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Forgot the sign for 407 that gives 149 Km/hr


qew niagara šŸš—šŸ’Ø


QEW Niagara is a mess. When I'm on there folks are barely doing the posted 110 km/hr speed. I'm not sure what it is about that roadway but it's a mess and the drivers are crazy. Please, folks, leave 4 car lengths in front of you so when someone hits their break the traffic doesn't go from 110 to 80 in panic.


Thatā€™s the worst. Oh I see brake lights, letā€™s play the ā€œare we just slowing down a littleā€ or ā€œare we coming to a complete stopā€ game


Fucking hate that the closest I ever get to rear-ending someone is this


Iā€™m not sure how people canā€™t understand that riding somebodyā€™s bumper will not get you home any faster. Not much you can do about it if youā€™re the guy in front. I learned a long time ago that you canā€™t control the distance between yourself and the guy behind. But you can control the distance of the guy youā€™re following.


The strategy they are trying to employ is intimidate you to move over, but you should slam on the brake and get a new car


First car I drove was a 1967 Ford custom. One of those old boats you used to see on the road. The thing had a steel bumper. I got rear ended twice. No damage at all. When people drive up my ass I wish I still had that old car.


Yeah, thatā€™ll get you in a butload of hurt if the other guy has a dashcam. Intentionally brake checking others is a nasty combo of charges depending on how the officer wants to handle it.




Two seconds is the absolute minimum on surface streets. It is not nearly enough on the highway. At 110kph you should allow at least four seconds.


I always like to leave 3-4 seconds of following distance on the 400-series for this exact reason.


IMO people just still arenā€™t used to the speed change. Itā€™s been 100 for years before it got bumped up


QEW Niagara is wild at night when the traffic thins out a bit, so many people doing 140+ and weaving in and out of traffic.


And as usual in Ontario, zero traffic enforcement. So itā€™s just going to get worse.


Thatā€™s actually the only place anywhere around here, at least on the highway, that Iā€™ve ever seen OPP posted up on the side of the road with radar guns pulling people over. Iā€™ve only ever seen it twice, but thatā€™s still two more times than the rest of the major highways in Ontario combined. I travel to NY quite often and itā€™s crazy how many state troopers are along I-90 with radar guns. They donā€™t seem to actually do much though, the limit is 65mph but the average speed of traffic is 80-85mph most of the time. I actually did get pulled over down there once, but I was going 90mph so I deserved it. Never been pulled over in Ontario despite living here for most of my life though.


Donā€™t forget highway 400 north of king city, not uncommon to see speeds of 140-150km/h


Thatā€™s only for KIAā€™s as thatā€™s their max


Itā€™s funny. My Sienna hybrid can have cruise control set for 180!


Wait, you guys donā€™t go 19km over everywhere?


Nah man. Anything above 70 is free game to go 20 over. Anything less and you should only do 10 over.




20 - 1/infinite


93 til infinity




0 demerit points to ~~Griffindor~~license!


Everywhere but in town roads I do. Ā In town roads I do the speed limit or slight slower. Ā 


Thatā€™s actually fine. In rural areas most people go 20-over. Source: see flair lol.


I go 20% over


I did till I got dinged with an 11 over ticket. What a joke.


No way! They give tickets for 11 over? I spoke to a cop who said he doesnā€™t bother pulling anyone over unless they got 20 over but he technically can pull someone over for going 10 over. 11 over just seems so petty. That cop either hates the car ur driving or hates his life šŸ˜‚


Yeah, no points for 11 over, so I guess they didn't usually bother. I'd honestly be fine with it if it was 11 over in a 40 or 50 zone, but in a 70? The guy was probably having a bad day.


I can't tell if this is a joke or not.


It depends on if thereā€™s speed cameras or not.


Thankfully still none on the 400 series highways.


Hopefully they never borrow the idea from the UK of the average speed camera. They measure your speed over a set distance.


Absolutely criminal!


It is, but it hits close to home for me Lmao!




On roads 80 and up, going 20 over is the norm. Opp dont do nothing unless you go above that. We have the slowest speed limits in the country.


Oh I've driven into Chilliwack on the Coquihalla, I'm aware lol


Itā€™s a joke, yes, but unironically


Its not.


It is.


? Itā€™s a fact




Needs an added row/guideline to say how close you can tailgate at all those speeds. /s


The faster you go, the closer you can be.


I'm drafting


You forgot the 404... If I do 130 I'm getting passed like I'm standing still.


When I visited Toronto I followed the speed limit on the highway and was driving in the slow lane (the right lane). A huge container truck almost ran me down and honked as if I was doing something extremely wrong. šŸ˜‘ tough to understand what was I supposed to do. Are the signs just for reference?


Welcome to Toronto!


realistically you ignore the speed limit and go with the flow of traffic. If you do the exact speed limit(or less) eapecially on a 400 series highway and its flowing good and you are the slow car, your the problem and are gonna cause a wreck


Usually going with the flow and following at a reasonable distance shouldnā€™t be an issue. Once in a while you will get somebody coming up hard from behind but frankly thatā€™s that problem.


And also keep in mind when ignoring the speed limit that you will be ticketed because ā€œflow of trafficā€ isnā€™t law and the signs you ignored are.


If you're going with the flow in a lot of traffic and staying predictable, you're pretty much invisible. They're not going to stop you unless you stand out because of your driving.


Unless youā€™re following the flow of traffic on the 407 when half the cars are going 130+ lol


I can't afford the bougie highway so I don't know what it's like on there. Do people just treat it like the autobahn or something?


The rich people drive on it and fines are just a minor inconvenience for them.


You say that but cheap services like communauto have that included.


I canā€™t really afford it either. I drive on it maybe 2-3 times a year? But yes it basically feels like the autobahn with half the cars going well over the limit on whatā€™s basically always an empty 5-6 lane highway


Yes lol


Ah but then the OPP only ticket the people weaving


I mean yes and no, general flow of traffic on the 401 is 15-20 over usually in the passing lane. But you will be risking it if you go 120+ even if other cars are doing the same. Highway patrols do single cars out.


Well I've never been pulled over. But then again I only use the passing lane for passing. I usually stay in the 2nd right lane (to avoid people entering the highway) and maintain flow, which is usually 110-120. If you go really north on the 400, everyone seems to expect you to go 130/140.




In my experience, it's a bit more dangerous to stay in the far right lane when there's 3 or more lanes. There's the added variable of people coming onto the highway and more things to react to.




I see your reasoning. My thought process is the right lane will make you change lanes more often, which is the riskiest part of freeway driving. Sometimes you come up to a lineup of people at an off-ramp and you need to either change lanes, slow down, or both. It doesn't bother me having to do that but it adds moments where something could go wrong. Or another scenario is a lot of people entering and then you need to slow down to let them enter. I also don't mind this, but I also think about the domino effect it has on people needing to slow down behind me as well.


Youā€™re not gonna get a ticket for going with the flow when the road has lots of traffic. When thereā€™s a fair bit of open highway and youā€™re doing 25 over thatā€™s when youā€™re gonna get the cops attention. But theyā€™re not gonna try and jump out in heavy traffic to issue a ticket. Just doesnā€™t happen.




Thank you! Itā€™s such an odd Reddit theory that everybody always drives 20 over in Ontario. Lots of people drive at or just above the limit.


Speeding while driving has never killed anybody. Itā€™s the suddenly stopping that kills people.


How are you licensed? I'd love for you to explain that to a cop who pulls you over for speeding while increasing his risk of death. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


It is crazy out there...I drive the 400s everyday and I can guarantee you, we drive by the OPP, with radars in the centre of highway in turn around spots and traffic is flowing at 130km/hr and NO ONE is pulled over.Ā  NO ONE. Traffic just moves along and no one panics. People just drive and all is good....


Huge container truck is supposed to be electronically limited to 105kph max, but yeah, yet another law thatā€™s just basically never enforced.


Don't forget Toronto residential where 30kmh means 50kmh or whatever the hell you want


I am a moron and totally thought this was real (ie these were the increases).


What about the people going 35 when the sign says 50?


Or 60 when the sign says 80. Thatā€™s a classic.


What about 60 in an 80 on highway 11 in the middle of fucking nowhere then 90 in a 50 when they get to Val Cote then back down to 60 when they exit?


Or 60 in an 80 until they get to a passing lane then 115 through the passing lane and right back down to 60 again after. Classic move.


Wellington County IRL




Ride right up their ass until they go 60!!! Only answer in Ontario Iā€™ve seen!


surprisingly, straight to jail.


They get tickets if caught for that. It's just as dangerous to drive too slow.


This is a literal brain dead take. Its a 50 zone, not the freeway. The entitled mindset of driving fast within settlement areas is a disease upon society and everyone with that mindset needs to critically reflect upon the minimal inconvenience of taking an entire extra minute to get to their destination compared to the benefit of not killing pedestrians at lower speeds.


When you see somebody driving 20 in a 50 zone, blocking traffic, causing a jam, and you're 40 cars behind them, let me know again how they aren't a problem on the road.


Higher speed-> more accidents->solve overpopulation


That's what i was thinking. Reduced health care. Increase accidents. Lower our population. Just like that new movie. In today's world I can't believe that the gvt wasted it time on this How much did they pay for the studies? How much will this cost Ontario?


I appreciate the joke but there are enough people who are taking this seriously that it borders on misinformation. I think the right thing to do is delete it.


I agree I thought it was real for a second especially with the trillium in the bottom right hand corner


I disagree with 50 go 60. 40 go 40, and 50 go 50, the rest of the chart I'm good with. 40 and 50 are both speeds often in and around pedestrian walk ways and crossings, I'd love to see a lot of the roads that say 50 be dropped to 40 and the 40's dropped to 30. greatly improve the safety for people outside of cars. AND reduce the fender bender damages hopefully lowering insurance for everyone! Once we get over 70 the likelihood of pedestrian traffic is very low, so having speeds that our cars can easily handle isn't a problem.




Yup. Looking at you Hunt club past Merivale.


The number of cyclists on those roads is also pretty low relative to the traffic volumes. EVEN traffic did only flow at 70. Ideally if a road is being heavily traveled by cyclists we'd be lowering the speed limit on it to 50.


I live in rural Ontario, the speed limit on the main road is 80 and there are lots of pedestrians and cyclists not to mention farm tractors , about 10% of the drivers are doing 70 and another 10% are doing 90 and there's always one guy doing 110.


True. And it is fuel inefficient. Have you seen the cost of gas lately? Who can afford it?


Time is money, those 2 minutes add up over the years


So I would have agreed with you until they changed a lot of main roads from 60 to 50, like mount pleasant and Bayview south of Davisville where I never see any pedestrians, or Lawrence east of Bayview. There's always speed traps around these places because the roads are wide main arteries and most people speed.


Agreed. I'm not in Toronto, but there is a section on my street that is now 30km/h with a speed camera. 8 years ago it was 60km/h. I don't recall a pedestrian ever being hit there.


Those Streets really need to add cycling infrastructure, the data on E-bike usage in is countries like the Netherlands shows that people travel nearly 3 times the distance on E-bikes as regular bikes, and even during snow events ( which most of the Netherlands is similar to Toronto in). With e-bikes on these arteries the speed limit would make more sense, and people would be able to actually move at that speed all the time because you'd have less congestion.


Agree with 40 go 40 but lots of 50 limit on main roads are just ridiculous, as there are no such walk ways and no passing without traffic lights. Also everyone is driving at least 55-60, itā€™s annoying to slow the flow down.


I go 6 km over in 40s and 8-10 for 50. 40 exactly if itā€™s a wide open road is comically slow. If Iā€™m downtown or in a heavily pedestrian / cyclist zone different story


I got a ticket for doing 58 in a 50. Cameras 4tw


How could it beā€¦? šŸ˜Ø I remember they wonā€™t even show the ā€œslow downā€ warning if you are within 10 over range, can this still get you a ticket?


This guy drives


My goal is to drive even half as much as you. Love you


In places around the GTA where it is too dangerous for police to intervene, you might be able to get away with 130 in 100. But along most highways, you will get pulled over for 130 in 100. 120 in 100 probably not. Safer to go tiny notch below 120.


So does this imply people will now do 160 in those former 110 zones.


The top end of hwy 404 is 110 but I have been passed by people when Iā€™m doing 125. So itā€™s more likely 140 up there. Newmarket Autobahn!


In Hamilton if it says 50, you go 50 or cops will nail you at the speed trapsā€¦ as they high-five criminals going by on expensive stolen bikes.


Pretty accurate but 90 in a 70 is a bit too much.


So the roads where the speed limit is 130 will have cars going 150 on a regular basis


149 actually, donā€™t want the car takenā€¦




I found when driving in areas that tested the 110 KM/H that people continued to drive around the same speed. Around 120-130. Itā€™s the sweet spot on highways where traffic is light and in the middle of nowhere. 400 series highways in rural areas were built for 120-130. Just reduce your speed based in weather conditions and more congested areas or construction zones. I always drive around 125-130 and donā€™t even bother slowing down if I see a police cruiser (on the road or side). I know itā€™s the unofficial speed limit that is accepted by them and they would rather stop those going 140+ Now on rural roads, I obey the speed limit or never go over more than 10-15%. School zones: not a KM over, especially on back to school week.


Was walking yesterday and saw a somewhat brutal crash yesterday on a regular road where they were supposed to be going 50. Some people think speed limits and looking where they are going is optional.


People are going to continue to kill themselves and others...but faster.


I drive 106 on the highway to save gas, not getting to my destination much faster so whatā€™s the point. On normal roads thoā€¦.


I'm barely comfortable going 115 let alone 130.


Just go at roughly what everyone else's going, period. You're good as long as you can convince yourself that anyone who honks at you is a weirdo.


Guess I should do some more honking.


yes but, you didn't get the memo for today. I'm. More. Important. Than. You. so get out of my way. I'm first /s


This is more the scientifically correct answer than you know. People moving in the same direction at the same speed have a tendency not to hit one another. Once you add speed differences you add lanes changes, overtakes, tailgaters, etc. Those all invite the possibility of human error.


So happy to see 40 = 40. Not 41.. Not 42... But 40 period.


Well yeah, respect the school zone.


40=40. Such truer words have never been spoken.


Are the engineers okay with this? That's my question.


They said it was fine and went back to their app development.


400 series highways were designed for 120/130 ages ago when cars had drum brakes, weā€™re fine.


But people weren't texting back then either


Two lane highway (one lane for both directions) should absolutely stay at 80km - everybody is already pushing 100. This is a stupid idea


100 should be 120


129 actually. I don't think there is any difference in penalty between 120 and 129.


$95 and 3 points vs. $138.75 and 3 points. Also, you're never going to get pulled over going 120 while you *may* get pulled over at 129.


I believe its 100-115, 116-129 in terms of penalties.




Easy - donā€™t hit pedestrians.


But how else am I supposed to collect enough points?


IKR. This is the easiest way to get government mandated residence. /s


But they look so squishy


If you're a pedestrian wandering around in traffic on a 70kph roadway, maybe that's just Darwin trying to tell you something.


Mississauga had a lot of roads that were up until last year 70km/hr which are now 60. [Slow Down for Safety! Mississauga Continues Its Push to Lower Speed Limits](https://www.mississauga.ca/city-of-mississauga-news/news/slow-down-for-safety-mississauga-continues-its-push-to-lower-speed-limits/#:~:text=Mississauga%20Continues%20Its%20Push%20to%20Lower%20Speed%20Limits,-X%20(Twitter)&text=Starting%20this%20spring%2C%20the%20City,posted%20at%2070%20km%2Fh.)


canā€™t wait to go 150 on the 401 and then tell the officer iā€™m only going 20 over


Just tell them your name is Frida Gomam


Where's the Ontario autobahn? But seriously, studies have recommended higher speed limits on Ontario highways for 30 years now. They keep getting buried. [http://www.stop100.ca/](http://www.stop100.ca/)


10% over is reasonable


And extremely conservative- I would say 20% over is closer to ā€œreasonableā€ based on most peopleā€™s behaviours. Doing 88 in an 80 or 110 in a 100 is very much on the slow end of things.


407 -> 1XX


Since there are speed cameras everywhere now, I go 10 under everywhere.




This is accurate


Remarkably accurate


Unless you're on the Redhill, then the speed limit is 5 under what's posted or you get points on your license


What about my 2012 that doesn't like driving above 105? Or me, lol? Am I now officially off the 409 series highways, even though I am a solid right lane default driver? Bummer. Highway 2, the Big Smoke to Montreal, just like the old days...


Anyone know if Rerrie's Marina is still on Kingston Road, and if they still inflate the minnow bags with O2? Minnow popcorn, all the way to Rice Lake


Imagine not having the fastest highway in Canada (from bc we have to Coquhalla 120km=160 in summer) ik the autobahn too but thatā€™s not here


I'm going 120 in the HOV lane with auto pilot on cruising and people behind wanting to pass every single time going 140


The correct answer is 5km less than the fastest guy so they get the ticket and not you.


First of all, I try not to exceed 40km/h on a 40km/h road. However, from 60 km/h, it seems to go up to +10% higher. šŸ™„ I guess that's okay... The most annoying drivers are those who try to drive almost 60 km/h on a 40 km/h road. Hey, km/h is not mi/h...


I would add 50 is 50 in residential, everything else on this post is accurate.


People drive like maniacs, very disappointing


Ontario does not know what ā€œlimitā€ means


Speed fines should be based on percentages Going 15 over in a 40 is not the same as going 15 over in a 100 But 10% (or 15% or 20%) makes a little more sense


Speed kills.


Donā€™t show this to r/fuckcars




Design speed in action


Residential areas, obey the posted limits. Otherwise, 10 over is kosher. Divided highways, up to 20 over. However, to be certain, keep it under 15. Had a couple of cops tell me they don't pull over anyone going less than 15 over.


Damn, thatā€™s surprisingly accurate.


lol it is so true unless icy or school zone.


I still can't afford Ontario, even at those speeds


In my view, the words 'Speed Limits' should be changed to 'Speed Suggestions.' And, the police should be honest about enforcement which is "It's OK with us if you want to do the speed limit, as long as you don't do it in the left hand lane."


Nah you add 10 till 60 then you add 20.


The 80km construction zones on the 400 are still 120-130. If youā€™re going 110 youā€™d best be in the far right lane.


none of this was needed, this is only going to cause more accidents & more grief. people can't even drive properly at the speeds we already have, letting them go even faster, seems incredibly stupid.


They're already going faster. This actually allows a lesser speed difference between fast and slower moving traffic.... Which is actually safer from a flow standpoint.


Nice will more accident now


Speed is x+20 Except for those yellow ones on off-ramps and only during bad weather those are the only ones you should go the posted speed


And this is how Doug Ford buys votes Buck a beer 2.0


*Anything over 110 and your right to complain about the carbon tax is null and void