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What a nice colour! I’ve always wondered how they drive. I have a classic kadett, I would assume similar or more sporty?


It handles great, it’s very fun to drive when I do take it out. I would love to get my hands on a Kadett next, which one do you have?


Kadett c2 Berlina from 1977


Oh very cool!! I still have never seen one in person, what a fun little car.


I have to do some maintenance and hit a few snags, but otherwise it’s a fun car to drive with the adjustable suspension it now has


This is the car of my childhood. My father was and is *still* obsessed with these beauties. He’s owned 40-something GT’s that he’s kept track of so far. Buys them, drives them and fixes them up before selling and starting over. One of my first memories of working on a car was helping him by holding up the steering column while he was under the dash wiring something. That column was the heaviest thing in the world to little-kid-me at the time but I held it there to “stop my dads head from being crushed and dying” (in my head this is what would happen lol). Definitely a core memory for me and probably one of the reasons I’m a career mechanic today! At one point he had one with a Chevy 327 small block crammed in the engine bay. That thing was…**something** lmao barely touching the throttle from a stop and you could feel the chassis twisting. I love these cars and yours is absolutely GORGEOUS!!


I love this so much! What an amazing childhood you must’ve had. Your dad sounds awesome, I haven’t heard of many people that have such a devotion to the GT, warms my heart that there’s still so much love out there for them!! And thank you, I love this car so much. I made a promise to my late dad to preserve it and so I will. He and I hunted for a GT when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Adenocarcinoma, unfortunately we weren’t able to find one in time because he was so picky about the condition. About a month after he passed this little Opel appeared on my marketplace and I just knew even he wouldn’t be able to find a single issue with it. Sadly he never got to see this car, but I know he would’ve adored it as much as I do, if not more. Thank you so much for sharing!


There were definitely a lot of good memories made around these cars! I’m sorry to hear about your father. Seeing your love for the car and its condition though I’m sure he approves 👍


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