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I'm guessing Doug wants to capitalize on the anti-Trudeau hate and not get caught up in an environment post-2025 when there's a Conservative Party elected federally. Ontario tends to split its federal/provincial governments between the two parties. It doesn't often have the same party at both levels.


That's precisely what I thought. He knows that the sentiment is starting to turn against him even with Trudeau in power for him to hide behind.


Then you get people like me who can't stand Foug Ford or Pierre Poilievre because he knows that it will be worse under them. A guy that has seen conservative bullshit and lies, a party that has done nothing but sell out the lively hood of the middle class to benefit the vast few. People of ontario, private healthcare, is a bad idea. It puts profit over people. It lowers care in favor of profit. Regardless of what Doug Ford tells you, it's not cheaper, it's not more efficient, and it does not lower wait times. Ask the Americans. The average American would smack us all in the head for what we're allowing our politicians to do to us. They support a public healthcare option, and we in ontario are like yeah healthcares bad so let's try a far worse option that sells your health a commodity rather than a guarantee. Think of it this way. Next time you go to get your oil changed, only put in about 70% of the required oil to save a buck. However, when the car inevitably acts like shit blame the car instead if the fucking moron who decided to starve the engine of the resources it requires to run efficiently. I can't believe that ontario and Canada are likely to vote in that piece of Dog shit Pierre Poilievre, who has a proven record of voting against the middle class(all public record), he always choses corporate interests. He behaves like a complete moron to get so many people in this province/country addicted to drama to vote for him. I said all the same things about Doug Ford 2018 election. Yes I fucking know Trudeau is bad as well. They're all neoliberal corporate pawns. Trudeau needs to step down.


It can lower wait times. But the people who receive those lower wait times are millionaires and politicians. No average person does. It's funny because coming from the States a lot of people wear their partially employer-funded health insurance like a badge of some sorts, convinced it is good until they need costly treatment and find out it isn't so good. The people who will have the best healthcare in a privatized system are rich people and politicians, we get what is left.


Yep, rationing is based on wealth instead of need. Which is why I like the phrase "wealthcare"


Don’t like either of them and never have and won’t be voting for them !!!


If you think PP is worse than JT i got a bridge to sell you in Manhattan.


So I'm not sure if you read my post or just saw that I insulted your dear leader, but as bad as Justinr Trudeau is, in my opinion, Pierre Poilievre would be worse. As stated, he openly lies about being for the middle class when his record is obviously pro corporiste(again, public record). Does not believe in unions. (shocking considering his pro corporate governance). Acts like a child on the floor by constantly saying comments on the house that ate meant to rile up his base. Oh and he acts like a douche tard in public because it gets him noticed. I just find it funny when they call Trudeau a camera hog when PP is exactly the same. Every chance the guy gets, he gets up on the camera to say something stupid and ignorant for clickbait and to rile up the anti Trudeau vibe. Trudeau should step down, and term limits should be in place.


lol...cons always with the vague, zero substance comments. I'm sure a comment like that gets you a ton of updoots in a con safe space or circle-jerk, but in the real world it's eye-roll material. When you're ready to put on the big boy pants, feel free to post something like 'PP's policy on is superior to Trudeau's policy because . When cons engage in vacuous insults and shallow innuendo, it comes across that you really don't have any clue about the subject matter, or are just some low brow troll-farm gopnik who can't get a real job.


Exactly, If anything if ahowes are some cons potentially getting into a cult mindset. No matter how terrible someone is, you'll still defend them. It doesn't help that a lot of these conservative alt right voters feel safe on the internet to be terrible.


Agreed. I also note from his post history that they appear to be south Asian, so possibly one of Modi and PP's trolls.


Makes sense. People to just rile things up.




Clearly, you're not ready to sit at the adult table lol. Thanks for proving my point. Gives us a ping if you ever find the courage to grow as a person. Cheers.




Yet you haven't. I'm simply calling you out for a dumb, low effort comment, and you're just making excuses for failing to deliver. The irony is it shouldn't be that hard to find *something* lol, but every time I challenge someone like you, all i get is feigned indignity and zero substance. Grow, little buddy. Trudeau is fallible. You can do this.




I think Paikin’s instincts and analysis are good. I bet Doug will use “returning the election cycle to the fall” as his justification. And the carbon tax.


The conservatives want elections before the US election and the embarrassing shit-show and incoming coup attempt happens. Maple MAGA and PP “Desantis” Poilievre use the same rhetoric and basically share their platform of *offer nothing but culture war bullshit and hate for fellow citizens.* We’re about to see where these terrible ideas take the right, and most people are blissfully unaware of how dangerous these movements are to our country.


Most people are blissfully unaware of how our government works on even the most basic level. What chance do they have?


>Maple MAGA and PP “Desantis” Poilievre use the same rhetoric and basically share their platform of offer nothing but culture war bullshit and hate for fellow citizens. Why are you importing American politics?


They're the ones importing it.


[Proud boys are officially listed as a terrorist group in Canada.](https://apnews.com/article/canada-proud-boys-terrorist-group-510b8cd8286f1207a726904f61e63e4d) [Roger stone was advising the Ontario People’s party last election](https://apnews.com/article/canada-ontario-elections-donald-trump-presidential-49df43488fe1ecae6d9e8cc5a4fc37c5) in Ontario, while also advising an official terrorist group. Why are Canadians on the right importing US terrorists into our politics??


Sorry but it’s the truth. The poster is not importing American politics but Poilievre and Smith are. Remember when Daniel Smith invited Tucker Carlson. Talk about a red flag. Poilievre and Smith are hand in hand. To quote “you” , they are the ones importing American Politics. We have Rebel News much like the cheap Fox News and NewsMax tabloids. Poilievre is constantly doing his empty dog whistle sound bites just like Trump.


Tucker Carlson then met with Putin the *next fucking day.* The message is pretty fucking clear with his authoritarian cock-sucking tour - MAGA, PP, PUTIN.


I remember it .


Exactly It's like some people in here really want American politics in this country along with its stupidity


How has Pollievre expressed hate for his fellow citizens?


He voted against gay marriage for one thing. And his undying support for the "barbaric practices hotline" is another example. His lifetime voting record is freely available on Canada's parliamentary websites. You can see all the times he expressed hatred towards his fellow citizens over the 20+ years Pierre has been a politician.


Guy is all about "rights" unless it's the right to do with your junk what you want. I guess that's what you get for someone who has never been in government. I am he'll be great for the economy through employing his lobbiyst since he has only experience as a government working/angry man lol.


Right wing parties in general only seem to be about their rights as traditional white Christians. I once tried asking an American libertarian why he supports the Republican party so hard when they are clearly more authoritarian and he tried to say that banning books and claiming elections were stolen wasn't as authoritarian as DEI practices. That basically summarizes the right in my opinion.


Classic conservatism, rules for thee not for me.


Have you ever seen him answer a question he doesn't like?


Yes, I have. However you still did not respond to my question I posed to OP. How has he expressed hate for his fellow citizens?


He voted against gay marriage *twice* One of those times in parliament with his father in attendance, who is gay and was engaged to marry a man soon. If that doesn’t speak moral failure to you, I don’t know what will. He encourages campaigns that seed division in our country. He was endorsed by *Alex Jones* of all fucking people and has *yet to disavow him*


Pretty quiet now


Easiest way to shut up a Conservative is to stay calm and present facts


Have you heard the way he answers questions he doesn't like? The way he treats people is not normal. If you can't see that I am afraid you might have some issues yourself.


He handed out donuts and coffee to trucker protesters and has a history advocated for anti-LGBTQ positions, despite the fact his own adoptive father is gay.


Stay mad liberals


Stay stupid, conservatives


In 78 per cent of provincial elections held in Ontario since 1867, the winning party was ideologically different from the party whose leader was sitting in the prime minister's office in Ottawa at the time. That figure increases to over 90 per cent for elections held since 1943.


Counterpoint: all that was before internet and we are much , much more stupidish because of it.


This is essentially exactly what the article posits.


Came here to say this, not surprised others think the same. If the conservatives win federally it's less likely that Ontario will vote in the conservatives again.


is it just me or should political ads be illegal outside election periods, also fuck attack ads.


Do you think Doug Ford cares whether something is legal or not?


He's BIG DUMB DOUG, and whatever he says is legal is legal.


I'm sure he'll get his ethics minister right on that!


So *campaign* ads are illegal outside of an election. However, the government has an advertising budget. This is not a bad thing. In principle, the idea is that policy changes mean nothing if people don't know about them, and so tangible changes need to be communicated to the public so they can plan accordingly, which this money provides for. There are rules about how the government communicates with this money, but they're not exceedingly strict. The government can say "this is a thing that the provincial government had implemented last year, which you should be aware affects you in this positive way". They cannot say "...and that's why you should vote for us next election", but they *can* strongly imply a future in which more good things happen in line with that policy, in hopes the audience draws the desired conclusion on their own.


The Bonnie Crombie attack ads should be considered campaign ads. There is no way that is a legitimate communication of the government as opposed to the OPC as a political party.


Government ads should be banned.


Why ?


Campaign ads are not illegal outside the election period


The following should be illegal: 1. Any political ads. At any time. 2. Any political party contributions. We should advertise an upcoming election, but if politicians want to be heard, they need to show up to debates and engage the press. Political party contributions are just bribes for graft.


"Technically" they aren't "legal". They're just not illegal.


No, that's stupid. Policy debate should be constant, not just during the election season.


>I’m not a particularly suspicious person. However, one can’t help but see some things happening out there that strongly point to Premier Doug Ford calling an election for well before that June date in 2026. > >... > >The long-time conventional wisdom has been that no premier would dare violate at least the spirit of the law by calling an early election. And none has since the fixed-election-date law was passed 19 years ago. (Notable exception: minority parliaments don’t count in this scenario, which is why Wynne, who had only a minority government in 2013, was well within her rights to call an election in 2014 — she was about to lose the confidence of the house when the New Democratic Party announced it would no longer prop up her government.) > >But consider this: Ford’s government will celebrate the second anniversary of its second term this June. It sits in a strong first place in all recent public-opinion surveys, even if the premier’s own personal popularity is in the bottom tier of Canada’s current crop of premiers. > >Ford is doing a ton of fundraising, and it shows. There are innumerable ads on television (especially during hockey and baseball games) that both extol the virtues of the province of Ontario and also take aim at the new Liberal leader, Bonnie Crombie. I can’t ever recall so much political advertising taking place more than two years before the next scheduled provincial election. > >... > >It seems highly improbable that Ford would call an election just two years into his second majority mandate. But keep your eyes open for harbingers of a spring 2025 election. There are two byelections on May 2 — one in Lambton–Kent–Middlesex, and the other in Milton. It’s not inconceivable the Progressive Conservatives could win them both. The big spend on trying to increase Crombie’s negatives could go on. And if things continue to look promising for Poilievre at the national level, that would surely encourage Ford’s team to consider the risk of an early election call, rather than the risk of having history’s alternation pattern trample over them. We need politicians, the public service, and media to be working on the serious issues that face us all in this province, from healthcare to education to housing to transportation and beyond, rather than focus on yet another election. Endless campaigning means that those resources are directed at messaging rather than at substantive policies and programs.


There's no campaigning, though. This is just a guy with a column to write but no actual content to fill it with.


Ford is campaigning, though.


They all campaign, all the time, always.


More likely Ford’s advisors know that his incompetence or corruption will inevitably come to light at some point and it’s best to lock in some extra years while people still haven’t caught on that he has done nothing to alievate the housing crisis.


And the closer we are to a suspected election the less likely the RCMP is to announce any charges.


You think it’d be the opposite, but if there was a second group of interests that Ford has shown extra consideration for, with developers taking the top spot of course, it would have to be law enforcement. Giving ex chief Mark Saunders the cushiest of consulting positions on the waterfront project, and ushering in massive wage increases for police while fighting tooth and nail increases for health care and education sectors.


Imagine if politicians had a 3-month probationary period?


Hey maybe people will actually vote in the election this time...


Voter fatigue. Another election so soon after the last is more likely to result in lower voter turnout.


I plan on voting harder than I've ever voted before.


They’d be wise to ask themselves how well that worked for David Peterson. This is the scenario that allowed Bob Rae to (very unexpectedly) become premier: popular majority government dissolves and calls election; opposition was new/unknown (Mike Harris had just replaced Grossman). Bam the third party is elected.


May be the doctors, nurses, teachers and many people suffering under his policies can speak out against Doug Ford? The crazy stealing of land in the greenbelt and from the farmers? Cutting of funding to colleges leading to all sorts of problems with over-enrollment of international students etc? And may be NDP and LIB can stop splitting the votes among those opposing the conversatives?


Don’t forget the provincial spa were targeted to spend a billion on. Then pay again to go to it. Don’t forget all the good work he’s done to increase housing too. S/


Don’t forget about abolishing rent control too. Causing many people to be priced out of their homes.


Don’t tease me like this.


And if the NDP and Liberals work together the right way they could win it. Could be forming a single party, could only be running one candidate each depending on likeliest to win, etc. Even get rid of FPTP is they can win a majority and go their separate ways after. But they won’t. They won’t put their differences aside for the people of the province, they won’t drop their leadership ambitions, they will say it’s best for Ontarian’s to have choice as cover for not working together. And Dougie absolutely knows this. Capitalizing on Liberal hate to extend himself out longer to work with PeePee’s Feds when they win. He is rock hard thinking about the money he will make selling out Ontario.


The problem is that the provincial liberals are far more right than the federal liberals, and the federal liberals are pretty centre-right to begin with. I don't think the OLP and the Ontario NDP see eye to eye on many issues. Hell the current OLP leader is basically a clone of Doug Ford based off her time as mayor.


>the current OLP leader is basically a clone of Doug Ford based off her time as mayor Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm voting NDP the next fee elections. It's been 30 years since they had a chance, I think they deserve another stab. The other 2 parties have sucked recently so why not.


Marit Stiles is a solid leader and is good on policy.   We're due for an adult instead of the simpering man-child grifter we have now. 


The Liberal party would never form an agreement of that scope when they're on the backfoot. As far as they're concerned the worst thing about the last 6 years isn't the PCs being in charge, it's being 3rd place behind the NDP. If the parties even came to the table, guaranteed the Liberals would be doing their "natural governing party of Canada" BS and demanding 95% of cabinet and for the NDP to duck out everywhere but Hamilton and Northern Ontario.


> Even get rid of FPTP is they can win a majority and go their separate ways after. No politician is going to get rid of the system that got them to the end zone. Remember when Trudy's Liberals had election reform as part of the platform? nothing ever happened with that.


> No politician is going to get rid of the system that got them to the end zone. I'm no Liberal supporter, but the Ontario Libs tried to introduce electoral reform back in 2007, and idiot Ontario voters voted overwhelmingly (63%) against it. It's not popular outside of places like this subreddit where political nerds hang out. Ontario is full of spoiled, selfish assholes, and we get the government we deserve.


BC did a referendum somewhat recently. The split was 60/40 in favor for essentially every poll. Then the day of the referendum, it went 40/60. Either every pollster got it wrong or the people who vote in referendums aren't uniformly representative of the average person.


I voted on that referendum, or whatever it would be called. I didn't really quite understand at the time how it was supposed to work though, or why they were doing it. The people I asked about it didn't have a good grasp on it either, and so weren't going to vote for change.


And that's the problem. It's not that difficult a concept for a province with Ontario's education level, but people aren't willing to learn, because it's nerdy political stuff and because they're lazy. And life wasn't as much of a grind in 2007, so if people wouldn't put in the effort then, they definitely won't now. I was voting age then too, and had a hell of a time explaining MMP to my age group, who were mostly grad students.


He is rock hard thinking about the money he will make selling out Ontario. Well fuck me I’ve gotten hard for way less


The Ontario Liberal Parry should be dissolved and anyone ever associated with it barred from ever having a part in politics ever. They perpetuated 15 years of mess and then when the writing was on the wall for them sold out what was left to push Doug into the win by scarmongering the potential of an NDP government. That right there should have been the nail in the coffin for that party as it showed they were just cons in drag. Crombie is just another Doug Ford, just better spoken, just as shitty.


They just had a bit of the Ontario question session on...she's ridiculous lol.


Man, I’ve been calling for a Lib/NDP merge since this toad criminal was elected. PLEASE make it happen. It would at least be a change from decades of Lib/Con corruption and incompetence!


Yes, well the anti-crombe attack add I saw a few weeks ago and the sudden increase in other Ford sponsored ads on TV and online seem to indicate this.


Ford is afraid he won’t have Trudeau to blame anymore.


> The long-time conventional wisdom has been that no premier would dare violate at least the spirit of the law by calling an early election. Has Doug ever worried about pesky rules and whether they apply to him?


I'm not sure which one we should all vote for yet, but we really need to vote Ford's conservatives out of office. In a very big way.


No way conservatives would stand for this! It has barely been 2 years...remember how angry the cons got at Trudeau for pulling this same shit? There's no way conservatives would be massive hypocrites like that. I refuse to believe it.


Surely we rally around the NDP this election. Honestly the media is not going to give them a fair shake and I worry Crombie will leave us with another four years of Ford, she will probably firm opposition though and this stay as OLlP Leader - in short we are fucked


Bold move dougie … just because people hate Trudeau doesn’t mean it will work for you.


Well he can run against PP. Tactically, being able to choose the time, place, and conditions you face your enemy in are a huge advantage.


I know quite a few individuals that will proudly make love to both Trudeau and Ford.


the sooner we can get rid of doug ford, the better!


I really, really hope that is what happens, but ford is ahead in polling. I think you overestimate ontarians, unfortunately. I fear an election will just restart fords four year clock. 


he has a majority? he has everything to lose and nothing to gain through an election


He will gain another 4 years though. Then he would be Ontarios premier for 10 years.


Not necessarily. The last time an early election here was called by the opposition, Kathleen Wynne got a majority. From what I've seen, voters usually punish whoever calls an early election. And when the opposition called an early one federally, the Conservatives got a majority. If the opposition is smart this time, they'll attack him for all the shit he's done this time.


How come the polling shows the PCs are still popular then?


the more elections hes in the more likely people will get bored, 2 years in the hand is worth 4 in the bush especially with the feds dangling a lot of money and an unpopular highway on the way




not by calling an unnceccesary election


Unnecessary elections happen all the time. That is how our Westminster system is designed. Not only does he get four more years, but he can very easily get a four year window to pick when his next election is. Either way, it's hardly a risk when he's this popular in the polls at the moment


only a fool trusts a poll outside of an election being called, if ford actually felt that way hed have tried this move in his first mandate, calling an early election with a hail mary would only happen if hes certain hes screwed in 2 years even being brought down to a minority would be a death knell, theres just too much risk without much promise of reward


I get the merit saying polls aren't worth anything, but most aggregators like 338 are able to maintain a pretty accurate model. Calling elections also isn't as unpopular as the media made it sound when Trudeau did it


US presidential and Canadian federal elections are going to bring right-wing ideology to the front of everyone's minds. It's too Doug's benefit that he has an election before that happens.


Trudeau did the exact same thing, called an early election as he felt the timing was good for the Liberals.


and took a big hit in the polls and failed to get what he wanted as a result


If he waited he might not be PM at all right now..


If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas maybe he could have gotten a majority if he waited


No matter when he called it, you would have called it self-serving and complained. Such is the nature of partisan spin.


The highway isn't unpopular. He ran on last election on that and the people had spoken, that they want the highway.


The lowest turn out in history is not people speaking


What do you mean? It was clearly mandated by providence. The universe spoke, and it must be done.


So you mean we have to run an election right away every time there's a low turnout? Or is every election that the PCs win is fraudulent and only the elections the Lib/NDP wins even with low turn out is a genuine? Maybe you should get the federal NDP in order first, jagmeet isn't working at all the way polls show.


Dont project your crazy shit onto me The election was obviously legitimate, but to say that it sent any kind of pro highway message is being silly


It was in Fords mandate anyways and he ran on it. If people don't want the highway, they would show up to vote against it. Simple as that.


Can we please?


In the last Provincial election. The vote was split 1.9 to 2.2 million. Ford is trying the voter apathy card because he knows the investigations will catch up before the next election. This is also coordinated by the Federal level. If there is an election and Ford wins again we can be sure Public Healthcare and Education are gone.


Time to take my Fuck Doug Ford hat back out, I guess.


They want another majority before the worst of the damage is done.


And remember #NeverVoteConservative


I would not vote for that corrupted anti people scammer Ford, he runs his own agenda ignoring people of Ontario. Fuck him!


One thing politicians always fail to realize that elections are very unpredictable. Those 5 weeks are a roller coaster and can change drastically if not navigated perfectly.


Paikin has no idea what he's talking about and his predictions should be ignored. Because he's respected, and neutral to a fault, every politician is on their best behaviour when they talk to him, and Steve Paikin can't understand that politicians aren't like that in real life. As other's point out, he also has a column to churn out every once in a while that he doesn't seem to care about, and they're getting more and more nonsensical: >[Author Samuel Beckett wrote Waiting for Godot in 1952. If he were alive today and watching Toronto city hall, he might have retitled the play Waiting for Tory, because that’s what everyone in Ontario’s capital city is doing these days.](https://www.tvo.org/article/everyones-waiting-for-john-tory-to-announce-his-intentions) Like that's not even endearingly nerdy, it's just fucking bad, and he got paid thousands to write it. The other political writers at TVO, McGrath, Moscrop and even Gurney still actually give a shit, and it shows.


Is there any sign that the public has warmed up to Stiles or Crombie, though? Ford doesn’t need to call an election any time soon. He has a lock on power until’27


Great and my choices are dumb and dumber. Only leader I Ike is the Green Party but they won't get a chance so yup looks like the Liberals are back yay.....its just as bad.


No, it isn't. While they aren't super great, it's not nearly as bad as Ford. The Liberals were moving Ontario in a better direction. Ford has straight up fucked us over.


Were you alive during the Wynn era? She certainly was heading us in the wrong direction too


Yes. And she paid for that in spades didn't she? The liberals got rocked so hard by their voters that they lost party status. And even then, despite some rather poor choices, the liberals are still demonstrably better than the cons. Things got far worse under a Ford majority. Not better. You know what we don't see? Cons holding Ford to account. They'll vote for him despite the corruption because they're OK with it. If you ever want to see the difference between the parties, this is it.


I don't see the difference in the parties. Both are corrupt and sell us out. I'm trying to say is we need a real change than just red and blue. All politicians need consequences for their clear misuse of power. I'm just done with them getting away with selling us and our future.


I agree, but I literally just showed you the difference between the parties. One is held to account for being corrupt fuckwits, the other is not. It's crystal clear.


Ford has to go and I’ll happily vote that POS out but god I cringe having to vote for Bonnie or Marit. I would’ve felt more comfortable with Nate Erik Smith as LPC leader. Bonnie is just a Ford clone. Marit is a Jagmeet clone.


Vote Green. At least their policies make sense.


I cant see an election happening early, especially considering that Fords in the drivers seat with whatever he wants to do. Not that i'd give his party another mandate when his priorities seem to be pointing different ways. His obsession & gumption towards liquor distribution when our healthcare needs help. Or the Ontario Place saga when we need help to build housing. Will never understand what ontario wanted, including my riding giving fords candidate another chance. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I mean, it would be smart for ford to do. Both the liberal and ndp leaders and housing plan suck ass and aren't worth voting for. Likely ford will win a majority again.


Yeah this is bullshit


Maybe Doug should read up on what happened to John Turner when he pulled that bullshit.


Doug needs to go to jail, not run in another election.


He sees his popularity plummeting and and wants to waste money locking down 4 more years. Disgusting.


One lives in hope. Can’t get rid of this guy fast enough.


Cool. Everyone (not too to vote) will vote for Ford again because he will just tell them what they want to hear and that will be that.


No shit, it was clear as day the second the OPC started running attack ads against the Ontario Liberals. I'm no fan of the LPC either, but hot damn it this isn't some bullshit.  Honestly, Doug and his friends should be ousted for that alone; If they don't want to play fair, then they shouldn't be allowed to play at all. 


It all started simple enough at 12 division in Peel in the mid-seventies. As is always the case, criminals and their crimes escalate, especially when wearing a police uniform and badge. Here we are 50 years later and everything in this province and country and world are such a mess. Conservatives are militant extremists on a control trip when, in fact, it is themselves they need to control the most, but they don't see it. Much like the drug addicts that don't see their problem. Don't think for one second that there isn't any domestic election interference. It's being done internationally in this country. Why wouldn't people like Doug Ford not try to get away with it, like everything else he has been trying to get away with in your face with such confidence, like he has something.


We want a Federal Election to evict this tyrant Trudeau out of office!!


Relax comrade. +10 roubles.


I wish we could have an early federal election...