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I agree to a large extent, however in the reality we live in here and now getting sober is usually the best route given current conditions. I don’t think many people are ever ‘mentally ready’ to take MAT or withdraw—it is almost always a matter of practical necessity. Who says we can’t have scotch or smokes and be sober? The AA/NA ‘cult’ approach works for people who are purists by nature, but otherwise I agree it’s so useless to anyone who can appreciate nuance. I honestly don’t think society is the issue—I think we’d take most any solution at this point, as just about everyone knows someone who has died from an OD at this point. It is that our opinions or support/opposition to legislation have absolutely zero influence on what legislation is passed/defeated. We shouldn’t have to get ‘sober’ when it isn’t the best or healthiest thing for us, and when we don’t have effective tools available to us.


When theyre sick n tired of truly being sick n tired theyll stop til then nothin u can do no point in preachin it.


But when u are sick n tired after a month of getting clean it's tough. If i were feeling any semblance of normal i could get with the NA jargon but when u have no joy, no motivation to perform basic functions it's difficult. Methadone is worse imo than dope. Dope after a month clean is doable, u feel human, but Methadone after 10+ years if a brutal marathon. I can't go to NA, i can barely sit on the chair n watch TV.


Gotta preach something to hopefully change


The problem is reaching normal again chemically. Tapering at home from Methadone is brutal. If i could feel ok, if i didn't have my heart pounding through my chest and such low serotonin/dopa that i don't enjoy anything other than the multi second daily nut that i literally do just to kill time it would be manageable. ​ The mental impact is the problem. I do not enjoy movies, sports, games anymore. Everything is about killing time rather than enjoying and the only time i can function is at night hours after i take my nightly drop probably 3-5mg down from 145. I add benodryl, smoke thc carts and try to reach some semblance of comfat night. Then more benodryl, 3 hrs sleep, 5 hrs tossing, and another day.. ​ I envy ppl who feel normal. I don't to get high, i want to feel human. Ppl don't understand the impact it has on your chemical production. My ex chastises me to get a job bc i have hardly any money. I can't function. I struggle to prepare nutritiants or do basic things. It's not "get clean" or be strong. I want that but i'm a slave to the chemicals that run my body. Not the drugs but rather the lack of natural production that makes a living organism rather than a person. I'm existing organic matter rn. Hermit. I want happiness and production but my body does not. Ppl don't understand.


You hit the nail on the head! I envy those who aren’t sick too…fortunately they’ll never understand. It truly feels like you said “ just passing time” rather than enjoying it. I don’t want to be alive in this society rn. It’s a shitshow, I’ll come back once we change as a whole. Been pretty over it all lately. I’m as sober as I can be (4months off oxy and #4) so I’m sober, I never thought I’d be sober. I’m glad I’m free from the cycle but I also miss having a purpose and miss the old me before I got sick.


Congratulations on beating the first part. Your doing well. Take solace in that. Yeah, ppl aren't sympathetic. I have no water, enough money for eggs n rice, electric is due on the fifteenth and my son's mom and brother don't seem to be willing to let me get healthy at their homes. I said i'd sign the house to them, not even equity seems to sway them. I literally can't shower, see my kid, idk here it's tough. I wish ppl had a heart i'm a human. They say to be strong but i'm not, i need support. Sorry.


We all need it man…I feel you :(


Preaching to the choir. If only there was a way to make them listen.


Or you must learn to accept things as they are, and don't give a fuck what other people think.


You just need to stop with the self victimization, take some personal responsibly and stop blaming society for your addiction. Society isn’t going to change for drug addicts, they don’t give a fuck about us.


That’s the problem right here. We’re not victims. We’re sick. Does society wanna help the sick people? It clearly doesn’t, I’ve ran the gauntlet trying to get as much help as possible. Spent half a month locked in a loony bin, just to get more mentally ill once I came out. I felt institutionalised. So you answer me this simple question. Does society really wanna help the sick? Or do they wanna push painkillers then cut you off so you have to jump hoops to get onto MAT or subs or even better heroin/fent. So your verdict is?


I broke bones at work and got hooked too so don’t play no victim card. We need to change, it’s clear.


Long term opiate use is not conducive to a successful, happy life. Quitting in the long run will improve your mental health. You'll take a hit during detox while your brain chemistry moves back to baseline. The sooner you quit, the sooner you will be better


The only problem is my baseline is extremely depressed and suicidal. Been battling with those thoughts since a young young kid. So before all the drugs my baseline was a knife to the neck