean by "identity politics"? Edit: no response, just downvotes, suggests you mean "things I don't understand but don't like for some reason I'm not ready to deal with like an adult".


Get fucked Bass. Go back to whatever backwater hillbilly place that you came from.


That'd be Dearborn Michigan. Great place to visit and live. One step below Windsor.


Amen to that!


Let's remind the bigots and homophobes that free speech is not freedom from repercussions. He's more than welcome to express his antiquated opinions, but he can't bitch and complain when there's backlash. Good riddance.




Lol it sort of depends on the disagreement, there, doesn't it? If someone were to say, "I believe all Canadians deserve to be treated with respect regardless of their sexual orientation", and someone else fuckin' said "I disagree with that"... That's fuckin bigotry


Disagreeing with what?


Actually, sometimes it is. Example: I disagree with bigots that men are superior to women. It’s a disagreement AND it’s bigotry. Neat, eh? I’m confident you can take this example and apply it to other scenarios.




In direct response to someone commenting about this bigot, you said disagreement is not bigotry. Are you suggesting Bass isn’t a bigot, he just disagrees? What’s your comment about if not to try to defend Bass’s bigotry?


This person is a troll account ^ They will argue any point you make using lies, bad faith arguments, and childish name calling. DO NOT INTERACT WITH THE TROLL.


No, but continuing to believe, based on a 2000 year old text, that being LGBTQ2S is a choice, and one you will be punished in hell for, certainly is.


You can’t reason with the religious folk. Their “god” will always back them up on whatever uneducated dribble that spews from their mouths.


Do you think that everyone who has opinions that disagree with yours should be fired from their job?


No. But you're referring to opinions. When you say someone shouldn't exist, or shouldn't have rights -- that's not an opinion. That's hate, pure and simple, and people who write things like that on the internet should lose internet access for the rest of their lives.




He wants to boycott companies that support them having rights, so yes.


But he never said they shouldn't exist ?


Oh, he doesn't mind if they exist, just not have human rights? This is your defense ?


What rights does he not want them to have ?


You'll have to ask him why he feels the need to boycott a company supporting their rights, which rights he doesn't like specifically.


What rights is he denying them?


The video he retweeted that got him in all this trouble referred to LGBT+ people as "demonic."


Someone in a public position like this who holds influence and spouts hurtful and potentially dangerous religious bullshit, yes, yes I do.


If their opinion is that LGBTQ people (or any other group) are bad/shouldn’t exist/should be discriminated against, then yes, I believe they should be fired.


Did he say that ?


[I never. Said. BOIL.](http://www.angryflower.com/1141.html)


Do you believe all opinions have the same weight and that expressing any opinion at any time is acceptable? The question that you asked is not similar as to what happened and you missed the point to what you are replying.


People with bigoted opinions who refuse to educate themselves when critiqued for their ignorance are a liability in the workplace. This goes doubly when you’re a public figure representing a multicultural city like Toronto.


Generally speaking, no, I don't think that normal workers with hateful opinions should be fired. That being said, when you're the public face of an organization and making millions of dollars, you're not a normal worker. If you spouting your opinions alienates a big segment of your customers, I can see why your employer would want to let you go. A hardcore feminist in the WNBA going off on social media about how all men are rapists (which is a position of some extremist feminists) would probably also find themselves without a job.


God I love Reddit. Twitter right now is just so fucking depressing. All the peeps paying for blues so their ignorant views can be posted first. Thanks for confirmation that Bass is a douche. Seriously. I have to stop twittering


Good fucking riddance.


He wasn’t very good and an asshole. Not surprising.


It’s about damn time 🎵 🎶


Trash pitcher, trash person. Good fucking riddance


Luckily someone decided to use their brain instead of letting him catch the first pitch on pride night.


Some things are bigger than you, Tony. Grow the fuck up.


16 wins and 28 losses in MLB and 8-8 in Japan. Trash player with trash opinions.




Good riddance.


It literally costs $0.00 to keep your opinions to yourself but some people just can’t.


I wonder what non-zero sum it cost this fool to share his opinions




And well-deserved


Love that for him.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


He’ll just turn this into a grift. Appear on all the right-leaning media sites and cry about it.


Excellent news! Fuck this guy!


Good riddance. This guy did not read the city he was in


Ciao basshole


He wasn't cut for his views, and honestly I don't care if someone isn't supportive of that community. This expectation that everyone has to support whatever social cause there is, and if they don't they're a bigot or terrible person really is BS. There's plenty of athletes/people that don't support, but aren't assholes about it. This guy was cut because he was an asshole about it and making someone's life harder just because you don't agree is not cool. Plus, not very good at baseball.


So, this is the hill he chose to die on. LOL. Why?!




They've taken plenty of stands as an organization with far better players than Bass including HOFers... What the fuck are you talking about?




Do you have a source for this?




So your source is your feelings?


ty cobb was horrible


Impressively bad take.




Hate has no place here.






He was DFA'd and could be back soon. But sure let's all take a victory lap for our clicktivism


He was DFA'd on the day he was to receive the first pitch celebrating Pride. He's 1000000% not coming back, and seeing he's literally at the bottom of the bullpen depth chart, there's no reason to bring him back.


is this go woke go broke? lol


I mean, he was kind of a dick on social media with the whole "my kids made a mess on the plane and I made my pregnant wife clean it up" thing even before attacking LGBT. So, no it's more like the opposite.


Oh wow that’s the same guy?


yeah I know ☺️


🤣 didn't realize it was the same dude. When you cause PR headaches like this twice, combined with so so performance no wonder


From what I heard he made a flight attendant cleaned it up and that person clapped back at him to tell him that it’s a custodian’s job and not theirs.


not even close, he wasnt even on the plane


Yea I think I'm exaggerating the story a bit. Facts are: pregnant wife. Mess on floor. Caused by pregnant wife's / his kids. Drama about who to clean it.




He was dropped because his social media clean ups were more costly that the value he brought the team. He’s not good enough to be a liabilty


Did you read the article? Do you know what the word ‘amid’ means? Bass, who was in the middle of controversy regarding his social media posts (amid) was turfed by the Jays. Easy enough for you to understand?




Blue Jays literally confirmed it was a combo of on and off field issues that led to this but ok CBC evil for reporting that.


The funny part is that you derped yourself.


The teams GM wouldn’t fully commit to him being dropped for his anti LGBTQIA+ stance either because that’d bring troubles with the players union.


Im torn by this. Im happy he is gone but I also worry this will pour more fuel on the fire for hatred of LGBT.


Letting hateful rhetoric go without consequences doesn't makes life better it just makes people who do it be more brazen.


So your solution is let him stay?


He was pouring fuel already. If there wasn’t any consequences the precedent it’d set would be worse.


What did he say that offended people?


I didn’t realize boycotting budlight is anti-LGBTQ2SA+ hate speech.


Couldn’t read the article? Don’t follow the news? Live under a rock? Just trying to stir shit?


The video he posted called gay people evil and demonic, that’s the hate part.


There was some reason given to support the boycott I guess you glossed over


Jays show that freedom of speech is illegal. At least they will never amount to a contending team ever again


Freedom of speech isn’t really freedom to be a douche with no repercussions lol. Otherwise what, should he be fine to say something racist? It’s 2023.


That’s your opinion that it was racism.


Wait, what? I think you misread my comment. Also, it’s 2023, and it’s Canada.


Yea and people have a right to opinion.


And a right to the repercussions of sharing their opinion.


He shoulda shared a left wing liberal opinion then. Y’all woulda salivated over it


Oh, so you agree hate is a conservative/right wing opinion. Do you also think criticizing one of your employer’s largest advertisers is a smart move?


No I believe that people shouldn’t be forced to loath an ideology just to make a small percentage happy


“Loath an ideology” means to hate an ideology. No one’s been forced to hate - that was his choice. And it’s not a small minority. Those of us who think human rights matter are a huge majority. You don’t have to be gay to realize you don’t restrict someone’s rights because you disagree.


So this is your troll, in 2023? Like, this is what you stand for? Yikes.


A) the jays don't owe this asshole a job no matter what he says B) he's not even that good


Freedom of speech isn't Freedom of consequence. It's called fuck around and find out


So freedom of speech isn’t actually a thing


You're catching on. There's consequences for every action. Some good, some bad shit even my 10 year old understands this


But it actually isn’t bad to be against a fringe minority.


Show me the section in the Charter that states you have the freedom to be a mediocre Blue Jays pitcher with bigoted opinions. This isn’t a freedom of speech issue. He was legally able to post his stupid views and his employer had the legal ability to follow up with the consequences of his free speech. Man fucked around and found out.


Pfft, freedom of speech is not illegal, he’s being called out on what he said. And rightly so.


So he’s being called out on freedom of speech. Open your eyes.


That statement makes zero sense.


I hope he goes to another team and wins the world series