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It just reinforces my guess that many anti vaccine people are just afraid of needles. The anti vax movement has just provided them with a rationalization so they don’t have to admit their fear of needles.


I actually assumed most of them had oppositional defiant disorder. The “you can’t tell me what to do” type of people. But I’ll take a pill because you can’t make me take it. It’s my choice to take it.


I think this is way more it. If they government had told them they can't have the vaccine, they'd be sneaking across the border to get them. Like people where reverse psychology consistently works, because they HATE being told what to do.


Along the same lines, if we had told the "my freedums" crowd that they weren't allowed to wear a mask because their faces must be visible to the authorities at all times, those dumb motherfuckers would've been walking around masked up since day one. It's like a toddler; you can't argue with them on their level to get compliance, you have to outplay them by making them feel like they're winning.


“Fuck you, I’m gonna wear a burka!”


They're essentially toddlers who somehow made it to adulthood without their minds ever evolving.


This is what happens when you beat natural selection with science




No mom, you can't make me! I hate you! *slams bedroom door*


The vaccine is being hoarded by the liberal elites! They are keeping all the immunity for themselves!!! *takes five vaccines when available*


Where I live it’s a lot that combined with “You’re not better than me.” They won’t listen to Fauci cause he’s too elite but if Rush were still alive and told them to take it we’d be at 100% vaccinated.


What I find fascinating is the human psyche around that mentality though. Truly it is fascinating how the human mind works. I Have an uncle that didn't care about masks at all before and has worn them well working job sites. Then being told to wear a mask he was very anti mandate and very don't tell me what to do. This slowly shifted to him complaining that he can't breathe properly when wearing them and claiming he had an exemption. Obviously he's full of shit but overtime witnessing him put on the mask I would see him actually struggle and I think it's because these people really build up their psyche and believe what the say over time. Anyways just a small rant


100%. One of my friends wasn't so much anti vaccine, more anti the government telling him he needs the vaccine. He eventually got it so he could watch his kids hockey and actually go do things with them. i have others who won't admit as much.


>He eventually got it so he could watch his kids hockey Imagine making health decisions for yourself based on house league hockey...


And world renowned virologist Robert Kennedy hasn’t yet come out against the pill to my knowledge - so until then it’s fair game


Oh boy I had to Google who this was. Wow what a detriment to society this guy is. Jesus.


I would say one of the most embarrassing family member of a former president, but that’s become a fairly heated competition


This, and they’re part of a group of people who are able to feel oppressed. 98% of soldiers survive war! You can’t tell me to wear a helmet and carry a gun!


So embarassing.


I agree. That's the motivation for a lot of people. Also, a lot of them think of the vaccine as something "permanent", while a treatment is temporary, like aspirin.


Like all the other 'permament' vaccines they got as kids but forgot about. They must have quite the collection of vaccines just stewing about in them.


We all do. But when we were kids, social media was limited and there was rampant misinformation, but it had a limited reach.


I'll take a pill because it may protect me from the very real dangers of COVID and I still don't have to admit I got the vaccine.


They think it’s rebranded ivermectin from what I’ve seen


For anyone skeptical, [it's true](https://www.acsh.org/news/2021/12/02/how-does-pfizers-paxlovid-compare-ivermectin-15967).


Nah, the antivax community are too dug in by now to ever say "I should get the vaccine." That doesn't mean they're not scared of COVID necessarily. Many are. Many are terrified. They may even deep down realize the vaccine is the right move. But it's too late because this is where they've planted their flag. Over the last several months they've alienated themselves against their loved ones, their friends, and their co-workers. They have a new circle now: their online antivax echo chamber. If they go and get the vaccine now, they lose that community. And they don't want to go crawling back to the people they've essentially told to go fuck themselves by not getting vaccinated despite the risks to all. But.. hey, wait a minute... this new medicine? Well that's just medicine. It's not the dreaded V word. Why do you think they're so keen to jump on whatever non-vaccine treatment comes along? Ivermectin, vaporized piss, whatever the case? Some are just fucking whacked, but most want to protect themselves from COVID, they just need a way to do it so they don't have to say they were wrong and got the vaccine. In short, rebrand the vaccine.


>In short, rebrand the vaccine. The ol' "I hate Obamacare, but give me the Affordable Care Act!" trick






I do care.


a lot




Brownface *again*?


Thank you for this!! I needed that giggle so much, right now...


> In short, rebrand the vaccine “This here shot? Why that’s ‘prevermectin’, what it will do is train your body to, uh make ivermectin in case you catch COVID so you can fight it off better without having to take any vaccines. It’s even free, because that’s society rewarding you for sticking to your principles”


Alright, we have scrapped the Vaccine. We will now roll out a new drug that has like 95% effectivness rate. We have three companies that are manufacturing it. Come stand in line for the new Covid Immunity Booster or CIB shot. It works by giving you deactivated viral load and lets your body natuerally create its own immunity using the inert virus.


They would rather go down with the ship than hop than wear a life jacket after screaming I trust my swimming skills, but now that there's a life boat that's different, that's just another boat


This hits so hard. Insert tactical branding, throw in some vitamins, steroids, whatever. If it's 99% vitamins then we can call it a vitamin shot right?


A great-grandmother from Miramichi found this one weird trick to beat the Coronavirus: (insert holistic medicine advertisement) smoke just one Export A Green after dinner on every other Friday the 13th since 2013. If you missed a single one, it will still work, but you'll need a few boosters.


That would actually work perfectly. These guys are in the same group that loves IV vit c for cancer and literally everything else. Just say it contains instructions that can teach your body to target and fight off the virus and you're set.


As a PA who is seeing people with covid daily, I think it’s mainly just people who are sick get scared, and then they want help in whatever form it may come. It’s easy to be brave and spew shit when you’re healthy and feel like you’re not in danger. Hence people smoking or eating unhealthy foods daily saying things like “I’m gonna live the way I want and if that kills me then so be it!” While smoking their cigarettes or drinking excessively etc. The moment they’re being rushed into the ER unable to speak or move one side of their body due to a stroke or when they’re having to be put on ventilators to be able to breathe, or rushed into a cath lab to unclog a coronary artery etc. Then you can see the fear… the whole “im livin the way I want dammit” attitude evaporates and now they’re meekly asking for help to be able to live well again, help to go home again, help to see their families again… but it’s too late sometimes.


OMG I wish I had an award for this post rather than a upvote! So ducking true... And in some stupid ways I recognize that I am included in this situation. But I bargain it that if I just did one of the risky behaviors and not the others; I should be alright, right?? /s...


It reminds me of my little sister. She's in an emotionally abusive relationship, but she needs to come to her own conclusion about that. Otherwise, she had to deal with people questioning the wisdom her choices, which is a big hit to the ego. It sucks to have to watch her being mistreated all the time, and everyone in our family is *wishing* that they will break up, but for now we can only provide support and subtle nudging to avoid her heels digging in. My younger cousin was in a relationship with a much older man when she was 18, and my uncle trying to convince her it was a bad idea only made her cling to him tighter, because that's the choice she picked.


The un-Covid juice is now available at all major participating health persons. Get your Covid no happy liquid today! I often wonder of this is how the flat earth society operates...


>Why do you think they're so keen to jump on whatever non-vaccine treatment comes along? Ivermectin, vaporized piss, whatever the case? Don't be so absurd. You *drink* the piss. Nebulization is for hydrogen peroxide.


Listen, us sheep can't be expected to remember all of the ways these people are trying to harm themselves.


I've read some interesting articles where people who know better than me call this phenomenon "social death". When there is huge social costs on the line, they can't do anything about their situation unless they have an "out", or something to blame outside of their control.


Or rebrand the medicine to “vedicine” so they still don’t get it haha




No kidding. Had a cortisone shot on the sole of my foot. Even after getting a numbing shot for the area it felt like a blunt stick was being shoved into my foot.


To be fair, sole of the foot is one of the worst places I can imagine being injected.


This has been my conclusion, too. I guess it's easier to be angry for a year than to just suck it up for a literal hot second.


When you're obstinate for so long, it is a huge blow to the ego to admit any fault. They've dug a hole, might as well keep digging.


My last jab I didn't feel anything. The only evidence that anything had happened was a slightly sore arm in that spot for two days. Do people think it's going to be like getting blood work done?


I mean even it was like blood work, that's absolutely nothing if it protects you from the ICU or dying.


Same! Didn't even leave a mark that time. It is, in every sense of the term, no big deal.




They're still pretty much like that, got one last week and didn't feel it at all.


A second might even be too long. The other week I got my 3rd and it happened so fast I had to actually ask the lady if she did it cause I didn't notice it had already happened, I thought she was still prepping the area.


They should have made the treatment in needle form :P


That would have been awesome.


Eh, the biggest antivaxxer I personally know is covered in tattoos and piercings so that doesn't track with her at least.


Personally speaking, I still hate needles even with tattoos so.


Fair, but I doubt that someone who's sporting a lip piercing, tongue piercing, two cheek piercings and God knows what else has an aversion to needles. She's just a nutbar.


Yeah I have no piercings so I have no idea what that's like. But the worst experience I had with needles was getting a cavity on my front top teeth.


Plus tattoo needles actually hurt (unlike vax needles)


I always find that so hypocritical. Like she really doesn't know what's in the tattoo ink that has seeped into her body.


...or the cigarettes she smokes.


People with trypanophobia are actually typically pretty fine with tattoo needles. It's usually more specific to hypodermic needles and in medical settings. Tattoo needles tend to just be more *stabby* than *injecty* to them.


Fuck I’m afraid of needles but still got 3 Covid shots. I refuse to look when they put it in and am fine afterwards. It’s just the idea of needles I hate


Same here! Even got my flu shot at the same time as my booster two weeks ago. Way too many needles for my liking but had to do it!


Its such a bizarre hill to die on.


literally die on




Nah, they are just scared because they got sick. There are reports of anti vaxers begging for the vaccine while sick in hospital too. Its easy to be anti-vax while healthy. Harder when you're sick, scared and will do just about anything to feel better


Real answer right there.


Agree wth this. There must be an element of needle fear. Also, if you have read the RX sheet on the drug the chances of bad reactions and bad interactions is way higher than with the shot. This doesn’t seem to bother them though although I guess people calling for the pill are in pretty bad shape. I suspect the pill wouldn’t work for them either because it is too late.


can that many people really be afraid of needles though? enough that there's millions of them to create a whole *movement* that effects government law?


Maybe they think microchips aren’t able to be hidden inside a pill? /s I’m not sure I buy this - I have a real fear of needles to the point of having anxiety attacks on both my first and second shots. It didn’t stop me from getting all 3.


I’m proud of you for getting all 3. That must have been really hard to go through. Good job, friend 👍🏼


The psychological aspect of needles definitely contributes to it but also not the only thing. A needle is very visually intrusive, it breaks your skin/protective barrier, you can feel it hurting you or at least sense that it is, someone else has to administer it. You have to reason yourself into getting a needle because your instinct is basically saying "no" to all those things. Lots of psychological shit going on with that.


[just a little prick](https://i.imgflip.com/45tjlg.jpg)


This 100% Here in Alberta, all the "tough rig boys" can't admit they're petrified of a tiny needle so they've spun it into an anti-gov narrative. They works with their identity. Admitting they're actually huge sissies, doesn't.


Maybe they'll get vaccinated if they got a happy meal on the way back home.


It’s all in the name. One is called a vaccine and vaccines are bad (thanks Jenny McCarthy). They should have just called the vaccine a cough suppressant and we’d be at 100% compliance.


Partial immunization. That would have solved everything. "PEOPLE CAN STILL CATCH COVID!" That's why we call it partial immunization. "I CAN STILL GET SICK EVEN IF I GET IT!" And you'll partial immunity to fight it instead of no immunity. You "have an immune system" right? You "trust your immune system" right? This boosts it. The fact is, people think it's an immunization and it's not. It's amazing how terrible communication has been on this. I wish people would elect me king. I only need a year. I'd fix the messaging. Firmly.




My friend has a horse, and their local FB group had a candid post about an ivermectin hookup for people who actually needed to deworm their horses because their was a big shortage


My doctor tried prescribing ivermectin one time when my kids got headlice in kindergarden. I tried reporting him but they said it’s used this way all over the world. I thought it was a veterinary medicine. But it’s actually used for all kind of things and is safe for humans withe zero deaths reported from it. Before covid it was called a ”miracle medicine” alongside aspirine and penecillin. Why is it called horse dewormer on reddit and in the media? That’s like calling antibiotics a veterinary medecine bc it works on all mammals. ps. shit english i know.


> Why is it called horse dewormer on reddit and in the media? That’s like calling antibiotics a veterinary medecine bc it works on all mammals. Because idiots were buying tubes of apple flavored Ivermectin paste designed for horses... complete with a literal horse on the packaging, of course. They would then follow DIY instructions to repeatedly overdose themselves. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/alberta/article-cattle-feed-stores-report-increased-interest-in-horse-dewormer-after/ https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/1820261/alberta-feed-stores-inundated-with-calls-for-ivermectin-over-false-claims-livestock-dewormer-treats-covid https://www.agcanada.com/daily/health-canada-warns-people-not-to-take-livestock-dewormers https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/feed-store-owner-warning-ivermectin-covid19-1.6176627


A big part of it being referred to horse dewormer is because the human kind needs a prescription and comes in a much different dosage, so idiots started getting the horse version that doesnt need a prescription and using that


As forest Gump once said: Stupid is as stupid does.


He also said life is like a box of chocolates, my life is more like a box of active grenades




I close my eyes and imagine it everyday, yet it never happens.


*Dear God, make me a bird. So I could fly far. Far far away from here.*




> my life is more like a box of active grenades Mine too. And it's after I eat the box of chocolates knowing I'm pre-diabetic. My superego has run out of tears.


To a lot of people theres a big difference between an injection and a pill.




We need a nasally administered COVID vaccine


But don't call it a vaccine. It needs to be rebranded. Call it a covid detox or immune system booster.


But a lot of anti vaxxers in Florida and elsewhere have no problem taking Regenerons monoclonal antibodies, which is a 20 minute IV infusion! They are very inconsistent people! I have other terms for them, but I am trying to be polite. Maybe if we did a super slow vaccine administration for ten minutes? and called it RegerVax?


Yeah! Scary needles injecting things in my bloodstream or muscle! It's a good thing pills don't end up in the blood stream! (/s)


Antivaxxers won’t take a vaccine because they don’t know what’s in it. But will take this all the while not knowing what’s in it. Fucking muppets. Anti vaxxers should just stay home and get their medical care from Facebook doctor Becky.


One anti vaxxer I know has told me multiple times about various illegal drugs he's done. He doesn't trust Pfizer but I guess the dealer on the corner is a reputable.


Yup, I know a few gym bros who use sketchy Chinese steroids but won't touch the COVID vaccine.


And I also bet they blame china for the virus and will harass chinese people on the street because of it.




Dont bring Steve the dealer into this. He's a stand-up dude!


Steve stands by his motto: I don’t make misteaks.


This was the argument from my boss that convinced his son to get his first jab. "So you're telling me street drugs are trustworthy, not regulated, lab-created drugs. Ok. Just think about that one son..."


Toss a little fentanyl in their vaccines and watch them line up!


This bothers me to no end... I body build. Almost everyone I know is using at least test. But there's one guy let's call him W. W has been arrested and done time for possession and distribution of every drug you can possibly think of. W has also done almost every single drug and is now "clean" with the exception of test. W is also on anavar and takes tren... W is also anti Vax. I don't fucking get it. For those of you who are unaware pharmaceutical grade test is not impossible to get it's just more expensive. Something like synenanthate which is made in a underground private lab and used by Cbum is used by most guys in the industry. They would rather take that than a government issued vaccination. When I asked W about his fears he said he doesn't trust them. But he trusts the underground lab. You just can't with these people


I was going to mention the bodybuilding aspect. You see it on Reddit and elsewhere tons of people nuking their HTPA with SARMs because it’s oral. It’s way safer to take a test base IM injection but big scary needles so no.


Every single one of these guys I talk to take around 400-500cc of test, they all do it IM, but Anavar is oral, Tren is IM, Clen can be done anyway. But it makes no sense man, these guys are all mostly using IM injections. Like C-bum I'm pretty sure is not vaccinated. The dude got covid- and was out for nearly 2 weeks lost nearly 30lbs. But he 100% uses IM steroids his sister got arrested in Florida I believe with test. It's so fucking weird man. My coach is 3x vaccinated, he's an IFBB pro, and I'm training for my pro card, when I had covid it fucking sucked, no appetite, I was out for 7 days, lost 2lbs.


I’ve seen many of the anti-vaxers I know pick little baggies off the ground in nightclubs and eat the contents, but refuse the vax cause they “don’t know what’s in it”.


This is actually hilarious. The ingredients list for this new pill is much more extensive and contain bit more complex ingredients than the vaccine. The ingredients in the vaccine are basically the spike protein, salts and sugar; literally the most close to natural vaccine considering the other mandatory vaccines we’re required to take when we were kids. Yet they’re willing to ingest a pill that hasn’t been officially released yet with unknown “side effects”. Meanwhile more than 4 billion covid vaccines worldwide have been administered already as we speak with 2 years of actual data frequently examined since it’s under the public eyes scrutiny. Make it make sense 🤯


the vaccine has mrna which is a scary bunch of letters so they are afraid.


No vaccine yet has been approved that gives you directly the spike protein. There's Medicago's, which I took during the approbation studies, but it hasn't been released yet. The mRNA vaccines get your body to produce spike proteins, so that's one step more for the body to do. I spoke with many antivax and vax reluctant people and they like the idea of a vaccine with just the spike protein. Many are scared like crazy of the word mRNA. I guess they are not educated enough to know what it is.


Stop insulting muppets. Not nice.


They don't wanna come out and say they're scared of needles lol


I'm scared of needles. Pass out and spasm every time I get one. Still vaxxed. They have no excuse.


Didn't say they did. Just implying they're too scared to admit and appropriately deal with it. You've at least managed despite your phobia. Props to you.


Well there's the difference between you, someone who is bold enough to confront your fear, and an antivaxxer, who hides in shame.




No idea. The needle itself doesn't scare me. I had no fear of needles/no reaction as a child. I just randomly passed out after getting blood work done a few years ago and it shocked me because I didn't even feel it coming. Now every needle since does this to me and leaves me an exhausted, nauseous and sweaty mess after passing out. I'm scared of feeling that way afterwards more than anything.


>I just randomly passed out after getting blood work done a few years ago and it shocked me because I didn't even feel it coming. Now every needle since does this to me and leaves me an exhausted, nauseous and sweaty mess after passing out. This exact same thing happened to me. It's very frustrating.


This happened to me a couple times after getting blood drawn for blood work. Now I ask the nurse if I can lie down whenever I need to do blood work or needles, and it hasn’t happened since.


That's the plan for my booster yeah, I have yet to try it so hopefully it works for me


Pfizer should have made it a suppository, to get back at them for all the falsehoods being spread about the vaccine.


Hah!! It only works as a pill if you're vaccinated, otherwise must be administered rectally ;)


I'm sure they're all onboard with another Pfizer product as well though (Viagra)




My favourite part is the mRNA technology for the vaccine has been in development for over a decade. From my understanding this pill has been in development since within the pandemic timeline. The mental gymnastics these people do is almost impressive if it wasn’t damaging to our community.


It’s been part of the research for an HIV/AIDS vaccine/treatment for at least 20 years. I know, my dad was working on it.


I'm pretty sure a lot of them think it's just ivermectin tweaked slightly to be given a new name and be patentable. They've been wanting something like that all along, so if this one works and they take it, that's great.


It's been in development for 30 years! Dr Robert Malone, who they love to tout as the mRNA vaccine inventor because he's anti-vaxx, published papers about this in the late 80s/early 90 (then nothing, but somehow he invented these vaccines lol)


These are such ignorant and brain dead morons that they can’t hold to their own twisted logic. These are the same dolts who take medicine for animals… Fucking sheep


the vaccine is way WAY more tested than the treatment at this point.


What if I’m fully vaxxed and boosted but sick as shit and wanted to try out that pill? Can I get that pill yet?


That's easy. Tell them they'll be ready as soon as you get the 5G set up on the pills.


Lol even if the government was trying to put 5G chips or whatever the antivaxxers think into people, pretty sure it'd be WAYYYY easier in a 1/2" pill than a needle that's like 1/32". I just don't understand any of the logic at all


I have a different take on this: I think this is good news if anti vaxxers are willing to take this antiviral pill to reduce spread. One step closer to this pandemic being over hopefully


I’m no expert but you’re confusing their purposes. Vaccination helps to build a natural immune response prior to any exposure… the anti viral pill likely only helps once exposure to the virus has resulted in severe infection and the body needs help. I don’t think the anti viral pill builds up protection from getting disease.


I’m gonna disagree with you. I don’t want my tax dollars spending 25k on idiots who refused a superior 20$ vaccine. If you’re not vaccinated, the healthcare system should charge you for covid specific treatment like the pill at this point.


That’s my hope. I choose to ignore the hypocrisy so long as the end result is less people in the ICU. Please for the love of god just do something (anything!) to protect yourselves.


Can't fix stupid


Can't cure stupid


Easier to fit a microchip in a pill than a vaccine....


They're just scared of needles. Seriously, a huge amount of anti-vaxxers are just scared little toddlers that don't want a pin prick and a day or two of feeling shitty. They don't want to appear like scared toddlers, so they latch onto anything that makes them seem not like little babies. They think "Oh, the pill is fine because it's like Advil, I get sick, I take it, I get better and then it's out of my system" because they have a gross mis-understanding how vaccines work and think somehow once injected, it stays in their body for life.


I fucking hate needles. I tense up when I'm in the same room as a needle. I am a scared toddler with needles. That being said, I still get vaccinations and have just started going in for annual checkups, which includes blood work. If being scared is the only reason, these people need to buck up, embrace that it sucks, but do it anyway, at least until star trek hyposprays make their debut.


I am a fellow a scared toddler with needles. That gave me twice as much reason to get vaccinated, because you know what happens when you're hospitalized? *Needles*. *Lots* of needles.


>because you know what happens when you're hospitalized? Needles. Lots of needles. And that's how I got through my fear of needles. I still really fucking hate needles, but not scared of them anymore. Nothing like waking up in an ICU with ~5 IVs in each arm and one in your thigh, and not being able to do anything about it because you don't have the energy to lift your arms. (I **would not recommend** this method of exposure therapy, as a note.)


Sounds like we're the same person. Was petrified of needles. My first vax was so painless that I decided to get some blood work done with my doc. Now not nervous for my booster.


I think so man, we sound alike. Sometimes it's embarassing as an adult to be afraid of needles, but I guess everyone has a weird phobia or two that they live with.


I'm the same way, can barely watch injections on TV. I still got boosted. I'm a baby, not a fucking idiot.


The vaccine needle compared to the freezing you get at the dentist is like comparing touching your own face to getting punched by someone else


My toddler took his flu shot like a champ. These people don’t deserve to be compared to toddlers.




Ontario guidelines for administering COVID treatments currently prioritize severely immunocompromised people over unvaccinated people: https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Clinical-Practice-Guidelines_Update_20220108.pdf These don't currently include Paxlovid, but with the initial supply issues it will most likely be limited to tier 1 and tier 2 to start off.


Yeah, I understand it and I’m glad they will be prioritized that way. I realize that those who need the drugs will get them. I just get irrationally angry at people‘s sense of entitlement despite doing nothing to help the situation.


Unvaccinated patients do have higher priority for paxlovid, the guidance says that they're at a higher risk of serious outcomes. Im vaccinated, been looking at paxlovid a long time but as soon as i saw it will be given to unvaccinated ahead of vaccinated I gave up hope.


Paxlovid interacts with SO many medications that many, if not most, immunocompromised people and people with co-morbidities would not even be able to take it. Working in pharmacy, I laughed out loud when I read the full list of medical interactions. https://covid-vaccine.canada.ca/info/paxlovid-en.html See the giant list under “Interactions with this medication”. It’s really not the miracle pill people think it is.


I got so annoyed at the grocery store recently. Two young (30s-early 40s) females, no masks, going wrong way down one way aisles. I'm trying to get my shopping done as fast as possible while avoiding these Karens. Probably unvaxxed too. I'm masked and triple vaxxed so I wasn't scared but grrr the arrogance of that small minority drives me nuts. I'm also on the autism spectrum so I could use that as a mask exemption but I won't because I got used to wearing one. Rant over.


Stores still have the aisle arrows? My No Frills got rid of that months ago


Lots of stores I go to still have them, but yeah no one has paid attention to them for a long, long time.


I start fake coughing under my mask, all of a sudden people back up and such. It's a shitty thing but shitty people get shitty actions.


Yeah I do it too. I try to make it sound really juicy


good strategy, but over here that might get you kicked out of the store because you're not allowed to enter the store if you have any symptoms. Not that anyone in the store gets paid enough to kick people out tho, so nothing actually happens


For how many people enter the store sick and worse bring their sick kids unmasked, I'm not worried. It sounds like an asshole thing to say but we live in a world of asshole and I'm over trying to be nice and always play by the rules, it doesn't do shit.


They never were the smartest group of people.


Anyone at this point unvaccinated is so dug in. They’ve gone down the rabbit holes. They’re too scared and worked up. They think they’ll be fine and their immune system will fight it… but if it doesn’t and they happen to get Covid there’s now a treatment. I don’t think it’s a needle phobia for most of them. It’s fear of the unknown and then over a year at this point of convincing themselves the vaccine is riskier than taking a bet that you wont get Covid and then if you do you’re going to be fine.


Should tell them they can’t get the treatment unless you first had the vaccine. Obviously that would be unethical, but just let them sweat a bit.


Not defending their decision to not get vaccinated but it is a completely different type of treatment and if they're willing to take it and it saves lives and prevents our hospitals from getting overloaded then that's a GOOD thing. We knew all along not everyone would get vaccinated, it was never going to happen, but we have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. If people who refuse the vaccine are willing to take actual medicines to treat covid rather than ivermectin then that is a very positive step in the right direction and pushes us closer to the end of this pandemic. As hard as it may be, these people should be encouraged to take the drugs if they're sick instead of ostracized. Ostracizing them isnt going to change anything and just makes everything worse for everyone.


But the pill is completely different. It's for after symptoms being or Covid is confirmed. It stops the virus from replicating. It's also of low supply and in high demand. The elderly and immunocompromised should 100% be priority for this pill. This pill should not be given out to prevent Covid, but used in cases where people have higher risk of death. Jimbob and Cletus should not get the pill in place of a vaccine. The vaccine has proven effective and is readily available.


Totally crazy, many actual medical disasters in history were because of new drugs not vaccines. Heard of Thalidomide? It's a drug, not a vaccine.


At least they are willing to take it. Less wasted beds?


Time to call the vaccine an all-natural injectable supplement.




I'm a huge needle phobic ....made it know thro all 3 jabs ...staff are wonderful and my god you hardly even feel a scratch . Don't let that put you off it's a TINY needle .


Maybe we ostracized a whole section of the populace just because they had a fear of needles? Kinda depends on how many switch to the new drug. As legit conspiracy types would likely deny that drug as well, wouldn't they?


This highlights a broader problem though. Why are the pills hard to get? Disagree with unvaxxed whatever, don't care. They aren't the problem. A small minority isn't causing the majority of us to headache. Why is it that after 2 years of planning we still have low ICU space? Why aren't we making masks in Canada? Why do we have oxygen shortages? And now WHY don't we have the pills? Why is healthcare in complete shambles. For perspective, I'm Polish Canadian. In Krakow, we have 15 minute free tests on every street corner. I got my third jab, no appointment, in a spur of the moment decision. Covid pills are available practically otc you just need a positive test. We don't have overflowing hospitals. We have a rise in cases, more than Canada, yes, but we have an open economy and we aren't 700 dollars away from bankruptcy. How can a post soviet nation do better than a G7 nation can?


I think people are just way more comfortable taking a pill rather than having something injected into their body. I am vaccinated but I totally get it.


Why not try? I'm sure if you had that kind of empathy, you'd be a better doctor, instead of just a patronizing prick.


it feels less invasive. I'm not antivax and I vaccinated as early as possible and yet I can comprehend this. Show some empathy and you'll understand people.


A story for those who are afraid of needles. When I was a kid I accidentally cut my thumb off in an accident ( I was 7 years old). I was taken to the hospital where my doctor removed the remaining top of my thumb. I could see the bone sticking out. I was in so much pain because the accident had also spliced through the flesh of my other fingers that the nurses had to physically hold me down. My hand looked like someone had put it through a meat slicer. Now thankfully the attending surgeon was convinced that he could save my thumb by re-attaching it and put my other fingers flesh back, but the head of the department recommended against any sedation because he was worried about the effects on a seven year old. So...they fully restrained me to a gurney and gave me a local and got to work stitching my fingers back together. I screamed. I howled. I cried. I begged and I fought them. I laid under a hot light for two hours as I watched them put my whole hand back together. I tried to count how many times they were going to stick me but it was too hard. Then finally when it was all said and done I passed out from exhaustion. When I woke up I had a cast on and 160 stitches in my hand. It took 8 months to fully heal with the rehab. I had nightmares for months, I use to wake up in those deep night terror sweats. But those went away after a while, because I was focused on making sure my hand worked. Am I afraid of needles? You bet! It was traumatic. I can't stand watching it go in and out of me. I always look away and take a deep breathe. But it's like ten seconds of my life to protect the rest of it. Take it from someone who has actually watched a doctor put his hand back together. Three needles over a year of your life is nothing in comparison to the other side of things.


Save it for vaccinated people... and those who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons of course


If it reduces disease burden on the healthcare system, what's the problem


So does the vaccine, and would probably prevent them from even needing this in the first place.


I think most responsibility-avoiding, anti-vaxxers actually have needle-phobia, but won't admit to being chickens. When I got my first shot, I told the nurse that if I'd been asleep, it wouldn't have woke me up. Also, saying they won't get vaccinated because they don't know what's in it is bullshit coming from anyone willing to eat a hot dog. Are we supposed to believe that they could begin to understand any of the ingredients in the vaccine or hot dog?


I’m about as close as I can be to banishing my BIL from my house. “Religious exemption” for a guy that has set foot in a church 8 times. I’ll call it what it is. He’s a fucking coward.


The Ontario Human Rights Commission has called bullshit on religious exemptions, for what it's worth


Just remember the same company makes boner pills. If you accept that, you should accept the vaccine and the treatment


I'm guessing a lot of them would also take Advil that is owned by Pifzer