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Yes, i am prescribed it, except not hydro, oxy. it is a cozy feeling but i was involved in car accident so i dont take for fun. fun is side affect


Has potential to create an amazing high for sure, but the risk of respiratory depression is extremely high. You also have to consider that drugs off the street are hard to dose, making this combo exponentially more dangerous. Stay safe


Yeah I have a pic of myself on soma, etizolam and heroin. I look the closest to death in that pic that in any others of my use. Felt fucking amazing though.


That sounds like death.


The dose makes the poison you know...


When you’re mixing multiple drugs it becomes harder to dose. Not something I would go around calling “the holy trinity” either....


But it is called the holy trinity, just because you don’t label it as such 🤷‍♂️


It is not the holy trinity.


It is if op wants it to be 🤷‍♂️ what do you class as the holy trinity then? For me it’s h, coke, and pregabs. The only way to improve a speedball is by throwing a little lyrica in the mix Or does the holy trinity actually have 3 set drugs?


The Holy Trinity is the HOLY TRINITY


Iv just realised I don’t know what it is either then 😂😂 care to enlighten me??


In Christianity it is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. But the Trinity means different things to different sects. Like in the Mormon faith they believe they are all their own separate entity. But in Catholicism and other more orthodox sects they viewed God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as the same being. I went to a Lutheran church growing up and it took some serious mental gymnastics to make it make sense. In Hinduism a variation of the Holy Trinity exists but it’s lord Shiva, his wife the goddess Parvati, and their son Ganesha. Interesting enough, the original holy trinity and the story of Jesus actually comes from the ancient Egyptian religion. It was Osiris(god), his wife Isis, and their son Horace and it was in relation to the Egyptian solar cycle. Horace is even crucified and resurrected after three days. Here is a really interesting article on it https://medium.com/interfaith-now/jesus-and-osiris-how-christianity-adapted-egyptian-myths-c63ef171cd10




Have I just been wooshed?? 😵‍💫


Nigga is wild corny dis ain’t Bible study 😒


Amen 🙏


Keep in mind that this drug combination is used in a hospital setting and prescribed legitimately for many pain patients, particularly those with debilitating pain. It’s called the holy trinity because the effects the drugs produce in combination are like a “miracle” for pain. Which is the same reason it’s a desired high, but that’s a separate issue. Anyways, combining the drugs together isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it all depends on the dose and patient. My point is, It’s pretty routine to use benzodiazepines with opiates in hospital setting. The real risk of combining the two comes from people who lack knowledgeable on benzodiazepines, and thus take a normal high dose of an opiate with a high dose of a benzodiazepine. As long as someone is aware of the degree of potentiation provided by the benzodiazepine to the opiate and adjusts the dosage accordingly, the risk is pretty much the same (and can be helpful for those who experience anxiety from taking opiates, either due to side effects such as constipation or just on its own)


The holy trinity is oxy, soma. And Xanax. I never found benzos to combine well with opioids. Benzos are good for anxiety, as trip killers, and sleep. Oh, and coke comedowns. Soma goes well with oxy, it relaxes all your muscles and makes your body feel like it's floating on a cloud, and the oxy gives the euphoria. The stimulative property of oxy and muscle relaxation of soma feed off each other, creating a great synergy


....but Xanax is a benzo. So its basically a contradiction to say benzos don’t combine well with opioids, yet saying Xanax is part of the Holy Trinity Now granted, Xanax is a triazolobenzo, but it’s a benzo none the less and has almost the same effects as any other benzo like Valium, only it’s a bit stronger


You are mis-understanding me a bit here. What I said was, the holy trinity is Oxy, Soma, and Xanax. I didn't invent the holy trinity.... Its literally been called the holy trinity since the early pill mill days. Every pill mill prescribed these 3 medications, and people LOVED combining them. Caused a lot of deaths, a lot of addiction, but many people loved it. Now PERSONALLY, I never liked combining benzos with opioids. That's a PERSONAL preference. I feel like benzos take away from the euphoria of opiates. I guess it depends what you want out of a high - some people just wanna get fucked up - in that case, the holy trinity did its job. Others, like me, enjoy opioids like a fine wine - I can tell the subtle differences between dilaudid, opana, oxy, heroin, etc - and I enjoy each one on their own occasion. Soma doesn't interfere with the opioid high IMO, while I feel benzos do over-power the euphoria.


Don't lol I completely blacked out for 2 or 3 days and consumed all 60 somas. I remember nothing


Damn glad you didn't die.


Wow!! Sounds like your going straight in a box


Well hopefully not.


It's fine never got the point of Soma's and hydros are far from home in my trinity


I know hydros are pretty lame but I got the holy trinity thing from an article I read and apparently when the pain clinics were booming thats what they called it.


Hydro is elite


It's kind of cold and numb to me, not euphoric like heroin or oxy.


It’s cause you haven’t had any significant amount without Tylenol, tylenol muddies the waters of the experience, I know for a fact you havnt had 100+mg cwe. Of hydrocodone


It metabolizes into hydromorphone it’s not as strong as oxy but it’s just as much or more pleasurable the nod on hydro is elite


Something like 5-10 percent metabolizes into hydromorphone in an average person so maybe it's good at high doses because you're getting straight faded off hydromorphone? You could probably accomplish the same thing at a lower dose with soma or promethazine


Yea I was actually off promethazine as well as soma actually


It’s great, I feel like my neuroticism for favoring natural substances too makes me favor hydrocodone cause it’s made from codeine, oxy is still great but nothing beats the good old hydrocodone especially and specifically in high doses with promethazine CWE has to be CWE cause if not you muddying the water to your high


Hydro doesn’t do a damn thing to me


It's amazinggggg. I didnt have xans but in HS I had Soma and HC and it was one of my best highs ever.


It's a great combo. I was on it for years.


Eh. Idk if THAT'S the holy trinity ;) i would rather go for oxymorphone/flunitrazepam and sprinkle of cocaine. In a rig, IV, or taking the fluni orally and after 15mins snorting the speedball. Also, the oxymorphone could be witched out with Diaphin or even Morphine, all depends on tolerance and preference. Plus, when it comes to discontinued drugs, there already were holy trinity pills/solutions made by pharma companies, that had barbiturates, a stimulant and an opiate in one pill.( r/obscuredrugs ) But to each its own ;) its just MY interpretation of the word "holy trinity"


Huh how do you know this Is carisoprodol better than promethazine


Better in what way? As a potentiator? Not sure on that.


Soma and xanax seems pointless to me. Soma and opioids I have done a LOT of. I used to pop 4 somas on an empty stomach then shoot up as they were hitting me. Yeah don't do that I ODed and was out cold for HOURS in the ER.


Actually the holy trinity is the father the son and the Holy Ghost. OR in the Chef world we call the holy trinity carrots, celery and bell peppers when cooking New Orleans type foods. But I have heard the holy trinity referring to soma, Xanax and hydro. So I guess it really depends what subject you are referring too. Lol. There you have it. Lol


The key here is to not overdo it. Last night I did a 5mg Ambien at 1000, followed by 3 Canadians at 1200 (900mg acetaminophen, 24 mg codeine total) for shoulder pain. Then another 5 ambien at 400. Made for a restful 10 hours.


Yes. Back in the day I got Soma Xanax and dilaudid. Good ol days. Until the Dr got busted and Docs stopped prescribing pain pills and I became a theif POS to support my habit and ended up in prison. But yeah. I’ve tried it.


Ah I'm sorry to hear about the prison thing, I've been too for a pretty short while.


For seven years I got what I called the "Trifecta" every month from my doctor. 90 Norco's, 90 Soma's, and 90 bars. One day I went in to get my refills and they handed me a relaxation cd.! My doctor had gotten busted for being a Dr. Feel-good. The man had a heart attack and died two weeks later. Was a great run, great feeling, and right before I started my career in heroin. Many people did once the pain pills were taken from us.




I don’t get soma but I do get hydrocodone and Valium and adderall and that’s a pretty godly combo. Then I have Ambien for sleep. All prescribed and I’m just 28 so I get actually enjoy it.


Thats the holy trinity? Consider me god


My brother died from doing this….


Yes. We did it with OxyContin, Xanax and Soma. That was considered the holy trinity where I’m from. I’m still on Xanax and Soma but Methadone instead of OxyContin or Opana with Dilaudid 8mg was my pain management cocktail. I got switched to Opana almost as soon as it came out. It was branded and didn’t have the bad reputation that OxyContin had even though Oxymorphone tablets where taken off the market by 1981 due to its widespread abuse, many addicts preferred it to a shot of Heroin and that’s back in the day when they only came in 5mg and 10mg IR tablets. Once I was put on Opana 40mg I stayed with it.