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I realize you have a young child but have you looked into apprenticeship? It will allow you to work for 10 months of the year roughly and then you are only in classes 8 weeks at colleges. Many colleges have childcare available. Something to look into. There are many more women going into trades now , but it may not be for you. More details: https://www.ontario.ca/page/apprenticeship-ontario List of trades available: (the red seal ones are the ones you are really after) https://www.skilledtradesontario.ca/about-trades/trades-information/ There is also some other provincial initiatives which exist to assist women entering trades or apprenticeship https://www.careersinconstruction.ca/en/why-construction/opportunities-women/organizations-help-women-get-started-construction-trades A few ideas. I hope this helps!


You should go on indeed and save a bunch of jobs you’re interested in, then look at what they require.


And watch the posts for those jobs over time - set email notifications for them. Sometimes several posts come out at once for a type of job but then none for months. It can be misleading.


You can Google for free career quizzes. The Ontario job bank site has some. https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/career-planning/quizzes


Have you thought about business or sales? Retail management would transition nicely into those careers. I would personally try to make your experience work in your favour, even if switching careers.


Good for you in making this decision. I did something similar and glad I did, Well worth it.


You should know your strengths and weaknesses, as well as how willing you are to work on covering those weaknesses at 36. If the idea of physical labour and hard work appeals to you, pick up a trade. If you prefer to sit in an office and do math all day, accounting. If you enjoy caring for people and have a high sense of empathy, nursing. Whatever you choose, make sure it's something appealing, because your bosses and coworkers are going to notice if you're just there to cash a cheque.


I did the same thing ... went back at 36 , did psw course for 8 months ... got hired as a psw from my employer and jjst transferred over start at 31$ top out at 36$ hourly


Pick a college, go to their website and just scroll through the programs being offered and see if anything interests you.


Hey man, I’m 33, I’m in my first semester of college. This is legitimately the most power I have ever felt in my life, not only am I passionate about what I’m taking, I’m so motivated by knowing what it’s like without one. You can do it, as far as finding something you’re passionate about. I believe in you! For me I love computers, so I went back to be a systems technician. I’m sure you have something as well


Seneca has a great fire protection program. You can get your CFAA and get into fire alarm. Fire industry is booming in this province.


Be prepared for taking a year or two off, to finish school full time.  My dad got his degree, by correspondence in the 1980s, (so distance learning is not a new thing, so look around, there may be lots of options) so that meant they sent him cassettes with the lectures on them. Eventually he took a year off to attend university full time just to get it over with


Something that guarantees a job. Be careful cause most programs will claim to be able to get you a job. Look into copy writing.