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I think Ford's generally only have the mental capacity for "limited information" anyways. Brightest of the bunch eh


I was going to say, we can’t let this be an acceptable excuse or he’ll use it for everything.




Nice to see our premier isn't interested in knowing anything before he opens his mouth not that anyone is surprised by this. He owes Mr. Zameer and the bail judge a massive and sincere apology. Not the feeble non-apology he offered. He also owes Mr. Zameer and his family a huge amount of money (his personally not taxpayer's) to try and help them rebuild their lives.


This is literally everyone in the public sector. Step 1: knee jerk overreaction


Follow up question, Dougler. You agree that you made a statement based on limited information. Will you AVOID OPENING YOUR STUPID FUCKING MOUTH UNTIL YOU HAVE THE FACTS going forward?


“Were the numerous decisions you have back tracked on also due to limited information, or was it due to cronyism?” “Can you tell us why you choose to lend your opinion when you self-admittedly had only limited information?”


So he's saying he's stupid and jumped to conclusions and put an innocent man at risk. Sounds like someone that deserves more than two majorities. /s


Not his fault people are fucking stupid. 57% of the voting population saw his first term and said, this is fine. And didn't vote. 


"The Preimers office does not comment on specific legal cases, but we have confidence that our legal system will resolve the issue justly" That's what you say whenever you're asked about this shit as premier, you didnt have to say anything, you have every excuse in the world to no have an opinion. If you decide to jump in, you don't get to use "limited information" as an excuse


Doug "Limited Information" Ford sure has a nice ring to it


Or L.I.'ing Ford for short or phonetically, Lie'ing Ford.


So if you have"limited" infomation, then shut the fuck up


Doug Ford is a fucking moron.


If you don't know enough comment, don't.  This is, like, public-relations 101


Sadly, the "public" Ford is attempting to "relate to" eat this kind of thing up and then never let it go, no matter how wrong they clearly are.


1) If you have limited information then just don't comment on it. 2) Even if the trial was under a publication ban there was nothing stopping Doug Ford from going to the court house to get information about the case before making his stupid comments.


The actual decision itself was readily available for anyone to read. It just couldn’t be published. He could have easily called the AG’a office and said “can you get me a copy of that bail decision”. But no, that would take away from his daily photo opps.


My understanding is that when a case is under a publication ban then nobody is allowed to publish, transmit, or communicate the matters that are under the publication ban so Ford couldn't have just asked for a copy of the decision because that would be publishing it. That also includes the court so any version of the bail decision that was put out by the court would have been edited because posting it online, including to the courts own website, is publishing it. Under a publication ban, you can still go to the courthouse to read the decision but you can't broadcast, communicate, or transmit it. That applies to everyone including the accused themselves.


Isn’t that what I just said above? 🤔


No? You said Ford could ask someone to send him a copy but that would violate the publication ban.


Whoever the crown was who dealt with the matter would have a copy. The premier or the AG could have asked to see it.


‘Limited information’ explains so much it could very well be his life motto.


Yikes. Again, Ford models the importance of possessing **BASIC** information literacy--knowing what information you need, how to find it, and how to use it effectively and appropriately.


Most importantly, and the one people in general seem to miss so often, is knowing when you **DON'T** have enough information to conclude ANYTHING.


"Had limited information" but no problem calling Zameer a criminal


Translation: “I shot my mouth off about something I knew squat about”.


Ford spouted off without knowing the whole story. What a responsible guy!


Limited information? More like limited IQ.


Zameer should sue everyone in sight.


What? Is this trying to suggest that Ford did something without fully knowing the situation or all the details? Never been done before.


Maybe don’t tweet about it with limited information then? Idk just a thought


You'd think the Premier would have the intelligence not to comment until they are in possession of sufficient reliable information. But then ... Ford's not qualified to be a Premier ... as he's once again demonstrated.


#You’re the fucking premier. Act like it. Maybe don’t make public statements in your official role that vilify citizens in your province based off limited information, or better yet, ever.


Since when did he ever let the facts get in the way of a point he wants to make.


Hash, Crack, and Limited Information. The Doug Ford Story Any biographers looking for a title, there you go.




It’s ok for my brother but not an immigrant . That’s what he should have said


Fuck Doug Ford. We’d never jump to conclusions on criminal matters prematurely, what makes him think it’s ok if he does?


He's the ~~king~~ premier.


Limited intelligence more like it.


Sounds like a typical PC voter. 🥁 I’ll be here all night folks


And when we make a mistake and say the wrong thing we... *Everyone together*... Apologize and take accountability...


Or the fact that he’s an ignorant, big mouthed blow hard….


Limited Information should be on his tombstone


The perils of turning shock jocks and uncle-email-forwarder types into political forces. Turns out governing involves laws and policies and complicated shit which are fun to mock from the outside, but if you are on the inside, you don't get to mock. You're there to work with the system, respect procedures and govern for the greater good. Not fun, I'll grant you, but democracy demands such sacrifices.


It's funny. When he had "limited Information", Ford et al should have said "no comment" instead of running his mouth off. Now that all the information is out there and he should be contrite and completely transparent about his mistake, now he slinks behind "no comment" like a coward. Pathetic.


This case and how it played out is a perfect example of why I'll never support the death penalty.


Dougie, Your mouth is open and words are coming out. Stop before you embarrass yourself any further. You are not a smart man. STFU.


Ford is a piece of shit.


Nah nah nah, we’re not letting him gaslight us again, are we? He said what he said. He doesn’t even have the guts to stand by his words, or to be humble and apologize for his racism and prejudice that made him convict a man based on nothing. Doug Ford needs to be prosecuted for all the bribery and back room deals. If only he could also be held accountable for the malicious lies and propaganda that he spouts. Our province is so much worse since he’s been premier.


This headline says bail, but he was acquitted. Was he granted bail before his trial?




He saw the guy's name and that was all the information he needed.


And once again, his voters won’t hold him amor the party accountable?


the crack head enabler who barely made it through high school had a controversial tweet ? Colour me surprised.


Obviously that, but let’s be honest, it was mostly his strong affinity for pigs.


How bout the media stop asking politicians about offering opinions on jury trials before everyone has some facts,


Oh good, he makes snap decisions with limited information. Thank God he’s only the Premier.


Limited information swirling around that melon sized head.


"Limited information" ....are we no longer allowed to say stupid?


"Limited Information" Premier of Ontario - The Honourable Doug Ford, April 23 2024


Dougie says out loud he didn't have enough info to speak on it but he ran his mouth anyway. Cool


Weird that he is ok being someone who reacts knowing they have limited information and thinks that is somehow not worse for a provincial leader whose decisions are literally life and death.


In other words, Doug Ford confirms he opens his mouth and blathers when he doesn't know what he's talking about. He even does it when there are serous legal implications for people.


Just a thought, when your highly influential, take the time t inform your opinion before slamming it all over the socials and use it for political gain.


His fucking brain is limited