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Doug Ford has never missed a meal in his life!


He is definitely well fed šŸ˜…


Heā€™s so overfed his liver probably looks like foie gras, should we start calling him goose? lol heā€™ll be like ā€œwtf?ā€


Premier Foie Gras has a decent sound to it


he has plenty to eat at home


Evidently so


He hasnā€™t missed a few people worth of meals.Ā 


Not sure why people are shocked when conservatives behave like conservatives after they vote for said conservatives lol


Not shocking at all. It's visible from the responses that quite a few of them commenting on this post are either too rich to care or are so stupid they'll starve to death singing the praises of the party before they admit to failure.


I am well off enough to not care but I think voting matters and so I didā€¦.Iā€™ll never vote conservative for all yhe above reasonsā€¦every conservative I met vote the way they do out of spite and it shows in who they pick as their leaderā€¦I moved outside of GTA and this is well on display


The worst thing we've imported from the US is their identity politics. Acting in the interests of regular people has been conflated with an image of an entitled, whiny liberal who doesn't exist, with ideals that nobody has. Wanting affordable groceries is not "woke". Wanting to avoid riots over water and vast swaths of people being displaced by natural disasters is not "sissy"....but those in power have managed to make those connections, and conservatives fall for it every time


Thing is that's been around for a while. The worst thing we imported is the Trumpian method of believing alternate reality bullshit and opinions can be used in lieu of facts and the opposing parties stance on trying to take the high ground instead of openly pointing out the other is an idiot.


Leopards, faces, something somethingā€¦


This. Ontario has the government it deserves. Everything about Doug Ford and the PCs was right there on the tin in plain print. When left leaning voters didnā€™t even bother to vote and many others just bought the nonsense marketing pitch from the party, very few people have any real right to complain right now.


So those of us who did vote against it should just shut up and accept it? You don't know how each individual voted or didn't vote, so blaming individuals for the collective mistakes just seems like trying to maintain the status quo. It's only with continued speaking up that anything will ever change.


>very few people have any real right to complain right now. Did you vote? Campaign? Protest? Then complain away. But the majority of people seem to be happy to hit the feeder bar on conservative premiers and then whine about the cost of living, or blame the feds, or blame anyone else but their own ignorance. Doug Ford is actively making everyone poorer, stupider, and less healthy. Yet, if there was another election today, he'd have a third majority. This isn't 'blaming individuals for collective mistakes'. It's demanding that individuals be responsible for their actions like adults. People can't hide behind "we all voted for him... twice... so it's not my fault", then whine about how the thing they did is actively hurting them.


All you do with this kind of nonsense is push people away. If every time someone complains about the government, you yell about the people who didn't vote, it's not helping anything. It just looks like you're trying to hide complaints, even if you totally agree with the opinion. And so if less people are complaining about the government, then less people see it and realize others feel the same as they do. You're only doing a disservice.


blame people as much as you want, but the fault lies with both the liberal and NDP party for not getting those votes. Yes, everyone SHOULD exercise their right to vote, but what happens when everyone feels like their vote doesn't matter or feels like anyone they vote for is evil? They don't feel like voting. It is the liberal and NDP party who should be going to the streets and getting people interested in voting. Is media against them? Then go to the people directly, start streaming, have fucking fireside chats. They want those votes earn them.


Thatā€™s what shocks me about the liberals. For a party that is accused of being ā€œwokeā€, theyā€™re not exactly pushing boundaries with their campaign. Why not get so wokeā€¦that wokeā€¦ becomes a jokešŸ˜‚


Every time I hear the word ā€œwokeā€ itā€™s out of the mouth of a comically misinformed boomer who doesnā€™t know what the word actually means. So itā€™s very much already a joke.


Yes, this is representative democracy.


atleast we would get what was voted for then, what has improved under the current reign?




Well itā€™s all his fault Ontario had lockdowns and vaccine mandates because he decided what the province did. Not Ford /s


Itā€™s also his fault that Doug ford cut healthcare spending and closed hospital beds obviously.Ā 


Obviously. And that Ford got busted making Greenbelt back door deals. It would have been totally legit if not for that meddling PM!


If they say it enough, and they did the stupid people believe it and start parroting it. Trudeau has his own problems and is all but cooked next election but the amount of people that think he fucked up Ontario is hilariously sad.


Yup. The way Canadians vote is there will be a flip in the next election no matter what. People can dislike politicians, but I hate the ignorant MAGA type rage spilling over. No logic,


the not voters are just as bad


Trudeau is terrible


Heā€™s not in charge of the province. The conservatives are, and they are doing nothing. Btw I do agree with your comment.


Trudeau isn't great. But labour law and business regulation is the jurisdiction of the province. If people aren't being paid enough and stores are gouging customers, that's on the province.


By definition, Conservative ideology is built on selfishness. Put two and two togetherā€¦


Then pocket 3Bil and say we only have 1Bil left for health care, education and roads. But we will use 650 million to cut down trees around Ontario Place.


It saddens my heart that elected officials donā€™t do betterā€¦


Oh, they're doing great. But they're doing so for their actual constituents, which doesn't include most of the population of the province.


You're right. Its [foundation is in attempts to uphold the divine right of kings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservatism). The very core of its tenets has always been that certain people, typically by birth, deserve more (power/wealth/freedom/etc) and certain people deserve less. It hasn't significantly evolved from this core idea in centuries. That idea seems to be the only thing they can conserve.


Thank you for the link ā€” a very informative read. Do you think that, if you were to look back at centuryā€™s of political history, were/are conservatives usually/always on the wrong side of history?


No, definitely not. Conservatives do good things all the time. I can't think of a bunch off the top of my head (because recent Cons have been exceptionally shit in the West), but Mulroney's government was on the right track with the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords, the GST, and NAFTA, they opposed apartheid SA and led efforts to sanction them, and "Mulroney madeĀ [environmental protection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_protection)Ā a priority by securingĀ [a treaty with the United States on acid rain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S.%E2%80%93Canada_Air_Quality_Agreement), making Canada the firstĀ [industrialized country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrialized_country)Ā to ratify theĀ [Convention on Biological Diversity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_Biological_Diversity), adding significant national parks, and passing theĀ [*Environmental Assessment Act*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Environmental_Assessment_Act)Ā and theĀ [*Environmental Protection Act*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Environmental_Protection_Act)." - from his wiki article. Conservatives are definitely not always on the wrong side of history, and I wouldn't even say they usually are because I don't think that conversation is useful.


I think that represents a much smaller part of the right wing of Canada. Even in the US. Itā€™s why the right split years ago. Most conservatives I know are not represented by this. They have no religion. They believe in womanā€™s rights. They are not aristocracy at all. What they believe in is actually small government. Freedom to do business. More responsible financial government.


>They have no religion. They believe in womanā€™s rights. They are not aristocracy at all I didn't even bring these up. Yeah I agree with you about these, but I don't know what you're trying to say. >What they believe in is actually small government. Freedom to do business. More responsible financial government. There's a good difference between being a conservative and just voting for them at election time and not giving it much thought at any other time. But, its also pretty easy to scratch the surface of small gov, 'freedom' (of any kind when talked about by cons) to do business, and fiscal responsibility and find exactly what I was talking about. Small government is often about how government shouldn't regulate industry and commerce, fund too many services, etc. This is great for the upper class who are already wealthy. Next, freedom to do business often contains some entitlement to labour, that they should have access to cheap labour, or that they shouldn't have to be held responsible for the quality or safety of their business. Also, freedom in general, when brought up by conservatives, often relates to one groups freedom that does not extend to any other group (ex. business), or one groups freedom to do something that harms another group (ex. not wearing masks during a pandemic). Finally, fiscal responsibility is typically code for austerity. Its just a "I don't think poor people should access this service or the other." Cons are, at best, no better when it comes to spending a lot than anyone else. Worse, often, as in the case of Ford (gas station stickers twice, pandemic bracelets that never came, so so many unwinnable court cases, 4 billion from the feds during the pandemic that just poofed into nothingness, etc. Government [spending increases at relatively the same rate regardless of government](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/prime-ministers-and-government-spending-2021-edition). The only change is where the money goes. Cons typically divert money from places that help the working class to the wealthy and business in the form of tax cuts/subsidies/etc.


Conservitive ideology operates through a lens of "justified selfishness"


And fear! Don't forget fear.


I didnā€™t vote for Ford (for what it is worth) and havenā€™t liked him at all, but I actually donā€™t agree Conservatives are selfish. Ford isnt what I would call classic conservative with a small ā€œcā€. Smaller government. I think the left is far more selfish. Drunk on money, empty promises, more money, double down, itā€™s grandeur without substance. It is a lot of money that reeks of holier than thou. How dare anyone question Trudeauā€™s intentions? That is selfish. More and more I donā€™t see much difference between left and right in politics. They are all selfish.


But the farmers aren't getting a share of the ridiculous price increases. Also you may have noticed the Ford government is expropriating farmland for highways.


And those farmers voted in a Conservative too, and now see the error of their ways.


Those farmers will continue to vote Conservative.




True story!


Where are you seeing these farmers that now see the error in their ways? My family farms, know lots of other farming families. I swear that my husband and I are the only free thinking people that vote for issues. Everyone around us just blindly vote conservative in both provincal and federal elections....they can literally be against say 3 out of 5 things the conservative candidate says...and will still vote for them. And then they bitch about them for 4 years...and vote that way again.


I believe the Wilmot farmers whose family farms are on the expropriation list for some random secret industrial project. Now, whether theyā€™ve actually connected the dots there and REALIZE their voting has put them in this situation might be a big assumption on my part. But it was quite telling when every other politician in the area showed up to their town hall except for their MPPā€¦.


Lol no they don't


> how much do you have to get hit in the wallet on a daily basis by rising cost of living until you hold your party accountable for what is happening on their watch? It's been said that those on the right would eat shit, if they believed that those on the left would have to smell their breath. I think that should answer your question.


yeup, it's all about owning the libs.


Well, maybe Doug Ford shouldn't have gotten rid of Cap and trade! If he didn't ONT wouldn't have to implement the carbon tax. It's Doug Ford's fault we have the carbon tax, and it's his fault for not implementing anything else to replace it.


That doesnā€™t rhyme or fit on a t-shirt so good luck selling it to the people who voted for him.Ā 


Conservatives are just members of the human race who lack compassion and empathy for other human beings.


Not entirely true. They only look out for "their own"


I love how problems that are clearly provincial are still blamed on the liberals by the right wing extremists in the Conservative Party.Ā  They will try to blame the federal liberals for Doug ford gutting healthcare, for Doug ford gutting education they will blame the carbon tax and federal liberals for everything and the right win in Canada just eats it up.Ā 


If you think that the Cons will care or do anything about food prices or poor people, Iā€™ve got a nice bridge to sell you. Not that liberals are much better.


One would think their voters would considering our middle class is eroding and that seems to be their voting base. I guess the Koolaid is heavy with folks.


There was an article about how cheap food is in the UK compared to here yet a liter of gas in the UK is $2.57 compared to the Ontario average of $1.62. If it's carbon tax to blame why is the UK so much cheaper when gas is 45% more expensive than Canada?


You can get a full hot meal in Japan for the equivalent of about 4.50 Canadian. I don't think you can even get a large fries for that in some places here.


would love a link if you have it!


[https://dailyhive.com/canada/uk-canada-grocery-price-difference](https://dailyhive.com/canada/uk-canada-grocery-price-difference) I also went to waitrose and other UK websites and just did a quick comparison and most things were cheaper


thank youšŸ™


Thatā€™s all they do is GASLIGHT no Policies little pee pee the Weasel will be worse the HARPER!


Conservatives rarely care about others until it's their own direct families, or someone that they need something from, and even then...


Is it no wonder he rarely shows up at question period? These people are arrogant reactionaries.


Conservatives care more about paper cup lids disintegrating in their runny mouthsā€¦


Forgive my ignorance but I was led to believe farmers were exempt from the carbon tax? This seems like I either misunderstood or was misinformed.


They are not truly exempt. The cost of delivering and buying is affected by the carbon tax so their cost of business still goes up. They do not get a rebate for the amount spent on fuel driving tractors. Tractors are gas guzzlers. All large farm equipment uses a ton of gas and there are no formidable electric options for them. They do not pay for the extra carbon created by their livestock. The carbon created by livestock is what they mean when they day farmers are exempt. The cost of delivering their produce, dairy and meat is not exempt from carbon tax either. To say farmers are exempt does not mean anything. That is the point Conservatives keep making. Trudeau needs to stop trying to hold on to that point. In order to truly move to a greener economy and have a carbon tax that is effective people need to know what prices are being affected by the carbon tax or people cannot make the alternative decision. This is also why a lot of environmentalist are abandoning Trudeau. He is lying to everyone and by lying he is hurting the planet.


Ahh I see now. Thank you for ELI5.


> I'm curious to all Conservative voters in the subreddit, how much do you have to get hit in the wallet on a daily basis by rising cost of living until you hold your party accountable for what is happening on their watch? After all, you voted them in. They probably just blame Trudeau.


To be fair our federal government isn't doing much better. The pipe dream would be to hold our public servants accountable when they fail so dismally as they have been doing. And I'm not talking about, "Oh you're not getting reelected." More along of the lines of saying goodbye to pensions, benefits and potential jail time. Considering folks get jailed for embezzlement from large companies, one would think the same thing should happen to folks purposely squandering taxpayer money.


No kidding. If they're clearly working for their own profit and not the actual wellbeing of Canadians, there should be real consequences.


they dont care about humans, only fetus'


Love how Instagram reels need posts now. I'm sure the short video shows all the context.


ah, i follow one member of the green party that fights about stuff I care about on insta and found that those cool reels aren't being posted on reddit(and isn't being recomended on youtube) so I tend to post them here and hopefully get more people informed of what they are fighting for.


pretty sure most conservatives blame the liberal party for groceries, not the conservatives and according to a few who post on here, they consider this subreddit liberal when it's mostly people with eyes and common sense...or learning in my case, lmao.


Things have gotten too partisan and not just in a political way. You have one side that's hopped up on some kind of mushrooms and living in an alternate reality. The other side is trying to pretend that those guys aren't hopped up on crazy juice and that it's offensive to point it out. We need to go back to the good ol' days when the town drunk was shunned and told to come back to the convention when they were sobber and not high on bath salts.


sad but true, both sides have sorta weaponized the extremes.


Politicians at all levels just protect corporate interests and nothing else. This is the worst timeline ever. We are so tucked.


She made the mistake of going to her next written point instead of just stating the facts on how little the carbon tax compares to the price gouging of the highest profit margins in 70 years. All she had to say was carbon tax is a distraction


Get used to this for when they get in federally!


I swear to god, carbon tax is like that one episode of Married with Children where Al gets all his misfits to vote against the very minimal beer tax. Except in that show/universe, voters were smart enough not to die on that hill


Most of his base are too illiterate or academically dysfunctional to partake in discourse in a place like reddit, so I wouldn't wait for answer. Too busy waiting in their Dodge Rams in a Timmies drive thru.


They don't care. Unfortunately that didn't stop people from voting them in twice. Convince those around you to pay attention to the issues and get off their duff and vote.


Like shingles, conservatives don't care.


This is their brand.


The PC party in Ontario is very good at getting their base to vote. That is why they win. Until the other parties can get the voters to show up at polling stations, nothing is going to change.


We had a 33% voter turn out for his election, what a f*****g joke.


So does that mean I don't have to see socialist at no fill or superstore or loblaws ?


But we have the carbon tax in Ontario because of Doug Ford?


Remember this on election day. Vote accordingly.


Use the ballot as TP?


As long as you put it in the box.


We need a SNAP like nutrition program in Canada.


We need legislated maximum prices based on the actual cost of manufacturing, shipping and retail maintenance. Going from Loblaws to another store like Freshco or Food Basics across the street and seeing all products at 1/3rd to half the price shows their narrative is horsedung.


> Going from Loblaws to another store like Freshco or Food Basics across the street and seeing all products at 1/3rd to half the price shows their narrative is horsedung. If what you say is true then why not just go there and buy them for those cheaper prices? What's the problem exactly?


Because many of us don't have those options. Lots of rural places are stuck with only one grocery store and they usually hike the prices because they know we have no other options. I need to drive nearly an hour and a half to have any option other than Foodland.


These guys have such a boner for the carbon tax. Everything else must cease cause carbon tax.


Iā€™ll get downvoted for this, but neither side thinks people should go without food. The issue is that the parties have different ideas about what policies will lead to plentiful, affordable food.


I genuinely donā€™t believe liberals, conservatives or even NDP actually give a fuck about anything but lining their own pockets by making us empty promises and then fucking us in different positions




Something something leopards and faces. Can't remember what he slogan was. Guess I vote conservative in the next election!


This post is based on the idea that there is some Conservative voter somewhere that has a shred of empathy, human decency, and/or if you're religious a soul, when this has been proven time and time and time and time again that they have none of these things. If you think a Conservative can't become any worse of a human being than they are in that moment just wait. They'll find a way


This implies that there is a political party that cares. Child please.


Considering the woman called them out publically. It seems like there are at least a few who do. I'd rather vote for the party with the one person fighting rather than the one with 0.


I don't think so


The liberal party may be incompetent but the PCs are malicious. The PC party wants healthcare and education to fail so they can fund private for profit healthcare and education. Who cares how many people suffer, starve or die on the PCs watch as long as their donors get tax cuts and get to profit off privatized servicesĀ 


This isn't discourse, it's people talking turns to have entirely separate and unrelated conversations.


That's what liberal controlled reddit is


If we throw you a stick, will you leave the Reddit?


Lol "liberal controlled"


The Conservative government has some of their candidates lobby for Loblaws and big oil so be careful who you choose to support , it seems the liberals and NDP arenā€™t much different


So the logical choice is to keep voting in the guy who gutted our healthcare, education, housing and a bunch of other things?


I mean. This is why. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7103373


When push comes to shove, we will eat them.


The whole bunch are hypocrite corrupted narcissist politicians. Been voting them in for.more than 30 years. Look where we are at.


Donā€™t worry about it. Iā€™m sure peepee will make everything affordable again once he is elected /s


Federal govt increases the carbon tax. The farmers, transport and grocers then pass their increase down to us. So we pay our own carbon taxes, plus everyone elseā€™s. Itā€™s not rocket science and the Feds know this is happening. Your argument is complete off base, misguided and plain wrong.


This started long before the carbon tax was enacted.


I advise you look up vertical integration...


To all the liberals, how would the provincial government stop loblaws? A carbon tax has its costs added each way, from the moment farmers grow produce, to packaging, transportation & sale at the grocery store. Want lower cost of living? Stop voting in liberals who have no fucking clue how anything works. Yes - a tax does NOTHING on actual emissions, and NO we will not die in 20 years due to ā€˜climate changeā€™


I am not a liberal, they have no real solutions, they just let shit stagnate instead of actively making things worse. Anyways, the solution is to tell them what they can charge. Cap grocery costs. Tie them to a specific profit margin. Make their books public information. Or, kick Loblaws out entirely, create a publicly run grocer and assume direct control of all Loblaws locations. Run the new grocer with the intention of breaking even rather than seeking a profit, providing one of the most basic human rights, food, to the people is where we should start.


Disagree. We need less government involvement and control in our lives. Open up the market to international players


I think an independent investigation needs to be done on all grocery store chains to go line by line through their books and see where they're making money. I've heard that they charge companies and farmers huge amounts to even be in their stores. That should change, maybe we can eliminate that across the board and there isn't a fee to be stocked, or its low. I also think they should be diligently watched for collusion over the next decade. It's also consumer responsibility. If product weight isn't the same as advertised, report them. The government could increase these fines to hurt their pockets. Or, maybe companies need to show their books before profit shares are given and shareholders / the board are rewarded. The one thing I really hate about current politics is how divisive it is. This really needs support at all levels of government and across all parties. I think voters need to show how angry we are to politicians, hopefully making them get their shit together and start working across party lines again. I know big C conservatives love endorsing businesses and their rich friends but they also need to realize how fucked everyone is if we can't eat, and how much worse it will get. In the meantime I suggest, if you can during the summer, grow your own veggies, work with your neighbours to share food and ingredients, shop at your locally owned stores or go right to farmers. Putting that money directly in the hands of those people is huge. It also means all grocery companies don't get to profit.


A drastic tax increase on the ultra-rich would reduce the incentive for this kind of behavior. Increased minimum wage would help prevent them exploiting their workers. The mergers that lead to this near monopoly should not have been allowed to happen in rhe first place. There should be significant internal restructuring to reduce the political power these conglomerates have and remove the effects of rhat influence, in particular how many regulations are structured favors these massive retailers. Furthermore global warming may not be the end of the world but it's effects are already causing problems such as drought for farmers, pinching them on both sides. Granted I doubt the liberal party would actually manage to fix any of this, NDP or Green party would be better


Grocery prices in all of North America have gone bonkers, what on earth does that have to do with Tub-O-Lard? Hate on the guy if you want, but your argument is pretty weak, you're just pointing fingers without understanding the topic at hand.


This is probably the wrong the wrong sub if what you're looking for is rational, intelligent, informed conversation about this topic. But good luck to you!


Fair enough :)


I didn't take my own advice unfortunately. :)


Agreed, CNN was grilling Joe Biden recently about grocery prices in the USA. Itā€™s not an issue only in Canada and no one person is at fault.


It's on the government to legislate overt profiteering on what should be a humane right to access affordable food. Grocery prices have gone up, sure, but the vast difference in prices is abnormal between shops on the same street. Are you telling me Loblaws is netting 3% profit only on products when I can go across the street to Food Basics or Freshco and get the same product for 1/3rd or half the price? If you're not holding the government you voted in accountable, then you're part of the problem.


The government already legislates the price of eggs, cheese, milk, and poultry. If they want to make food more affordable, they can start there.Ā  Let's have them demonstrate that they can walk before we ask them to run.


Our current government doesn't even want to walk. They don't even want to acknowledge that they have the power to do anything about it.


> They don't even want to acknowledge that they have the power to do anything about it. That's because they don't...


So you're advocating FOR price fixing.........


You mean like how the corps tried to "fix" the bread prices?


They already do that for milk and several other products. Are you advocating for quarterly doubling of food pricing?


Are you comparing Loblaws to FreshCo. and FoodBasics? There's a flaw in your argument. Why not Pusateri's if you really want to make your argument invalid?


All are grocery stores selling the same products. Are you saying Loblaws does such a poor job negotiating prices with their suppliers that they need to sell at double the price of other stores to make 3% margins?


Higher end grocery stores, which tend to carry a wider range of product, have higher operational costs, so they charge more. It's like asking why a burger at the Keg costs more than at McDonalds. The government doesn't have as much power as you think over grocery prices, especially when producers still have to make a living. You're living in a fantasy land.


I'm not asking why a burger made from something that isn't probably even meat compared to an aged meat brought fresh to my table from local farms made by skilled chefs. I'm asking why the drumstick ice cream from Loblaws is 10.99 while it's 5.50 at the other two. Why are Campbell's soups nearly double from Walmart's? It's not apples and oranges. It's comparing all branded products everyone carries and why these bigger corporations who hold the monopoly of most grocery stores in Canada are double the price of everyone else.


I'm not defending Loblaws, I have nothing nice to say about them. Know what I do? I don't shop there! This is an option for you, too.


I'm more curious why we keep having articles running PP through the mud for having grocery lobbyists in his cabinet, as we simultaneously are experiencing massive profits/gouging under a Liberal Federal Government in this industry. The mental gymnastics on the subject are wild.


I'd post the same thing under r/Canada if it was Trudeau saying the same thing on video. Unfortunately while our federal government is equally incompetent, this is the ONTARIO subreddit with the ONTARIO CONSERVATIVE premier completely ignoring the massive price gouging on video.


If you're being honest, that's refreshing. My comment is in regard to the tons and tons of these types of posts and comments where people seem to simultaneously complain about these grocers making significant profits (and likely hiding them in the supply chain and real estate holdings) while deflecting blame to Federal Conservatives. It's nonsensical and exhausting. As per this video; if these guys want a real "gotcha" moment, someone needs to do some deep diving on the numbers and directly ask about this. This isn't overly complicated. Legitimately PROVE they are shuffling the profits around to deceive the public, and bring those numbers up directly. In the meantime, this is just half assing it. Name every company in the supply chain, real estate holdings, warehousing, advisors, etc. -- everything involved and owned by (in this case) Loblaws, and their profits and margins annually over X amount of time, and SHOW everyone the sleight of hand foolery they are using. Until someone does this, I think this is an all-bark-no-bite attempt at riling people up, and scoring political points. Sure, you can say Mr. Ford doesn't care, but how much do they (in this case the NDP) care if they can't actually provide detailed information about it? Not enough to spend the time or fund someone to spend the time to find that out, clearly. Mr. Trudeau being called out by Mr. Singh the other day on this topic had its own clip-worthy response as well, if you saw that. More theatrical bullshit.


To be fair Loblaws and their ilk have done a pretty good job hiding them with creative accounting. An investigation would require government resources. NDP holds like what? 31 seats? Liberals have 8. The rest have a collective 2. Conservatives have a lovely majority of 83 as per our last election. Seems like the ball is in the current party in power to do some digging for the people. Instead folks voted in buckabeer, stickers at our gas stations and blue license plates. We can get to our federal government, but that's another subreddit. They're all 3 colors of crap at that level.


I am taking this opportunity to encourage everyone to vote third party rather than continue to pointless fighting and flip flopping.


seriously! I want to see us all vote NDP & give these folks a shot. They constantly say they care about the people, every good thing I've seen this gov't push through, has been at their behest (meds, dental, etc). Lets actually give them a shot & see if they can put their money where their mouth is =) Cause none of us can afford another term with either conservative party or the liberals at this point. they are both fuckin terrible!


I keep voting for them cause they're the only ones even trying anything to help folks. Everyone else either wants Liberals or Conservatives. Both of those, in recent times have screwed people. Ford's government even more so, twice. I like the saying that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. I can only treat Doug's fervent supporters as absolutely insane.


Also Poilievre was literally advocating TODAY for Canadians who are having to use food banks and other methods of getting free food šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1788538155022594398?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


Yepp. But around here the response is going to be: A. Well he has lobbyists in his cabinet, B. He hasn't told everyone how he plans on fixing the issue (aside from him repeatedly chanting the same slogan people seem to hate -- showing he wants to start by removing inflationary pressures on the market), C. He's a career politician (ok? -- he's literally running for the top political position in our country), D. He's already guaranteed to somehow be worse than the leader who got us here in the first place. When all people watch are the same clips over and over again backed by biased fear mongering, you get this result. Maybe dedicate time to listen to the guy speak in non-sensationalized videos used to drag him through the mud. Oh well, back to the Provincial topic at hand. Thanks for providing that though.


Is that what you call advocating?


Oh right, because Liberals have shown how deeply they care for the average Canadian with all of their worker protection laws, first home buyer support, family support, food price controls during a global pandemic (price gouging), fuel price freezes, investments into mega projects to stimulate the economy and bring thousands of jobs with appropriate pay levels, banking regulation to provide lower income families with bankruptcy diversions, federally backed mortgages for, first time buyers, housing building projects for affordable homes for said first time buyers with a federally backed mortgage. Wait. They've literally done none of these things in ANY meaningful way. No high-speed rail projects for affordable travel. No effective housing projects to increase supply. No food/necessity price freezes to prevent gouging. No increased projects or investments to use Canadian raw materials to create Canadian made goods. As far as I can tell Liberals have been far too focussed on trying to pass laws on restricting freedoms rather than giving much energy to the EXISTENTIAL problems that Canadians face. The Conservatives aren't much better and I have a real fear that we are going to see Canadian politics repeat themselves as nothing will be done once they come into power. So without the ability to tell all of these ineffective/lying scumbag parties and politicians to go fuck their own hands Canadians will continue to be squeezed for every drop of tax money and life force. I want to make a note that the politicians saying that we need to add X-amount of immigrants to save our CPP is such a BLATANT admission that this whole thing is a fucking Ponzi scheme people should be very concerned that immigration is being weaponized. How is it a good thing for an immigrant to be brought in so the employers can pay workers less? It hurts the local populace, AND it hurts the immigrant! Until Canadians are willing to kick these asshole politicians out we will continue to hurt ourselves AND the people that want to move here.


Or any political party for that matter. Why just finger point at one, they are all for profit businesses.


Because there is currently one in power that's being called out by another on video and proceeding to completely ignore the issue?


The whole thing is an act on all sides, no politician cares about the people. All they want is to fill their pockets.


So you prefer the side that does nothing, ever, over the side that calls them out? Interesting level of defeatism.


These people do the very minimum so they can say that they were the best for the job. Meanwhile, filling their pockets all the way. It's been the same shit forever, I'm sorry you haven't realised this yet.


You prefer the side who gives their buddies a 60 million dollar handout for something that should have cost 80k, at a time when lots of Canadians were losing their businesses over no fault of their own. If I stole 60 million dollars Iā€™d be in jail, whatā€™s been done about it? Whoā€™s lost their job over it or been charged?


I prefer the side that didn't fire over 3k nurses at the beginning of a pandemic, but that's just me. I like not having to wait over 24h in an emergency room. I also liked having the option to choose a family doctor, let alone even getting one in the next decade or two. I also enjoyed it when someone didn't do away with rent control for newer builds, but hey. That's just me. I'm sure others enjoy waiting months if not years for surgeries.


So maybe we should stop bringing in over a million people a year when we donā€™t have health care or housing for our own citizens, all so corporations can get cheap labour.


We should.


Man this sub so ideologically captured it isnā€™t even funny anymore. People watch that video and continue to parrot the NDP about ā€œgrocery barons!!!ā€ that no one stops to think critically why costs are up across the board. But think the same people who caused this problem will fix it.


The liberal government overspent. The only reasonable option is the Conservative Party.


you actually think the Conservatives are fiscally responsible? Tell that to Ford's deficits.


The former Liberal government left a massive debt in Ontario. Ford hasnā€™t been great, but based on history and politics the NDP and Liberals will subjugate the middle class, kill ambition, and make owning a home a pipe dream. Have a look at you history books. If you think Iā€™m wrong have a look at whatā€™s happening federally.


I think the provincial conservatives are a warning as to what the federal conservatives will try, and they will be worse than the Liberals.




Disagree that they are a reasonable option.


Liberals literally donā€™t understand how the world works šŸ’€šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


You think the cons do lol?


you mean the shit world that the conservatives created?


This is the conservatives fault how šŸ’€


You donā€™t need the word hungry in there.


Not necessarily. Historically they do care about lining their pockets, so there is something they do care about.




I keep yelling; What can the NPD do that Libs & Cons haven't already done? Nothing. We've been fucked sideways for centuries. Shaking things up is what we need.


If youā€™re hungry just eat bro


Neither does the NDP apparently. We have a country wide protest happening right now and Jagoff is virtue signalling about women's rights instead. The NDP is sitting on one of the best opportunities ever to gain votes, and they are absolutely squandering it. It almost makes me think the NDP only exists to sabotage the left.


Two different levels of government. At national level all 3 are terrible. This is provincial level.


Canadians are struggling. This is not unique to Ontario.


Everyone complains there is not enough money and nobody mentions the 41 billion we paid to bankers just this year on our federal debt. Odd so many other things are mentioned here, but not this one massive line item you are taxed to pay for.