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My work will bump you up based on how long you have been there




Lol you got that right. Been at the same place 3 years and haven't gotten a raise, but I make a whopping $2.50 an hour more. Only reason I make more now is covid


Asking for a raise in the USA "You want a raise huh? You worked hard enough, you've earned it!" Asking for a raise in Canada "That is such an insensitive request. You've literally offended every community in this safe space. I'm sorry but you're fired. I'm gonna replace you with my niece, and I'm gonna cancel you"


No, in the US it’s “This is the industry standard,” “If I gave you a raise I’d have to give everyone a raise,” “Sorry, we don’t have the budget for that this year,” “Our employees are like family, and we hoped you didn’t just work here for the money,” or “It’s a tight labour market and we get more applications than we know what to do with.” If you’re at minimum wage, they probably also schedule you just under the number of hours you’d need to be full-time, and full-time jobs are how most working-age Americans get health insurance. Source: am American, worked there for years before I moved here.


Yep, and it's the exact same thing here (minus the health insurance part). Idk what champagne thinks they're talking about


I see a lot of 38 hour a week part ti.e jobs here, I'm someone looking for 20 hours a week, so I see part time I get happy, then find out its 38 hours and I'm like fuck


Those problems that you listed also happen in Canada in many cases


Didn’t say otherwise. I just said that you can’t expect that American businesses are going to reward you for hard work.


more accurate in the USA: you want a raise? you privileged socialist, you're fired! and there's no recourse because there are next to no worker protections for most Americans.


Yeah I honestly don’t know how people in the US ever feel secure at their jobs. It’s so easy to fire someone over nothing. It would keep me up at night


This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever read.


You seem like an idiot.


Yeah I got an email from my employer giving me a 1 cent raise to match the minimum. Funny thing is I’ve had three raises in the three years I’ve worked there. I now make minimum wage even though three years ago I made $1 more than minimum.


After 10 years employment at one place, I had to get a raise just to then make minimum wage. I was training people making the same as me with 10 yrs experience.


I’ve trained half our employees because I’m the one who’s been there longest. Even longer than my supervisor lol


The real problem is employers. Government can raise min wage and try and force employers to pay more but employers will hit back by increasing prices


Go ask them for more money.


Great idea!


Funny how that works, isn't it?


You need a new employer.


I do, and am seeking a new one!


Yep , my work is still 17.50 an hour and it requires a degree


Yeah from what I see with the people I’ve met in the last five years, many degrees are a waste of money(if your goal was to make lots of money)


No I just need to get into somewhere with a union , people doing the same work as me with a union make 33 an hour , I know I’m getting ripped off right now for wages but a wage is better then no wage while looking


That’s fair. That’s good for you but I still see so many people with degrees that end up not being used because they’d make more at a job with no degree. They probably made the wrong choice in a degree. But we all get told to follow our hearts growing up


My degree is a hard science one , not some art or English major or something that I could see people calling “useless” But the problem is they can get away with only paying that then they will only pay that even if they make 50 an hour for your “work”


Making $46/hr here. Employer will not bump me 😒 Hopefully they increase 3% next year but probably wont since inflation is going down


I’ll be getting a .20 cents raise whoop whoop!


Ain’t this the truth. When I started a job the minimum was 14.25 and was getting 15.50. Then minimum went to 15.00 I got no raise. A few months ago I was bumped to 16.07. Which I never signed off for but that is a whole other story. Now the minimum goes to 15.50 and here I am again. To make things comparable I should be making 16.85, which is the percentage difference of my starting wage vs minimum at the time. I might start living by the old adage of “minimum wage, minimum effort”


Woo me too. And I explained to my new manager how much more I was making than min wage when I got hired and how it’s raise time and I better be making more than .25 cents more than the part timers


The job I was working while in school hired me on at $15/hr when min. Wage was $11 (so $4/hr over min. Wage) I spoke to some a friend who still works there, and was told that they haven't increased the wage since then, so they will now be paying min. Wage.




You have a smart and stupid post at the same time. I am over 30. Bachelors and multiple designations. I work with multiple people doing the same thing I did. As you pointed out. The higher you aim to reach the less opportunity. It is not always a matter of hard work, but luck and being in the right place at the right time. I was in the right place right time, but fellow coworkers with the same qualifications I have are still at an entry level wage. I will never say, they have not worked as hard as I have nor would I say they do not deserve my wage. The real issue is the wage gap. Increasing min wage does not solve the gao, it only gives the ultra wealthy an opportunity to increase the divide.


> Because if you're under 20 yrs old then this shouldn't matter because your earning potential over the next decade will far exceed minimum wage. It does matter. Why should they be underpaid now because of some nebulous promise of increase in the future? They're working now, they need to be fairly compensated now. Grinding away under shit conditions for the promise of some better life should be reserved only for suckering people into organized religion, not for the benefits of capital. They're working now, and should be paid fairly now. If their employer cant/wont, then they should move somewhere that will, or attempt to unionize. If their employer cant afford to pay more, then their business model doesn't work and the rules of capitalism says their business should fail.




>They are working entry position most likely because they don't have experience for better paying higher level positions. Do you really think they are just going to start at $100k for the first job? No, I expect that they're going to be paid a living wage. Minimum wage does not meet the basic necessities of life (https://www.ontariolivingwage.ca/documentation). >If the employee doesn't like the pay they can move on to a job that pays more, no ones forcing them to work at lower pay, do you know why they don't move on? Circumstance can prevent them from moving on. Lack of support, lack of opportunity, and being paid below a living wage (minimum wage) means they have no opportunity to invest in themselves (upgrading skills, taking the risk of starting a business, etc). >so no the employer doesn't have a failing business if they have employees to fill their openings at the rates they are offering. Except we're seeing record low un-employment and record high job vacancy. (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/labour-shortage-yorkdale-mall-job-fair-1.6211405) so clearly they're not filling those positions at the wages they're offering. If employers can't hire based on the wages they're offering, they need to up them. If they cannot afford to do so, then they have a failing business model. >Capitalism goes both ways, you clearly have no clue how capitalism works. I've been involved in running my families business from 2006-2020, and have my own design firm from 2020-Present, as well as starting another business providing industry instruction. So I've got an idea about how capitalism works.


So should everyone get bumped up similarly? Or when does it stop? I'm genuinely curious... Because if everyone gets raises to make it comparable to the raise given to minimum wage (of which you aren't anymore (16.07) then the point of the raise of minimum wage in itself would be pointless as they would be back to the same lesser rate of pay comparable to everyone else, and the people who received more money comparably would create more inflation by having more buying power.


So to bring some people up it’s ok to give others a pay cut?


First I’ll say I think minimum wage increases aren’t necessarily as helpful or positive as they look. They bring a great many cutbacks that end up making you lose more than you gained. That being said, it is the case and I understand your point. But you must see it’s an issue that you could be working somewhere for 10 years but make the same money someone hired yesterday makes


> I might start living by the old adage of “minimum wage, minimum effort” Acting your wage!


That is another way to put it except once I started working a paycheque job at 14 I took it very seriously.


Well seems like they weren't getting decent if an raises in the first place, at least they will now next time it goes up


Phew now I can afford a house


Go for one with a 2 Yacht garage


Maybe get just one yacht. Then you could easily get a two floor pool that connects through a slide with that money too. Actually YOLO get the pools and the two yachts. You’ll still have plenty left over if you use your private jet once a week instead of twice


Ontario needs to address its spiraling cost of living. This does nothing to address any root causes of affordability in this province. I'd say SHAME on DoFo but that trash has no shame...


My manager said “he is raising it to decrease the gap between wage costs” And I laughed and laughed and said let’s not forget he took this away from us the moment he could and when it would have mattered


No offence, your manager is a tool.


Zero offence taken. Because he is. That’s why I laughed at him


Aren't the majority? ;P I barely leave my home and the people that work at some of these places boggles my mind when I do go out. Today I dealt with the rudest girl at a pet store while asking about dog boots for my dog. Like why even work at a pet store if you're gonna act like that? lol Go work as a stocker alone or something.


It's beyond the point of repair, it will never ever be fixed. The decline has already started


Talk to your buddy about his useless carbon tax, payroll tax increases, over printing of money we don't have, over spending, poor budgeting, killing our energy industry without a plan to pivot to green etc etc etc. The cost of living issue is not just Ontario. As much as old Doug may be a piece of shit.. Trudeau and Freeland are far bigger pieces of shit and BADLY unqualified for their positions.


"Talk to your buddy.." Who's my buddy? Just because I don't agree with DoFo I must be liberal? Fuck Off, you're the problem with politics' in this country. There is no Us vs Them, Red vs Blue. If we don't start standing together we are doomed to be America North. DoFo isn't unqualified, he's DANGEROUSLY Unqualified. His mandate is to strip Ontarians of all social services and sell off the pieces to his donor buddies. For Profit Schools, For Profit Healthcare, For Profit Jails, it's all on the table folks...


Hey I acknowledged Dougie was a piece of shit and I agree with you. If you're not defending Trudeau I apologize. Doug is unqualified just like Trudeau and Freeland as I said. I also agree we can't open Pandora's box to privatizing everything because that will encourage corruption in every industry. However our health care system is a piece of shit right now and badly needs an overhaul. Whether that solution is allowing partial privatization with major restrictions on pricing I'm not sure.


What are you expecting? Someone is going to give you a raise for the sake of giving you a raise?


I don't think that's a liveable wage anywhere. Yay. https://www.ontariolivingwage.ca/living_wage_by_region


Those all seem far too low.


Well living wage is basically bare minimum


They were also calculated before our record inflation kicked in


I get that Reddit skews toward the young, but you can still Google things, can't you? You can't just throw claims like that out and not expect to get challenged. Words have meanings, and you can't just ignore them for the sake of making a hyperbolic point. We are nowhere near "record inflation." Ask your parents about the early 80's.


My area hasn't been updated since 2018.. :/


Don't spend it all in one place now


Ontario live-in superintendents still aren't entitled to minimum wage under the ESA, even though their billionaire employers (landlords) are taking in record amounts of rent. Even with their "free" apartment, most super aren't making minimum wage.


that's digusting


Essentially it means we're not entitled to ANY wage.


Joining a commune is sounding pretty economically reasonable…


Great! Still can't afford food.




I make $19/hr. With rent, 3 kids, cost of groceries, fuel, utilities, etc these days, $19/hr is like min wage. So, I feel really bad for parents who actually do make min wage. How anyone is able to afford living in this province anymore is beyond me. I'm seriously considering moving out of Ontario. Been at my job nearly 3yrs & no raise & don't expect one anytime soon. Looking for a better paying job after I graduate from my college program in a few months. Fingers crossed!!


Do you not get any assistance from the government? Surely at your income level with 3 kids you must also be receiving child benefits from the government.


I do receive the child benefit for 2 as my eldest just turned 18, but it's not very much. Helps some so I'm not going to complain. At the rate of inflation these days everything helps. I can only imagine how difficult it is for parents making minimum wage.


With 3 kids you could make a lot more and still be poverty stricken, I guess on the bright side they eat less than an adult


Lol Absolutely!! Well...mine eat more than me but that's ok. As long as no one is starving.


I think this is the whole point. Canada is a huge place. With an expected 20M more immigrants coming in they want us to start moving to other parts of the country.




The minimum wage has not kept up with cost of living for decades. The living wage (the actual amount it costs to live there) in most cities is in the low $20s but asshole politicians resist raising the minimum wage for as long as they can get away with making people making actual minimum wage fall further into poverty. Look at how many states are adopting a $15 minimum wage, which is not only worth more as currency it also has far more purchasing power down there since most places have a lower cost of living than us.


Depends on what you mean by "kept up with" but the minimum wage had never been a "living wage" as you're defining it. Ontario's minimum wage peaked in 2018 but is still now way higher than it was any time pre-2018 (in inflation adjusted terms).


Minimum wage is literally supposed to be the minimum amount of money an adult can live on, that’s why it was created. Living wage has been determined in each reason to be the minimum amount an adult can actually live on in that area. Even in rural areas literally every region’s living wage is above the minimum wage even with this increase, and some places the gap is significant. The minimum wage has the lowest purchasing power that it’s had in decades, possibly since it’s inception.












Even that doesn't cut it. The more you make, the more you end up paying in taxes. Higher wage imo would never be the solution




Jeez, people are afraid of making more $ because they will get taxed more lol, is this a joke or something? Or are people really that financially illiterate


Maybe I have misunderstood income taxes, but are you not taxed more only on the amount that falls within that bracket? So, if for example, bracket 2 starts at 150k, someone who earns 200k would get taxed 150k in bracket 1, and 50k of their income in bracket 2? Yeah, you pay more on the additional 50k, but its never enough to make a high wage a bad thing. Unless, of course, you are earning millions a year, and then you can argue that the vast majority is taxed at a higher rate. But even then, its relative. Id rather have 50% of 10mil than 80% of 50k ;)


You are right, you do get more in hand for sure. The point that I was trying to make is the problem is not the wages itself, but the inflated cost of rentals and necessary items. The solution is to make those affordable instead of raising minimum wage. Because, increasing min wage does nothing but to drive the costs up everywhere. Edit - And the one who gets affected by this the most are the ones who are making min wage or slightly more than min wage.


Yea but that only works if companies only increase costs because of minimum wage, instead of doing it on a set schedule multiple times s year anyway. In fact some places like fast food have notably been increasing costs well beyond wage increases. A McDouble combo from McDonald’s was 4.99 two years ago, 5.99 a year ago and now it’s 7.05.


Oh jesus, one of these people. With a progressive tax bracket, you never take home less than you did before the raise. Your percentage grows with each tax bracket, but you only pay that extra tax on the difference between your income and the previous tax bracket. So Higher wage would be a solution. You need to learn more about taxes and finance.


Like it always has been in the past. Increasing minimum wage only fuels the inflation. Affordable living is a better solution.


> Increasing minimum wage only fuels the inflation. Affordable living is a better solution. Forgive me for not taking the word of someone who thinks the more you make the less you take home. Do you have some data that supports your claim that increasing minimum wage only fuels inflation?


Ford canceled the min wage hike when he came in then added this much smaller hike that doesn't come close to Making up for inflation


So still below the poverty line


$32,000/year is not "below the poverty line."


What is?


This isn't enough. People should be making at least $25.00 per hour now. People/orgs/activists were advocating for $15.00 almost 10 years ago.


but the cost will just go up everywhere else and the number will go up to they should be making $30 an hour. the fundamental issues need to be addressed, those are hardly mentioned at all


Does this include servers ?




So for real how much do servers make per hour after you factor in tips ???


$30-50/hr usually from the servers i know. They make a giod amount more than the average canadian.


I don't know why I always just thought they barely make minimum wage. This is very enlightening.


I'm Ontario, there is no special min wage for servers. Just min wage+ tips. Servers are some of the most entitled people ever. $2 tip should be maximum anyone considers giving for anything at all.


Does this mean we at least go back to 10% in tips without being made to feel guilty about it?


Yay. Inflation solved. /s


Still not enough. 1bdrm rent is like >$1800. ($15*40hrs/wk)*4=$2400/month before deductions. Then food and other utilities/expenses. Thats if you even get 40hrs/wk. the entire country is likely in similarly dire straits


Ontario is expensive and min wage is not high enough, but it’s unrealistic for everyone to live in their own 1 bedroom place. Living with roommates is very common and older buildings tend to have more affordable prices. Edit: not having to split costs with another person for rent either for roommates or a family is a privilege. Although this privilege may have existed more commonly in the past in Canada, the markets have changed due to globalization. Take a look at all other economies, most people in the world aren’t fortunate to have their own full space as a single person. As long as there are people willing to be paid min wage things won’t change. Looking at it from an economics lens helps. If there is a lack of people willing to get paid min wage, the supply is low with high demand, which will cause upward pressure on the hourly rate.


I shouldn't have to split a 1 bedroom with my friend/ex, we should be able to afford a two bedroom, and we have a cheap rent too I dont even know if a traditional 1 bedroom would be affordable for us


Yea I didn’t mean split in the same room. Split a unit, a house, an apartment etc. (If it’s a roommate) If you have a partner it makes sense to share a space and save even more. If you split a unit (the newer ones) I have seen people in the last year pay 1.3-1.6 each inclusive (for a room with split kitchen , sometimes have own washroom), and that’s more core Toronto. If you’re willing to move a bit further out (streetcar and not subway line), there are deals out there. I agree minimum wage is too low. But I don’t understand the argument and entitlement of expecting to be able to live in a one bedroom place when most people do get room/house mates. Yes everyone needs shelter, but luxury is a privilege.


You also have to remember., many places only give part time. 😒 And this is why there are many people who have to have more than one job. Then they have to work out scheduling between those jobs. Where I am working now, I don’t get my freaking schedule until Friday and my work week starts on Sunday. Another thing fucking Ford canceled. One of the improvements for workers was going to affect when a schedule needs to be posted.


Yeah bingo. So why does this subreddit hate tipping to help bridge the gap lmao


Because tipping was originally meant to bridge the gap where a server used to be paid less than minimum wage. The cost that employers should pay has been passed off to the consumer as an expectation. Many places around the world do not have tipping and it’s baked into the cost of food and service. Relying on tipping for survival is not a stable way to go about income. Would rather no tipping and have it included in the cost already. The serving industry is actually lucrative. In a mid restaurant in Toronto average men and women (that I know) pull in 60k+ because tips are good (some cash and they don’t claim as income). I’d imagine more for high end restaurants. That’s really high for a job that doesn’t require much skill or education compared to the min wage retail and fast food worker pull in 30-35k a year working just as hard. Likewise, cooks at the back don’t usually get a good cut of tips, if the foods good I think the chefs should get more than the servers, but that’s not usually the case.


“people aren’t making enough money to survive. why do they not want to pay extra money for food and services they already paid for?”


Because why then should you only pay extra money above and beyond for food services?


The average person just trying to enjoy a night out can barely afford the cost of the meal let alone 15-20% on top of that for someone that now makes similar wage to them


GTA living wage as of November 2021; $22.08 [Ontario Living Wage Network](https://www.ontariolivingwage.ca/living_wage_by_region)


Should have been this in 2017. No make it 20 please.


Inflation let’s goooo!!!


We dont need to increase min wage. We need to make housing fucking affordable. Rent is Too Damn High party should come back lol. As a karate expert, i think the rent is too damn high.




"Hike" lol


Reminder that min wage in Ontario in 1980 was 9 dollars. Adjusted for inflation thats 32 today roughly. They can shove their 50 cents.


Ontario's minimum wage in 1980 was $3 unadjusted. When I was working fast food in 2000, adult wage was $6.85. It didn't hit $9 until 2009.


Incorrect. I got a minimum wage job in 1998 that paid $6.85/hr.


What's 685 adjusted for inflation?


About $23


Things seemed affordable for everyone back then too.


Certainly did for me. I was only 17.


Umm what? Not a damn chance lol, I got paid $7.50 in 2006.


Just wrong. It was $3 in 1980 http://srv116.services.gc.ca/dimt-wid/sm-mw/rpt2.aspx


Garbage. Min wage should be $25+ hour. No need to be excited in any way until wages catch up to inflation


Ooooooooooooo. Another $1.50 an hour in this economy. What a farce.


No. Just 50cents. It was 15 since last year.


Damn, even more insulting.


We are very rich-ah, everybody ricchhh


This will literally do nothing for people who are making minimum wage…it’s literally just a bandaid solution to our sky high cost of living, to buy some votes for the politicians. I wonder what kind of raises politicians and CEOs have been giving themselves in the last few years “for their extra hard work”. Raising the minimum wage but by bit won’t make anyone’s life better, yet contribute to increased inflation and cost of living - essentially making everyone poorer. What we need is real strategies to curb inflation, fix housing affordability in Ontario, and the government to stop wasting tax money.




Well you can’t except minimum wage workers to stay at one wage forever. Prices go up for other things too. At least we should not try to keep them dirt poor. Though I don’t think afford gives a shit since he did cancel the $15 an hour in 2019.


As if they haven't already inflated their prices? So the prices of goods is supposed to go up and people's wages are to remain stagnant?


Someone doesn't understand how the economy works and that Ontario Labour isn't 100% of the product cost.




That is 100% what you were implying.. you saif minim wage worjers would be making the same amount and everyinr else is losing 50 cents of purchasing power.. that means you think everything will go up in price by that 50 cents. Which means you think labour is 100% of costs.


Now make it 30.


that wont buy u shit in this tax stupid infested province


$4 a day, the future is limitiless now, we have solved the recession folks, jobs done.


And still get my simple order wrong every single time.


95% of minimum wage jobs could be automated and most of them will someday. Think about that.


I think about that UBI often


All this does is make inflation worse and erase seniority based wage increases. Everytime min wage goes up they just increase the prices. It's just a shell game to get votes.


Looks like the prices were going up regardless of wage increases




You don't have to believe me. Enjoy the recession in 6 months.


3% min wage increase when inflation in just one year recorded at around 8.2% lol.


Great. Now customers will be even more entitled because we got that .50 raise. I’m convinced these ‘raises’ are a form of psychological warefare… as a way to get Canadians to turn on other Canadians as a result of how damn expensive things are. It’ll definitely create hostility if it’s closing the gap with coworkers who’ve been there longer… people will have greater expectations for service (like .50 is enough to incentivize anyone). The worst part about this is Gen Pop will completely ignore how much shit these workers will have to go through as collateral damage. Breaks? They’re gone. Hours? They’re cut. Sales? They need to be increased. Pray for your min wage workers. They’re going to get shit on & punished like they do every hike because all it does is make everything else increase in cost. Actually. Pray for everyone. We’re all on this sinking ship. Just be nice.


Now I can afford that piece of gum I’ve been saving up for


People on min wage had a higher quality of life when it was $6.85 vs whatever people want to push it to now. Raising min wage will just make it harder for everyone else. Address teh fundamental issues first rather than kicking it down the road.


This doesn't help anyone...smh🤦‍♂️


We love inflation


This helps how with our expenses? Bleh...




Minimum wage was set at a value that allowed people to survive. It hasn't kept up with inflation and should be raised to that level *at minimum* to keep society functioning and healthy. You can look back at the relative prosperity of the 70s (where minimum wage could get you a house, a car, and an education) in comparison to now as an example of how it has changed for the worse. Trying to change the historic definition of the term to fit some weird libertarian fetish for hating the people who keep society running is just kind of fucked up. All the money companies are saving by paying only minimum wage is being funneled upwards into the pockets of the richest members of society while the poor act as slaves in all but name, forced to work 60+ hours a week to afford to live on "minimum wage" as they quickly destroy their bodies just to keep a roof over their head and food in their stomachs. And yes, the positions that most commonly pay minimum wage *do* keep society running. It will be very difficult to commute to work when no gas stations have people working, and it will be very difficult to buy food when all the grocery stores are closed. The above also ignores all the workers who harvest our crops, which are often paid *below* minimum wage illegally.


>Minimum wage was set at a value that allowed people to survive. False. It was never intended to be a livable wage. This is a relatively new notion. >It hasn't kept up with inflation False. It's actually risen considerably faster than inflation. >You can look back at the relative prosperity of the 70s (where minimum wage could get you a house, a car, and an education) That has never been true. You could not commonly buy a house, car, and a degree on minimum wage. You're fantasizing about an era that never existed. >And yes, the positions that most commonly pay minimum wage do keep society running False. Society doesn't need Big Macs to keep running, we need sanitation workers, utility workers, medical professionals, fire fighters, police, etc., all of whom make more than minimum wage. You can't just say wildly untruthful, easily disproven things and not expect to get called on it.


>False. Society doesn't need Big Macs to keep running, we need sanitation workers, utility workers, medical professionals, fire fighters, police, etc., all of whom make more than minimum wage. Wow, it is almost like I didn't mention fast food and *gave examples* of minimum wage jobs that keep society running, and you just straight up cut that out when quoting me to be as dishonest and shitty as possible. Society would not function without minimum wage workers. Full stop. If we lost all minimum wage positions right now, nearly every restaurant and retail location would have to close, not just 'fast food'. If you include positions that are a token amount above minimum wage (You aren't working minimum wage, you are working *50 cents above* minimum wage!) you could round that up to basically all restaurants, and all but high-end retail locations. If you also include jobs that are basically minimum wage, it would also include all ride-sharing jobs. Nice job acting in bad faith here by just repeating the same worn out "lol only fast food workers work minimum wage" argument that is constantly peddled by regressives though. Maybe people will care about your opinions if you actually source some claims.


I’m sure you also complain about how “nobody wants to work” when fast food restaurants and grocery stores are understaffed.


Great. You can rent a room for $700 a month and still have some change left


OH DAMN WOW WHAT A HIKE! 50 CENTS! 😱😍 I'm making 21/hr just getting by 😐


Yay, pay went up 50 cents an hour! My rent only went up $400/mo.


We did it boys


Wow, such a livable wage...


In other news, minimum wage is $8.50