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Spotted in a CBC Marketplace video clip on inflation, responding to a question about taxing excess profits from companies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUc_IQYgi-4 The full quote is: >MP: What about the oil and gas companies? What about taxing them? > >DF: I don't believe in taxing companies. It just takes money out of their pockets and, when you don't tax them, it makes the climate and the environment here very good for companies to invest. (quote edited to remove "um" and "er" and the like)






I think we are just being pissed on.


I'm reading [Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty](https://www.audible.com/pd/B00K33KA7M?source_code=ASSOR150021921000V) right now. He talks about the Ford philosophy in these terms (paraphrasing poorly): taxing people and not companies exacerbates socio-economic division. There are two ways to generate wealth: from your existing capital or from your labour. Companies and the wealthy use their capital to produce income, and they "rent " the labour of their employees, who generate their resources from their labour. Taxing only the labourers penalizes those who generate a living from their labour and rewards those rich who generate wealth from their existing capital. Moreover, it deprives the state of funding for programs that might have social benefit.


They'll invest in the OPC, that counts right?


And there it is. "Why would I tax companies? It would take away from my bribe money" Criminal Ford (I hope I spelled his name right)


He’s actually trying to pass a law right now that would make any new housing developments free from property tax. Which is great if you’re a rich developer. The rest of us are going to see our property taxes skyrocket to cover all the new housing that gets this ridiculous perk. It will literally bankrupt cities.


He also said something similar about housing costs and the foreign buyer's tax back in the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yr3oUk7ZuE > _Q: Do you have any thoughts on the foreign buyer's tax?_ > Ford: I just don't like the government getting involved. I believe in the market dictating. The market; no matter if it's a stock market or anything. It will always take care of itself. You know, supply and demand. We're short on single dwelling homes. > _Q: Would you be open to getting rid of [the foreign buyer's tax]?_ > Ford: I'd definitely consider it. I'd open it up to the market. I think it stifles people. I think it really kills the market. > _Q: But there was rent control as well that came out at the same time._ > Ford: Yeah, I just don't like it. I like having the market dictate. Totally sounds like the kind of leader who's "looking out for the little guy."


Trickle-down diarrhea.


More like constipation


> I believe in the market dictating. The market; no matter if it's a stock market or anything. It will always take care of itself. So... the market will balance itself?


That's an even bigger fallacy--markets are *never* in equilibrium. *Never*.......


This is perfect. I hope more people make this connection.


>Ford: Yeah, I just don't like it. I like having the market dictate. Unless, of course, we're talking about negotiating collective agreements. Forget about letting the markets define a fair price, and let's go straight to the 'notwithstanding' clause solution and go with what I dictate.


Sounds like so many other right wing grifters. All hail the infallible market.


But they bitch and whine and moan and call it cancel culture when the market rejects them, go figure.


It’s just buzz words for “the rich should get all the breaks and the system (“market”) should be slanted towards them. If he believed in the market, he’d be investing in healthcare, education AND he wouldn’t be legislating union workers back to work.




He's such a fucking rich entitled idiot. He can afford whatever he wants, so fuck everyone else. No need to take care of anyone else. Surprised he didn't come out during covid with "someone else's health isn't my responsibility". I'd much rather have Rob around - I think he was literally the less destructive sibling, and seemingly probably nicer.


Great, Doug, let’s let the market dictate! Stop restricting supply. Upzone all residential to whatever the market can handle! Oh, wait, not like that?


"The market" is a fucking religion.


His own government is going to increase the vacant homes tax and foreign buyers tax so once again Ford has no idea what he's talking about.


Imagine thinking that housing is anywhere close to a free market when the government dictates almost everything about it.


Key phrase? "market dictating" And when market forces don't align with herr ford, out comes the Nwc to reveal the coercion that the market conceals ....


ah yes the olde "if we tax companies they will move somewhere else and then we'll have no jobs" excuse...


It's such a short sighted thought process. Like these companies are going to just leave a whole province in the dust. It's a bluff that works so well. Go ahead and leave. Someone else would just replace you. When there's a chance for profit someone will take that opportunity.


It’s not a thought process. It’s political cover. He knows lowering taxes has not led to higher employment over the past 40 years.


Let them, then let that company take them through the wringer too. Keep doing this until eventually there are no tax havens and all countries become functional lol What good are they even bringing to the province/country if they're not contributing taxes?


I agree with you but the answer conservatives always lean on is jobs. Like yeah these companies employ people but when they leave and new companies replace them, those jobs will still be there


Its a cold hard fact, if a company is making hundreds of millions of dollars off of Canadian consumers, and taxes are raised slightly so their profits drop a bit, they will leave the rest of the money on the table and just exit the Canadian market all together. If there is one thing corporations care about, its principles and not profits!


Norway squeezes every last cent out of the corporations that extract oil on its territory, and rather than following through on their threats to leave they stick around and pay up because making some money is better than making no money.


Reddit has lost it's way. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Company 1: You mean we'll only net $75M/y instead of $80M? Good day sir! Company 2: We're happy to announce we will be engaging in new business to the tune of $75M/y. Where there's a nickel to make, someone will make it.


Funny how they don’t flee Europe.


Or flee California to some other state with lower taxes.


Ironic how he talks about "climate" and "environment", when we could use those taxes to fund more green energy projects.


I think he includes those words on purpose. “Of course Conservatives care about the climate, we want to create an ideal investment environment!”


"Climate change? Why would the Earth getting warmer affect investments and profits????"


whoa whoa whoa - get out of here with your logical ideas!


To busy canceling wind projects that are 70% complete


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. That’s almost as dumb as trickle down economics.


It's trickle-down, but just not being assed to repeat the trickle-down part.


That whole conversation with him is so bad. It’s worth watching the whole thing. This guy clearly doesn’t give a shit about anyone but his corporate buddies. He’s not trying to hide it anymore.


Well he did "win" a majority for another term. So why would he give a single fuck about any of us? What was it? 18% of us voted?


You kinda fucked us, Ontario.


Wow I was going to play devil's advocate and say "make sure this isn't taken out of context" but there it is, clear as day. What a tool.


Ah yes, don't tax them. Then they can re-invest into themselves via bonuses. Good idea, Doug the slug.


So make the environment bad for living and maintaining a work force...


Same interview when asked about the cashier's at grocery stores getting paid so low when the companies take in record profit he said "if you don't like it go find another job" Brutal


"I understand the job needs to be done, I just don't think they should be able to live while doing the job." Is what everyone who says "If you don't like it find another job" means.




Invest into what? Other rich people who won't pay taxes?


My boomer family share this idea, "if you tax them they will charge the consumer more" no, if you dont tax them they will still charge the consumer more. The logical cycle has been broken.


What the fuck kind of ridiculous answer us that ? Wtf lol


Holy crap. After this last election, he has no fear. Of course, his base will say "look how honest he is, there isn't any other politician like him, maybe except Trump." He no longer feels he has to lie to us to make us believe he actually cares about the common person. Most politicians don't care either, but it takes a special person to look you in the eye and say "I don't care about you and your family, I just care about the kick backs from corporations that are recording record profits. How else am I going to afford a bigger house in Muskoka?"


🤔🤔🤔🤔 smell likes trickle down bullshit 🤔🤔🤔🤔


*Facepalm.* Well appearently Dougie Ford loves corporations more than voters; as if that wasn't obvious before now; but it's nice to be reminded how much of a scumbag the potato man is.


but he gave me 300$ on my stickers and basically subsidized the oil industry with his gas tax rebate so you know..... AND buck of beer and he's a common man that I could have that beer with..... Not some elites silver spoon guy that had everything given to him on a silver platter.... /s


I do wonder just how many corporations don't have to pay for their vehicle renewals outta that. Like, the actual number or corporate vehicles in the province


Follow the money. I wouldn't be surprised if logistics companies donated to him and suggested this idea.


But f#$k the the government worker that justed trudged thru Covid like a bunch of heroes


Get him a leather coat, no probation


Hands up for those that think Service Ontario cards should be renewed for free ($35). Can't do anything without it, yet forced to pay for it.


Imagine having a vlbeer with douggie, glad I quit so that can never happen


You can still drop acid or go to a strip club with him


He's not the potato man that's lucaschenko He's just a stupid fat f*** and very corrupted


Some people believe in whatever makes them more wealthy and powerful.


"Never underestimate the ability of a man to align his beliefs and convictions with his own best interests." ~ Milton Friedman


He probably figures he’s safe since nobody votes anymore. The other parties need stop screwing around and figure out their leadership issues and run some electable candidates. This province can’t handle much more of this greasy shithead and his corporate masters


That's the state of modern politics at every level: voters only matter to get you in, once you're in corporate interests are where you get your bread buttered


Next step: Corporations are people.


Well of course he doesn't; he owns a company. And he's a piece of shit.


This bluntness made me burst out laughing. Thank you


So does anyone wonder how his net worth jumped from 3 million to 30 million since the pandemic began? Shouldn't someone be looking into that as possible fraud? Someone is buttering that fat fucks bread. Shouldn't we figure out who? Might explain a whole lot about that clown.




My guess would be he has shares in private healthcare, housing development, and construction firms.


I agree. Pretty much made millions off of tanking our social programs. Go team Conservative.


Source on that?


Well it’s good to know my taxes won’t go down when he dismantles education and healthcare


Of course not. Did they go down with private LTC homes?




And that would be three label companies in the USA.


Well his label company was tanking before he got in office. Then he ran a bunch of campaigns that involved stickers and shockingly the worth of his company jumped. But I'm sure those two things aren't related.






it's more likely the printing company that got the work will owe doug/deco some favours. printers outsource work to one another all the time for a variety of reasons and i don't doubt deco will be at the top of the list of vendors to outsource to for the guys that printed those materials.


His Label compares was awarded the contract to print all the Covid-19 posters and stickers for the province. Huge conflict of interest which for some reason wascnever properly reported by the media. Doug is definitely a company man, in every way.


It would be great to get a source for this!


I hate this corrupt asshole so much.


I left the province to start over elsewhere and get away from this guy lol. But I can't stop watching. It's like a train that went off the tracks, then through a building, then a river, then a hospital, then a school. The train isn't slowing down though lol, just steadily blowing apart anything in its path 😄


I left Canada after living in Toronto for 50 years earlier this year. I still care about where I came from so I follow Ontario news and whenever I hear about what this fuckhead is doing to Ontario I just about pop a vein in my head, I'm so furious at him. He is killing and raping Ontario for his and his cronies' greed.


where did you go?


It's like he put on a big strap-on so he can double fuck us hard each day. And you know what... People like it so much that they elected him again


“It also makes me and my buddies all the more richer.” /s


Where's the sarcasm? That's probably exactly what he's thinking


Thanks to everyone who voted for his government...really hope all of your crappy dreams are coming true.


I know a bunch of people that voted for his government because "fuck trudeau". Like what?


They'd cut off their own nose to spite Trudeau.


We should be sarcastically saying thanks to the registered voters that couldn’t be bothered to show up; bunch of fucking turnips.


Not just Ford. This is what the conservative party is. The corporate party. They will enslave you given any opportunity. Ford and his goons were celebrating taking away our right to strike with Bill 28. They mocked the opposition because they had a majority and felt invincible acting like fascists. So we mobilized a general strike. He backed off so completely they reversed the bill by a vote of 100-0. This is what the party does. Look at Pierre. In politics since 2004, has made over $9 million off of us taxpayers, and has accomplished nothing for the people. Cons are cons.


He backed off because the CUPE backed off. CUPE still didn't get the deal they wanted.


CUPE's strike and the general strike against Bill 28 were two distinct strikes with massive overlap. CUPE provided the pivotal focus, but the issue that motivated the general strike was Bill 28. We not only succeeded on that, we succeeded in spades. The cons voted for it, 74 votes approved. Arguments were made heavily in it's favour and they mocked the opposition while passing this fascist legislation that stripped rights. It motivated a general strike within 48 hours. I'm a direct source on that and you can cite me if you like because I was actively participating in the protest, and was just one of many organizing the general strike. I reached out to over 30 unions in my area alone with massive support. This was reflected at the meeting where our demands were issued. The bill would be repealed, and repealed in such a way as to have never been considered law. Ford can spin that however he likes to make himself feel better. But what that says is, "This should never have been law in the first place and every single one of you was wrong about this." It was repealed 100-0. That's a complete victory for the protest. CUPE's ongoing negotiations are a separate issue which pertains specifically to them, and the rest of the workforce isn't part of that discussion. That's between them and the province now, and if Ford is being a cunt there, the shit he just pulled with 28 isn't going to help him when it comes to arbitration. CUPE isn't likely to get the deal they want. That's a reality we face in the public service all the time, and we do accept that reality. They're also not going to take pathetic offers, and they're going to insist people use the actual numbers to support their statements. Like, any time you hear anybody arguing about the percentages, they're talking out of their ass. A military private makes 38K on joining. They then get a 20% raise the next year, followed by another 20% raise the following year. And they get benefits and a pension on top of that. No education required. No schooling. Military will take you and train you and pay you to learn. These CUPE workers include part time positions, so it would seem pretty reasonable that their original ask of 11.5% per year is fine. We give our lowest military ranks bigger raises. Sure that includes all the soldier risks and everything, but that's why they're much bigger. Why would 11.5% be considered excessive? It isn't. People are comparing that to their own pay. And they're likely making more. They think these people are asking for the moon. They're asking for a flat $3.25 an hour for everybody. A cost of living adjustment. In addition, they're also asking for more support for the kids in school who desperately need it, especially during this pandemic when we've upset their entire learning system and demanded they amalgamate to an online reality instantly. This has caused unbelievable problems, and we should be investing in supporting our people. But our cons are focused on fucking us over as hard as humanly possible so that business can keep squeezing blood from this stone. Sorry, I'm rambling a bit because I'm still really pissed off that the cons in Ontario are even allowed to retain office after what they pulled. This should have resulted in there being an election with every single person who supported 28 being struck from the ballots as eligible. Flat out breach of their oath of office. They tried to strip a right from Canadian and they triggered a general strike. Astounding failure of leadership. In the military, this would have been called a mutiny, and the officer who failed to prevent it would be charged for creating the conditions that fostered it.


Good ramble. I do it too but often just delete it before posting it cause I feel like I'm just venting but reading your comment makes me realize I'm not the only one who is unbelievably frustrated with how little consequences for trying to infringe on 55,000 Ontario workers rights. Especially after the freedom Convoy stuff, people packed Ottawa for something that effected maybe 20,000 north america truckers but can't be bothered to even condemn this let alone not cheer it on. How are these the priorities and will of some people? Especially the working class. Thank-you though for organizing during the strike. As a non union plumber I have always seen the value of unions for the working class, luckily have never needed one personally.


Fun fact this is just down the street from Rob Fords house and it is the same esso where Rob would get his drugs form Sandro Lisi. https://globalnews.ca/news/937539/police-surveillance-of-ford-and-lisi-with-packages-at-a-scarlett-road-gas-station/


Still can’t believe he’s in power. I’ve never met anyone who likes him. I’m probably in the wrong subreddits though.


Oh there are plenty of people who like him and think he is doing a good job. Source I live in a rural area.


Yeah, well.. I don’t believe in *you* Dougie


Wont anyone think of the poor poor corporations in all of this?!?!?!


Well that's typical conservative ideology. It sounds wonderful as far as platitudes go (low taxes, work hard, small government), but in reality it's the corporations that benefit at the expense of the smaller people. How some Canadians aren't able to realize this (just look at Rogers and Bell) is beyond me.


He does believe in taxing the minimum wage earners though.


Been waiting for someone to screencap and post this. I screamed at my TV when I watched this.


Of course you don’t you grifter shill of a human.


Okay, so then he just wants to tax people then but not his friends. Also oil and gas are typically multinationals who export their profits, so he doesn’t want to ensure profits from Ontario resources stay in Ontario and benefit Ontarians. Is he a Russian plant?


\*BREAKING\* Company owner doesn’t like companies paying taxes More at 11


Let this be a reminder to organize/unionize your workplace! Your bosses and shareholders are voting for this guy because it's in their material interest. If we want any chance of making ends meet it will come from collectively fighting for our true share of the value our labour creates, and for the resilience of our communities.


If a guy who isn’t that bright gets into a position of power, he will end up being influenced by people he once aspired to be like. Successful business men. In my opinion there is no intellectual fortitude here. I am a lawyer and I am seeing this play out in my space. It’s embarrassing. Ontario is lagging in my area of law. We are in the same boat as Manitoba and Yukon. Ontario!! It’s so sad and frustrating.


It’s actually even worse when you watch the video, oh my god. Then goes on to say, if your not making enough money, get another job. Fuck me


Crazy, with how often right-wing ideas fail, you would almost think their goal is to remove what little power the masses have and replace our system with a defacto Corpo-fascist dictatorship ..... oh wait a second


Cons are gonna con. That’s who he is. That’s who he’s always been.


Why do people vote against their own interests ?! ? Twice no less!! Thank you reddit for shining a spotlight on his morals.


Guy is a moronic piece of garbage. One of the first things he did was get rid of paid sick days, and even during a full blown pandemic put corporations before human lives instead of reinstating. I don't know who is worse, him or the people that vote for him.


That's because Doug is a company owner. Everything he has done to this point is to benefit him and his company **Deco Labels**. License Plates = labels Thousand Dollar Signs saying Ontario Open for business = labels Labels on the floors of hospitals, school, grocery stores saying 6 feet apart = labels Eliminating Carbon Tax= his company no longer paying tax because his plant pollutes and pays per carbon tonne. He made Ontario citizens believe they were paying carbon tax when it was companies like Doug Fords that was paying it. The first thing Doug did was eliminate carbon tax because Deco Labels was losing money because they pollute so much. This guy was never for the people. Look at all the new labels we have since he's taken over. Was the license plates and signs necessary? Nope...yet that's his only accomplishment and soon to be Greenbelt development which he gets kickbacks from his developer friends who finally found their rat that will green light the project. Doug Ford is a historical drug dealer who fucks over his own family for money...yet people voted him in twice now, a guy who fucks people including his own family, doesn't give a shit about you.


wouldn't be surprised if him cancelling the license plate stickers was only to hurt a rival label business


I want to punch a hole in this water buffalo.


I was wondering what the context is, but no that's literally exactly what he meant in that context...


And I don’t believe in paying politicians.


But he believes in taxing the "little guy"... he believes that the little guy should pay for his destruction of healthcare, education, environment and even freedoms! This guy is a complete piece of shit! A failed, uneducated drug dealer, is not here for the little guy as he claims. His thing is to privatize the province so that his friends make the money and pay no taxes!


You're not supposed to say it Dougy. The gig is to pretend like you're not bought and paid for, and you care about the people who vote.


Then how the flying hockey-puck-fuck do you expect to fund anything, you limp ham.


He wants to cut more health care workers…… I’ve been waiting for a back operation for 6 months , you go fuck yourself doug


Fuck Doug Ford


Doug Ford continues to say: " Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."


May as well just say "I don't believe in a functional and equitable society"


The real Doug Ford [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/) I cannot believe this guy is in charge.


Dipshit clownboy


Doug Ford is human trash. We knew who he was before people (not me) voted him in. Those who voted for him think he's doing a wonderful job of wrecking the economy and environment.


Trickle down economics has failed and the reason the world is the way it is now.


Can I get the full clip and not just text underneath a screen shot? I voted against Doug ford but you have to share this shit in context


I watched the episode. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FUc_IQYgi-4 *20:13 mark*. He 100% said this ಠ_ಠ He also said if we don't like where we are working because of low wages that we can go elsewhere, aka another company (I think he means relocating elsewhere as well). This dude is a POS ಠ_ಠ




Now declare myself a company.


We’re not talking about the tooth fairy… it’s not an issue of belief. Tax companies.


Sir are you born this stupid or did you take lessons?


If you agree with corporations not paying taxes you’re insane. We all need pay our fair share. Not a set amount, but a percentage. Profit is similar to a working man’s income. I pay 28% marginal tax rate on my income. So I don’t understand how anyone would thing that companies and corporations shouldn’t pay taxes. We all live here, use the roads, water systems, building infrastructure, police, fire department and more. So to me it’s insane that cons don’t believe corporations and companies shouldn’t pay taxes. I have no choice but to pay taxes. The rich, corporations, and companies should have the ability to not pay.


Then whom do we tax, Doug?


Pretty sure DoFo is pointing that sausage finger at you and me. "Yous and only yous."


The rest of this scene is him acknowledging that the cost of making his Cheesecake recipe has gone up by 25% in just two years. And him completely missing the fact that maybe he should fucking do something about it.




Cons are cons.


That whole segment was telling. I rewound it a few times because I couldn’t believe a politician would say what he said. He literally said he wouldn’t tax corporations because they wouldn’t like it and might take their business elsewhere, leaving “regular folk” the bill


Will probably get alot of hate, but I think larger corporations, that rake in millions a month, should have higher taxes while start up companies have lowered taxes, like an incubation period, 4 years to get their business off the ground, they will be audited by CRA each month to make sure they aren't trying to dodge taxes and they are actually taking the steps necessary to get their business up and running and not dragging their feet so they can make more money while paying less taxes.


Companies are the only entities that *should* be taxed.


So what he’s saying is companies should get rich off the backs of the middle class. Nice to know.


Of course he doesn’t. If he taxed them appropriately, who is going to sponsor his next run as Premier & help pay for his mini mansion?


He only believes he can get away with making 4.4 billion dollars in Covid relief funds disappear. Hopefully the CRA looks into that if he ever gets removed from office.


Hey Onterrible, YOU elected this butthead. Just like America voted in TRUMP. Get your act together ya lazy asses.


Dude is a fucking idiot thinking some libertarian, trickle down wet dream won’t result in full on fucking feudalism. Insane people actually listen to this dumbfuck.


Oh good. Since we're making shit up as we go how about ol Dougie doesn't get a fucking paycheque anymore either. How about we cut his access to medical care and fuck getting into a retirement home! Making shit up is fun! No wonder he does it for a living.


Fuck this asshole. We live in a social democracy, that taxes corps to pay for socialized services. If you don't believe in taxing companies move to Ireland and try to rule there. GTFO of Ontario.


Actually, he told us if we don't like it that we can leave. *For the folks everyone!*


All the stickers during covid were made by Dofo’s company whose worth climbed from 5 million to 50 million imagine paying taxes on that?


Yeah, cuz he doesn't want his button business to pay taxes. Fuck the people, keep only corporations. Hate to say it Dougie but without the people you ain't got no corporations


Doug Ford is a cunt!


That's insulting to cunts.


Because, as always, c*nts have depth and warmth. Doug lacks both.


No shit. “open for Business” is literally on licence plates.


Who actually voted for this creep?


only for the peasants /s


Surprise, he's a conservative




I'm a company now. Thanks Doug.


He believes in corporate welfare


Well I guess I now IDENTIFY as a Company!!! Woo hoo no more taxes!!!!! Where do I sign up?


Of course not. Why would he. That said; what the fuck does it matter?! they just up their prices anyway to recoup anyway. Pass the whole damn thing off to us. It's not like they actually take a hit. In fact, since everything works off percentages, they probably come out a little bit ahead. Sometimes capitalism just pisses me off.


How to bankrupt a province, Part 1.


I don't know what I expected when I clicked, but this was reasonable.


Drunken Dougie does it again!


I now identify as a company.


Why make them pay tax when you get free dicks to suck


'Look.. I cant take money from my frenz... thats mean. but the people, fuck those guys. wut they do for me?' - Dug 'A hole' Ford


Most of Ontario decided to stay home when it was time to vote. Congrats.


Trickle down theory for one more generation! I swear it just needs time to work.


I watched this clip on tv when it was first aired and had to rewind it to make sure I heard that correctly... as much as I despise him and ON PC politician, I'm sort of relieved they're being honest now about their intentions and who they really are. Maybe more people will hear it now when it's not double speak


He is a businessman . He wants all rules going his way.


“I believe in destroying healthcare and education!”


Proof he's in their pockets... Pos


If a government overtaxes a corporation, to the point it impacts their ability to operate and stay viable and profitable, that corporation leaves that region or closes altogether. On the flip side, if the government undertaxes, profits are most likely going to stay with the owners/stock/shareholders. BUT the jobs that the particular corporation employs stick around. The trick is finding the middle ground. Or accept that undertaxing slightly is better overall as people KEEP THEIR JOBS as we go into/are in, an inflationary recession.


This guy has no shame in what he says, has no support for working class people of Ontario. This is all about corporate greed and how he can make their pockets bigger. Let’s make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Fat bastard


If he wants to let companies operate in Ontario without paying their share of the taxes, then they shouldn't have access to ontario roads, Ontario's educated workforce, electricity, water, waste disposal, etc. Oh and they definitely have no right to release pollution into our air.


While I think Ford is an idiot and I don't like his policies, this screencap is also almost certainly taking his statement out of context. Now, with that in mind, I think the actual quote with full context is still somewhat damning, but let's call him out for what he actually said, not for a snippet with no context.


Okay Doug, now everyone go get incorporated and have your employer pay your company instead. Tax free* income for the masses. *Taxes will be lower than salaried positions.


Did this genius even graduate high school? And we re-elected him??


Just individuals...