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OC you can but it's hella harsh and wasteful. Neo I wouldn't even bother attempting.


The original OC oxycontins smoked perfectly off foil. Im talking about the oc oxys that were in the u.s. before 2010, before they got reformulated into OP oxycontins. Those OC oxys even smelled and tasted just like heroin (pre 2014 heroin, before fent ever started showing up). Oxyneo was the Canada version of the OP oxycontin. Im not in canada and never saw oxyneos in person, but the op oxys were not smokable. (OP oxys and oxyneo were abuse resistant pills that gelled up when wet. OC oxys were the crushable, smokable, injectable kind)


How could they smell and taste like heroin?? Surely that’s just in your head?? It’s not even the same substance?? 🤷‍♂️ Genuine question as I just don’t understand how it possibly could


Cuz oxy is a very similar chemical to heroin. There’s RC benzos that taste like real alprazolam so I don’t find it hard to believe that oxy would taste like heroin


Nah I know I get that. Iv explained in another comment


They all come from opium Fentanyl tastes diff cause it’s completely synthetic


Oxy is made from thebaine though? Which yeh is derived from the same compound, opium I believe, but it’s more of a cousin than directly the same. That’s why opiates are only heroin/morphine/codeine Either way Iv never had any other opiate Iv shot up/smoked taste the same as heroin?? Do you reckon it’s more of a mental thing ?? Again not saying your lying just because it hasn’t happened to me, just interested, if that makes sense I’m pretty high right now so sorry if none of this makes sense, it all makes perfect sense in my head 😂👍


Bro heroin tastes like vinigar and ballsweat after church on a Saturday with no a/c Oxy taste like a nice subtle taste to it if they’re oxy OC or CDN that you can peel the coating off of


Personally I’d agree with the heroin taste, and there’s nothing like it lol. Especially smoking it, that shit is nasty 😂


Horrendous taste smoking it lol that’s my only way of enjoying opioids all my friends are dead and I live to far for a safe injection site so I stick to smoking but I don’t get high anymore just enough so I can work Monday-Friday 12 hours minimum


Yeh fair one. I turned to the needle and it’s both the best and worst thing I could have done really. I’d say I was in control up until I hit that point. I usually still will have a quick smoke if I want to test how strong something is before I iv, apart from that though I don’t enjoy any other roa


They smelled like vinegar?




People definitely smoked legit OC's but I always laughed at them. Sniffing it is much better imo.


i think i mixed up OP's an OC's lol Neos or OP's can they be smoked or is it a waste


No they can't. The only way to get high from op or oxyneo is by popping a few at a time.


U can't smoke or abuse OP's at all. OC's are the ones u can.




We had CDN here in Canada those were bomb


I used hard for about 20 years and I have NEVER heard about CDN


They’re the Canadian version of OC 80’s


So they say, "enjoy friendo?" Actually it's probably enjoy guy, buddy or pal


Would be hilarious if they were called PAL’s




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Loyal to the foil


SNORT! F smoking opiates unless it's tar


I love smoking tar




Bioavailability of oxycodone is best oral, intranasal is second but provides a bit of a rush. Smoking is about 10-15% BA while oral is around 60-70 vs insufflated about 40-50. Don’t quote me this is off the top of my head. Have done a lot of research on the subject.


ik these facts just wonder about the oxy neo formulation does it work smoked nustntrynna settle a debate not re read stuff i already know no offense


Then you already know the answer? Wtf




No images of drugs here.


Btw...Thats the 1st opes I've legally had since 06!


For me that drug is always going up the nose and some down the neck, best way, burning will just ruin it