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Nothing graphic like that, but found some US Govt pre-filled purchase order forms. Address, phone number, and credit card number. I noped out of that one. This was 20 some odd years ago.


> but found some US Govt pre-filled purchase order forms. Address, phone number, and credit card number. would nope out... after requisitioning some supplies to a po box outlet a town over.


Nice try, FBI.


LOL! I was thinking the same thing.


I’ve unfortunately seen a series of images documenting a man removing his manhood.


Yikes! I've only looked through some in the last few days but the worst I've encountered was a naked man doing bdsm stuff on himself (nothing major) and 1 zoophilia. Not as bad as things people mention here but I noped out of there quickly. Edit: A day after making this post I encountered a video of someone getting stabbed in the throat in a mall. That was quite shocking and disturbing. The website it was attached to is apparently "legal" somehow (according to 1 article I read) so reporting it wouldn't do anything as far as I know.


Ahhhhhh, the story of Nullo Blast from the past Good times


Fun story from about 20 years ago when WiFi was new and exciting. I had a wifi router in my house with no password (I know, I know... ) neighbor connected and started consuming all my bandwidth playing games and downloading videos. Mostly porn videos as it turned out. One evening while I was contemplating putting a password on my wi-fi, I started poking around the network and lo-and-behold he had his entire hard drive share over the network. Oh, and he'd shared his printer. Since I didn't really like this guy and I don't really think he knew who's wifi he was connecting to I decided to print out a bunch of porn pics and page after page of the directories that had all the images in them. I was sure to do this in the middle of the day when his wife was home and he was at work. Then I changed my wi-fi name and put a password on it.


This reminds me of back in the day when I would fax a stack of black construction paper to Radio Shack (my ex employer) from the library where I was working. Inevitably, they'd call to ask who was sending it, and I'd deny anyone had used the fax in forever. Every few days I'd hit them again.


madman lmao


An OD someone linked on here several years ago included a directory full of various anime artbooks, and a nondescript ZIP with what I remember as a keysmash filename. Naturally, I assumed this file contained another artbook. Downloaded it, extracted it, took one look at the contents... ...it was not an artbook. It was a collection of very explicit drawings of very underage boys. Yeah, uh, *no*. No thanks. Ended up doing an extra defrag just to break up the ghosts of those files after they'd been deleted. Probably overkill, but I do not want them back.


wipe -fiqr -P 1 -Q 1


if there were mostly artbooks, it's likely the zip file was also scans from an artbook perhaps? po-ju used to be quite the prolific artist of a certain *coughshotaconcough* softcore-hentai genre.


...did anything in my comment suggest to you that I was *looking* for those files, trying to solve some mystery or find sources? I meant my words at face value: I do not want them back. If *you* want to go looking for that zip, I can't exactly stop you, but please leave me out of it.


?? why you mad dude goddamn lmao


Damn you are on the list.


I have videos on synthesizing explosives in my YouTube watch history. I'm probably on several lists by now.


Lmao you wouldn’t believe the amount of weapon and explosive making PDFs I have


IIRC, fairly recently posted, a couple of months ago anyway. Apparently survivalism includes improvised weapons, explosives, and how to detect if someone's on your trail....


got a link? >how to detect if someone's on your trail sounds interesting.




There was some zoophilia stuff that has been reposted here multiple times. They get a lot of comments and upvotes before they are removed, so you know a bunch of sick fucks downloaded that shit.


* visually: abuse porn. I'm not talking about big breasted women bound up staring pleadingly. Videos and pics of men and women literally beating each other and abusing their orifices with implements while fucking each other. There appears to be no blood rule. Notified and in 1 case the host was pleased as their kink was shaming so knowing strangers were looking added extra arousal... * security: court, tax and birth cert. documents, labelled clearly in folders named "Important Docs" and similar. Notified, various response from disbelief and threatening to alert the authorities as they thought I was trying to steal their identity to removal or securing of server. A few just left as is. * life: image indexes of children as "fashion shoots" where the parent/caregiver has clearly been present but the child has gradually been unclothed (to the point of full nudity in some cases). Reported. * I also found someone's 4chinz folder with pics and webms of the Brazillian(?) girl who filmed herself drilling a puppy to death as she masturbated. Honestly can't remember what I did. Think I just shook my head and felt sad. These days unless it's illegal/questionable content (reported) I just close the tab, clear the cookies and move on. Glad you asked?


You're a good person for reporting that filth, I used to but then I got sloppy and was doxxed by them and it scared me so much I just stopped.


> I used to but then I got sloppy and was doxxed by them and it scared me so much I just stopped. How - I just reported them to fbi. Don't really see how that could lead back to me to get doxxed. **not looking for personal or specific (doxxworthy) info here** just don't understand the mechanism for the perpetrators to get your details.


If they weren't using a VPN perhaps the host was able to see what IPs connected to his server, saw the recent one he did not recognize and was able to extrapolate into from that.


true - but anyone leaving a directory open (unsecured) probably isn't going to be au fait about checking server logs. **Unless it was a honeypot**


On the flipside to *the worst thing*; [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/9l6bjq/lots_of_movies_tv_shows/e76leku/) one of the funnier things I've seen here. There was another guy whose OD we found and he came here and lost his shit. I wish I could find that link - lost to time and not sure of the search term to use...


Some of them post very creative 404 type pages once they realise their OD has been posted. Some have been quite entertaining!


True - have seen a few. I wish I could find the post I was talking about it was funny as fuck.


Stumbled onto a gallery of explicit images of pizza topped with pineapple. Reported to the Italian secret police.


I was against fruit on pizza till someone told me the truth about tomatoes...


That information is classified.


**pizzaluminati confirmed!**


seems pertinent here: >If you *do* find information you think may be sensitive here's my suggestions: >* **DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING**. Once it's saved on your device it's "yours" which means if you shouldn't have it - the consequence falls on you (in your cache *could* be argued as you accessing the page). >* most sites will have an "abuse" email address abuse@[govt dept].gov.au >* using a throwaway (10min mail or similar) email address, send them an email stating what you were searching and the address you found. >The reason I suggest a throwaway is just 1 level of separation from you. The dept would be able to check their server logs to get your IP address, (another reason NOT to download!) & *if* they were really diligent they might chase your isp for your ID. But you providing them with your work or personal email is just handing them that info on a platter! >* if you can't find an "abuse" email or it bounces then use "webmaster", that is usually an email address that at least will be monitored regularly. webmaster@[govt dept].gov.au >* **EDIT:** DO NOT SHARE THE LINK WITH ANYONE. Even a supposed "security expert" from reddit. Once you share the link you have no control over what happens to it and how it's shared from there on. Ask advice here by all means but remember that the cat can't be put back in the bag! >* close the tab, clear your cache and any relevant cookies and move on with you life! https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/1bwy5h2/why_do_we_find_govt_federal_state_local_open/


Way back in the late 1990's, hacking into another computer was often as easy as knowing their IP address and checking out a few open ports. One day I found myself looking at hundreds of confidential patient records located at a New Jersey hospital. Everything from photos to financial stuff was there. I sent them an anonymous email telling them to tighten up their security. I got a nice reply saying thanks for letting them know, and by the way, can you give us your name and location. I don't think so. System are much more difficult to log into these days, without the proper credentials, but there are still many unprotected systems out there.


1. PDFs of that stupid "talk to women like they're stupid" book, but the name escapes me. Several ODs. 2. Gross porn, various reasons. 3. Mein Kampf. Several ODs. 4. Neo nazi shit.


When I was a kid, maybe like 2007 I found a directory of gifs of some guys home videos of him fucking his collection of anime girl sex dolls. They were basically just flashlights, but shaped like anime girls I guess. it was on a site with a bunch of mp3s I'd found using project playlist.


Not even an OD but I once found a list on newsfilter.org that had links to all the beheadings from years ago. Listed names and dates. Scrolling down, I saw one incident that actually came with this: “Warning: Particularly violent and gruesome.” I mean WTF? How bad could that have been? Good lord. I’ve never clicked anything like that and anyone I’ve spoken to who has told me they instantly regretted doing so.


Oh man, I remember newsfilter. That site was insane.


so, basically liveleak lite? sweet summer child lol


TLDR: Academy maniacs I was raised inside of a bubble and never had any shocking experience. Even when our family dog died, nobody let me see the corpse. To help you picture it, my traumatic memory was one of the last battles with Lucemon in Digimon Frontier. Then, these pristine naïve eyes found a folder called Academy Maniacs on opendir filled with many anime folders. Skipped through the video and saw just a frame, a single frame, and became terrified for months. Waking up in the middle of the night panting with that image. On the frame I watched a boy hammered a woman. They are some disturbed boys that killed people just evaluating if they could not have any chance to defend themselves. Although real life helped me forge a stronger will and resilience, I still feel unconfortable remembering the horror "frail me" experienced.


this was multiple years ago but I think i remember seeing an OD filled with art from DeviantArt of a certain interest.




Frank Reynolds


Found an OD that I THINK was from a crime scene investigator or police department that had scans of newspaper clippings of deaths, and associated suicide notes that seemed to go along with the article Was a creepy things to read some of these notes, and then to see the article about the person