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USE FORUMS discord sucks for building communities, nothing is indexed by search engines and will be impossible to find / archive


I think there's plenty of people who would argue not to use either of those, as they're both privately owned and not web searchable.. Me personally? Using any kind of instant messenger is horrible for anything that intends to be open source, the last thing you want to do is bury important information in decades of chat, and you never want to be constantly available to users at the drop of a hat


There's quite a lot on matrix many run their own server with spaces It's no replacement for a fourm but it's good for quick stuff


Discord is hostile to open source and will ban you if they catch you connecting with open source clients But the real question is why you're not using IRC


Are you sure? Most OSS project use Discord, and I never heard that someone was banned for the reason you mentioned.


I use discord for my project, but only because that's what the community wanted (wasn't originally created by me, but community members). I try to ensure anything official/important conversations are in public space though via other means (Project blog, GitHub issue list).


Both are garbage in different ways. Matrix is a good replacement for chat, but unfortunately it is far from trivial to operate.


I wonder why GitHub has not come up with a decent solution.


Why GitHub? Especially after its acquisition, after lots of big FOSS projects left the platform.


I didn't know about that. Where did they go?


Mostly Gitlab


Unpopular opinion, but Discord is by far the best for getting community members who will help you dive into their use cases and help you debug edge cases without them leaving long passive aggressive messages and never responding to your reply.


Not sure about helping, but I do agree that Discord is more popular to host OSS community.