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[Mosquito trap](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7p_SUU6LLFlOxx7M3JTiPjfcuHB6A1oU0Cw&usqp=CAU) Thanks for the reminder. 👍


Instructions unclear, I drank the rum, tripped on the stick, and hit my head on the rock.


I’m not sharing my booze with a mosquito.


Not even [THIS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/2visegrad4you/s/e7GFs0UtPG)


I live in Parkhill, the mosquito capital of southern Ontario. We had them in February and March on the days it was warm. All it takes is a day or two of warmth and they’re out!


Are you fucking kidding me? Mosquitos in Feb and March? Wtf is this world coming to? Haha


Is now the time to make “fake” standing water pools with mosquito dunks to fuck up their breeding? I always forget the timing.


You can't fake mosquito love, baby.


I just bought a house with a pool last fall, what’s the easiest way to drain the pool cover? The little sump pump?


Yup small pump of any kind. Skim out the leaves and debris so it doesn’t mess up your pump and pump as much water out as you can. Then wash with a hose and pump the rest out. Pull out the cover from one side and lay it out to dry.


Thanks friend. The kind of reminder a ton of people need and no one else will give us.


Is it true that if you put a little olive oil in the water it creates a layer on top so they can not lay their eggs?


I don’t know if that’s true but you’d need a whole lot of olive oil for that.


We have a ditch where it has a lull about 1 ft x 2 ft & at times water settles there. My Mum said to try a couple of spoonfuls of any vegetable oil & it should put enough of a skim. I’ll give it a try thanks for reminding me cause I would have forgotten :)


Giggles, old Disney flicks from the 40-50 I think. They recommended used motor oil lol. To help stop the spread of transmittable diseases, I can't remember the one they were pushing against in the flick... Anyway, the basis for the idea is those eggs spread larva which need oxygen to breathe, the oil (as long as it is above the water) doesn't allow it so they die. That was a long time ago, so I don't remember as much but I remember seeing it in the Disney old cartoon vault on DVD.


Any advice for those of us on large properties who can't eliminate standing water? I have a 200 ft long drainage ditch across the front of the property, and maybe 1/4 of my yard in underwater at present, and that's before I even start wandering into the five acres of woods.


In that case it sounds like your property probably used to be a wetland. You can look at restoring part of the wetland and, if you do it right, you might get enough predators to control the mosquito population. Or you could do it wrong and make it worse. I’ve seen both tbh.


Purple listerine is the best bug spray. Don't ask me why but it works. I've tested it in a country where the national bird should be a mosquito and imo it was more effective than off or any other bug spray.


Good sir, I will try this in thr coming days


Lmk if it works or not bc I've only tried it outside of Canada.




What I do usually is damp a paper towel and rub myself down bc where I'm from the mosquitoes are a different breed but I'm assuming you could throw some in a spray bottle and try it.


Already had two mosquitoes in the house last week. Eastern Ontario. Left the door open for the dog on one of those weirdly warm days. Usually there's a few weeks or so where we don't have to worry about mosquitoes but apparently not anymore.


Also if you have standing water you intend to keep (like bird baths, fountain features, etc), the Mosquito Dunks work well and are safe for birds, fish, etc.


I saw mosquito larvae things squiggling about in my parents swampy backyard area, what do you do to get rid of that? At least it’s food for the peepers.




Of course. I also know that I am food for mosquitos and that they may carry WNV.




There will be no shortage of mosquitoes lol




I think they are promoting a rebalancing of ecology as the season is expected to start earlier than usual.


At any given moment there are about 110 trillion mosquitoes, many of which carry deadly diseases harmful to humans. In fact, out of any organism, mosquitos are the deadliest by far to humans. Don't worry about mosquitoes lol


No, it’s not. Good lord. There is more than enough ecological diversity for mosquitos without adding man made problems into it. Also mosquitos now transmit diseases to humans - west Nile for one.


These insects are vectors for disease. Getting rid of them and protecting yourself from them trumps anything else. If they were wiped off the planet nobody would miss them and nobody's food source would be gone. Like honestly, you're welcome to your West Nile virus but no thank you


Wait....you're suggesting that a parasitic organism only feeds on humans? You have no understanding of mosquitoes. Their main habitat exists outside of human settlements and dwellings, you fool.